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OSX10.4.10 Vmware Appliance






OSX10.4.10 Vmware Appliance




2007-12-30 (by KoreanHongKildong)


This is SynthetiX`S nice work. -------------- [SynthetiX] This is a vmware virtual machine (appliance) with the lastest and Greatest Mac OS 10.4.10 preinstalled. This Virtual Machine works in Vmware for Windows, Linux, and VMware FUSION for OS X. Full networking Support!!! This VM is MUCH faster than the old 10.4.3 vmware image (deadmoo image) that is still circulating around the torrent networks. As long as your system is SSE3, it should work fine. Enjoy. ---------------- [good4man] ( Hello, nooby question here but what exactly is this? Does it allow you to run OSX 10.4 in a windows enviroment? ) This is VMware Image(vmx file). - Installing VMware in xp or VMware Fusion in leopard => Double-clicking FreeBSD.vmx in OSX folder in OSX.rar => Running 10.4.10 in VMware or VMware Fusion ( since you say sse3 i guess this was installed from a uphuck intel version rather than amd? ) I don`t know if it works or not on ADM System. I tried it on my PC ( Intel-sse3) and installed VMware 6 on XPSP2, and it works fine on VMware6. ( Sound and Internet as well ) ---------------- [enclosed] This does work in an AMD enviroment, and if you upgrade the VMware workstation from 4 to 6 you can add a second processor if you have a dual processor machine like i do. Also you can network this to the host machine and it can read and write to NTFS, so you can add files onto the mac hd(good for adding apps like iLife). Another thing you can do is change the screen resolution by editing a file to add the resolution you want, if you search on google there are some good how-to's about setting up OSx86 in vm. Thanks for the upload.

Files count:



1172.90 Mb




antamony (2007-12-31)

Thank you!

ac0de (2008-01-02)

What about uploading macos 10.5.1? Did you follow a guide to make this?

jrp7591 (2008-01-09)

Is there a SuperUser password with this VM Machine or did I just miss it during the install? Can't install VMWare Tools unless logged in as su.

Foefke (2008-01-19)

Hey, how to solve the installation problems of vmware tools?
Without vmware tools it's so sluggish - it's almost impossible to work with it.

ximo88 (2008-01-30)

It's possible to get wired using a wifi connection?

155bpmikey (2008-02-08)

doesn't work for me. i have an AMD processor and i'm running ubuntu linux 7.10 with vm6

155bpmikey (2008-02-08)

error message - The CPU has been disabled by the guest operating system. You will need to power off or reset the virtual machine at this point.

155bpmikey (2008-02-08)

aaah i don't think i have sse3 on my cpu

sunbear (2008-02-10)

I have downloaded this package twice, and both times the .rar archive is corrupt. Any ideas?

tookay (2008-02-12)

Hello, i don't see anywhere to change the SuperUser password. Anybody got it plz cause i need it to install VMWare Tools.

tookay (2008-02-12)

to change the root password, go to Netinfo manager in application folders, choose Security in the FinderBar and disable the root user. then enable it, it will ask for a new password.

mroblivious1bmf (2008-02-15)

Does not work and i have a pretty highend computer. [amd, also]
the vm crashes during bootup.
do not download

gzez (2008-02-18)

mroblivious1bmf: what are you talking about, it works just fine. Get some knowledge before you write stupid comments you have no clue about

MystikIncarnate (2008-02-19)

this download is GOOD!
i actually specificly came back to say that. i'm using VMWare workstation 6 in linux, and the appliance loaded and booted fine (a little slow, but fine), network works, sound works (though it doesn't sound very good). RAR seems to have been made in Windows, WinRAR had no problem decompressing it, but Archive Manager under Ubuntu 7.10 couldn't even open the RAR file.
YES! this images is slow, NO! there are no vmware tools. if you're very ambitious, you can compile the BSD VMWare tools under OS X and likely get them to work, however, this is unlikely.
I use OS X for testing only, and this image works great. helps me assist in troubleshooting Apple computers over the phone and gives me a good general idea of the workings of the operating system.

nick-napster (2008-02-20)

this is amazing!
but the fullscreen is note full???
it is black in the sides??
is it possible to fix?

jennifer1994 (2008-03-02)

This torrent signals a dawn of a new Era!
I'm running Vista Ultimate with 2.8 gigs of dreamscenes that change every day. In a window is the Mac OS. Its the freakin dynamic duo, each OS using a core or two, depending on my mood. Get the "choose your poison" wallpaper for the mac. The dreamscene torrent is on supretorrents, and ge the latest monthly Vista Ultimate. but yeah the mac in a window, awesome!!!!
I'm using adobe after effects and a bunch of adobe apps on the mac, and creating my own dreams for stardock deskscapes!

ff8raider (2008-03-05)

Works perfectly on my q6600
Ty =)

skler000 (2008-03-07)

This is OSX 10.4.10, works perfectly on VMWare 4.x and following, although it doesn't have VMWare Tools, so it's a little bit slow.
But if you want to take a look at mac osx it's excellent.
And DON'T UPLOAD TO 10.4.11!

jh3141 (2008-03-14)

Also works OK on VMWare Server 1.0.4, although display updates are somewhat slow. Installing a VNC server and using that rather than the VMWare console helped. Note that memory size is set to 512MB, which may be too high for your system (depending on memory size and what else it's doing, of course). I set it down to 360MB and everything seems to be working fine.

cbyp1981 (2008-03-29)

Mine says with 1.0.5
"This image was made with a version of vmware that has more features"
What does that mean? I have the latest server from What else do I need?

HMPCAMPHILL (2008-04-03)

Muckin Fagic! Bloody AMAZING, this guy is just.. well.. id buy him a drink! This is great, lovely addition, right at the setup screen, im running this through an oldish laptop AMD Turion 64 MK-36 with a gig of ram, it runs fine... I got vista ultimate with all effects running, ubuntu 7.10 in vmware, and This OSX running also, not a problem...
Only a note, when you bring this into VMWARE workstation 6... it asks you if you MOVED or COPIED it.. i just clicked copied and it came straight up..
Synthetix's once again your a fking STAR!
Let me know when you get leopard just like this!
Also id quite like to get it running 1280x800.....
Anyone with any clues.. just leave comment on here...
Cheers Chucky Eggs

Magallanes (2008-04-04)

Thanks for the file:
Q:it runs?
A:yes, but require ss3
Q:is it fast?
A:No, slow has hell (ok, not so slow but a lot burden).
Q: Vmware tools?
A:To the date, there are not vmware tools for osx, alternate you can check:

and check

(exist a alternate vmware tools, yet it's slow).

Magallanes (2008-04-04)

check this (or my other links)

RoninXI (2008-04-08)

This is the 4th time I have tried one of these but I keep getting the "file is too large" error can anyone tell me what I have to do to get these stupid things running? I have tried VMWare server and workstation I get the same error on both. I am sure it is a simple solution but I don't know what to look for I just got done Googling the shit for over an hour.
VMWare fusion never gives me any problems another reason to fucking hate windows.

zhou.fei.fei (2008-04-20)

Are u using FAT32 as your partition where you are unzipping this vmware image? There's a single-file-size limit (of ~4gb) on FAT32 partitions

shadowlord44 (2008-04-28)

Works but slow as hell :D
thx man

tengeta (2008-05-08)

10.4.10? sweet! if this works i'll be a happy guy, thanks!

ripnullnet (2008-05-16)

After 'unrar x OSX.rar' in Linux, you will need to run 'chmod +x OSX/FreeBSD.vmx'. I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 server i386 on Q6600 and VMware Server 1.0.4 from Canonical repository.
Once you import OSX/FreeBSD.vmx into your VMware Console's Inventory, edit the settings for CD-ROM and floppy to autodetect instead of E: and A: respectively. You could just disconnect the floppy drive as recent Macs do not even have them anyway.
The OSX.vmdk HDD image is 10GB max, not preallocated, and stored in a single file. 7.07GB is available for your use after first boot.
$ du OSX/
4248564 OSX/

ripnullnet (2008-05-16)

I forgot to mention in CD-ROM, Use a physical drive Host, Device auto detect, check Legacy emulation or your CD-ROM may demand keeping the tray open. Once Legacy emulation is checked, the tray stays closed.

nick-napster (2008-06-30)

Somone who has a virtual machine of osx leopard?

chikitychinaguy (2008-07-18)

im not able to make a system snapshot
whats wrong?
also, is there any usb support yet?

japgolly (2008-07-19)

works a treat. Thanks!!!!

malanco (2008-08-14)

wtf.. its asking me a password to unrar it =(, whats that password??

brohken (2008-08-17)

VMWare Fusion on OS X 10.5.3:
This product has expired and your virtual machine cannot be powered on.
Be sure that your host machine's date and time are set correctly.
There is a more recent version available at the VMware Fusion Web site:

nengiharu (2008-08-19)

anyone else finding that the vmdk file isnt un-rared. Ive tried un raring on mac with zipeg and unrar-x no luck and without the osx.vmdk it wont work.

Mikkion (2008-09-09)

i get my hopes up reading about this torrent.. i have been trying to install different kinds of osx versions on my vmware without succeeding :( so i hope this is some good shit! :)

Mikkion (2008-09-10)

oh my lurk.. its working, and its niiiice :D but it is a bit slow.. but who cares?!?! :D cheeers mate

cyberterrorist (2008-10-06)

fuckin killer 1mb/s dl!! will seed 100% of neighboors bandwith!!...dont ask

Hutlernn (2008-11-13)

I got Intel Pentium D... Will it Work, or am I screwed?

Flitskikker (2008-11-14)

What is this sh*t?!
I try running it, but keep getting launchd..................... Illegal instruction
getty repeating too quickly on port ....
What am I doing wrong?

BLuNTeD (2008-11-23)

I dunno why people bother with these virtual machines when you can quite easily dual/triple boot into Vista/OSX Leopard, and ubuntu all from one PC, I have my machine setup with 4 different drives, one with my Vista installation and all my games, another with Leopard 10.5.5, and another with the latest Ubuntu... I don't get these virtual machine things at all and don't see the point in them?
The current system I am running now is a lot faster than my own core 2 duo 2,17ghz 17" iMac, my system is an Athlon 4200+X2 Dual core o/ced to 2.8ghz, nd 4GB of DDR2 800mhz RAM o/ced to 950mhz and it is completely stable, I have an asus M2N4 SLI mobo, and a Gefore 8800GX 768mb video card, and it flies with all three OSes....
If these VMware versions of OSX are slow then why dont you just install OSX86 (one of the many distro's I suggest Kalyway 10.5.2 for the easiest installation) and see how well it performs on your system, getting the drivers to work is simple enough if you know which kexts to look for....

filecore (2008-12-12)

Installed perfectly for me and is useable apart from no network connection, but I haven't figured out yet if that's to do with the VM or not. Otherwise it works as advertised, no problems. It's a bit slow and can lag when executing commands but that's hardly surprising and not the fault of the download since I'm running it in a VM on a box with these specs: Pentium 4 2.8GHz, 2GB (4x512) PC2700, nVidia 7600GS.

cary286 (2008-12-13)

wonderfull under linux :)

nick-napster (2008-12-25)

WOW! nice i have tryed to install osx on my hp computer in years! and it all failed, so i tryed this virtual machine, and it worked as dam!! GREATE! thanks!!!, but is it possible to extract this vmware image into a partition or usb stick, and boot it with my computer??

joeocity (2009-01-03)

Im using it on a virtual machine and im running amd. I have tried every iso image leopard amd has to offer, nothing worked....thnks

dtex (2009-01-15)

I really want this to work.
I have SSE3 instruction set compliant processors. I have vwware workstation 6.5. I imported the torrent files into vmware. It created a virtual machine. I power it on, it loads the system files, starts booting and right after it logs "configuring kernel extensions", it logs
Line 226: 26 Illegal Instruction kextd
It then logs other illegal instructions and goes into an endless loop of abnormal console exits.
Any one gotten around this? Any clues appreciated.

pepe0008 (2009-04-04)

This works!
I got it running on VMware Workstation 6.5 on a Core 2 Duo system running Windows 2003.
Very nice to have peep view of Mac OSX!
Thanks to the creator of this VMware Appliance, and also to those sharing it in the interwebs.

phresh1 (2009-08-23)

would this work on a 32bit?