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Games PC
2011-01-29 (by globeplus)
*Helo PC games fans ...
* Play the new Dead Space game ...
* FILE INFO : minor work on the videos , just needing the subtitles enabled for 1 video from the menus , few languages not possible (sorry but in a game with this size for sa pratical file that maked sense) , english ok and not shore but French too just a matter to try , the others probably not entirely correct or with problems , the file includes a working crack but not shore if 100% ok to the all game but the game start fine and normal with the keybord looking fine
* Gameplay *
Dead Space 2 is a survival horror third-person shooter. The player controls Isaac
Clarke from a third-person point of view, looking over the character's right shoulder.
The game features no HUD elements, relying on holograms projected from the player
character and his weapons to show information such as messages and ammunition
count, respectively. Player health and stasis is shown by a visual indicator located on Isaac's back. Isaac must fight an alien organism that infects and takes control of humans, turning them into "Necromorphs", killing them and mutating their bodies.
Necromorphs must be dismembered as the alien organism controls host bodies via tentacles extending into their limbs. Other, larger types of Necromorphs that cannot be dismembered will often have yellow, glowing pustules, indicating weak spots.
The player may upgrade their weapons and armor at work benches, using nodes
found throughout the game. In-game stores may be accessed where the player may buy and sell various items and attain new weapons and suits. The player encounters zero-G environments, which Isaac is capable of maneuvering
with thrusters thrusters attached to his suit.
* enjoy ...
Files count:
3400.31 Mb
globeplus (2011-01-30)
INFO : Crack comportment looking good after more tests , i recommend to play with a controller but keybord ok too .Cheers to all of you ...
globeplus (2011-01-30)
Quick note : don´t forget to enable the subtitles on the options inside the game menu .globeplus (2011-01-30)
MORE INFO : i removed a couple of Dat files that was supposed to be for some languages , unfornatly with a better observation this file like it is can be called a real RIP , why ? because the subtitles or audio on some videos not working , one of the dat files that is big in size had the english audio for videos too , to play is ok but audio on the videos or subtitles not existant on the game , i am asking to myself , reupload or try to do an extra file by links for the videos audio and subtitles and by the way this extra files have german , italian and spanish too included .Sorry folks ! This is a real RIP , i will analise what can i do with the missing files but i need sometime , thank you for understand this little equivoc but the intention was with the supression of a few languages get a real nice size for everyone but unfornatly the videos audio and the subtitles was included too on them , i will see now what can i do about that and i tell something later , keep in touch with this comments for more information .
lazlow555 (2011-01-30)
crack fix included?JRidic (2011-01-30)
hello there Globe@Finally some new games after a heap of vids
have you got a new forum
i am currently building a new server
you are welcome to build a forum on it.
formats available are Wordpress, Phpbb3, Concrete cms
more soon
post comment to let me know
keep up good work...
other people out there who would like a forum hosted
leave massage here .
all the best to you all..
Jack Ridic
globeplus (2011-01-30)
Unfornatly because it is audio the compression sucks and the size of the file is really close 2 gb with a shit compression not to much less than that , so inadvertdly i probably did the right thing , my advice is go to YOUTUBE and watch walkthrough videos with complete chapters beeing played then you listen the audio and watch how to play , sorry guys , it wasn´t with intention but all the gameplay still available looks like that and working good .globeplus (2011-01-30)
To Jridic : i take the opportunity to say what happen : after more than an year with the forum they putted the forum under contestation with a full list of possible motives without specification , what i mean is the correct procedure respecting a long time user of a forum is to send amessage in private giving some time to correct some post or post under contestation or removing hem informing the administartor telling why , in any of this cases the forum still going with normality and certainly i can write posts or making an important notice talking about one or another incorrect post and the consequences and certainly advising for procediures like that but after more than an year with normal posts not borring anyone and collecting more than 120 possible participants it was offensive and incorrect putting a forum without a specific motive under contestation without contactating first the administartor , so my friend , because this in my opinion incorrect behaviour with the administrator i decided not to contestate and let the message keep in there to the possible users have a feeling what can happen to them if they open a forum on tha site on a shiny day . Go to my blog or here , i don´t have to much time now , this days to make files or forums , i need to get and keep a job really soon or i get in trouble but my sharing hobby now it depends on the few available time that i can get if i get the work , the true is that everybody needs a job to pay the bills and i am not an exception . Cheers .lucid657 (2011-01-30)
What Dat Files are ripped? I tried to remove the ones that did were not needed for english, but the game wouldnt start. Can you tell me which ones you removed, i need the space.Thanks
soldierofthelam (2011-01-30)
@globeyou are so annoying!!!
its not a full rip if you screwed up all the cut-scenes and have no audio for the game moron!!!!!
your videos are so compressed and sized down they look like shit when they do work.!
here is an ideal, the game in english for multi with all other language taken out is only
10 gigs, you mean to tell me you can"t high compress 10 gigs to 6gigs?
and to answer before you think to much you can!!!!
prateek29chandra (2011-01-30)
hey globe cn u mak another file.. 4 gb to 4.5 gb will be fine for ths superb game. please try to include ingame english audio. lower quality videos fine till we cn see little bit. whts ripped in thi version. please make it clear.globeplus (2011-01-30)
To lucid657 : dat files 0 and 1 , they have audio for videos and subtitles for a few languages and the compression sucks , so use the youtube videos and the gameplay looks okTo soldierofthelam : the type of videos on this game is avi vp6 from EA not the most convencional bik videos , i leave it intact all of them , only worked 1 without audio because the converter didn´t include him and removed only a couple of logos that doesn´t matter , so absolute correct and clean work about the videos and watch your language , you don´t even know how it is the videos and started to criticisize
To prateek29chandra : unfornatly the not included audio files have a hard compression , so it is more than the refered size , watch the youtube videos that i said writing dead space 2 on the search and look for visual walkthroughs , the gameplay is looking normal and fine without any problem
globeplus (2011-01-30)
For audio on the videos or another languages read the next web page to have all the information .http://cs.rin
(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)
globeplus (2011-01-30)
video walkthrough here on the next link and from this one , use the index of the videos on the right side of the page to watch the gameplay in all the game , i know that this is not the most conventional work but was without intention and the gameplay is ok and like this it is a real pratical file :
(copy or write in succession the link to the address bar)
globeplus (2011-01-30)
To sakti01 : don´t be disappointed , if you use the link of for the videos audio and languages you understand why i worked like this removing 0 and 1 dat files and i repeat the gameplay still ok and you really have videos walkthroughs available to followhiteshbisht16 (2011-01-30)
i logged in to TPB after few months specially to comment here :)globe i enjoy all your rips they work good but we wudnt mind if the size was 1 or 2 GB more its all cool till size is like 5 GB for rips but u took the fun away coz the vids hav certain probs and subtitles wont work too :( but anyway i m dwnlding this
and i appreciate ur hard work and hope u get an awesome job bro :)
bLusiLv (2011-01-30)
@soldierofthelamyou are the annoying one dude! globe doesnt force you to download this release.. if you dont like it, dont blurt ur hates to him, better shut up and find another one.. just see other member, they give their opinion and thats the way you should be..
bLusiLv (2011-01-30)
@globethis size is good, but u can take ur time.. i believe with this size, ur release still could be perfect. just take ur time to know more about the files (like which files to make this english only) and perhaps wait for new crackfix (if u havent put it yet).. and video works, i like ur video works actually, small size with decent quality. if im not wrong u use sorenson right? well thats it i'll wait for the better rips from u.
Josha5000 (2011-01-30)
Does anybody how to get the ds1 weapons in ds2?I have an old savegame, but it won't work.
lucid657 (2011-01-30)
@Josha5000You have to find the schematics around the game.
Shoobox (2011-01-30)
you don't need to compress the game so far down to a low gig, compressing the movies to a small size to the point of a shitty cam video is retarded!!!
a 10 gig game file easily can compress to 6.7 gig or even lower if done right!
so wasting peopling time on a game without sound on a video or even a decent video to play the game for the game to make since and enjoyable is a waste of time and download.
globeplus (2011-01-30)
AMAZING NEWS : after lot of research i am starting to get the first indicies of the possibility of a mirror file that it will be the first file presented like this AND NOW ALL OF YOU ASK ME : WHAT YOU MEAN WITH A MIRROR FILE ?A mirror file is a worked file that have all the conteud of the main file , in this case the DAT0 that have the subtitles and the videos audio with much less size , my first experiences indicates for subtitles and audio on videos fully working on the first chapter , now the only doubt is , this can happen in all the game beside the fact that it is a mirror file ? That can be the answer that the users can answer .
This mirror file is compressed in a very common winrar file then the user move the rar file inside the game folder and proceed with the extration a DAT0 file will be now available inside the folder and at the next time the user launch the game the subtitles and the videos audio inside the game will work with normality .
Soon , a link with this file will be available here or at my blog , final question :
answer : 91.5 MB in RAR FILE TYPE .
soon available ... Thank you .
globeplus (2011-01-30)
MIRROR FILE TESTED AND CONFIRMED WORKING AT LEAST ON THE FIRST CHAPTER .Thank you , the link to this mirror file will be soon available .
globeplus (2011-01-30)
unit56 (2011-01-30)
fuck all the poeple with bad comments you're the best and will always bethanks!!
lucid657 (2011-01-30)
Sorry Globe, i tried it, and its still missing audio from conversations, im on chapter 04. Also, vp6 files contain both audio and video, its just a painstaking process to convert them, ive done it before for nfs.Shoobox (2011-01-30)
@unit56dumbazz twat you know nothing of ripped movies go back to your crayons!!!
globeplus (2011-01-30)
To xtatict : read the commentsTo lucd657 : i am doubting that you really downloaded and extracted inside the game folder this mirror file but remeber the start of the game without any subtitles and the strat videos voices without working , NOW OK and by the way , i think i can be at the 2nd chapter and still evrything working with only this mirror file beside the main file , videos audio and subtitles but i will say more after a some more but everything great on the 1st chapter for shore .
globeplus (2011-01-31)
I am trying to understand why i am still getting negative votes , the users can believe me when i say that the mirror file is working and the inicial situation wasn´t with intention anyway , after this i simply don´t know what the users want anyway !!!I think can be users out there viciated in trying to importunate the files no matter what and yes it is true with this mirror file we got DEAD SPACE 2 for close 3.4 gb in total , 3.32 gb from the main file + 91.6 mb from the mirror file .
229373 (2011-01-31)
PLEASE SEEED !!, NO ONE SEED D: !Shoobox (2011-01-31)
Were not fools we all know you can vote your own upload!!!!globeplus (2011-01-31)
Now confirmed : audio from video and subtitles ok too on the start of the chapter 2 with the mirror file , the difference that i am getting playing the game with the original or with the mirror is only randomly a few not important voices but on the start of the chapters and general voices on the gameplay really fine with the mirror : TRUE !!!Cheers , let´s play !!!
globeplus (2011-01-31)
I am now on Chapter 3 and everything great , so i can´t see any problem to the users use this file to play , keep your downloading speeds better as possible . Let´s play this game .globeplus (2011-01-31)
To shoobox : you´re right about the upload votes and someone that probably that with a bitch comportment it is beeing entertained giving negative votes and you know what : that don´t change a thing the gameplay is ok anyway , just votes ... and it will be better if this type of files disappear because then it will be less options for the users that appreciate this type of work and because one or another bitch that like to disrepect the uploaders , the others will get less options , so for me keep giving negative votes , can be 500 that i don´t care but of course if the file it will be removed by me or maybe someone else who knows , well that it is because this bitch comportment disrepecting a honest work for this type of files .See you and please keep going with your stupidity ... Bye and i hope the others will thank you for that .
SergioKool (2011-01-31)
you say that the voices and sounds and subtitles are gone ?Oo so how we gonna play without it :s i want to play the fullgame not half of it :/ but anyway tks for upload ^^229373 (2011-01-31)
man, this game is getting boring without sound, i mean, the scary scenes, are gone, why?, there's no sound from the monsters :s, i'm on chapter 5 now and. this need the sounds effects from monsters :s . i'm downloading the 17gb, 1 week sure but at least i will shit out my pants playing it .thanks anyway
unit56 (2011-01-31)
globei have a ds2.exe system error
it says that i dont have d3dx9_43.dll
monu432 (2011-01-31)
@unit 56 Update your directx versionroyhere (2011-01-31)
d3dx9_43.dl this errorUPdate direct x to latest version.
Globe says that there is no audio for some video ,and some subtitles
but the scary sounds, and killing voices and all the voices which is important to play the game are there,,,
on his blog you can see that,,,
unit56 (2011-02-01)
thx i got it workingMdahaka (2011-02-01)
why does it say portable?globeplus (2011-02-01)
WHAT HAPPEN WITH THE VOTES ? I know that it is possible to play the all game with this file but this is ridiculous !!!To Mdahaka : Portable means that it is possible to use the game anywhere on the computer not in a fixed directory like Programs (x86) or program Files that can be used for games normal installations on the computer .
u2r1 (2011-02-01)
Your IP has failed the captcha too many times. Please retry later.i get this every time
after i just click on the link for the mirror
whats going on
hiteshbisht16 (2011-02-01)
i m dwnldinh it but i don knw what votes are u talking abt? is it the tweet option i see?? anyway i don hav a tweeter acc loli don knw how bad things become in the game without audio :(
u2r1 (2011-02-01)
mirror DOSE NOT WORK229373 (2011-02-01)
okay, i'm on the chapter 7, in the ending of that part, and when i open a door, it close the program and says " dead space 2 stop running", so, i'm stuck here and i don't want to watch a walkthrought.229373 (2011-02-02)
uhmm, i got a error on chapter 11, in a sequence of amnesia. i can't find a fix in google so i think this is problem from the missing files from the rip.mhcvel (2011-02-02)
A: 229373You need to use the crackfix released by Fairlight
Thank's GLOBE... only one question: no spanish subt ?
u2r1 (2011-02-02)
mhcvel there is no crack for thisthe mirror given by globe on 1st post
an globe is not answering as per usual
janwr (2011-02-02)
@globenice work...
game running perfectly..
229373 (2011-02-02)
mhcvel :i fixed it with the fixcrack before, for the chapter 7, but now the error is in the chapter 11, after the elevator fight, when i open the door, a sequense start but the game give me error and close deadspace 2. i can't find anywhere a solution to that problem.
u2r1 (2011-02-02)
still waiting on answerunit56 (2011-02-03)
@u2r1look the mirror works perfectly
u2r1 (2011-02-03)
unit56 it dose not for meread up before bitching ok
sanstar (2011-02-03)
@Globe i m a great fan of urs...........guys i m new to tpb........
Is this full version with every cutsenes..........r lang except english alone is ripped...........
globeplus (2011-02-04)
Confirmed that chapter 7 have a crash bug , please use this link to the fix to play all the chapters , rest of the file is fine abd comproved :
ix9nine009 (2011-02-04)
hey globe, your mirror file has expired, please reupload the mirror file so we can enjoy this game thanksglobeplus (2011-02-04)
To ix9nine 009 : the file is ok , procedure : go down on the download page and select slow download then write a couple of words with a space in the middle and click the download button then wait 40 to 45 seconds that is the waiting time for free downloads , when it finished this waiting time just click in download and the file will start to be downloaded until 100% of the file is downloaded to your downloads folder , that´s all .hiteshbisht16 (2011-02-05)
@globethats y i keep saying upload on me()dia fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ix9nine009 (2011-02-05)
got it working now, thanks globedylanjmartin (2011-02-05)
in chapter 5 theres missing sounds from the monster and chapter 6 theres missing subtitles and sounds from the dialog wheb you meet with the girl if you could fix that it would be greatly appreciateddylanjmartin (2011-02-05)
there is missing sound effects from monster in chapter 5 and there is missing speech and subtitles from when you meet with the girl if you could fix that it would be greatly apprieciateddylanjmartin (2011-02-05)
sorry for multiple post said it didnt post the first timedylanjmartin (2011-02-05)
another problem this tim ein chapter 11 when you see you dead girfriend she say part of what ahe has to say then it cuts out and the rest of the missing dialogue has no sibtitles eitherdylanjmartin (2011-02-05)
ok ive played even further it seems like any dialogue thats not in a video from chapter 12 on doesnt seem to be working or have subtitlesGLMC (2011-02-05)
@ GlobePlus thank you for linking to my torrent i am honored can i help you please?
rf2011 (2011-02-05)
globe had changed directplay to portable ???dylanjmartin (2011-02-05)
ok so sorry for all the multiple post i figured it would be a good idea to let you globe and eveyone else know what was wrong with it, it seems like alot of the dialogue from chapter 11 until the end of the game are missing along wiht the subtitles for itmegakettavan (2011-02-05)
Hii Globe@ dis is really freakin Rip … as well u knoe i’m ur fan ..waz waitin for ur rip .as u culd rip any of de Pc games for a couple of weeksnd here it is DS2 wrked fine for me but have sme glitches … in chapter 2 when i get into the elevator nd press th activate button the door closes but the elevator is not opening even after some time ..i can notice the arrow marker moving downwards in the hologram of the elevator but nothing happens further …I mean I got Stuck in the Elevator in chapter 2 ….is there any fix for this …i tried your chapter 7 crack fix ….but still the same continues
hey Frnds if u could jus tell me how to work wid the elevator switch ?
plz do reply
u2r1 (2011-02-05)
@globe why dont u answer the questionbout fixing the link
3 days waiting on this
hiteshbisht16 (2011-02-06)
@u2r1 what link are you talking abt? if its the audio and subtitles fix then i can upload it on some othersite if u guyz are having problem :)hiteshbisht16 (2011-02-07)
plz rip test drive unlimited 2 aswell thxnihitsinghrana (2011-02-11)
i m using laptop wid ati mobility hd5650. which is very good for this game but require 60 hz display .after clicking on .exe it shows yr graphic card doesnt meet game minimum requirement..plz help me......................plz fix it........................wid yr crackNeoCepheus (2011-02-13)
Anyone else having an issue in Chapter 4 where you can't get out of a tunnel/crawlspace?bLusiLv (2011-02-13)
@Shooboxi've just read ur reply and ur words resembles ur uneducated brain. (i wonder if im a moron, then what are u?)
ur reply didnt have any relation with what i was talking about, mostly nonsense and sounds angry without any reason like a mad chimp. no wonder globe ignores u all the way.. lol..
Shoobox (2011-02-13)
@bLusiLvthat comment was a typo and wasn't aimed at you but if you want to bash people lets get the facts straight.
Globe doesn't buy the game, but takes other people rips and converts them down,
furthermore there no reason to compress down the video so far a small size that they are horrible.
if your going to rant on someone get your facts straight@@
10 gb can be converted down to 6.7 without tearing up the audio or video,
6.9 gb can be converted down to 4gb to 4.5 just using 7zip. so ounce again you dumb twat there no reason to destroy some game files on high compression and a shitty video experience while playing the game!!!!
Shoobox (2011-02-13)
typo "converted" meant to say compressedsoldierofthelam (2011-02-13)
@shooboxyour right except one part.
its compressed down, not converted down.
the 15 gb game of the DS2 multi version with other languages taken out and video except english can be 10gb compressed down with peazip is easily 7.3 gb without high compression and still retaining video and sound qaulity. now if you broke it down from 7.3 compression and made two solid 3.1 file compressed download time is about the same and still able to enjoy the videos.
roby123 (2011-02-14)
Im getting the bug where I get stuck on the tunnel after you have to freeze the door to get in to a closet on chapter 4 too...!!!! both ends of the tunnel are locked... any solution for that??NeoCepheus (2011-02-15)
@roby123 I just downloaded a different version. Fixed my problem, though I think I'm missing a suite schematic now.arjan_stafa1987 (2011-02-15)
i have the same problem with ati radeon hd 5650 in my laptop, i have 1 giga dedicate and it siad you card has not minimum requirments to run this game plz any helpbLusiLv (2011-02-16)
@Shooboxwhat if i say this too.
"that comment was a typo and wasn't aimed at you but if you want to bash people lets get the facts straight." but i wont, bcz thats too stupid.
you never clarified, and you pointed to my name and said moron?
come on dude..
"Globe doesn't buy the game, but takes other people rips and converts them down,
furthermore there no reason to compress down the video so far a small size that they are horrible.
if your going to rant on someone get your facts straight@@"
hey dude, u rant someone first for something he (me) doesn't care of. and for me smaller is better, and u know nothing about sorenson encoder, it could encode videos to small size with decent quality. so i think why not? i wont force you to like it, but "moron" at me? its up to me what to like dude!
and btw dumbass, 10gb can be converted down to 5 gb. i have 3 different version of dead space 2 repack about 4.8gigs without video decompressing with final size about 9-10gb. so i know everything but i believe rip could be smaller then why not i asked globe. so you dumbass i know what im doing.
"so ounce again you dumb twat there no reason to destroy some game files on high compression and a shitty video experience while playing the game!!!!"
hardcore level of stupidness. once again you dumb i never ask or force you to like it and download those kind of rips and never force the world or globe to make those kind of rips, more like you forced me to like it. like u feel threatened by my suggestion and mad at me with badwords like ur life been ruined.
for example:
kid A: 1 mixed chocolate and vanilla ice cream please..
kid B: You moron! its not delicious! its better to have chocolate only, dont ruin the good taste of ice cream you dumb twat!
nihitsinghrana (2011-02-16)
hey globe all above comments are shit ..dont listen those .....i m a big fan of yrsoldierofthelam (2011-02-17)
@bLusiLvyou have no ideal what your saying do you.
all your stupid rambling just proves shoobox's point, that a ten gig file can be compresses down without altering the video files to a horrible pixelated video.
honestly did you even read back what you wrote?
you sound like a meantaly challenged child.
furthermore everybody knows globe steals other peoples torrents and redistributes them to a smaller horrible size.
all you bantering did is make you less intelligent, i would stop while your ahead.
soldierofthelam (2011-02-17)
@bLusiLvoh yea i forgot,
bLusiLv (2011-02-18)
@soldierofthelamlol.. another kiddy or perhaps shoobox's clone.. read once again and try to figure out what i mean. yeah thats true abt 10 gigs could be smaller without change anything but btw dude youre talking to the wrong person once again, im talking about rip. uptoyou (lesser intelligent) want to like it or not i do not force you. "steals other peoples torrents and redistributes them to a smaller horrible size." = rips? gosh am i too nice or what have to explain someone who don't understand what rip is in tpb. even "steals" is not the proper word to say it. and with your second comment i really wonder how old are you son.. lol..
soldierofthelam (2011-02-18)
you are so dumb its!!! next time SON!!!!
think before you type, that stupid train just keeps run over you again and again.
its so funny to watch when unintelligent people keep trying to re-explain there selves after looking stupid!! give it up nothing you say will convince me you know what your talking about.
i think next time you need to step back and rethink before typing random hatred!!!
OH yea next time get your facts straight moron!!!
im not shoobox clone, im a real ripper and uploader so i think a know i thing or two about codecs, movies and game ripping!!!
What have you ever put out.
other than stealing of the interent like Globe!!!!
once again MORON!!!
bLusiLv (2011-02-18)
and its so funny to see someone rambling but lies at the same time! where's ur rip and uploads btw? ripping but still downloading others such as globe's n tptb's? saying globe steals but still download his rip huh? oh, look at those anger comments, just like shoobox, i guess ure twins. haha.. well, now i wont say those childish unmannered words, bcz simply i realized its useless to talk to person who knows NOTHING. =)
soldierofthelam (2011-02-19)
still writing dribble and nonsense, lmao
I'm laughing my ars off at your stupidy at this point and what anger comments have a
your the only one i see with anger issues. spouting nonsense.
move along dragonfly,
i'm sure if you hike your skirt up any further well get to see a real girly man!!!!
every user that knows me, knows my links to my uploads! too bad you'll never know!!!
by by my little anger troll!!
Shoobox (2011-02-19)
@soldierYou are too funny
bLusiLv is oblivious to any understanding of logic.
what a moron!
his dumb azz is still writing anger comments, so funny.
and he using that weak azz out of date sorenson encoder. too gdamn funny.
BTW soldier,
are you still on i need some help with some win7 mods. i luv TheBull and MrGrimm new themes. are you all planning to remap the whole start menu theme still?
Prometeia (2011-02-19)
Shoobox and soldierofthelam where are your rips of games and movies and so on?I like globeplus rips of games because they are soo tiny for me to download and they all work :)
So stop writing comments at globeplus torrents please.
Shoobox (2011-02-19)
@Prometeiadon't comment if you can't read.
i do not have uploads of games and movies
only Soldier does and you have to get an invite to be able to download on a private tracker.
think before typing.
and the whole point of commenting on Globe is that yes his file size may be small but his videos are lacking or not even there half the time. and also the fact that they are so horribly pixelated that you cannot enjoy the video wich some games need for the play!!
second as stated before you can retain all the game with 10gb compressed down to 7 or break it into halves then compress it down even further to 4gb for easy download.
when people try to give globe a comment without the intention of bashing but good negative reinforcement all globe does is cry and bash people so i say again think before you comment.
move along troll!!!
bLusiLv (2011-02-19)
@Prometeiajuz ignore them, i realized i was wrong bcz i wasted my time for replying those zero brain 12-13 year-old emo gay brothers. lol..
bcz they act like grown up but they cant with those "stay cool but angry inside bcz unintentionally showed lot exclamations" comments, those ridiculous lies such "im a ripper with lot video compression knowledge" thingy and unexsists
believe me, theyre just another gamer'only' boys which mission is to bash globe. nothing else. =)
Shoobox (2011-02-20)
@bLusiLvyour such a loser , lol
all you got is rage comments bashing people calling them liars.
so friggn funny,
you keep making claims you know what your talking about but all you've spat out is nonsense.
wheres all your work at you claim moron?!!!!
i luv how you keep calling our comments rage comments but your the only one doing it.
resorting into name calling.
man you Americans are so funny!!!
and for the record moron our members page is here retard.
god you are too funny please write more dribble so we can laugh even harder at your stupidity
Shoobox (2011-02-20)
@@bLusiLvoh yea since all we do is lie and our website isn't real he's more shots of our site, being you do not know how to use google. lmao
once again i have proven how niave and unintelligent you are.
so how high is your skirt hiked up now bitch
soldierofthelam (2011-02-20)
@shooboxyou are so funny,
although i am an American too, I won't hold you comment personally: we USA people are arrogant thinking we know everything!
I find bLusiLv so amusing especially after smacking him in the face after calling you a liar with CreativeX,net too bad he can't show his work to back up any of his claims of knowledge.!!!
oh yea for the record bLusiLv, shoobox is right again, you need my invite to download my material which you my friend will never get now.
so keep downloading a "redistributed" not ripped hacked up version of the games from globe!!!
SergioKool (2011-02-26)
about this rip is to incomplete is playable with to much audio missing and all audio files missing the job could be better if globe dont remove the DAT 1 and 0 files :S still the dat 1 files is where the audio files are and some subtitles too :Smartiniuo (2011-02-28)
awesome, i've been waiting for this gamethx globe!!!!!!
chirssayscool (2011-03-02)
no soundHriEng (2011-03-03)
@Globe:First of all thank u very much for ripping this game.
A really nice work.I have have just completed playing the game.
No problem in game play what so ever.
But in some parts (although scarce) there was no audio , no subtitle.I was a little disheartened with this.
But the considering the size of the original game with this ripped version, this flaws can easily be overlooked.
Thank u once again Globe.
One question : Will Assassin's Creed-Brotherhood be ultimately launched in PC????
If yes....when?????
aarJunn (2011-03-22)
Install iNFo:1. d/l this torrent.
2. Extract the .rar to any desired location to get a folder called Dead Space 2 with an icon.
2. d/l the mirror file (.rar file) as per link provided by globeplus. Inside it you'll find this DS2DAT0.DAT. Copy it over to the extracted Dead Space 2 folder.
3. Now, d/l the crack as mentioned by globe plus. And copy over the content-deadspace2.exe in it to the Dead Space 2 folder.
NOTE: Delete DS2.exe in the Dead Space 2 folder.
4. Start with deadspace2.exe.
ghostrider222 (2011-03-28)
OK, game extracts perfectly and it even runs but i can't get past of the loading screen. loading goes on and on...HELP PLEASE
ani82 (2011-04-27)
hey guys can any 1 help me this game crashes after chapter 10 begains please any give suggestioniamlegend1989 (2011-06-02)
globeplusi am a great fan of urs ur work is the best
please seed this torrent