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Friends complete DVDRip Season 1-10




Video TV


Friends complete DVDRip Season 1-10


Video/TV shows


2008-02-06 (by pliplop8414)


Complete Friends DVDRip-Box ! Very Hot !

Files count:



45063.47 Mb




Porre11 (2008-02-20)

is there any subs??

BaaGGeeN (2008-02-25)

seed plz :)

BaaGGeeN (2008-03-01)

i need this shit..seeed

BaaGGeeN (2008-03-01)


I-MrKnox-I (2008-03-20)

Quality?? Somebody please rate this!

raymondse (2008-05-06)

Damn, who made this huge-ass torrent but disabled DHT? This is gonna take forever to download man!

JacodaBurr (2008-05-09)

SEED PLEASE!! 0 SEEDS out of 962 people! PLEASE SEED

JacodaBurr (2008-05-09)

1 SEED, please SEED! Thanks!

dimmer1 (2008-06-15)

Are there any subs??????

jbaldwin (2008-07-29)

Can someone please seed :)
thanks to the uploader

dougkelf (2008-09-20)

Is this tested on a standalone divx/xvid player? Wanna play it on my dvd player not on my computer.

dougkelf (2008-10-20)

I tested the first episode of season 4 on a standalone xvid player and it worked fine.

dougkelf (2008-10-24)

Several episodes from Season 3 won't play on a regular dvd player with Xvid/DivX capabilities...

HANK1990 (2008-11-18)

59 seeders, 1124 leechers? oh no. oh no.

aplaia (2008-11-29)

has subs? what?

fanta977 (2008-12-13)


Mr_Moes (2008-12-21)

Anyone have a link for season eight subtitles (english)? I have found the subtitles for all the other seasons (use and search for friends season), however the season 8 is AEN releases and I can't seem to find any subtitles for them.

klayton88 (2008-12-28)


sri_17 (2008-12-28)

Guys plzzzzz seeed only 1 is seeding and 1138 leechers.... plzzz guys seeeeeeeeed.....

alinecrsouza (2008-12-29)

Guys please seeed only 1 is seeding and thousands of leechers.... seed seed seeeeeeeeed.....
I promise when I've finished I'll seed for at least 15 days!!! Please don't let this torrent die!!
pliplop8414 please reseed!!

pelle_91 (2009-01-25)

pliplop8414 little info about subs and all?

GuillaumeLittle (2009-02-03)

Mr Moes how did u use the subtitles cause every subtitle in the web is for chapters of about 21-22 minutes and this chapters ( i dont know why ) last nearly 23 - 24 mins so i cant find a single sub file that match with the audio =//

airmj (2009-02-21)

GuillaumeLittle: the thing is that different releases have different Frame Rate per Second (FPS). The movie consists of frames, but the frames can be played with different speed (thats this FPS), most popular are 23.976 and 25, hence the difference: 22 and 24 minutes. So if you find subtitles in 'frame format' i.e. MicroDVD (MDVD) format they will fit to any release (I think so, there is a very slight chance I might be wrong, though). You can also convert subtitles in 'time format' (in example SubRip(.srt)) to MicroDVD in i.e. Subtitle Workshop and than they should fit (remember to put correct, source file FPS, while converting).

Screamokid (2009-03-01)

This is gonna take a while. Can everyone seen once they have done? And i will too for a few weeks while i watch the episodes and maybe burn them to a DVD

BimBom (2009-03-04)

I found out that some of the subtitles are for the UNCUT versions. Its really annoying cause the uncuts are only 1 minute longer or something, but thats enough to make the subs not sync :/
I also havernt found S8 subs.

BimBom (2009-03-04)

mykten (2009-03-11)

Omg!! People seeeed pleaaase!! 1 seed.. Takes 2 weeks to download this.. or even 4.. Cmooon!

goinyard (2009-03-20)

can someone seed...

goinyard (2009-03-20)

keep this fucking shit alive bitches

steveturner (2009-04-06)

Good stuff, I'll seed this as much as I can.

Unrach (2009-04-06)

seed please.. downloading at 10kb/sec :-s

steveturner (2009-04-11)

Good stuff, thanks for the up pliplop8414.

Unrach (2009-04-13)

can there be more people seed plz? I'm stuck at 27% -.-

claytoncta (2009-05-16)

Plz keep seeding...

apostol94 (2009-06-16)

Seed Please Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddd!!!!!!!

justdoit3 (2009-06-22)

please seed!!!!! going very slow come on guys

justdoit3 (2009-06-22)

please keep seeding ill seed for life if i can get this sooner than 2 weeks

eLRuLL (2009-07-12)


LestatdDeLioncourt (2009-07-25)

plz people seeeeed!!!!!

Korpau (2009-07-28)

Started downloading.
Atleast this one is dvdrip, when the other torrent had resolution like 300x400

Korpau (2009-07-31)

So far im really happy for this, downloaded seasons 4-6 and everyone had good quality.

skltr21 (2009-08-12)

seriously......... no one is seeding this. it's going at 2.6k/sec........ awesome. it's gonna take like a year to dl this

cskid99 (2009-08-13)

guys pls seed.. i've been downloadin it for a week..

neotokyo (2009-08-26)

s10e17-18 is actually s10e19-20 so you need to get the first one from another source. otherwise very nice a/v quality. thanks.

chritz (2009-09-06)

please someone seed this

thponto (2009-09-11)

Please, enable DHT.
Keep seed!

thponto (2009-09-13)

is tracker offline?

Nabarun (2009-09-23)

What the hell is wrong with this torrent? I have almost finished it, and my total upload is way more than what I got from it. Only a handful of seeds and hundreds of peers who aren't at all friendly enough to be watching "friends". Yeah, tpb tracker is down alright, but how come every other torrent is so fast? Come on people, do some seeding... don't simply watch others being friendly.... be friendly yourself!

Nabarun (2009-09-30)

Alright, the last 2 files - namely s10e17-18 and s10e19-20 ARE exactly the same. I HAD read neotokyo's above comment but had forgotten about the episodes. Anyway, the overall quality of the videos/audio is excellent, and I thank the uploader and generous seeders for their friendly, superb contribution. But now that it's over, I feel jobless, hopeless, funless, wierd, etc etc etc.....
Good thing is "House" is returning in 2 weeks in a real "mental" season ;)

SEoF (2009-10-08)

Yer, there seem to actually be no seeds, despite what the tracker informs us. I have been getting this at the rate of 0.01kb/s for the last month or so (since I hit 80%).

Nechep (2009-10-14)


iceflame28 (2009-11-27)

try these trackers, i got stuck with the download but these helped me..


iceflame28 (2009-11-27)

and for the 10th season, there are only 18 episodes, so "s10e17-18 and s10e19-20" are the same because "s10e19-20" doesnt really exist..
check here :

iceflame28 (2009-11-27)

Although i would say that "s10e19-20" is the better between the two, its length is 50:06.
And "s10e17-18" is 48:05.

luukx20 (2009-12-24)

Didnt watch all yet, but for now all is fine!
Took a while to download, but definately worth it.
I'll be seeding for as long as I can.

marvelues (2010-01-18)

thank you

Boardman69 (2010-01-21)

More seeders please...
Thank you :)

2sweet4ya (2010-01-23)

please seed :) tnx

Jonnez- (2010-01-29)

Cmon seed :|

burningashes (2010-01-29)

Guys.. It will take a long time to download. Be prepared for 5-9 Days of downloading.
---> Seeding is important when your finished. Dont be Selfish. Upload at least 44.01 GB. The more you are selfish, the more those criminal corporations win.

ipfreely5 (2010-02-10)

Please someone seed!!!

digipixxx (2010-03-13)

Plz seed .. Im on 88% and downloading since a month. Plz

Rab310709 (2010-03-17)

i've been downloading for 7 days straight and i have only reached 0.2% ? i'm disappointed that so many people nowadays dont seed...

LardLady (2010-03-23)

Yo DiDDlY Oh!
SEED up please, I've tried once before Yo and got no where no hoh!
So if yOu like dis douh,
you'll gimme some more of yo flow!
Re-seed if thou once seeded before!

rizwan_12 (2010-04-01)


_Zotov_ (2010-04-21)

If the quality is good i'll be seeding this 10x, as always ;)

omisalman (2010-04-22)

the quality is good, and the serial is worth downloading, even though it takes a long time.

FixeR_m (2010-05-03)


13ds (2010-05-22)

add these trackers and the ones mentioned above by iceflame28

2sweet4ya (2010-05-24)

i'm stuck at 64 % and i have been downloading it for 2 months :S
please seed :)

kshste (2010-05-25)

WTF is this?
Nobody seeds & still expect others to seed for them.
Will definitely take 2-3 months of 24/7 downloading to complete.

badboy201080 (2010-06-01)


Illu5S5 (2010-06-10)

I just downloaded its sample.
Quality is awesome but torrent speed is Aweful :(
I wonder how many weeks it will take to
complete download ? :@
Plz ppl SEED n SEED as much as u can !!!

syednuman (2010-06-15)

please seed

syednuman (2010-06-15)

please seed anyone

syednuman (2010-06-15)

not getting good speed
please seed

syednuman (2010-06-15)

this torrent sucks big time
fuc* you all

Bullitfreeflow (2010-06-25)

Torrent looks great, i'll up with 2MB/s for a while.
Download speed is good enough by the way, around 1MB/s...

Rab310709 (2010-07-20)

hey guys i've just finished downloading this.. took 5 months but thats not the reason for my post.
the overall quality is amazing and i'd like to point out some things to the people who are still downloading this.. s7e21 needs to be formatted from an .ogm file to an .avi file (no real problem there many programs can do the job) i also noticed that all the "part 1 and part 2 episodes" for example s7e23+24 "monica and chandlers wedding part 1 and part 2" they have been put into the one file. i thought i'd point that out before people complain there are missing episodes when there isn't.
i am very happy to say that although this took 5 months to download it is well worth the wait and for all those that complain and stuff well i shall remind you that you are getting this product for free so dont be so negative !! have a good day and happy downloading. thanks also to pliplop8414 for the upload. much appreciated man xD

urbanpirate51 (2010-07-27)

to those having speed problems:
google this hash (
) and add the trackers that you find

ode777 (2010-07-29)

Oiskohan t?h?n toimivia suomitekstityksi

tharuu001 (2010-08-05)

am i da quickest downloader? just 2 days, im gonna seed nxt 3days
keep it live guys

veetmano (2010-08-13)

Hi guys i am using vuze as my download appication and i am getting very good download speed, for me vuze is much better application than utorrent. I will be finished downloading may be in 24 hrs!!!! will seed for days. i hope this helps some one.

iFearlessx (2010-08-15)

Took 17 hours to download, I'll seed for a while

ronigil (2010-08-23)

seed please

SuperEndre (2010-08-26)

Seed please -.- =O

SuperEndre (2010-08-26)

SED as hell!

SuperEndre (2010-08-26)

SEED as hell!

gautam1618 (2010-08-28)

hey can anybody give me the subtitles link to ..

death2010 (2010-08-29)

Gr8 Torrent....
Gr8 Share.

ibg270 (2010-09-15)

did anyone of u had problems playing e02 and e12 of s30 and e01 of s04....i couldn't figure out the problem...its not a codec problem though..i tried to fix it..but it says, "this is not an avi file."

hse86 (2010-09-21)

Thanks, Very fast, 2 days
I will seed for 2 weeks

animelover098 (2010-09-24)

I'm stuck at 1% ~ and i dont have any trackers~~~ ????

kartoos1 (2010-09-24)

Is this torrent dead??? I am stuck at 87.8%.

kelvinang (2010-09-27)

Many Seeders but my dl rate still low.. =(.. haha.. but great torrent. Thanks phliplop

LiTtLeDizZyURiNe (2010-09-29)

nah the torrent isn't dead its just that there are WAY more leechers than seeders

SunshinePlenty (2010-10-02)

I was tryN 2 d/l. R thr nE seeders tht will allow? If so, plz seed. Thx!

SunshinePlenty (2010-10-02)

Cud a seeder pretty plz seed me?

Ganondorf1 (2010-10-07)


TaRuN_010 (2010-10-13)



ABOVE FILES ARE SAME...while downloading u can skip one of these. save 350 MB.

azrulleus (2010-10-20)

No, don't skip anything. It will make the torrent look incomplete to subsequent downloaders.

sseanbartonn (2010-10-22)

someone please seed, i've been on 7% for days now.

Illu5S5 (2010-10-30)

This torrent is fuking tooo slow :X

9warez (2010-11-20)

I am uploading for a 3 days about 5GB,but downloaded is nearly 2.5GB.
Both seeders and leechers keep upload limit as unlimited,don't be selfish....

shhash (2010-11-30)

English Subtitles for complete seasons, compatible with this torrent

Quak89 (2010-12-01)

can someone seed plz? dl is very slow

metern_fra_norge (2010-12-02)

please seed. stuck at 80%

sleeeepyhead (2010-12-05)

VERY slow torrent PLEASE SEED!!

Quak89 (2010-12-05)

seed plz, stuck at 97% -_- will seed when done

jauser (2010-12-10)

I'm seeding this (hooray!)
but does any1 have the problem where a bunch of episodes doesn't play (aka not working!)
but those that are... pretty great a/v

 MitZep (2010-12-12)

betterquality torrent smaller size just need more seeders its an awesome torrent...

Engelman (2010-12-30)

133 seeders and under 10 kb/s in download rate. What the fuck is going on?

Artbeats (2011-01-01)

I downloaded it completely and im now seeding
thnx for the upload it works great and there are subtitles for the foreigners and people that are bad at english :P

Queefrag (2011-01-07)

downloading now, SEED PLS 5.0kb/s :(

Polgara34 (2011-01-31)

C'mon people plz seed, I have an Download speed of around 50kb/s and an upload seed of around 800kb/s Seed PLZ!

peppermint88 (2011-02-17)

I have uploaded 83 GB and will continue, you are welcome

InTheSea (2011-02-26)

^I have uploaded 202 GB.... you are welcome....
All my torrents are uploaded over 5.0 Ratio.

gabbento (2011-03-12)

I just started downloading it so, if anybody could seed, i would be very thankful

eLRuLL (2011-04-17)

seeedddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please!!! im stuck in 18% please SEED please SEED please SEED please SEED

warlock2204 (2011-04-20)

uploaded 229 GB.......ur welcome.....

eLRuLL (2011-04-29)

Thanks!!!,, someone could help me find SPANISH SUBTITLES :)!!!

danifa10 (2011-05-09)

OMG this torrent is FAST!!!
now downloading on 2mb\sec
thanks for all seeders and leechers

gordon2008tk (2011-05-25)

How can it be that my Torrent Client tells me that DHT is not enabled? And is it only me or openBitTorrent doesn't work?

christo7 (2011-05-26)

I got 17% downloaded, and today uTorrent says there are 0 seeders and 0 leechers. WTH?

MichaelEvz360 (2011-05-26)

There's an episode missing out of season 1 that i have come across so far. Think its S01E19

vinambrudu (2011-06-03)

thanks man..

styjt13 (2011-06-05)

awesome work for awesome show !!

Anubis_Seth (2011-06-17)

In Germany, Australia and New Zealand, they have started airing remastered widescreen 720p episodes of friends.
I have managed to find up to season 3.
These episodes are not stretched or upscaled, they are true wide screen.
I want to upload them so everyone can enjoy it.
I have created my torrent and tried to upload it to thepiratebay but it wont let me upload it.
I am a new user, never uploaded anything before, is there a waiting period or something for new uploaders?

cristianer (2011-06-30)

Is it good quality?

cumeoh (2011-07-04)

Please Seed This Torrent...
Seeders 110 - Activity - 6 ?!?!?!

bilalrehmat (2011-07-13)

Seed Please, I am Stuck at 25%

gauthams (2011-07-16)

Though seeders column show 22 seeder, but still i am not able to download in utorrent.. in the seed column in utorrent, it says 0 seeders..
please advice, what should be done ?
if there are any seeders, please start seeding

prashan68 (2011-07-17)

Please keep seeding

jtang (2011-07-19)


xtinepena (2011-07-20)

do you know where to download subtitles for this?

betel75 (2011-07-21)

Stuck at 97.7%. Tracker seems not to be working anymore (connection always impossible or timed out).
Any advise?

jtang (2011-07-27)

please keep seeding! i love FRIENDS

cesc4arse (2011-07-28)

can someone please help's about S08E01,it actually isn't that episode...i can't figure out which one is it...

cesc4arse (2011-07-28)

em,ok,it actually is,but it's cut off...

ambrosiaz (2011-07-29)

please more seeds!

RoJe25 (2011-08-03)

peeps asking for more seeds: your connection must be pretty shit cus I'm getting my max d/l speed at 40MB/s here. So stop whining about the seeds, it must be ur connection!
Thanks for the great upload!

kdon27 (2011-09-05)

need a SEEDER??? -

Topazskillmauler (2011-09-06)

I finished downloading this in 12 hours and no, I won't seed. Losers

lampstraw (2011-09-14)

Someone please seed? getting nothing here, thanks :)

neteel (2011-09-19)

Thank you PlipPlop8414. I will SEEDS, we need SEEDERS... F**K the one who won'ts seed, that's a loser.

lieveke (2011-09-28)

sorry u guys the seeding will take like 3 months...
finished downloading in 22 hrs.
thanx 4 teh upload!

jassies (2011-10-09)


ronytal (2011-10-17)

great torrent! watched 8 seasons so far... episode 6 of season 8 is messed up... any chance you can fix it?
other than that AWESOME WORK!
thanks a lot!!!

warlock2204 (2011-10-26)

this one is far more gud .........

mekakkar (2011-11-09)

great torrents.....................
mine was just completed.................
already uploded around 55gb...........
will beuploading till the ratio of 2:1

united123 (2011-12-05)

please seed!!!!!

u2020bullet (2011-12-06)

commenting to see all comments

lordoftime (2011-12-06)

So why is season 7 in PAL format when all the other is NTSC?

NCS90009 (2012-01-20)

Just started downloading, hopefully goes quick :-) Will seed after im done if you guys need me 2.

kenuye (2012-02-03)

It took me a week and four days to download ! 8.67 GB uploaded. I'm Going to seed this for a long time ! Cheers guys and thank you uploader !
*i just found out there are almost half size of this torrent file out there but Still happy with this !*

peacetin (2012-02-17)

Nice, you guys are awesome. Got the whole thing in 20 hours and I've almost uploaded 45 GB myself. I'll keep seeding as long as I can for ya!

Darksamus28 (2012-03-09)

Can someone start a seed on this mine still hasn't started the seeding yet thanks again

emesma (2012-03-18)

No one is seeding, it even is at 0% on all leachers, this one should be delete if this keeps going.

anuj.mehta15 (2012-04-03)

Thank you.. just started... plz seed

hermesan (2012-11-26)

Thank you so much, i will seed at least 1x1

yurified (2012-12-22)

please seed :(

Klakwa (2013-01-10)

Well audio quality isn't very good, I even get a 32kb/s on the first episode, wtf ?
Anyway thanks for the upload, downloading the 1st season and seeding

Artie93 (2013-01-11)

Please seed!!!
just started downloading!

SNT7650 (2013-03-07)

PLZ SEED!!!!!!!!!!!

SNT7650 (2013-03-09)


warson11 (2013-04-15)


techno4com (2013-04-19)

seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed pls guys