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2010-12-18 (by amirsalam)


As a verse of the Qur'an reveals, "… Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and the Final Seal of the Prophets." (Surat al-Ahzab: 40), the Prophet Muhammad (saas) was sent to mankind as the last prophet. He was a living example of the sublime morality of Allah's last revelation. He was a friend of Allah and inspired humanity by his nearness to Him. He was His representative, noble in His sight, and a friend to all believers. As Allah has revealed in another verse, "We will impose a weighty Word upon you..." (Surat al-Muzammil: 5), he charged His last prophet, Muhammad (saas) with a heavy responsibility. Due to the Prophet (saas)'s strong faith in Allah, he fulfilled that responsibility in the best possible way, called mankind to the path of Allah and Islam, and illuminated the way for all believers. Although we have never seen the Prophet (saas), we can still do our very best to come to know his exemplary behavior, his sayings and the pleasing morality he displayed, by means of the verses of the Qur'an and the hadiths (the sayings and teachings of the Prophet (saas). We can try to be like him, in order to be close to him in the hereafter. People today, and the young in particular, take many individuals as role models, imitate the way they behave, speak and dress, and try to be like them. Yet, since the great majority of thesepeople are not on the right road themselves, they lack proper morality and attitudes. It is therefore a serious responsibility to lead people to the truth and the best morality and behavior. A Muslim needs to try to emulate the behavior and the morality of the Prophet Muhammad (saas). Allah confirms that in a verse: You have an excellent model in the Messenger of Allah, for all who put their hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah much. (Surat al-Ahzab: 21) Like the Prophet Muhammad (saas), the other prophets were also role models for believers, and enjoyed Allah's good pleasure. Allah says in one verse: There is instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This [the Qur'an] is not a narration which has been invented but confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe. (Surah Yusuf: 111) The aim in writing this book is to introduce various characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad (saas), by showing the superior features and qualities a society may enjoy when it adopts such a morality, thus encouraging others to adopt that same morality. As the Prophet (saas) has revealed in the hadith, "Verily, I have left amongst you the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Apostle which if you hold fast, you shall never go astray,"1 a Muslim's two truest guides are the Qur'an and Sunnah (the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (saas)). The Prophet Muhammad (saas) was an example to all humanity with his morality, to which he called on mankind to live by. It was the Prophet (saas) who said "I was sent to perfect good character"2 and "By One in whose hand there is my life: None shall enter Paradise except one who has got good conduct."3 Those Muslims who follow the way of the Prophet (saas) need to be foremost in their morality and behavior, and to invite others to adopt that same morality. We only send the Messengers to bring good news and to give warning. Those who disbelieve use fallacious arguments to deny the truth. They make a mockery of My Signs and also of the warning they were given.(Surat al - Kahf:56)


  1. Islam
  2. free e-Books
  3. allah
  4. mohamed

Files count:



12.21 Mb




beowoulfe (2010-12-19)

You are kidding.........................RIGHT?

amirsalam (2010-12-19)

the problem is that society impose the streotypes lifestyle, people have superficial thinking and function by images, they just liketo clic , and not read, less reading and more facebook.
they know nothing about faith or even why come to the earth and where they could go or what's the point of their exsitence.
mohamed is a messenger of god, whateva lies you mention about him.
the Quran is the only book unchanged.
Peace on you.

qwertzo99 (2010-12-20)

@smoothdong and all other ignorant non-muslims
I'm guessing you belong to either jewish or christian faith, right? You sem to forget how old was Mary when she married Joseph who was himself 90-years old.
Many heroes of Old and New Testament had wives that you would call a child. In Bible there's even call by God to kill men and take little girls for pleasure and even infants!!!
And you're probably not from Europe because if you were and knew anything from medieval Europe (and older) you'd knew that girls were married even at the age of 9.
And I don't mean royalty but "normal" people.
It was much later that by law it was decided an age limit for what we call a child.
In old times a woman of age of 14 was considered quite adult. That was because people lived shorter back then and the custom ordered that as soon as girl reach maturity she be married.
So hold your tongue!

wielkidupek (2010-12-20)

You are guessing wrong "qwrtzo99"! - The most of us think that all "The Holly" books are just bu**shit
including Talmud,Bible and Qur'an.

terry0 (2010-12-22)

Anything out of the middle east is dog crap.
Can't people think for them selves.

tonn10 (2010-12-29)

zakimar again! when are we going to lock you up our little inhouse bom maker !

manosteell (2011-06-30)

Opposite of brainwashing (which clearly the media has done a great job of, on you already) Islam challenges one to use his God-given REASON to prove to himself with evidence (not blind faith as in other religions) or because he was born into, that Islam is the true prescription of God to the way of life. In the original Quran from over 1400 yrs ago, which is the only book to never have been changed or tainted = humans are formed from the fusion of semen and sperm, then forming a clot of blood, then muscle on top of bone = 1400+ yrs ago. The mountains are like pegs which keep the earth from shaking = 1400+. The universe is in the perfect mathematical arrangement, all the dimensions, cosmic energy, atomic proportions to sustain life on earth; any slight degree of variance and we would not exist (coincidence? evolution? Don't fool yourself) = 1400+. All these scientific miracles which were only discovered by human advancement and technology in the past 2 centuries, and a reason why most scientists who study the Quran revert back to Islam. Enlighten yourselves; use scholarly resources if you are not too lazy to research, instead of listening to fox news and this dribble. Read about the Illuminati and how Satan motivated Charles Darwin's THEORY of evolution and considers preachers of that theory among the highest rank of his misguided followers. You must have really come from apes, with your monkey point of view; because even the devil believes in God, so what does that make you??? Islam will NEVER die! especially not because of misguided misinformed ignorant blind deaf and dumb fools. There's a reason why it still remains the fastest growing religion in spite of hate mongering; a reason why Muhammad is the world's most popular name; and a reason why the Quran is the most memorized book on the planet, in its unchanged form since the beginning of its inception, as God has promised. Wake up!!! May we all find peace

manosteell (2011-06-30)

PS. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) married Aisha who was way passed puberty at the time, at least 17 yrs old, according to SCHOLARLY resources, as a political statement; to strengthen the alliance between himself and her father, Abu Bakr who was considered the best friend of all time.
Also, back in those days and even earlier in the 1700s in the U.S. and all around the world, people married younger as their life expectancy was way lower. There you go, a little knowledge for you silly rabbit