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HOWARD STERN - CF64K - 03-07-11 + WRAPUP [WDM]




Audio Other


HOWARD STERN - CF64K - 03-07-11 + WRAPUP [WDM]




2011-03-07 (by wushdishmeen)


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  1. Howard Stern Show Sirius XM Ra

Files count:



121.26 Mb




jspyder24 (2011-03-07)

I dunno if you read my comment from the 3-3-2011 torrent post, but thanks! I truly appreciate what you do for us here. We all love what you do!! Don't ever stop!!! You are loved!! You are so WINNING!!!!

patty1h (2011-03-08)

Any chance you'll be opening registration to your site any time soon? Thanks.

 wushdishmeen (2011-03-08)

Yea I read your comment. The one where you say I "owe you from last week" and bitch and moan asking where the show is.
I don't owe you anything nor is this an obligation. I do this as a favor and don't need people complaining that a show you are getting for FREE which I PAY for isn't posted fast enough for you.
I have a life and personal priorities which come way before doing you a favor. So you should be patient or go somewhere else. Let's see someone else consistently post the show for over 2 years without missing one.
Whether I post it at 11:30, 12:00, or 3:00 it always gets posted THAT day. You're lucky if anyone else even posts the show at all let alone on a consistent basis for more than a few months.
A little common courtesy and patience would go a long way in my book. You give me that and I will continue to give you the world of Stern.

jspyder24 (2011-03-09)

You dont have to be a bitch about it wush! And last week you posted after midnight!

 wushdishmeen (2011-03-09)

Why don't you get a job so you can afford the 12 measly dollars a month yourself? Then you can have it whenever you want and meet your own demands.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you otherwise it may punch you in the face and take away your pudding.

stern1906 (2011-03-11)

wush you rule, thanks bro.
jspyder go fuck yourself. :)