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I Testify Against the Jews - Robert Edmondson






I Testify Against the Jews - Robert Edmondson




2008-12-23 (by CuriousGeorge )


Description Robert Edmondson was thrown into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing hundreds of bulletins alerting his fellow Americans to an International conspiracy financed by the central bankers and consisting largely of Communist Jews. This conspiracy has grown into the New World Order. In 1936, Edmondson was charged with "libeling the Jewish people." In his defense, he wrote, "I am not against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a people or as individuals, but because Jewish leadership [i.e. the bankers] is actively anti-American, is attempting to jettison the American political philosophy and take over the Country, and that I would continue to be anti-Jewish until Jewry repudiated such subversion. Were the offender any other than the Jewish minority, my attitude would be precisely the same. This problem is the biggest and most acute thing in the world today.... " Knowing that pitiless publicity is the only cure for public evils, in 1934 I started on a campaign to expose Jewish Anti-Americanism and Talmudic Communism which has been called the "Code of Hell": a "Rabbi Racket" that victimizes its own followers; an international "Satanic System" subverting France, Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present depression and moving to take over the United States through the Jewish Radical administration [of FDR.] " (p.69) Faced with exposure, organized Jewry backed down. Edmondson subpoenaed "Princes of Jewry" Bernard Buruch, Henry Morganthau, Rabbi Wise, Samuel Untermeyer, Mayor LaGuardia, James P. Warburg, Walter Lippmann and Justice Samuel Rosenman. Whereupon the American Jewish Committee petitioned the court NOT to hear the case because the indictment violated the free speech guarantee of the Constitution. "Jews are afraid of the truth," Edmondson wrote. "They know that a few grains of it will blow the lid off when publicized." (137) In 1954, Robert Edmondson published a collection of his bulletins entitled "I Testify Against the Jews." He quotes rare documents such as a letter published in 1880 in the Review of Jewish Studies, financed by James de Rothschild. The letter, dating from 1489, is from the head of the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople. It advises a rabbi in Arles France to infiltrate gentile society. The Grand Satraps and Rabbis told the rabbi to convert to Christianity as the French King demands but "keep the Law of Moses in your hearts;" make your sons merchants so "that they may despoil Christians of their property; doctors so that "they may take away Christian lives." "Make your sons canons and clerics that they may destroy the churches.....Arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with affairs of state in order that by putting Christians under your yoke, you may dominate the world and be avenged on them." (71) Edmondson also quotes a May 11 1933 address at the Hebrew University by the famous Jewish poet N.H. Bialik which confirms a Jewish agenda few Jews are aware of. He says Jews have undermined Christianity by "deliberate Jewish has been effected in great measure by crypto Jews (secret Jews) who have permeated Christianity and spoken through the mouth of Christianity." (51) He says these crypto Jews are also the creators of "the Renaissance, of Liberalism, of Democracy, of Socialism, and of Communism." (151) Remember he was speaking in 1933: "The Gentiles have at last realized this secret--that Judaism has gradually penetrated and permeated them like a drug. The Gentile nature is in revolt, and is trying to organize the final battle...They would 'smoke us out' of all the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They would exterminate us like bacilli and be rid of us." (152) (Judaism in History-A Jewish Conception in "Lines of Communication" July 1933) Judaism is a conspiracy against Christian Western civilization which has succeeded to such an extent that it cannot even be mentioned. 308 Pages


  1. Puke
  2. Vomit
  3. Kol Nidre
  4. Feces
  5. Parasites
  6. Mosquitos
  7. Blood suckers
  8. vampires
  9. Hook Noses
  10. Witches
  11. Warlocks
  12. Shylock
  13. 911
  14. Illuminati
  15. Mossad
  16. Israel
  17. Jews
  18. Jewish
  19. Talmud
  20. Kabbala
  21. cryptojews
  22. crypto jews
  23. crypto-jews

Files count:



12.15 Mb




emmemmess (2008-12-23)

@@ PhXAnarchy
Can't you ****ing read???? . . . who said anything about HATING jews???
It says I TESTIFY against the jews.
Theres a *&*&ing difference between HATE and TESTIFY!!!!!!
"I am not against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a people or as individuals, but because Jewish leadership [i.e. the bankers] is actively anti-American..."

Mandell_House (2008-12-24)

Thank you so much for your uploads!
a Wish List:
'Target: Patton: The Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton' by Robert K. Wilcox
Thanks again!

Just_Some_Guy_ (2008-12-24)

You don't hate Jews?
Why these tags: "Puke Vomit Feces Parasites Mosquitos Blood suckers vampires Hook Noses Witches Warlocks Shylock 911 Illuminati"
You really don't think that's hateful?
I guarantee that if I were to call you anything like that you'd have no trouble identifying it as hatred. When I see that kind of language I clearly know that you hate me.
Instead please know that I pity you.
Good luck with the whole conspiracy thing dude. Down at the synagogue we spend a LOT of time worrying that you'll get a grownup to listen to you. Our whole plan for domination would be ruined. Matter of fact, the next golem we make is going to march straight to your house and stomp on your cable modem with it's big muddy feet.

asands1 (2008-12-25)

save the comments/bashing for just want to see if the torrent actually works

timlit (2009-01-06)

you're deep shit.
your bosses should fire you for doing such a poor job of blaming a people for the crimes of insane individuals.

norbo121 (2009-01-07)

more garbage from Timmy...get a life little man!

jacqo1o (2009-06-28)

Sad shit written by sad little people, and fools that believe any of it.

FuckZion (2011-12-19)


Gusar19 (2013-11-26)

please seed ,i would like to read n i will comment after,thanks for upload


1. itestifyagainstthejews.pdf 12.15 Mb