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Star Trek - Bridge Commander (1.1 With ALL Voices) [PIP-CRACKED]






Star Trek - Bridge Commander (1.1 With ALL Voices) [PIP-CRACKED]




2009-11-29 (by sirpip)


/------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | STAR TREK: BRIDGE COMMANDER (FULLY CRACKED WITH ALL VOICES INCLUDED!) | | | | Installation instructions, description, and other pertinent details below. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ________ ______________ _________ ______ ___ __ _______________ ____(_)_____ /__________ / ___ /______ __ __ /_/ /_ ___/ __ _ | / /_ /_ __ /_ _ __ / __ __ _ / / / _ ____/_ / / /_/ /_ |/ /_ / / /_/ / / __/ /_/ / _ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ ____/_____/_/_/____,_/ ___/__,_/ /_.___/___, / ___ __ __(_)_______ /____/ __ /_/ /_ /___ __ _ ____/_ / __ /_/ / /_/ /_/ _ .___/ /_/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 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The game features amazing special effects, real-time 3D combat, intuitive and customizable user interface, single-player storyline and multiplayer combat modes, flexible modding capabilities, and voice cameos from Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard) and Brent Spiner (Lt. Commander Data). Release Details: This distribution is fully cracked with the 1.1 patch applied. In addition, unlike other copies floating around out there, this version contains ALL of the original character voicing and sound effects! This means that the single-player game is actually playable (and enjoyable) without having to speed-read through the subtitles! Installation Instructions: 1. Unzip to your hard drive (which, presumably, you've already done if you're reading this). 2. Run RegSetup.exe. 3. That's it, you're done! Now just run the game (stbc.exe)! Additional Information: Some people have complained that the screen "blinks" when the game first boots up. This is simply because the game is switching to an 800x600 screen resolution (the game was released back in 2002, after all). In the game settings, you can switch the resolution to 1024x768, which should eliminate this "blinking" effect if that's your native screen resolution. If it isn't, then just suck it up and deal with it, as it only happens for about 2 seconds before you even see the intro screen so I really don't understand what the big deal is lol. I still play this game on rare occasion (less often now because I'm not a big fan of the newer mods). I play multiplayer under the name "USS Olympia". However, since the game doesn't utilize actual gaming accounts, there's no way to guarantee the player you're seeing isn't an imposter, so be sure you take it with a grain of salt. Just FYI. Now, for your convenience, I've created a detailed mapping of the default game keys. If this is your first time playing the game, I strongly recommend you print this out, and it will make your learning curve MUCH easier! =) GAME KEYS: +MISC - [SPACE] = Bridge or tactical - m = Toggle map mode - F9 = Toggle cinematic mode - [PRINT SCRN] = Screen shot - h = Toggle manual fire - [ALT-t] = Toggle tractor beam - [Alt-c] = Toggle cloaking device - [ = Toggle score window - ] = Toggle chat window - = Toggle team chat - F1 = Talk to helm - F2 = Talk to tactical - F3 = Talk to first officer - F4 = Talk to science - F5 = Talk to engineering - F6 = Talk to guest - [BACKSPACE] = Skip past dialogue - ! = Goto green alert - @ = Goto yellow alert - # = Goto red alert - [CTRL-i] = Intercept target - [CTRL-t] = Clear target - t = Select next target - y = Select previous target - u = Select nearest target - i = Target next enemy - j = Target target's attacker - n = Target next nav point - p = Target next planet - [SCROLL LOCK] = On Screen - [HOME] = Viewscreen forward - [DEL] = Viewscreen left - [PAGE DOWN] = Viewscreen right - [END] = Viewscreen backwards - [PAGE UP] = Viewscreen up - [INS] = Viewscreen down +MENU - [UP] = Previous menu item - [DOWN] = Next menu item - [RIGHT/NUM ENTER] = Select menu item - [LEFT] = Close a sub menu - [NUM 1] = First menu option - [NUM 2] = Second menu option - [NUM 3] = Third menu option - [NUM 4] = Fourth menu option - [NUM 5] = Fifth menu option - [NUM 6] = Sixth menu option - [NUM 7] = Seventh menu option - [NUM 8] = Eighth menu option - [NUM 9] = Ninth menu option - [TAB] = Tab through focus +SHIP - w = Turn ship up - a = Turn ship left - s = Turn ship down - d = Turn ship right - q = Roll ship left - e = Roll ship right - f = Fire phasers - x = Fire torpedoes - g = Fire disrupters - r = Set impulse: Reverse - 0 = Set impulse: All Stop - 1 = Set impulse: 1 - 2 = Set impulse: 2 - 3 = Set impulse: 3 - 4 = Set impulse: 4 - 5 = Set impulse: 5 - 6 = Set impulse: 6 - 7 = Set impulse: 7 - 8 = Set impulse: 8 - 9 = Set impulse: 9 - [SCROLL UP] = Increase speed - [SCROLL DOWN] = Decrease speed - [CTRL-d] = SELF DESTRUCT!! +CAMERA - c = Next camera mode - v = Reverse camera mode - [SHIFT] = Camera rotation - z = Zoom-in on target - + = Zoom-in - - = Zoom-out You can redefine those keys to your suiting. Most of them you won't really need anyway, since you can do that all in the 3d gui. Do NOT redefine the [BACKSPACE] key!! It will cause problems! --Pip 11.27.2009 "Share the wealth!"


  1. Star Trek Bridge Commander
  2. Star Trek
  3. Bridge Commander
  4. stbc
  5. TRPG
  6. RPG
  7. Tactical RPG
  8. sci-fi
  9. combat
  10. Pip
  11. sirpip

Files count:



185.37 Mb




joyjoyboy (2010-11-22)

Worked perfectly, 100% safe.
Thanks for the upload! I'd been looking forever for a copy that isn't missing the voice tracks on the single player mission. I can actually get into it now! Thanks again!

croate123 (2011-03-14)

is it first persone

jhollaway (2011-04-18)

Every time I attempt to run the RegSetup tool, it fails to respond. I have tried to run the compatibility tool for Windows 7 but it has failed. What course of action do I take?

picklator (2011-10-29)

I registered just to comment on this game. I was super excited to play it, it loads up fine, goes through the first few cutscenes fine, then when it says set status on green alert, the screen starts blinking and glitching and wont stop. this is in single player I havent tried multi player yet.. There are also NO original voices in this. when Picard speaks to you it is in text only. I am very disappointed with this Upload. please come up with a fix or solution for these problems.

kurtyogs (2012-03-14)

run the game in windows 98 compatability mode and 256 color mode, and the sound works fine, if you know how to edit your soundboard settings in bios and Windows, if its a tower with a sound card ,use the onboard one......if it has 1, if not text only or get hold of an old soundboard that supports sound blaster pro.....or tough text reading :o)

johncoleman2004 (2014-08-27)

Thank you!