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NEU World Order 2 MP3 192k - Aaron Russo, Michael Parenti, David
NEU World Order 2 MP3 192k - Aaron Russo, Michael Parenti, David
2007-01-07 (by neuworldorder)
NEU World Order 2 Free Album Released, Kicking Against Globalization and Institutional Profiteering
NEU World Order 2 continues the unique mix of garage rock vs activism with this latest release for 2007. The new album features Aaron Russo, Michael Parenti, Greg Palast, David Korten, John Turmel, Tom Kennedy, Alex Jones and material from Stephanie Black's documentary 'Life and Debt.' It is primarily focused on Economics, Usury and Institutional profiteering. As Michael Parenti says "The biggest addiction in America is wealth, not drugs," institutions are fighting for control of our lives and our personal freedom is under constant attack. There are many issues surrounding this and 'NEU World Order 2' attempts to introduce some of the most important to listeners through the power of music. The website contains most of the video sources used on the tracks, and it is hoped that people will be inspired to watch, educate themselves and others. The album has 8 tracks running at 52 minutes and as usual is completely free. It can be downloaded from in either MP3 or OGG Vorbis formats at up to 192kbs bitrate.
The information referenced by this album is paramount material for building a better world for all and tackling poverty at home and abroad. If everybody knew the truth about the globalist economic system in place, things could begin to change for the better. It is time for us to live up to the responsibility of living in a democracy, to take responsibility for the actions governments and institutions perform on our behalf. True power belongs to the voting public whilst we still live in a democracy, government represents and serves the people, meaning that we can influence the policies of our representatives through this power. This is a heavy responsibility with global repercussions and therefore it is important to have knowledge of the mechanisms at work, and take an informed and active role.
Aaron Russo has produced a must see film: 'America: Freedom to Fascism' which takes an in-depth look at the problems we face and offers viable solutions. Aaron says that the Federal Reserve Bank should be taken away from private shareholders, and put back under control of the government. Many people are unaware that the Federal Reserve is a private institution. Currently in the US income tax is used to pay interest on the National Debt which includes the Federal Reserve Bank, meaning that already wealthy shareholders of the bank are making huge amounts of profit from the American tax paying public's labour. This is obviously not in the best interests of the majority of the population, it merely serves to increase the poverty divide. If the government controlled the bank and created money, there would be no interest to pay.
The Central Bank was not always private, there is a long history of resistance against it, and the battle was lost on 23rd December 1913 when the federal reserve act was passed whilst most of congress were on Christmas vacation. Aaron suggests that the problem should be tackled at the local level by lobbying elective representatives, encouraging them to swear to oppose the system if they are succesfully elected. Otherwise they will not be heard or receive votes within the community. This is an issue which affects everyone and is above party politics. People need to put political differences aside and stand together as a voting population to ensure an end to the corrupt banking system, to return the central bank and the control of currency back to the government where it belongs. The Federal Reserve is not the only private central bank, the Bank of England in the UK also has private shareholders, established in 1694, and actually became the prototype for establishing private central banks throughout Europe. America: Freedom to Fascism can be seen on google video or from the neuworldorder website, and for more details visit Aaron's site at:
?A fiat monetary system allows power and influence to fall into the hands of those who control the creation of new money, and to those who get to use the money or credit early in its circulation. The insidious and eventual cost falls on unidentified victims who are usually oblivious to the cause of their plight. This system of legalized plunder (though not constitutional) allows one group to benefit at the expense of another. An actual transfer of wealth goes from the poor and the middle class to those in privileged financial positions.? ? Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), " Paper Money and Tyranny.
Comments can be left on the website or on the Myspace Page, and feedback is appreciated. Please help to promote the album by mentioning in your blog, on forums, your websites or by burning copies for friends or directing them to the website. The album is intended as a tool to promote these important activists and their information and will hopefully draw people into educating themselves to these vital issues.
Files count:
71.03 Mb
max11max (2007-01-08)
More junk on T.P.B. Why 'O' why....neuworldorder (2007-01-08)
I was going to respond until I looked at some of your other commentsmhkl (2015-08-01)
Looks very interesting. Don’t lose hope. Continue to support this work, neuworldorder. I shall.Namaste and care,