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Richard Dawkins: The God delusion






Richard Dawkins: The God delusion




2007-02-08 (by Ateizmus)


Richard Dawkins: The God delusion E-book (PDF)

Files count:



1.89 Mb




Cain303 (2007-02-09)

Thanks! Great book.

judde (2007-03-15)

Read Dawkins' God and The Dawkins Delusions by ALISTER E. McGRATH (University of Oxford ) if you like this one.. McGRATH has wanted to have a public discussion with Dawkins but Dawkins has declined. I think McGRATH shreds Dawkins book apart.

ttn82 (2007-03-21)

And there you have it. Religious people fuelling wars with their fear - now even in the Tpb-forum. Dawkins opinion is simply that, since a god can neither be proven, nor disproven, scientifically (meaning he/she/it has no effect on our existance in any circumstance) - there really is no point in praying, believing, hoping or fighting to/for this creation of thought. There is no argument against Dawkins unless you can technically prove a supernatural being affecting reality. We and our world are the only thing that matters in our reality, and our existance is scientifically provable and incredibly more fantastic than any santa-in-the-skies could ever be. Love yourself, love your neighbour, but don't go scaring ignorant people with nonsense.

gursky (2007-03-21)

Well said.

BRMan (2007-03-28)

Dawkins Recently sat down in a radio interview with mr. McGrath,802,Richard-Dawkins-at-The-Sunday-Times-Oxford-Literary-Festival,Richard-Dawkins

Basically McGraths arguments can be summed up in "...But religious people have done so much good" and "Being religious has a positive impact on society" And while both are atleast half-true, (since religion also have negative impact and religious people have done.. not so good things, 9/11, crusades, blah, blah) EVEN if that was the whole truth, That religions were all good, that WOULD NOT MAKE THEM TRUE. Sorry..

athenius22 (2007-06-30)

Excellent book. Another great read is "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris.

Hei_på-deg (2007-08-27)

or The Selfish Gene.

KapteinPuma (2008-02-02)

Great book! I've bought it in paperback, and I think you guys should buy it, too. It's for a good cause ;)

AndraBullar (2008-03-11)

OMG, and I was on my way to Adlibris Bookstore when I saw this torrent. I almost start to believe in fate xD

lodger111 (2008-04-20)

Buy a copy too! With a book this good, it's worth owning a copy for your bookshelf.

blackjesus69 (2008-04-23)

Dawkins rules! Check out Root Of All Evil documentary if your too lazy to read the book...
I agree with Kaptein Puma buy the book and help support the cause.

mictrmbl (2008-05-05)

"As a scientist," Richard Dawkins writes, "I am hostile to fundamentalist religion because it actively debauches the scientific enterprise. It teaches us not to change our minds, and not to want to know exciting things that are available to be known. It subverts science and saps the intellect" (p. 284). In other words, the greatest crime of fundamental Christianity is to think without asking scientific questions. For those readers already familiar with Dawkins' work, it will come as no surprise that this book is nothing less than brilliant. Pity those readers, however, who either won't read this book (they should) or who will find nothing positive to say about it, because this is the work of one the greatest thinkers of our time.
In THE GOD DELUSION, Dawkins, the celebrated evolutionary biologist, Oxford Professor, and author (The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition--with a new Introduction by the Author, The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design, A Devil's Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love, The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution), gives us a carefully-reasoned yet entertaining treatise on atheism that is equally eloquent and provocative. His basic argument is that the collective irrational belief in "The God Hypothesis" is not only wrong ("intellectual high treason"), but pernicious in its resulting intolerance, oppression, bigotry, arrogance, child abuse, homophobia, abortion-clinic bombings, cruelties to women, war, suicide bombers, and educational systems that teach ignorance when it comes to math and science. Sure to provoke his adversaries, Dawkins not only portrays the "psychotic" God of the Old Testament as "arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully" (p. 31), but also challenges, quite convincingly, every major argument for God's existence, and shows that the Founding Fathers considered religion to be a threat to democracy. Thomas Jefferson, for instance, claimed "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man" (p. 43). Benjamin Franklin said "Lighthouses are more useful than churches" (p. 43). A 1796 treaty signed by John Adams declares, "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" (p. 40). Adams also said, "this would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it" (p. 43). Even conservative icon, Barry Goldwater, threatened to fight fundamentalists "every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans" (p. 39).
While Dawkins is clearly out to change minds here, unfortunately, for most of his readers, he is only preaching to the choir. Nevertheless, for its erudite advocacy of science and rationalism at odds with the divisive, oppressive, injurious, and deadly forces of religion, THE GOD DELUSION is highly recommended. Further reading in this area includes Daniel Dennett's, Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon (2006) and Sam Harris's, Letter to a Christian Nation (2006) and Christopher Hitchins' recent God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.

jkillah1 (2008-09-07)

This is the first time that I've felt somewhat guilty for getting my information "illegally" through a torrent, although I'm sure that our Christian government won't mind if I "steal" this one... hahaha!

 EG (2008-10-30)

This is a great book I have my own purchased copy as well as god is not great:how religion poisons everything by another great auther, christopher. Please get that book as well great read.
Great torrent thank you

ragir (2008-11-22)

Great discussion. Although I myself don't believe in a god, nevertheless faith in a benevolent greater being (irrelevant if myth or truth) can be a source of strength for some.

20thvole (2009-01-01)

Dawkins is very dull and unenlightened shit. you would do better to search even a tiny bit more for some real insight to the nature of consciousness.

SilentBtDeadly (2009-04-15)

ttn82 makes a good point, and I concur. Someone else commented on why they downloaded this as a torrent.. for me it is because my wifes dad is a priest. I would feel pretty odd if he ever saw it.
I won't attack anyone else in my comment, I leave that to those who commented before me.
If you want another interesting book that deals with facts to come to a conclusion and is pretty compelling.. I thought "And man created god" by George Carl Mynchenberg was a good read(and easy to read considering the subject matter.
If you are here to know if this torrent has any virus's, or is as it claims(the kind of things you see in a majority of torrents), the pdf works, seems to be well put together.. all in all seems good.
This will be a great addition to my ebook reader.

templar42 (2010-01-17)

I woudn't contribute a penny to that theologically unsophisticated philistine's royalties, but I need to have read these books to be able to teach my students. Thank goodness for Peer to Peer filesharing!

cucamonga90 (2010-05-06)

I'm not religious, but I didn't think this book was all that good, for mainly three reasons;
1. The way to disclaim the fine-tuning argument for the existence of God is by applying the so called many world hypothesis. So the fine-tuning of the universe is mearly a nesessety, not an improbability. The problem though, is that this is as scientifically provable as, and as speculative as God. But he still calls it science.
2. Afferming that there is no God is a BELIEF!! A role saying "the person making a claim is has the burden of backing his claim up by evidence" seems to lack that very evidence it demands.
3. There is a tendency from Dawkins part to misinterpret the arguments he is criticizing. Now I'm not saying there god arguments, but I would like to see them fairly judged.
A good read though, if your not a religious person that gets easily offended.

lasinge (2010-06-10)

Silentbtdeadly, I don't understand why your father in law being a priest prevents you from having a mind of your own and possessing what you feel is valid reading material. What I mean is, why do we walk on eggshells around "Men of God"? Just because he's your wife's Dad? So we let our loved ones get away with not only being foolish but allowing it to affect our lives as well? Where is the logic, the sense, the reasoning behind that argument? This type of attitude is a big contributor to the perpetuation of mythical belief systems in our societies. I'm not trying to degrade you, but don't put someone else's belief system above your own. It's self-degrading and just plain wrong. I guarantee he wouldn't hide his (probably more than one) copy of the bible if you came to his house.

Uncle-Ren (2010-07-31)

Atheism - The lack of faith. You don't "believe" in atheism. It's the starting point. When you are born, you are not capable of speech, much less being able to hold an opinion on whether or not there is a god. Not all atheists "believe" in evolution, or the big bang theory. The theory of evolution has been proven by observing bacteria and viruses, and scientists have created artificial life:

There is no way to prove the big bang theory, as when the universe was created nobody was alive to witness or record the event. No one knows how the universe began; anyone saying they do know is claiming to have witnessed the event.

Toadlet (2010-08-22)

sillyscrewy - Don't forget guilt! ;)

Pastafarian101 (2011-02-07)

I find it sad when Dawkins is called a "militant" or "aggressive", he is extremely polite, a soft spoken man. Atheists, agnostics, irreligious folk have been labelled as immoral, god hating hell bound drug addicts by too many people to say, but when criticism is directed towards religion for the lack of evidence it provides (if any at all), the critic is labelled a god hating sinner.
The "staunch militant" atheist Dawkins is 6.9 out of 7.0 on the scale when it comes to the belief in gods, he even allows for the possibility of a decent argument for the DEISTIC god.

edm_ddd (2011-02-16)

@Pastafarian101 Indeed mate.

mrmart (2011-06-19)

hi does anyone have any ebooks by kenneth miller they can upload, many thanks martin

mexicold (2011-07-12)


guspirsquare (2011-10-12)

Looking for download of round table chat Dawkins et. al. called I think "The Four Horsemen..." any hints where to find please.

soumyakanti17 (2012-04-13)

Great torrent, thanks

dubblue4 (2012-05-23)


lawmachine (2012-09-23)

Can't thank you enough, Ateizmus

hektik666 (2013-01-17)

guspirsquare, you should look it up on youtube. They have the full discussion there. Even the second one they did after Hitchens died. Oh and thanks for this book Ateizmus. Amazing is all i can say. I have been atheist for a long time but never knew there was a group of scientist so out spoken. Once i researched it i was truly fascinated by the world of the atheist.

AtraLux (2014-08-17)

Thank you!


1. Richard.Dawkins.-.The.God.Delusion.(2006).FIXED.pdf 1.89 Mb