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Star Wars XWing Trilogy: TIE Fighter Collectors CD ISO Win7 [Tuz






Star Wars XWing Trilogy: TIE Fighter Collectors CD ISO Win7 [Tuz




2010-12-23 (by Tuzito)


AGAIN (RELOADED & PROUDLY) I BRING TO YOU, AS I PROMISE, THE 2nd PART OF THE X-WING TRILOGY... ========================================================== Star Wars: Tie-Fighter Collectors CD-ROM (patched & tested on Windows7x64) ========================================================== DESCRIPTION: ----------- This is a modified TIE-FIGHTER Collector's CD-ROM (TIE95)in order to install and run this from Windows Vista 32 up to Win 7x64. (XP users ONLY need to run some extras located on the SUPPORT dir on the ISO) =================================================================== FOR ALL: IN THIS DIR YOU WILL FIND THE FIX FOR BATTLE 6 - MISSION 3 and many others, like the complete Objectives & Bonus goals YOURE WELCOME =================================================================== DESCRIPTION/LIST OF FILES WITHIN THIS... ---------------------------------------- - TIE95.7z (179 MB) contains only the ISO of TIE95 (383 MB) - Front.jpg (88 KB) 640x815 Cover Box Art - Readme.txt (3 KB more or less, again :) WHAT YOU NEED/HAVE BEFORE RUN? ------------------------------ - For Vista/7 you only need a virtual drive prog (I recommend PowerISO), for mount the image and install. - VISIT the Markus page AND READ VERY WELL ALL NOTES related. - You also can find detailed info (from MarkusEgger) on file "Instructions.html" - YOU MUST HAVE a joystick/gamepad - RECOMMENDED (x older OS): Get OEM CD-ROM/image to run the game AFTER setup and config - NOTE: Pilots files (.plt) from previous versions dont work with this. ----------------------------------------------------- This version is based on: ------------------------ - Game Version: From "Threedots_dead" "Star_Wars_Flight-Sim_Gems(X-Wing_TIE-Fighter_XWA)" at - Info, patchs, and other stuff: (mostly) by Markus Egger ("THE MAN", who made the installers/this possible) at his page: - THANKS to all others not mentioned here who was involved; starting with G.Lucas. - To all of you, brothers & sisters pirates, who share without ask something back, and - To someone I cannot remember... :) ========================================================================================== RELATED DOWNLOAD: Star Wars XWing Trilogy: X-WING Collector's CD ISO Win7 [Tuzito] at =========================================================================================== COMMING SOON: The last part of the X-WING TRILOGY (as always,patched x Win7 like this one STAR WARS: X-WING ALLIANCE CD [And, depending on your feedback, a bonus upload with all the related stuff I get through time like images, cheats, walkthroughs, etc called: STAR WARS: X-WING TRILOGY BONUS PACK [by TUZITO] =========================================================================================== Until our next meeting [TUZITO]

Files count:



175.23 Mb




Tuzito (2010-12-23)

Feedback please

Iztok1967 (2010-12-23)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait for X-WING ALLIANCE. I hope you will upload it soon.
P.S. sorry abaut my english, it is not my native language

sadsnow (2010-12-23)

It downloads fine and install's fine but u cant seem to play it whenever i click to start the game from the pop up menu it goes to install direct x it install's but never starts, otherwise i've gone into the dir to start the game that way and windows just says it cannot start any help im running win 7 64x

sadsnow (2010-12-23)

Also i have downloaded your xwing torrent which works fine :)

algola (2010-12-23)

sadsnow same whit me,,,,i think what we need is gamepad, or joystick...tnx..

sadsnow (2010-12-23)

Yer im using my 360 pad no problems there like ive put i can play the xwing torrent fine no problems just this one is not working

Tuzito (2010-12-23)

SADNOW, try to go using a shorcut to the game exe, no through the launcher. In some page I've read sometimes that happens. Try and tell.

Tuzito (2010-12-23)

SADNOW use a shorcut to the game exe, dont go through the launcher. That will solve the problem, Try and tell

sadsnow (2010-12-23)

ok mate i need to go out but i will try it when i get back and let you know

Tuzito (2010-12-24)

Fellas, X-WING ALLIANCE now ready on:

sadsnow (2010-12-24)

cheers, but ive done what you said about the shortcut and still no go think its buggered somehow

Sarvaj (2010-12-24)

@ Sadsnow there's a patch that fixes the problem. Find it at
Merry x-mas :)

sadsnow (2010-12-25)

cheers mate will give it ago soon :) merry xmas

sadsnow (2010-12-25)

Thank you very much the patch did the trick all works fine now have a great xmas thanks again :))

TienShen (2011-01-05)

Is there some way to change the graphic detail? BECAUSE every change I make IN-game seems to do nothing. Still much better graphics than X-Wing. Maybe only with me. My final vote: 9.1/10 for the work of the uploader, for the game itself and because VADER RULES!

lukas205 (2011-07-09)

I cant seem to install, When i click from the launcher, it just pauses and then goes away any idears people?

Tuzito (2011-07-13)

Lukas205, do you follow ALL the instructions as described? If so and you still having problems, post here and we solve it. BUT 1st READ CAREFULLY ALL THE STEPS.

DarkSavage (2011-09-02)

Loved this game so much growing up, Thank you for giving it back to all of us!
The problem I'm having is the game launches correctly and I can register my pilot, but I launch a mission and within a few seconds it freezes and I have to shut my computer down and restart. Help please

Tuzito (2011-09-08)

DarkSavage: You probably need the update at
YOU MUST Create your pilot before enter the game. If you have time download the Bonus Pack on my TPB page, here you foeund ALL the stuff, from the how to's crack, update, tweaking, activate 3-D, etc. Dont't go for the compatibility mode. Just change the options in-game. Hope this help.

desharna (2011-10-03)

Game is working great except for the display on my monitor. Some of the sprites aren't the right color, and when I'm in a mission, the blackness of space appears yellow.
Any ideas out there? Thanks.

Tuzito (2011-12-20)

Try switching the 3D config in-game... and low the debris and planets level too... that should work

TooLong86 (2013-04-08)

If you're having problems with the direct x just run the program in Win95 compatibility mode.

TooLong86 (2013-04-08)

The game works if you run it in compatibility mode for windows 95.

Type1138 (2013-06-29)

Game works under Win95 compatibility mode.
HOWEVER, in game music does NOT, as in the music that should play when you're actually fighting does not.
Sound effects and voices work fine, so I don't get it.

FFTW (2014-01-23)

thanks. but the link you posted in the read me(this one:
doesnt work anymore. any alternative link?

Tuzito (2014-02-12)

FFTW sorry, no idea.

Cyphox2 (2014-07-16)

there's no inflight-music because the f*ucking audio-tracks are missing.

Son_of_79 (2014-09-09)

Thanks for the upload! This game rocks just as much as it did when my brother and I would play on our 486 DX2 turbo with Windows 3.11. He would be the keyboard guy, and I would be the pilot. Great memories...
Here is what worked for my old WinXP PC.
1) Install the game to your hard drive.
2) Download and install the 'Compatibility Fix for X-Wing Collectors' Series' patch from as the instructions mention. Without this patch as soon as I made a pilot and started a mission, it would CTD on me.
3) Wherever you installed the game, look for TIE95.exe, and then run the game. Set resolution to what works best (for me the 3D option made the cockpit and stars pixelated so I used the 640x480 16bit resolution and it's flawless).
I do not hear in-flight music, however, but it's no big deal to me - I'm just glad to be able to play again :)


1. Star Wars TIE95 Win7x64/TIE95.7z 175.14 Mb
2. Star Wars TIE95 Win7x64/Front.jpg 87.38 Kb
3. Star Wars TIE95 Win7x64/README.txt 3.05 Kb