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The Cause of World Unrest (1920) H.A. Gwynne




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The Cause of World Unrest (1920) H.A. Gwynne




2011-01-04 (by CuriousGeorge)


Table of Contents Preface Chap. 1 - The Most Formidable Sect in the World Chap. 2 - The Illuminati in Germany Chap. 3 - The Ritual of Revenge Chap. 4. - The Part of the "Jews" Chap. 5 - Conspirators of the Nineteenth Century Chap. 6 - The Bolshevist Bible Chap. 7 - "Elders of Zion" Chap. 8 - World Revolution Chap. 9 - The Hub of the Conspiracy Chap. 10 - A Menace to All Nations Chap. 11 - Lenin's Activities Chap. 12 - The Peace Conference Chap. 13 - The Evidences of Conspiracy Chap. 14 - Ireland and the Colonies Chap. 15 - The Upheaval in Great Britain Chap. 16 - The Warning of Centuries Appendix by Nesta H. Webster 269 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, Paperback When the American publisher George Haven Putnam originally published "The Cause of World Unrest" in 1920, he soon after sent "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" to press as a companion book. But before the book was able to join "The Cause of World Unrest" on the shelves, pressure was brought to bear on Putnam from the Anti-Defamation League to abandon the book. Putnam gave in and also had all unsold copies of "The Cause of World Unrest" recalled; sighting that all other publishers who had previously published "The Protocols" had financial difficulties soon after and that he was not willing to take the risk. The message contained in "The Cause of World Unrest", coupled with "The Protocols," may give us some understanding of why the ADL (a Zionist propaganda arm of the NWO) was so adamant about keeping this information from both honorable Jews and Gentiles alike. "The Cause of World Unrest" is a stark comparison between the Bolshevik Revolution and the plans documented in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion." Written by the Editor of The London Morning Post, H.A. Gwynne connects the dots between Freemasonry, International "Jewry" (Zionism), and the Bolshevik Revolution. Starting with the connections that Freemasonry and the Bavarian Illuminati had to the French Revolution; a backdrop is drawn to show a commonality of method that the Bolsheviks would later use in the Russian Revolution, exemplifying the span of influence that secret societies and subversive movements had on both events. Gwynne, a news man of his time, issues a warning to the world and brings great insight into the intrigue surrounding the revolution that brought Czarist Russia to its end; and in hindsight of his time, the begging of a "counter-balance" that would later bring more wars and revolutions through out the world, as the Hegelian dialectic was used in pitting the east against the west in furthering the hidden agenda of establishing a one world government. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My public URL: My RSS feed: OO$Z7Z:. .. .$ZOOZ$7I? ... . . . . . ........... O888D8DDO+DO?. .7O$ZZ7$$7 ........ O8888NNN88DD87II. .$O$$Z77$$ ....... 8OOO88NNDDO7D$I$7$Z7I7,.. .$$IZZI77$. ...... 8O88DDDNDNDO8D$$$I77777778II~87ZZZ77$$. ........ 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  1. The Cause of World Unrest
  2. H.A. Gwynne
  3. Zionism
  4. New World Order
  5. Russian Revolution
  6. Freemasonry
  7. Bolsheviks
  8. Bolshevism
  9. Conspiracy
  10. Alex Jones
  11. David Icke

Files count:



10.65 Mb




Piroc (2011-02-20)

Outstanding job mate.