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Norton Partition Magic 8.05 +
Norton Partition Magic 8.05 +
2005-11-07 (by Ryl8)
Norton Partition Magic 8.0
?atwe porz?dkowanie dysku twardego
Program Norton PartitionMagic? 8.0 firmy Symantec pozwala na ?atwe porz?dkowanie dysku twardego poprzez tworzenie, zmian? rozmiaru, kopiowanie i ??czenie partycji dyskowych. Oddzielenie systemu operacyjnego, aplikacji, dokumentów, muzyki, zdj??, gier i kopii zapasowych pozwala ograniczy? ryzyko utraty danych w razie awarii systemu. Program Norton PartitionMagic 8.0 umo?liwia równie? bezpieczn? prac? w kilku systemach operacyjnych.
Norton Partition Magic - Najwa?niejsze funkcje:
* Dzielenie i ochrona danych
* Bezpieczne uruchamianie wielu systemów operacyjnych
* Tworzenie, zmiana rozmiaru i kopiowanie partycji.
Norton Partition Magic - Funkcje produktu:
* Partition Magic pozwala podzieli? dysk twardy na dwie lub wi?cej partycji
* Partition Magic umo?liwia bezpieczn? prac? w kilku systemach operacyjnych na tym samym komputerze
* Narz?dzie BootMagic? pozwala na ?atwe prze??czanie mi?dzy systemami operacyjnymi
* Partition Magic umo?liwia kopiowanie, przenoszenie, zmian? rozmiaru, dzielenie i ??czenie partycji w dowolnym momencie bez ryzyka utraty danych
* Pomocne kreatory prowadz? u?ytkownika krok po kroku podczas partycjonowania
* ?atwa w u?yciu przegl?darka dzia?aj?ca w systemie Windows® umo?liwia wyszukiwanie, kopiowanie i wklejanie plików znajduj?cych si? na partycjach systemów Windows i Linux®
* Partition Magic pozwala tworzy? i modyfikowa? partycje o rozmiarze do 300 GB*
* Partition Magic obs?uguje dyski zewn?trzne z interfejsami USB 2.0, USB 1.1 i FireWire®**
* Partition Magic obs?uguje systemy plików FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2 i Ext3
* Partition Magic umo?liwia konwersj? partycji mi?dzy systemami FAT, FAT32 i NTFS bez ryzyka utraty danych
* Partition Magic pozwala powi?kszy? partycj? NTFS bez restartowania komputera
* PartitionMagic nadaje klastrom systemowym NTFS najbardziej efektywny rozmiar.
* Operacje na partycjach o rozmiarze 300 GB s? obs?ugiwane, je?li partycja jest zaj?ta w mniej ni? 90%. Wi?ksze dyski twarde mog? wymaga? dodatkowej pami?ci.
** W przypadku tych urz?dze? s? obs?ugiwane operacje na partycjach, na których nie ma otwartych plików.
Norton PartitionMagic - Platformy: Windows® XP Home/XP Pro/2000 Pro/NT WS/Me/98/95
Norton Partition Magic - Wymagania systemowe:
* Windows® XP Home Edition/Professional - procesor 233 MHz lub szybszy; 128 MB RAM
* Windows 2000 Professional - procesor 150 MHz lub szybszy; 64 MB RAM
* Windows NT WS/Me/98/98SE - procesor 150 MHz lub szybszy; 32 MB RAM
* 55 MB dost?pnego miejsca na dysku twardym
* nap?d DVD lub CD-ROM
Files count:
43.42 Mb
DjJk (2006-02-05)
Eng???yarr_im_a_pirate (2006-05-08)
umm English please?Tmas (2006-08-22)
This is a universal program. Just install it under english. But for people that don't know what it does:Norton partition magic manages your hard drives partitions.
That's pretty much it.
charfordcharford (2007-01-10)
Good copy, nice install, exactly what you'd expect. Thank you for the good work.Folders: BTMagic (bootmagic), DOCS, RESCUEME, Setup and Readme and Serial .txt files.
btb21 (2007-01-11)
Key Features
* Divides a single hard drive into two or more partitions
* Lets you safely run multiple operating systems on the same PC
* BootMagic? makes it easy to switch between different operating systems
* Allows you to copy, move, resize, split, or merge partitions as needed without losing data
* How-to wizards guide you step by step through the partitioning process
* Intuitive Windows®-based browser lets you find, copy and paste files in both Windows and Linux® partitions
* Allows you to create and modify partitions up to 300 GB*
* Supports USB 2.0, USB 1.1, and FireWire® external drives**
* Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, Ext2, and Ext3 file systems
* Converts partitions among FAT, FAT32, and NTFS without losing data
* Allows you to enlarge an NTFS partition without restarting your computer
* Resizes NTFS system clusters to the most effective size
* Supports operations on partition sizes as large as 300 GB when partition is less than 90% full. Larger hard drives may require additional memory.
** For these devices, operation on partitions with no open files.
eyezin (2007-01-25)
Started the installation and saw advertised on the first splash screen, Don?t know if there is a problem with the actual application, not going to find out, it is a STORAGE MANAGER after all, If you take a risk an employ Michael Jackson as your baby sitter this should be fine :)66t66 (2007-04-13)
SEED anywone?mmcmill (2007-04-30)
is this any good? Well guess so?! If you have any type of PSP (Playstation Portable) problem, dont'n hesitate to contact me at mmcmill7@hotmail.comtaral (2007-06-14)
Works as advertised.fishinthewater (2007-06-22)
Wielkie Dzi?ki.All works well ;)
ankasan (2007-08-04)
It works good, thanks a lotEviocg (2007-09-05)
works fine nice jobk0shyx (2007-12-22)
worked great, no viruses or anything, thanks!pwn247 (2008-02-20)
Hooray! Everything works perfectly- thanks a ton. The description is written in some alien language, but when you run the program simply select "English" as your preferred language, and you'll be fine.No viruses or any bullshit. ^_^
Thanks to all the seeders! :D
ovelix2814 (2008-02-25)
thanks1nv1nc1ble (2008-03-06)
Can Sumone plz upload NORTON SMARTPHONE SECURITY with working keygen N updates..!thanx in advance..!
fyranollfyra (2008-04-25)
I couldent find eny clear serial?ehm... and where do I fill in the serial?
The program have no usual button to fill in the serial.... HELP?!?! :P
talonstriker (2008-05-10)
Works well. For those of you not getting it working, there are 2 installers in the file. One works and has a box for the serial code, the other doesn't. Find the right one.And a thousand internetz to He Whom I Cannot Understand :)
Ices (2008-05-25)
@scottfry1988It's nothing like Swedish, "you stupid fuck". It's some kind of slavic language I guess, anyways it's a good torrent. Ty!
richard0474 (2008-06-12)
Polish was my first guess.rush2hotshot (2008-07-21)
how do i format my 4r0 gb mp5 player using this? pls helprush2hotshot (2008-08-07)
My pmc 200 w 40 gb was accidentally formated ordinarily. instead of using this one. i dont know how to format it. it wont play videos and music anymore. can anybody teach me please using this...GROWEED (2008-11-14)
Works great for me. It installed in English without me having to select English or anything, I don't see what people are bitching about. I don't run antivirus but it don't appear anything has been added to the registry that was not supposed to. I don't see any new services and my computer is not running any slower.Thanks for the upload Ryl8! I will seed to 500%
xjanki (2008-11-27)
Works 100%.unzip
will seed 6 months+ :)