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TalmudTimmy Book Pack 06-10-08






TalmudTimmy Book Pack 06-10-08




2008-10-06 (by CuriousGeorge )


Books included in this torrent: Censored History by E.D.Butler The Reality of Conspiracy - The Sutton Revelations - BombShell Facts - The Truth About The Russian Revolution - Who are The Jews? - Financing The Soviet By Wall Street - Soviet-Zionist Collaboration - Soviet Real Victors In Six-Day War - October 1973 - The Anti Semitic Smear - The Myth of The Six Million - Towards The World State THE CAIN / SATANIC SEED LINE by Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet,A.B., J.D. The Einstein Hoax The joke's on us "Ein stein" means "one stone", a metaphor for half a brain England Under the Heel of the Jews The Expulsion of the Jews from England 1290 THE "HOLOCAUST" 120 Questions and Answers by Charles E. Weber MERCHANTS OF BABYLON By Bertrand L. Comparet THE JEWISH WAR OF SURVIVAL by ARNOLD LEESE The Czech Conspiracy A Phase in the World-War Plot George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, B Sc. (Oxon.), F.R.A.I., Les juifs dans la révolution Française LA PRÉPONDÉRANCE JUIVE PREMIÈRE PARTIE SES ORIGINES (1789-1791) D'APRÈS DES DOCUMENTS NOUVEAUX (Suite à l’entrée des Israélites dans la société française) SEVEN FINANCIAL CONSPIRACIES WHICH HAVE ENSLAVED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE BY MRS. SARAH E.V. EMERY. ** NEW LIGHT ON THE PROTOCOLS ** LATEST EVIDENCE ON THE VERACITY OF THIS REMARKABLE DOCUMENT BY W. CREUTZ A Real Case Against the Jews – Marcus Eli Ravage Commissary to the Gentiles – Marcus Eli Ravage What Happened to Cain? by Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet Clairfied by Pastor Willie Martin Auschwitz A judge looks At the evidence INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL REVIEW 1986 THE WORLD SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION By: GEORGE PITT-RIVERS


  1. Bolshevism
  2. Bible
  3. God
  4. Jesus Christ
  5. Jews
  6. Jewish
  7. Judaism
  8. Talmud
  9. Illuminati
  10. Freemasonry
  11. 911
  12. Conspiracy
  13. Plot
  14. Masonic
  15. Mason
  16. Fritz Springmeier
  17. Holocaust
  18. Rothschild

Files count:



15.54 Mb




thewhitefella (2008-10-07)

Thanks Tim. When you've exhausted this lot, how about some (if you can find it) on The Inquisition (not just the Spanish part - the whole thing). Cheers Whitey

sam322 (2008-10-07)

the holohoax inquisition jails opponents in many countries

righthand666 (2008-10-08)

padlock all churches, burn your Bibles, and take you away? GOOD maybe the rest of us can have some peace!

lodger111 (2008-10-08)

Oh if only, Timmy, if only.

 artpepper (2008-10-09)

The cretinocracy is alive and erm...unwell.

lodger111 (2008-10-09)

I assume from your spelling of certain words, Timmy, that you live in the USA. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
You live in a country where almost 80% of the population is Christian and less than 2% is Jewish. I'm really struggling to see how this fits with your assertion that "they" (and I assume you mean the Jews) are exterminating Christianity.
As far as I know, stating that homosexuality is immoral isn't a hate crime, particularly if done so in a church. If it is, then why aren't Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist mob behind bars? His odious organisation advocates *killing* homosexuals, yet his right to freedom of speech, along with everyone else's, is guaranteed in law by the First Amendment.
The same legislation covers all facets of religious freedom, including preaching that the Jews killed Christ. I'd hazard a guess that there are thousands of preachers across the USA who regularly do just that, and if a single one of them is behind bars for it, I'd be interested to hear the details of the case. And in a nation where nobody who isn't a Christian has a chance of getting into public office, the First Amendment is about as permanent a fixture in law as I can think of - guaranteeing the rights of everyone, including you, to complete freedom to practice their religion.
I'll finish by pointing you to this - one of my favourite pieces on the subject of religion, and Christianity in particular.

lodger111 (2008-10-09)

"...this "2%" control the govt, the "Federal" Reserve and the big media..."
Proof please?
"The way they are behaving today, they deserve everything they get."
There really is no depth to your depravity, is there? So you're with the WBC in advocating murder now, eh?

rabenschwarz (2008-10-10)

My respect for your patience, lodger111, but I'm afraid it's no use trying to argue with lunatics.