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Tokens.dat File for Vista






Tokens.dat File for Vista




2007-02-15 (by compgeek595)


This is just the tokens.dat file for Vista THERE ARE TWO OPTIONS FOR DISTRIBUTING THIS FILE AND THE PKEYCONFIG FILE. THE FIRST AND SIMPLEST FOR ANYONE WITH DUAL BOOT OR A LIVE CD IS TO JUST OVERWRITE THE FILES AND W/E OTHER OS YOU ARE RUNNING. THE SECOND OPTION FOR PEOPLE WHO DON\'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I JUST SAID IS AS FOLLOWS. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS AND THE FILE ATTACHED IS COURTESY OF ReeBSaw-TeaM: º º 1. Install and logon Vista final (worked with the BillGates edition) º º with the CDkey given by BillGates. º º º º 2. Browse to Windows\\System32\\Licensing\\pkeyconfig\' folder,right-click º º \'pkeyconfig.xrm-ms\' Open property, click Security > Advanced > Owner > º º Edit > Administrators. Click OK and close the propertes. º º Then re-open properties of the file, Click Security > Advanced > Edit > º º select Administrators and click Edit. º º Click \"Full Control\", Click OK and close the properties. º º º º 3. Reboot into safe mode º º Replace \'pkeyconfig.xrm-ms\' using the one in this package. º º Go to Start > Run > type \"services.msc\" and find \"Software Licensing\". º º Normally this ain\'t running, but if it is º º you need to stop it with the stop button above. º º º º 4. Goto Windows\\ServiceProfiles\\NetworkService\\AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft º º \\SoftwareLicensing º º Replace the tokens.dat from this package with the one there. º º º º 5. Reboot into normal mode again. º º Go to Start > Help & Support > type \"Activate\" in the search menu. º º Click on the third topic \"Activate Windows on this Computer\" º º This will start Windows Activation. º º º º 6. Now here will start the other part. I can\'t give you a working key, º º and this is why: The 2 files you have replaced earlier, are patched º º from an earlier Beta release. You need a Beta1/Beta2/RC1/RC2 key to º º Activate it succesfully. Since any beta/rc key would only work 10 times º º to register & activate Vista, you will have to get your own key. º º º º And this is the funny part: Microsoft still allows anyone to get a beta º º key. The only thing you need to do is login with your º º account and you\'ll get a vista beta key which will work on this final º º RTM release with the patched files. º º º º Here is the URL for getting your valid personal key: º º º º ?s=151&refer=%2Fwindowsvista% º º The other file you will need (pkeyconfig) is located at

Files count:



1.04 Mb




some0neX (2008-06-15)

Did this work for any1????