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Software Mac






2008-12-10 (by lukechal)


Final Cut Pro 5 for Mac OsX This is a fantastic Video Sequencer Just enjoy!


  1. Final Cut Pro 5 Mac os x os x

Files count:



978.46 Mb




andrewe13 (2008-12-10)

this is like 2 + years old ..
6.05 is out ! this is not as "fanastic" of a video sequencer as 6.05 is, I reccomend..
Good effort on the upload though.

lukechal (2008-12-10)

seeding now started

Whizzbizz (2008-12-18)

No problem, no bullshit. Thank you!!!

michaelrwatson (2009-01-07)

Are you retarted? FCP *2* was a great program. This is version 6 and a great torrent (assuming it works). What do you want for free?
One thing, however: is this the PowerPC (G4/G5) or Intel version??

paraya (2009-01-23)

HELP. I'm new to this. It asks for "soundtrack" and "Live" CDs when installing. How do you get around this?

WildlyWity (2009-01-29)

I just tried to download this software (using Windows XP laptop with plan to put on flash drive and transfer to Mac), and got a McAfee flash warning that the JS/Wonka trojan was detected and eliminated.
Thought you all should know that.

Dennemegeresmarte (2009-01-29)

ive got a problem when final cut ask for serial key, and it doesen´t seems to accept the key who came with the torrent :S help anyone ?

tliz (2009-02-05)

I'm new at this too and can't find the serial number... am I just blind?

m2a0c9k (2009-03-10)

if this one is so old can someone link to the new one?

YpsiFrog (2009-04-02)

OK, its not the newest version, it IS what its labeled and works

sam6_6 (2009-04-05)

The torrent worked fine, but I can't see the serial number anywhere. Was there one included or am I on my own?

Nelnik (2009-06-08)

how do you install this? sorry im new at this.

khashy1986 (2009-06-24)

it's asking for serial number! anyone can help me with that?

faudeeezy (2009-06-26)

you guys need to leave the dashes. just copy and paste each induvidual serial key in the requested slot. worked great for me. thanks!

sk8fast (2009-07-28)

to get around the disc insert thing you just choose not to install the things that require discs (the ones with the arrows next to them)

sk8fast (2009-07-28)

i just got it to work an ive had it for about a day so far it works fine

tkeddie (2009-08-01)

downloading at 1.11MB/s thank you seeders

pennywise2397 (2009-08-02)

why is it that when i click on install final cut studio, itunes opens and thats it...

Jag794 (2009-12-02)

hey how do i download this i am new to this site.

jeb6706 (2009-12-15)

The download was really quick and the serials worked except the Final Cut pro HD one: the other two have green checks but that one won't approve and I just copied and pasted from the .rtf. wtf?

feedme (2010-01-08)

This is for Power processors only apparently, it won't install on my new macbook pro

grewell912 (2010-01-31)

@feedme If you don't have rosetta installed it won't work with the universal binaries. Since you have a new MBP I am guessing that it has Snow Leopard on it. You would need to install it. simple google will do.

lestatvvvvvv (2010-02-13)

easy question for you guys *maybe* is there away to convert to avi to a dvd format? I have a mac book pro running 10.6.2 an a drive full of avis that I want to put to dvds and play on any dvd player
any ideas Im a sound guy not a video guy

cecilia1234 (2010-02-14)

@ lestatvvvvvv you can do it very easily using Toast

gabye (2010-02-26)

Need seeders!!!

pyromcr24 (2010-02-28)

this thing downloaded so fast and works perfectly!

nmic16 (2010-05-06)


train2u (2010-06-05)

Here is how to install:
Uncheck all the options that have the "arrow drop down" such as DVD Studio, Motions, Soundtrack Pro, Motions, Compressor, etc. Uncheck it all! That will get you pass the requiring disc part.
The S/Ns are all included in a separate file. Just open it and copy/paste it in the appropriate line (a green check will appear indicating it's a valid code). Do Not Register. Just check Register Later and you're all set.

Maxx118 (2010-08-06)

Its not working, it wont let me click ok when i insert the serial in the registration! Please Help!

Maxx118 (2010-08-06)

Sorry, i ment licensing! ^^^

trainwreck79 (2010-08-09)

I have a 2.4 ghz Intel Mac Book Pro, but when i try to install the alert appears that i do not have the right hardware to install, can anyone fill me in ? Thanks

carpii (2010-08-12)

I wish the uploader had made this clear :(
Now, you can normally run PowerPC binaries on Intel OSX, thanks to Rosetta, but this wont help you here.
The installer checks your CPU name contains PowerPC and if not, bombs out. You can bypass this by editing a textfile in the package contents (distribution.*), and get it to return true from the CheckProcessor function. In order to edit them, you have to copy all the files to your hard drive.
But after that it will still bomb out because it cant find the other packages. I gave up at this point, but now that Ive deleted it all, I think its because I was running it from my desktop, and hadnt repackaged it into a new DMG.
Good luck if someone wants to continue working on it

meheler (2010-09-15)

What is the serial number?

Tron2023 (2010-10-02)

Can someone please post a list of the programs that this package contains? Example: Livetype, Color, dvd pro, motion, or any of the others?
Thanks in advance!

DxBiLL (2011-01-08)

thanx i'll return to comment on dl speed and content untill arggghhhh mateyyys

maddy99u (2011-01-28)


hey guys try this after all the hassle this serial worked for me...and for the error message,do installation 1 by 1 by clicking each check box at a time...
god bless u and start your creativity and help others...

pferrer3 (2011-05-18)

I copied and pasted the serial # but i the the continue button doesnt pop up... what do i do? i left the dashes and everything

nicofern28 (2011-08-18)

is it running with lion?
any help would be appreciated,

Datswatshesaid (2011-09-28)

work on lion?


1. Final-Cut-Pro-Mac-OsX-Serial-Full/Final Cut Studio 5.dmg 978.46 Mb
2. Final-Cut-Pro-Mac-OsX-Serial-Full/FinalCutPro5MacSerial.rtf 524 bytes