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(PSX-PSP) The Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn






(PSX-PSP) The Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn




2008-10-31 (by toxicjuggalo )


The Legend of Dragoon starts out the same way as many other RPGs. The spiky-haired Dart already has one vendetta against the mysterious Black Devil, who killed his father, but it's time he had another. For unknown reasons, the Sandora Empire burns down his village and imprisons his childhood friend, Shena. Infuriated, Dart impulsively storms out to rescue Shena. Shena's kidnapping is merely the tip of the iceberg of a much grander, more sinister motive. During his globe-spanning quest, Dart is transformed into a Dragoon, a warrior cloaked with the power of the Dragon of Fire. To defeat the Sandora Empire, Dart will have to find the other six Dragon Spirits and people to use them so the Legend of Dragoon may be fulfilled. Along the way, the magical septet will learn about one another, accrue additional vendettas, and save the world. I have also included the latest popsplugin and ALL sony prx which are required to play psx-psp conversions on custom firmware's... To install the pops simply copy the seplugins folder to the root of your memory stick, turn off your psp, hold down the right trigger button while turning the psp back on to go into recovery mode..Select the plugins option and enable the pops...Everytime you start a new psx game it will ask you which pops you wish to use I recommend using 3.40 pops as I have personally have had no problems with ANY psx game so far.....Drag and drop the folder of the game you wish to play to the PSP-->GAME folder on your memory stick and away you go..ENJOY and don't forget to say thanx..... KloWn

Files count:



1416.21 Mb




Plazmataz (2008-10-31)

:D! Thanks toxic
Now all we need are seeders!
- Plaz

bobcrackjoe007 (2008-11-10)

hey, downloaded it and didnt have a problem until i fought the water dragon on the second disc. After i win the fight the screen goes black and the game freezes. I am sure its a problem with my popsloader so my question is how do i reset the game and get the poploader screen to adjust what update i put in, i put 3.72 i think which isnt the good one. Anyways thanks for the DL hope u get back to me

traisdown (2008-11-14)

Hi, im just in need for help to run the game. Copied the seplugins folder but... wasent sure where the "root of my memory stick" is so i stuck it in my "plugins folder" and after that i restarted psx.. but clulessy couldent "hold down the right trigger" ? on a keybord? what do i push :P? so i couldent find the "recovery mode"
Using epsxe170

teargrants15 (2008-11-17)

put the plugin folder in the folder called "MP_ROOT".. and about the "hold down the right trigger".. i did not do anything about it :D i just played and it worked perfectly fine.

teargrants15 (2008-11-24)

i downloaded this and it worked fine. thanks! ^^

a.barzdenis14 (2008-12-12)

Why does it freeze after the fight against the dragon regole and the dragoon lenus! plzzz help...

a.barzdenis14 (2008-12-12)

around the end of disc 2...!

a.barzdenis14 (2008-12-21)

how do i install pops 3.40? ( i had 3.71 but i upgraded to 5.00 m33-4 because it wasnt working and it still doesnt work...? wat do i do?

a.barzdenis14 (2008-12-23)

is there a certain folder i hav to put it in...becaus wen i go to the plugins in recovery mode theres nothing there?
and is it called 380popsplugin2pack ?

pitlord07 (2008-12-24)

anyway, thanks klown. but like the others say, the game freezes on disk 2 after you kick regole and lenus' ass.
any, more detailed info on how to fix that thing? i wanted to finish the game. hehe!

a.barzdenis14 (2008-12-24)

klown...i think its stupid that it freezes after regole and lenus as i have been trying to fix it for weeeeks and i have done the pops thing plzzzzzz helpppp me

a.barzdenis14 (2008-12-29)

whats the root of my memory card?

Anaiyia (2008-12-29)

Hi. I love this game its my all time fav!! I got it in my PSP and everything after hours and hours of download (phew) but now when i play it says "The copyright protection information is invalid." Any idea what i did wrong maybe and what i can do to fix it? I cant wait to play this. Thanks so much for making it available!

murl (2009-01-09)

Thanks, Klown! Your Diablo was perfect, and I expect this will be awesomely done, too. Your the best.

INFERNASIUM (2009-01-10)

Question- will this work on my lab top?

INFERNASIUM (2009-01-11)

I have downloaded this game( which i loved for the ps1) but it's not working on my computer. i dont know how to make it play please please please help me

PAiSANDER (2009-01-27)

justa download the dark alex pops plug in and put it into the mem on plug ins folder, restart the psp pressing the R trigger and now go to plug in folder in that menu, load the pops plug in, and restart again, when you start the game a firmware list apper, choose the 3.40 and enjoy.
this is only for 5 M33-6 custom firmware, if you have other, just search for the pops correctly for your custom firmware.

E-steban (2009-02-02)

haha i love the description.

BATMAN11315767 (2009-03-14)

KloWn, I am new at using the PSX program.
i have all of the plugins and .dll files that i need.
but i'm not sure how to get the game to work with the program.

Mithril2 (2009-04-17)

Screen goes black because of a Sony emulation issue. Same problem occurs while using a PS2 or PS3. Just make sure you don't transform into a Dragoon during the fight and you won't have any problems.

dmonite (2009-05-14)

ok enlighten me please im trying to get this thing to work on my laptop it does work on the laptop right i have a brand spankin new laptop and i have a workin ps emulator but how do i get it to read the file?? if anyone knows how to do so please lemme know
thanks alot in advance

00aapje (2009-05-23)

thanks for de download
but i have one question
wy wont my psp open the first disk??

xemozaii (2009-06-03)

May i noe y my psp dun hav MP_ROOT?

xemozaii (2009-06-03)

If my psp dun hav MP_ROOT how i put the plugin in??

xemozaii (2009-06-03)

And why i downloaded dis game when i put in my psp game folder it corrupt..

bossknow (2009-06-06)

can someone seed pls im stuck on 86.9%

rubenc6 (2009-07-21)

hey bro i knw u said that we could post when we take ur stuff i was actually hoping u could help me with a problem.... email me to [email protected] alright n the help i need involves making ur games work on my firmware im new to this stuff... n u sound pretty experienced... my firmware is 5.00 m33 i need a step by step process on how to make games work on my psp

rubenc6 (2009-07-21)

ya man please help me out with my problem again its [email protected] pls man..... the name is ruben by the way and the reason im asking u to email me is cause i dont know how to chat on here cause this is my first time on this website

rubenc6 (2009-07-21)
thats my rss link... if its of any use i need someone to help idk who to ask its bout putting psx games on my psp its at 5.00 m33 someone help me i have downloaded like 6 or 7 of ur games but i need help getting them to work

ParadoxValentine (2009-07-26)

@rubenc6: Step 1- Place the game in the GAME folder
There you go.

SaGaFrontierFTW (2009-07-31)

thanks again toxicjuggalo:D wish there was some way to thank you further :P

ItssaBear (2009-07-31)

Thanks for the download! I'll definitely seed for a while. Only one problem for me... when I put the files on my psp they show up on my file list in order but on my actual psp they are out of order. anyone know how to fix that?

ItssaBear (2009-08-01)

just an update for those curios. Im playing this on a psp 3000 with 5.03 m33 and i have had no real issues (so far im on disc 2). in one section between towns (in the very early begining) i would get a little lag when attacking but that has been all so far. with other torrents people have been complaining about getting stuck in the endless loop in the prairie zone. I did not have that problem. grade a torrent in my opinion

ItssaBear (2009-08-05)

one more update. just fought lenus and went to dragoon on everyone i had to test it (special'd once (total) and individually once on each person i was using.) and i had absolutely no issues after the battle

wereru (2010-05-06)

@dmonite this is a eboot. file for psp u need to convert it to a iso. or a bin. google "psx2psp" convert and your ready to play, works on the epsxe 1.70 emulator ......hope this helps

amiiin2 (2010-05-15)

i will test and will write this torrent is 0k or not ! tnx anyway

icewolf0821 (2010-08-07)

can anyone help me on this. after i play around an hour, it just go blank. my firmware is 5.00 m33. anybody can help? tks in advance

SirKiyoshi (2011-04-16)

I'm sorry... I'm new to this. I'm sure this works and all, but I'm so technologicly challanged when it comes to hacking and things like that :( I would love to play this game on my psp, And your directions are more than likely pretty clear, but I'm just too stupid to understand them I guess... I love this game, and I would love to give you a thumbs up for it, but I need a little help ^^ Please, it would really make my day/week/month/lifetime.
Kudo's for putting it up though ^^ Thank you for giving me a chance to play my favorite game in the world again.

SirKiyoshi (2011-04-17)

I now understand a little more, and have found the M33 modded firmware for the psp... But now I'm having problems with applying it. I have the latest Sony-firmware, and the (mod) file says it's corrupt every time I try to run it on my psp (even formatted my mem stick and had nothing but the mod on it). Again, I'm challenged when it comes to things like this, so any help would be appreciated greatly.

rayronald (2011-06-04)

pls seed this. I really want to play this game. pls

rayronald (2011-06-05)

Tnx Klown.. I'm playing it right now..

rickablitt (2011-08-26)

this game has caused my pops loaders to freeze when ever i select one and if i load it from flash it just asks to insert disk 1. Verdict - useless to me

jen171995 (2012-02-19)

works perfect on psp 2000 firmware 6.60ME 1.6. Thanx Klown!!

voslancid747 (2012-04-08)

can someone seed plzzzz

donaldnabartey (2012-06-03)

what about psp 3000? am i going to do the same instructions that u gave? my popsloader is always enable, but when i start any psx game on my psp 3000, there is no selection of pops appearing, i need some advice dude... please reply on this comment, anyway, tnx to dude.

jtata (2012-06-10)

Thanks toxicjuggalo.. this is by far my favorite game for ps1.. i just got final fantasy IX eboot my 2nd favorite.. thanks for the upload.. seems to work ... I'm just wondering how the disc changing works with that game save file.. from standard game save directory, not sure where game saves go. Thought they got encoded somehow on the eboot but that couldn't be right.. . I guess I'll see if it works when i get to the 2nd disk

jtata (2012-10-04)

OK i'm playing the game and I am on disc 2 and it stops goes to a black screen and doesn't load. I put in 35 hours into the game and now I'm stuck. I'm at Undersea Cavern and right after the Boss Lenus and Regole.. screen goes black. WTF. I'm thinking of finding the save file and copying it and playing it on my ps3 until right after that part and then copying the save file back to my psp and continuing.. IDK what went wrong. Does anyone know what might be the issue?

pk42 (2012-11-04)

Hey, can you please help me. I am using 5.00 m33-4 and i followed all of the intructions. However, the recovery mode cant see the plugin files, thus the game doesnt start beyond 10s.
I have supspisions that it is because i have a SAN DISK memory and no SONY (in the past, i had caused this problem)
Is it posible that i need SONY? does anyone here have SAN DISK and it still works
Thank you, otherwise great torrent

Soupyjam (2012-12-01)

I've had the EXACT same problem as jtata right after the boss at Undersea Cavern. That was a helluva fight and afterward the screen fades to black and never comes back. Should I play the game under a different FW version, or?

bluevayero (2012-12-26)

so far everything is beautiful. thanx KloWn!!

Razgriz2 (2013-03-27)

It works!! ima seed this awesome game lol thanks!

tsihan (2013-05-25)

I played this game many times on PS1, PSX. I'm on Disc 2 currently for this PSP version. Is there any way I can select the Disc Change directly via the menu? Sometimes when we're on Disc 4, it'll require us to change to Disc 3 or Disc 2 for some maps.

FancyFan (2014-03-27)

Man I've missed this game. It works great so far! I'm seeding!


1. (PSX-PSP) Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn/LEGEND OF DRAGOON DISC 1/EBOOT.PBP 280.41 Mb
2. (PSX-PSP) Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn/LEGEND OF DRAGOON DISC 2/EBOOT.PBP 325.19 Mb
3. (PSX-PSP) Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn/LEGEND OF DRAGOON DISC 3/EBOOT.PBP 364.08 Mb
4. (PSX-PSP) Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn/LEGEND OF DRAGOON DISC 4/EBOOT.PBP 435.14 Mb
5. (PSX-PSP) Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn/ 11.39 Mb
6. (PSX-PSP) Legend of Dragoon converted properly by KloWn/KloWn Conversions.txt 560 bytes