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Baldurs Gate 2 Collection 1992425 8918






Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion




2004-07-24 (by TunaTron)


Kanske det bästa RPG spelet som gjorts. Har legat uppe tidigare men blev tydligen borttaget.

Expansionen och patchen rekommenderar jag att de installeras direkt. Förutom lite nya ställen att utforska till så är det även en del buggar som åtgärdas. 5 skivor RPG bör hålla vem som helst sysselsatt i några veckor, om inte månader.

Filer: * Baldur's Gate 2 - SoA + ToB expansion.nfo * Baldur's Gate II - SoA [Manual].rar * Baldur's Gate II - ToB - NoCd Crack * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-back.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd1.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd2.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd3.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd4.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-front.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-inlay.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-inside.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-back.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-cd.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-front.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-inlay.jpg * Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-inside.jpg * BG2 ToB.iso * BG2_CD1.iso * BG2_CD2.iso * BG2_CD3.iso * BG2_CD4.iso * BGII-ThroneofBhaal_Patch_26498_ENGLISH.exe

Ser gärna att de som laddar ner sätter betyg enligt Piratbyråns riktlinjer

- Enjoy Folks! /TunaTron

Files count:



3170.87 Mb




sc00by (2004-07-25)

Får väl ta och tacka här med. Tack!

sc00by (2004-07-25)

...det skulle iofs vara trevligare om du seedade ;)

sam_gamgi (2004-07-25)

tackar :)

TunaTron (2004-07-25)

Är ny till BitSpirit så ni får urskäkta om det gåt lite knackigt...
Undrar om jag inte byter tillbaka till Azureus iaf :/

TunaTron (2004-07-25)

*gah!* BitSpirit bara muppar sig så jag skiftar tillbaka till Azureus! Kommer ta en liten stund eftersom Azureus måste "kontrollera datan" som ligger på en extren USB-disk. När det väl är klart kommer jag seeda i några dagar...

TunaTron (2004-07-25)

Såja! Nu kommer det seedas det i några dagar =D

sam_gamgi (2004-07-25)

Gött att du fortsätter med seedandet - ser enormt mycket fram emot att få ner detta paketet :)

Gruckel (2004-07-25)

Tack så mycket undrade vad som hännt med den tidigare har suttit ganska länge på 96% nu :P

TunaTron (2004-07-26)

Ibland beter sig Bittorrent lite mungo. Fastän du i själva verket kan köra allt problemfritt så visas det ändå som 99,9% är klart.
Förslår att du prövar ändå!

Gruckel (2004-07-26)

Spelet fungerar perfect men manualen och nfo filen går inte att få hem till 100% av något annledning :P dock så hade jag manualen sedan tidigare :/

sc00by (2004-07-27)

Alltså än en gång, tusen tack! Du har räddat min dag. Riktigt trevligt också med alla covers och det.

BizzyBone (2004-07-28)

funkar inte... Först installerar den disc 1 sen frågar den efter disc 2 o sen disc tre o sen disc fyra o sen disc fem o där säger det stopp. Använder alcohol120. Och ja jag har mountat alla discarna Hjälp nån??

TunaTron (2004-07-29)

Många har haft det problemet...Vet att bränna ut skivorna har funkat för vissa. Det är det jag skulle pröva först antar jag.

zilfer (2004-08-03)

Gah, kan inte någon hjälpa till och seeda lite?

ozzro (2004-08-03)

varför ser inte jag någon som seedar i bittornado? har 96.1% har bg1 och bg3 cd kvar

dostov (2004-08-07)

Fasen vad fint Baldurs Gate har funderat på att köpa det för att jag hört att det skall vara mkt bra. Men nu TACK!
Btw är det någon som vet hur man upploadar något jag vet inte men jag vill gärna veta

dostov (2004-08-11)

Det står att det blir ett fel när jag installerar hur jag än gör varför?
Är det dåliga saker någon laddat upp eller är det bara jag som är dum?

dostov (2004-08-11)

Skall man installera på max eller på recomended eller vad kan vara det som cpar

TunaTron (2004-08-11)

Jag kör alltid fullständig installation...

MikeD (2004-09-01)

ett stort tack :) äntligen en fil med allt...grymt spel dehär :)

GudZen (2004-09-01)

Kan inte lite flera Seeda? Lite trist att tanka i 0,5 kb/s ... Tar ffs 7 veckor

Fuiki (2004-09-01)

Härligt... hoppas de funkar nu bara.. :)

GudZen (2004-09-03)

Kan inte lite flera seeda?

XL_89 (2004-09-04)

de vill ju inte funka när Vad ska jag göra när det ber om cd fem

TunaTron (2004-09-27)

För det första så vet jag inte varför jag har med cracket alls, för det fungerar alldelles utmärkt ändå. Det är ju trots allt bara ett "NoCD-crack"
För det andra så anser jag att istället för att låta nedlåtande så kan du visa uppskattning att jag faktikst la upp den över huvudtaget. Alla gör missar lite då & då. Dessutom behövs igentligen inte ens cracket som sagt...

Biran85 (2004-10-12)

det här jävla fitt helvetes jävla skit bara hänger sig när jag ska byta cd under installationen....nån som har nå tips ?

mave_sweden (2004-10-13)

Fick d o funka, körde med samma crack som tuna bifogade o d funkade finfint
Tack för torrenten, riktigt bra !

mave_sweden (2004-10-13)

jag har installerat både Shadows och Throne of bhaal utan problem , jag har även fixat patchen oxå men när jag kommer till auto run menyn o trycker play så fastnar spelet...
ngn som vet vad d kan va?

evileye224 (2004-11-02)

snälla kan ingen seeda

webxsniper (2004-11-05)

er där en nej en där kanna bli definiera hur anständig skal placera inne den här spelen bära i'll placera inne setup så gör oduglig den känt 95% och förhör efter cd 1 har också bevisat så pass placera inne T.O.B hur... än den gör oduglig också känt 95% så er där en nej en där kanna bli definiera hur anständig placera inne spillt och helst på dansk eller engelsk jag hoppa det så pass anständig kanna bli realiserbar vad där står här vid jag har använd en översättare näbb till så pass tolka från dansk till svensk

Midvinter (2004-12-22)

Tur för er att det här spelet är out of production. Annars hade jag vridit nacken av er för att ni piratar det enda sanna spelet i världshistorien.

jammer (2004-12-24)

tjo, har ju orginalet med tob expansionen.
tänkte spela det igen men min cd 1 e trasig så tänkte kolla om det skulle funka att ladda hem ca 10 % av denna torrent för att få hem cd1.
eller måste jag ladda hem hela skiten?

TunaTron (2004-12-27)

Beror på vilken klient du använder... I BitComet & Azureus vet jag att det går att väla vilka filer som skall laddas ner.

rillebanck (2005-01-03)

Vaddå cd5? finns väl ingen cd 5? jag är helt förvirrad:S:S:S

bajskillen (2005-01-06)

det finns ju för fan inga iso filer på skiten, dom heter ifo och funkar inte i deamon tools

LarsaBson (2005-01-15)

Vill säga tack till alla som tar sig tid att ladda upp dessa grejjer! tack så mkt för spelet TunaTron. De funka mint på min gamla hp! =P
Hare gött

zubutix (2005-01-19)

har någon lyckats installera hela spelet på hd:n? så att man slipper hålla på med cd skivor. Har aldrig använt daemon tools förr, så tänkte köra det när jag fått hem BG2 och testa.
fungerar det? nån som har provat?

zubutix (2005-01-20)

jag försöker installera direkt på hd:n. Jag har packat upp alla filer, men det står att filen inte hittas (för TOB och SOA)!!!???
hur fan gör man?
snälla hjälp. Jag har inga cd skivor just nu så jag vill installera direkt på hd:n

zubutix (2005-01-20)

alltså... det finns ju för fan ingen SOA??!! kollar igenom allt jag packat upp. man måste ha SOA installerat för att kunna installera BG2 TOB står det.
Det finns även en mapp som heter CD5. kanske den som spökar för vissa här?
hjälp!! har nån bara packat upp och installerat?
please help me

zubutix (2005-01-20)

eller har jag fått allt om bakfoten? skulle man ha SOA innan man laddade ner denna torrent?
När jag kör patcharna står det att filerna inte hittas. och när jag försöker köra nån av setuperna så står det att jag måste ha BG2 SOA installerat innan jag forts'tter med denna jag laddat ner... suck suck SUCK

zubutix (2005-01-20)

finns ingen SOA med bland filerna. endast TOB. man MÅSTE ha SOA för att installera detta... har letat bland filerna an kvart nu. SOA ÄR INTE MED.

zubutix (2005-01-20)

totala MB när jag packat upp allt är drygt 3-400MB!!?? men det var 3.07GB att ladda ner...
alltså jag blir tokig.
snälla. hjälp. efter jag packade upp allt med rar så fanns inga ISO filer med. Det är bara ett setup directory. som man hoppades skulle fungera

zubutix (2005-01-20)

vill be om ursäkt för allt gnäll. hade aldrig använt daemon tools som jag nu testade. Andra iso filen körde jag med daemon tools, då installerade jag SOA som man alltså först ska installera

zubutix (2005-01-20)

Kör daemon tools och börja mounta CD1 sen är det bara att följa instruktionerna (att byta "CD" alltså). Efteråt kör du bara den fungerande nocd cracken, och voila, game on.
messa mig och lämna en mailadress om du behöver nocd:n

zubutix (2005-01-20)

***JO, efter ni mountat (installerat på HD:n) kör ni PATCHARNA (eller en av dom, minns inte), sen NOCD cracken.
som sagt, messa mig här på TPB och lämna mailadress så skickar jag filen (8kb rar)

zubutix (2005-01-20)

***Jag la upp NOCD:n här på TPB istället. sök på "Baldurs Gate 2" under program så hittar ni den.
Lycka till!

Darkwictor (2005-02-12)

Ett stort TACK till er alla som har seedat.

virgbanaados (2005-02-28)

skulle nån kunna ge "riktiga" cracken åt mig?

Salisha (2005-03-11)

När jag kommer itll 30% får jag ett felmedelande
Component transfere error
nån som vet varför, kör i daemon tools

Pastill (2005-03-12)

me va fan det finns inga iso filer ju hura fan hittar man dom finns bara filer som heter ifo dom funkar inte i deamon

Pastill (2005-03-15)

ni ska ju mounta cd1, cd2 osv filerna ni ska inte unrara dom

jejk523537 (2005-03-31)

Använder daemon när jag mountar cd1 kan jag inte installera står bara "play"...Vad gör jag för fel?

Drazi (2005-04-08)

schyrre att du ladda upp denna. men när jag försöker använda filerna står det att de är korrupta :(

emax (2005-05-15)

Drazi theres nothing to except for downloading again. just bad luck

karlozo (2005-06-04)

alltså då jag försöker installera så kommer den till 37% och sen vill den att jag sätter i cd 2 och direkt efter cd3 o sen cd4 o sen cd5... men jag har bara 4 skivor..... vad gör jag?

Knugarn (2005-06-05)

kan någon berätta varför inte cd5 funkar

krinkenstein (2005-06-06)

kan någon ge mig cracken!?
en hemsida eller något?
min mail är
min msn är

Helixa (2005-06-09)

knugarn, alltså cd 5 är ju ToB...den är separat. på mina brända ex av BG2 så är det 4 skivor, men den frågar om en 5:e ifall jag försöker göra en full install (går alltså inte). men recomended och minimum fungerar.

monotux (2005-06-11)

Det här har jag letat efter länge :-D

Yupik (2005-06-20)

NooB here, and sorry i don't speak swedish. I downloaded this file but never worked with .ISO before. heard i had to burn image onto cd. I use Nero. Here is the problem...i unpacked every cd and put it into separate folders. when i try to burn the image in Nero then i cannot choose the unzipped file. I could burn the whole rar.file since it is an ISO but would the game still work? and how about the autolaunch? every help is apreciated..

k11u (2005-07-02)

Yupik you don't "unzip" the .ISO files they are binary copies (images) of the actual CD. When using Nero Express just choose Disc Image and then just choose the .ISO file and burn away...And there's your BG2 install CDs

Jambalah (2005-07-02)

Buggade sig för mig med när jag försökte med full installation, frågade efter cd5. Löste detta genom att bränna ut alla skivorna istället för att mounta dom.

Helixa (2005-07-03)

som sagt...vid full install vill den gärna fråga efter cd 5 (som inte existerar). gör en recomended install istället så borde det fungera...

simpen (2005-07-04)

Hur installerar man detta spel egentligen? Kan inte någon göra en mini tutorial?
Jag hittar inte ens filerna som jag ska mounta???
det står CD1 (IFO file) men den går ju inte att mounta...

mikey-d (2005-07-23)

seed please!!!!im stuck at 99,99%!!!no joke!!!

Fenster_ (2005-07-29)

SocDK ---> Many Many Thanks for that :D ! That was just what i needed :D

Fenster_ (2005-07-29)

Hey btw. Another good advice is: USE DEAMON TOOLS ! i've tryied with alcohol, and ive tryed manualle, but the only thing that worked was deamon tools. Just mount the first CD with it and then it should work :)

primie (2005-07-31)

please some1 seed

Juventinos777 (2005-08-13)

Hey asshole do you know that the 2nd iso is destroyed?

Khamero (2006-01-04)

I am sorry to find that the rumored fifth disc is NOT the first one. at least not what I have found so far. -_- You can run a minimal install and then install ToB, but its still buggy. Managed to make a char, not in SoA, but ToB, only to have the game crash when I try to have a closer look at a neclace. I did manage to make it run without the crack though (as the crack was specifically for the full or recommended version).
Summary, the fifth CD is not the first, or any other CD that came along with this torrent. The game can be made to work, but just hardly, and with bugs here and there, especially in the interface.
I´ll be looking elsewhere for this. Anyone who has a decent torrent of BG2, with or without the expansion, please get it up here!

Smack32 (2006-01-15)

tack så mycket

Vegfis (2006-01-19)

I downloaded baldurs gate, another version. But i have no idea how to open the game, wich program do i have to use to open it so im able to play it? need help big time :)

ifurn0 (2006-01-26)

use this to open

Senapsburk (2006-02-01)

Efter att jag läst om problem som folk haft med att installera spelet och att cracken inte funkade var jag tveksam till att ladda hem 3.1 GB.
Så här kommer lite info till de som funderar på att ladda hem spelet:
Använde daemon v4.00 och mountade cd 1, tog full install. Fick frågan om cd 2, cd 3, cd 4 och vid 95% av installen cd 1 (fick aldrig någon fråga om att sätta in cd 5). Efter full install av SoA installerade jag ToB och sedan ToB_patch_26498 och sist NoCD_crack 26498.
Innan jag startade spelet körde jag BGconfig för att ställa in ljud och grafik. Har spelat i 30 min utan crash, ljud eller grafikproblem.
*********** SPELET FUNGERAR ***********

Senapsburk (2006-02-01)

Some info to people that cant understand swedish. Here is a translation to english, from my previous post.
I used daemon v4.00 and mounted cd 1, took full install. Got asked to insert cd 2, cd 3, cd 4 and at 95% of installation cd 1 (I never got asked for cd 5). After full installation of SoA I then installed ToB and ToB_patch_26498 and last NoCD_crack 26498.
Before starting the game i ran BFconfig to set sound and graphic. I have played for 30 min without any game crash, sound or graphic problem.

Senapsburk (2006-02-02)

Just incase my install would fail I got some answeres from BG_support homepage:
1.29: [BGII/ToB] - How to "fake" a larger install from a Minimum install [use link below]

1.28: [BGII/ToB] - Installer stuck at 95% and asking for CD1
1.10: [BGII/ToB] - General CD-Install Troubleshooting. (Look here if your Game is asking for CD5 or CD0)
1.15: [BGII/ToB] - BGII crashes at start of new game:

pyramidhead (2006-02-05)

Many virtual CD drives have a problem managing multiple drives. Rather than have 2-4 drives active, just use one, and read all the requested CDs through that one. I did this after experiencing the CD5 problem, and since then, it's worked fine. Give it a shot.

Sparrow_89 (2006-02-12)

Stop wayning about this torrent, everything worked for me. So, learn how to use the programs or read the "Readme" file

Benedikto (2006-02-16)

3 words: Best game EVER!

The_Techno_Lover (2006-02-19)

detta är som diablo eller något väl ?

Transcendent Paladin (2006-02-28)

The trick here is to not be stuborn and just get daemon tools.
If you try and install the files manually (not like they are CDs) the install will not work as it will ask you for all the CDs at once. If you use Daemon tools to mount the image and then use the one fake CD directory to install the game, it will work just fine.

watty (2006-02-28)

The game works wothout any problems!
But, i would say that Diablo II is MUCH funnier to play! =)

Tribulation (2006-03-01)

this is so great game so please seed!!!

Jonh.F.Kennedy (2006-03-05)


seppukko (2006-03-13)

orginalspelets installationsprogram kräver 5 cd men det finns bara fyra + ToB??????????????!

currysiek (2006-03-20)

HELP!!! it keep asking for the 5th CD, i can't do anything about it!!!!

currysiek (2006-03-21)

and i DO use deamon tools.. the problem occurs at 73%.. awww!

ROBOF1 (2006-03-22)

Please Help the installation wizard asks for cd5. I have tried every folder in th BG folder but it keeps telling "invalid Path blah blah" PLEASE HELP ME ;(

Senapsburk (2006-03-24)

Why not read previous comments?
ONLY use one virtual driver and mount all cd:s on it.
1) Mount cd 1
2) Start installation, full install
3) When installation asks for cd2, unmount cd1
4) Mount cd 2, continue installation
5) .....unmount cd 2, mount cd3....and so on
After SoB is installed, install ToB, then patch, then nocd_crack. Last run BFonfig before you play. In case you cant install full, read my comments on page 4.

krika02 (2006-03-30)

plz seed :)

vodka_xxx (2006-04-03)

hur e grafiken?

kcjitro (2006-04-05)

I demot som jag provade var grafiken ungefär som i Diablo 1:an alltså helt skit...

puzzy (2006-04-08)

This is so funny. Are you guys born yesterday or wtf is wrong with you?! Burn the game on CD, install the crack and you're done. How hard can it be?

Satthar (2006-04-10)

yeah, yeah, the installation is ok. the problem is the darn crack!! its for euro versions, as someone already told on page 2... i dont know italian or french, and i definietely dont want to play it in german!! some1 help!

tsukio (2006-04-20)

What's wrong with you people, geez.. use your brain for once... The game works fine, just follow the steps mentioned earlier...

Sakuno (2006-04-23)

currysiek at 2006-03-20 23:11 GMT:
HELP!!! it keep asking for the 5th CD, i can't do anything about it!!!!
about this: CD 5 = BG2 ToB.iso the Throne of Bhaal disc
Which one are you usign Azureus or Bitcomet? I can't find anyone who seeds this file anymore :(
I forgot where I put the disc, maybe I left them home.. but I'd like to play this game again..

XneverX (2006-05-12)

U people that have burned the Cds did they work fine???I wanna try this cause my installation stopped at 95%. with the Cds save on my HD

hmalam (2006-05-15)

Hey...I Burnt the CDs and got the Game going...but there is NO INTRO MOVIE???....what happend to it??
SOmeone help...btw...I skipped the TOB expansion ISO

newbieh (2006-05-22)

please seed!! luw ya

Rypäle (2006-05-23)

I had a broblem wiht the game about that is keep asking for cd 5 but i got it fixed by setting number of driver in daemon tools to 1 cd drive and after that it didnt ask for cd 5 it asked cd 1 and got it installed and the game is working grate

steph_en (2006-05-27)

seed pleas??

Chiva$ (2006-05-30)

I was wondering...Can i start playing ToB directly(just like diablo 2 lod) that will of course contain the SoA campaign,or should i first play SoA and then import to ToB?The whole point of the question is about ToB containing SoA campaign...

floyd2 (2006-06-07)


Sihoo (2006-06-08)

Seeda snälla!

Arkinos (2006-06-15)

please seed! i really want this game.. .. .. ill seed for weeks if u help me out with this one! thats a promise

coverboy (2006-06-16)

i have a pc game i will love to get down on my pc i a iso how do i do that

Ventyr (2006-06-17)

install: and you got a good program for torrent handling, download your favourite torrent and open with azureus and the files is on it´s way..!, and then you install as called "deamon tools" mount up boy!! and you are ready!!!

Arkinos (2006-06-18)

OK you darn noobs. here's the answer yo all you prayers! You don't need to burn the god damn cd's to install the game. just use Nero image drive , and mount all the cd's 1 by 1. that worked for me.. At first i tried to mount with daemon .. but it didnt work. And the good thing with this game is that it is so old and crappy that you don't need a crack to play. fuck the crack!

jimjim666 (2006-06-20)

seed fuckers!

katjing (2006-06-30)

There are quite a few new single player games that don't require a crack.

lunairetic (2006-07-01)

Hm... when I try to run ToB, the start up screen comes on fine. I've mounted to the disc to a drive using Daemon. However, when I click play I get an error. It says: An Assertion failed in ChDimm.cpp at line number 628. Programmer says Unable to Open BIF:date\DDrules.bif. Any idea on how to get this fixed?

lunairetic (2006-07-01)

Also... I have SoA already. I had it installed when I d/led this, and simply installed the ToB ISO over it. Could that have been part of the issue?

fillesmith (2006-07-11)

Please help me I got no idea at all on what Im supposed to put into daemon tools!! I can istall the game until I need to insert cd 5. I dont realy understand WERE cd 1 is. I have tried to select the whole map called "cd 1" but it wont work. When I have selected the other cds I only have selected the maps called "cd2, cd3 and cd4" please please help me with what im supposed to activate with daemon tool!

Musse88 (2006-07-29)

Thank you very much! works just fine, no problems at all :)

Rapuraa (2006-08-05)

Yes its english.

Memorium (2006-08-09)

Hm, någon annan som har problem med att få cracket att fungera? Jag har installerat SoA och ToB full installation, kört patchen, men när jag ska köra cracket får jag felmeddelande om att BGMAIN inte finns eller redan är öppen. Den finns, och den är inte öppen.
Det funkar inte att köra utan crack heller, även när jag har skivorna mountade, för spelet fattar inte var skivorna är. Någon?

ziggy669 (2006-08-17)

some seeding would be bloody nice i get 3,2 kb/s

Moriquende (2006-08-23)

Jag tänker seeda så fort jag kompletterat mina skadade filer.

Spyke88 (2006-08-30)

The Baldurs Gate-games as well as Neverwinter Nights are the best rpgs ever!

Spyke88 (2006-08-30)

Oh, and Oblivion of course :P

EmoStar (2006-09-03)

nerladdningen o allt e skitbra men vafan e d för skitsnack om CD5??? d finns ju bara 4 cd i torrenten ffs!

Thriss1 (2006-09-07)

"nerladdningen o allt e skitbra men vafan e d för skitsnack om CD5??? d finns ju bara 4 cd i torrenten ffs!"
Jag fick samma error meddelande när jag mountade alla 4 skivorna i daemon tools. Jag provade igen men med att bara ha 1 cd mountad åt gången, det fungerade utmärkt!
Förresten, EmoStar... LameName!

peter_ahlsen (2006-09-10)

I've got 22 seeders but only downloading in 10kb/s! Why??

esstrom (2006-09-11)

Well i got an error when i started the install, said "error number: 0x80040707" whats this??

walruscommando (2006-09-14)

I've gotten everything installed, exept the CD crack
when I run it it says the baldursgae.exe cannot be found or is already opened
I think I got it to work once, but not sure, still no effect.
I can run ToB using daemon manager, I still need to mount the CD
but then SoA doesn't work at all.
I installed the newest patch, which is 26something, could that be what's wrong? But checking the NoCD cracker, it says it works on that version.

TranceMan007 (2006-09-23)

After I eventually got this running , at various points it would ask me to install disc 2 or disc 3! Pissed me off no end. Not worth the hassle in my humble opinion..

Reedler (2006-10-07)

Det är få spel som har samma magi som baldursgate. Alla som inte har spelat hitintills måste faktiskt prova. Underbar download tuna. Man tackar ödmjukast

Jimpaah (2006-10-09)

funkar spelet eller? verkar skoj

Fabbe131 (2006-10-11)

Kan någon vara så snäll att seeda? Tankar i 0kb/s :(

DaGoN_16 (2006-10-27)

Alright,i got 1 problem...
When i try to patch a No-Cd crack in the main installation folder i can't open the exe file because i can't see it,and i tried with other No-Cd cracks but it says that the folder doesn't exist or the game is already patched.
What do i do?I would appreciate some help.

TorrentWhore1940 (2006-11-14)

Umm, I can't speak whatever language you guys are speaking, but is this game in english at all?

stuf2005 (2007-01-11)

Ok folks heres the deal...
yes, cd5 is missing.
yes, you can play the game. How?
Install as directed, load cd1-2-3-4 and when it asks for cd5 unmount either cd 2,3 or 4 and mount ToB. Install ToB and play.. BUT! DO NOT EXIT THE SoA SETUP! it will remove all the files (as they are temorary since the install is not complete!) Its fuckd up, i know :P but hell... atleast you can play the damn thing after wasting time on DL'in it right? Just minimize it or put it down in the corner of your desktop... (like i have with my fuckin Antivirus registration that keeps poppin up GAAAH!!!) B)
Oh well i hope it helps... fucking nice game. Just tried exiting the setup so now i have to do it again weeeee -_- but....f000000kkk ittt!!!
Btw, stop posting swedish/norwegian comments ffs. Try to be a lil more considerate to other people that cant make out w00tDaf00k ur saying!

stuf2005 (2007-01-11)

Previous comment is for either Recommended or Full installation... Minimum req works without a cd5

yan4ux (2007-01-12)

how mont images whit deamontools if there arent any?how to install it i cant find out how to cd2 works when the please insert disc2 popps out!

EctoRune (2007-02-03)

Okay, stuf2005 is a dirty liar, no other way to put it. I have this game, and it is indeed a 4-cd game, not a 5-cd game.
Baldur's Gate 1 was 5 CD's, this is BG2. I'm assuming he does it to make people stop download this file, though I have no idea why. I downloaded this several times, as my CD's are scratched, and it always worked perfectly.

stroubos (2007-02-17)

really nice guys everything works

stroubos (2007-02-17)

hi really thanks

mozillaffox (2007-02-23)

Throne of Bhaal påminner om Baal i Diablo II :p
Undrar vem som kom först med det namnet.

libelle156 (2007-03-03)

would i be able to play multiplayer with this?

Tribe-fan (2007-03-04)

This will help:
- Mound cd1
- Choose full install
- When asking for cd 2 mound it
- When asking for cd 3 mound it
- When asking for cd 4 mound it
- Now it will ask for cd 1 and not cd 5 (mound cd1)
- Now start the game. It will tell you to put the cd2 in the real drive, so either burn the cd2 ISO or use the program "Starforce nightmare". This program will allow you to disable the cd-drive and make the game think that there is no real drive. The game will still ask you for the second cd, but now you can mound the cd2 in the drive and PLAY.

markomaani1992 (2007-03-18)

seed plz and thanks man for this :DDD

Gen3sis (2007-03-26)

Seed plx!

Jojoboo (2007-04-06)

Seed, please? It's rather annoying to be standing still at 99,2%.. :/

gummo (2007-04-09)

seed plz

apc0243 (2007-04-11)

PLEASE SEED! I'm getting 1kbs here. Help!

roger jr (2007-04-23)

aww.....not much seeders....

pyroass (2007-04-24)

hello! when i try to install (with demon tols and so on) i gets this wrong message:
Error Number: 0*80040707.
Anybody who knows how to deal with this?
please help, i love this game :P

roger jr (2007-04-26)

argh wtf instal type is this ? it dont need mount but need aply a patch and drop a file wtf ? plz help me dont understand this game installing

Bosse_traekuk (2007-05-02)

Please, everyone who can seed should do so!
Selfish bastards....

pyroass (2007-05-13)

hello!! somebody plz help!!!

antoni00 (2007-05-19)

i hope you seed guys!!

antoni00 (2007-05-19)

c'mon seed some more now!! pls! dont wanna wait for hours! going in 45kB/s :/

SRRi (2007-05-31)

In case someone is wondering ToB from this release works well with retail BG2: SoA, no cracks needed.
Original BG2 is great but have to say that ToB wasnt good as I expected, too linear and too many boss encounters makes is quite frustrating because of all those preparations.

stuf2005 (2007-06-22)

"hahah roger jr why dont you go learn how to spell corectly and btw your whore mother sucks a whole lot of cocks man hahahahhahaha"
lol? start dustin off ur shelves cuz ur gonna need some room for EVERY SINGLE RETARD OF THE YEAR AWARD EVER MADE!! cunt.

c9l9 (2007-07-05)

best. game. ever.

stuf2005 (2007-07-15)

This game works perfectly...*cough* well... at some point i travel to the Watchers Keep and it asks for the ToB CD...i started with the recommended install so i have to swap cd's.. erhm.. i swap the cd to TOB (same way as i swapped the other cd's) but it doesnt seem to run it... I start up ToB with the ToB Cd and then it asks for CD 1 of SoA ...bleh!! ah well.. it works fine except that heh.. and CD 1 is NOT cd5, u moron. So stick with the recommended install or minimum.

ButtGoat (2007-08-02)

This is IMHO the best game ever. Be sure to check out Baldur's Gate 1 as well, and Planescape: Torment. If you like the game check for mods at - Lots of cool stuff there.

tjukketommie (2007-08-08)

DAMN i allmost finished the installing when it said put in cd 5 wtf??? i dont have a cd five. i have 4 game cdes and 1 for expansion. what should i do ?

oscarore (2007-08-22)

svaret till 5 skivor är att dom skrivit fel i installationen av orginal BG2 eftersom BG1 har 5 skivor men i själva verket så har BG2 bara 4 st skivor och du ska därmed istället stoppa in cd 1 jag kom på det här när spelet kom ut och jag spelade det och då var jag kanske 11 år eller nåt ( kommer inte ihåg ) om jag kunde lösa det bör ni också göra det.

Darpaek (2007-08-24)

You have 4 disks and an Expansion disk and the game is asking for disk 5... and you seriously have no idea what disk it's asking for.
I just wanted to be condescending. Sorry, but - come on. Common sense is leet.
TOB is Disk 5.

Sylvesterin (2007-09-02)

CD 5 is not ToB
The installer asking for CD 5 only happens when you mount all ISO files on different devices. Just mount CD 1, then when the program asks for CD 2, then you just mount CD 2 into the same deice as CD 1 was. G:\ on my computer.
Dunno why it is this wat, propably Daemon and SoA fighting each other.

DragoonC (2007-09-06)

Could anyone care to explain why the hell the original SoA won't work when I start it from the menu?
Play the orinal with the added instance. Click that, and it sais insert disc 2. So I mount it, and nothing. Nothing happens, I've tried to mount the cd's in every singel possible way there is but it won't accept it.

DragoonC (2007-09-06) explanation for the constant screen flimmering would be nice. Does it has to do with the graphic options or the game itself?

fasterthanhell (2007-09-07)

just trubles with this torrent, well its a shitgame anyway so:)

tharper10 (2007-10-28)

Seed Please only 15kb left!!!

espo195 (2007-11-01)

Big it up for BG.

dmingmage (2007-11-09)

I had SoA and ToB on disk, but they were destroyed in a recent move. ToB IS DISK 5 on the real disks, so i would assume that disk 5 in the previous post does mean ToB.

Petunion (2007-12-04)


Petunion (2007-12-11)

Det går inte installera full eller recommended. Det står sätt i CD5 och antingen måste den mena CDn som ligger i ToB mappen eller CD1 igen men inget av det går!!

EvilScotsman (2007-12-14)

ok it took me a while to gewt this bloody game to work, i was having the problem where it asks you insert the 5th cs....also it kept asking me to insert cd 2 to actualy play the game so heres how i got it working step by step
Set deamon tools to 1 drive
install the game on the minimum instalation
whenever it asks you to insert a new cd during the instalation just unmount the one you ahd in and then mount the one its asking for
when you run the game and it asks you to insert cd 2 all you need to do is minimise the game and mount cd2 with deamon tools
hope this helps

Bikkebakke (2008-01-01)

CD 5 is for multiplayer gaming and becouse its a cracked version thats out of the question, u just have 2 choose the minimum so u practially play the game from the cd:s (with no mp so u cant make a full 6 char in the beginning of the game)

RIPSAW1986 (2008-01-17)

I'm running Windows XP 64-bit and I cannot install past disk five (multiplayer?). Interestingly, I get this error when I try to run the "setup" file under Disk one\MPLAYNOW\MPLAYER: "The image file 'setup.exe' is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine."
Is this supposed to mean 'setup.exe' is valid for 32-bit operating systems only?

espo195 (2008-01-26)

Damn, i just d/l'ed it, its seriously unstable. Couldnt even get past first room. crashed 5 times.
Should i redownload and hope for better?

kay555666 (2008-01-27)

cd1 its not working...need help...?please

kay555666 (2008-01-27)

i made it but when i enter my name it close the game...i dont understand this shit...

Red_Band_of_the_Hand (2008-03-06)

Works on Vista 64 bit, though I had to run setup.exe instead of just clicking on the drive in Computer (it crashed otherwise).
I did a full install. I just mounted cd 1-4 on the same drive, and after cd 4 it asked me for cd 1 again, so I mounted that, and everything was installed. Also did a full install of ToB.

Mxylptlk (2008-03-09)

I had the same problem for a while... Is your name alt+f4 too? My fix to the problem was I used moniker. Try "Cyrus", it worked for me.

kaseas (2008-03-21)

I've learned that with every download there are a few losers (whoops, typo)*users that are saying "OMFG it DOESNT WORK HELP it says INSERT CD2 OMG it DOESNT WORK dont waste your time downloadingz!!!11"

0darkstrike (2008-04-19)

Hey guys i got a question, i have the game i just lost the 2nd CD, so i downloaded the 2nd CD and burnt it 2 disk but i cant do a full install because it says it cant find specified information on the disk. how do i get round this?

Nintai (2008-05-06)

The game works great for me. I used Daemon tools and mounted disk one to begin the install then once it prompted me for the next disc I simply mounted it without unmounting the previous one. Then in the end it asked me for disk 1 again to complete the install... I was never prompted for disk 5. After the install was complete I mounted disk two and was able to play.
I wasn't able to get the patch and crack to work though. For the patch it says "cant find specified file" every time I try to patch. I tried using the patch from the folder the game is in too and that didn't work either. I am not too worried about it though since the game is working great for me xD.

Steejo (2008-05-08)

I'm really confused by what some of you guys are saying. I have the original in front of me right now, and there is no all. And for the guy who tried to patch and it said it couldnt find the file, its because you shoved the nocd crack onto it before patching, just revert to the original .exe file and you should be fine to patch, then shove the nocd back on. Tah

poopoop456 (2008-05-09)

is it just me...or is there already cheats in the game...cause i started out at level 18 in ToB

Mc-Nabb (2008-05-09)

hi i'm new to the pirate bay so ... how do i seed?

Semhain (2008-05-29)

@poopoop456, thats totally normal. You start off at a higher level because its the continued story from Baulders Gate 2, which you also start off at a higher level because its continues from baulders gate/tales of the sword coast
@Mc-Nabb, any torrent client worth its weight automatically seeds. Seeding is basically uploading so if you see any indication that your doing that then your seeding!
When you run the .iso DO NOT OPEN UP MULTIPLE DRIVES, insted mount and unmount the .iso ON THE SAME DRIVE and the installation should run smoothly
Next run the ToB .iso
THE ToB .iso is not he 5th disk
Next Apply the Patch
Then apply the no CD crack
and your off!

kraneous (2008-05-30)

Thanks much!!
Free seeds for everyone!!!!

siksa (2008-06-06)

my CD1 is damage,thank God you are here. downloading BG_CD1.iso now. i hope there is no problem.

Retsaki (2008-06-07)

I got everything working but I can't fucking read anything in the game its all like glitchy colorful squares its hard to explain but it pisses me off
someone help. Im seeding this too :O

worbat (2008-06-09)

Gah i can't install the crack though surly if i just mount cd one it will work fine?

sion36 (2008-07-03)

Honestly, this needs better seeders.

Clearlynotpirating (2008-07-05)

Hrm. Everything seems to install correctly, no troubles there. However, I am having some problems with crashing; particularly whenever I attempt to equip an item or examine the first katana I come across.
Anyone else have problems in a similar vein? Attempting to re-download now in the hopes that it was just a corrupt file transfer.

Open-wide (2008-07-06)

Clearlynotpirating try here first:

I doubt it will be a torrent corruption but there are some common issues with the game crashing, some can be fixed.
A couple of other ppl have mentioned downloading only one of the files? I only need cd 4 as my hard copy is scratched. How do I go about getting only one cd out of the whole torrent? Can this be done?
Thanks for seeding :)

drjayden (2008-07-14)

When you open the torrent, unselect all the options except for BG2_CD4.iso. That'll download just the ISO for you.

pikkug3 (2008-07-17)

hi i really need som help when i use the no-cd.fix i just get error and the no-cd.fix just shutdown plz help me wathe to do .

Open-wide (2008-07-25)

Thanks drjayden! Got there in the end :)

Mirbacher88 (2008-08-03)

I have the same problem as "clearlynotpirating".
When I try to use or equip some items, the game crash. Does anyone know what to do?

lolzworz (2008-08-08)

you all fail at life. its not so hard to install a game. stop downloading porn

mic321321 (2008-08-17)

I've run into an interesting bug. I was wondering if anyone knows how to deal with it. This bug absolutely ruins the game for me and I have to start over (hoping it won't happen again).
The bug's like something is constantly pressing a hotkey. If I try to find traps it'll automatically stop as if someone kept on repeatedly issuing another order.
On my mage, if I was holding a wand in the FIRST quick item slot it'll repeatedly have me select a target (with the star and moon cursor). If I have potions in the first item slot it'll continuously drink them until they all run out (it happens on NPC party members too). I can't cast spells (or my NPC party members) because I can't get to my spellbook (using the cast spell on the bottom action bar, as if someone kept on 'canceling' it). It's a really weird bug. I've updated, patched, done everything for the game. This is the third time I'm going to have to start over. Any ideas how to fix this?

king_gomez (2008-08-22)

hello, i've got some problems with the installation. I've unzipped the entire file, i'm installing the the game and when it hits 95% completed it says i got to insert CD1. I can't find this file. Does anybody knows where I can find this file in my folder.
Please reply to if you've got the answer.THANKS!!

jameslee445 (2008-08-22)

I'm pretty new to the bay and torrents but i've been looking through the comments for this game and it sounds fairly straight forward.. i sincerely hope it is cos this is meant to a wicked game.....

waronline (2008-08-24)

to mount this disk 1 - 4 and the TOB use
Download for Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista

Download for Windows XP/2003/Vista x64 Edition

Jimbo32 (2008-08-24)

I dunno if the torrent works as I bought the game and expansions years ago. But if you're wondering whether this is worth the download, stop wondering.
This is the best game of all time.

N00BN00BN00B (2008-09-21)

please seed!

JapanAlex01 (2008-09-23)

I am serious confused here --- what do I even mount?!?! There are 4 folders with "data" and "movies" in each - what do i mount? I have 4 different folders called "data1" etc but cannot unRar these... help? I can't mount the .iso either although that can't be it!

JapanAlex01 (2008-09-23)

actually no - they're .ifo not .iso wtf am i doing wrong here

JapanAlex01 (2008-09-23)

ahh now i GET IT! the iso is the rar file to begin with *gay roll of the eyes*

Alexion3 (2008-09-27)

hi baldur's gate work??

sorcgsdf (2008-10-18)

Tjena jag har ett problem. när jag mountar skiva 1 å trycker på setup exe så står det: 16 bitarsprogram som inte stöds, det går inte att starta eller köra programmet bla bla /i:/setup.exe på grund av att den inte är kompatibel med en 64 bitars version av windows. Jag kör vista 64 ultimate editon. någon som har något tips?

jojojo80 (2008-12-02)

This is a fantastic torrent. I want to say a few things. First, concerning comments - Besides the three or four people who actually know what they're doing, tere are 9 pages of useleess comments, most of which really sour my attitude toward the intelligence of the human race. It boggles me that someone wil post, "HELP, IT DOESN'T WORK," right after someone fully explains what to do concerning the install!
Second, please stop with your - .BINS DON'T WORK, YOU NEED MAGIC ISO or whatever other program your wailing about. You need Daemon tools and Daemon tools only for this torrent and out of the 100's I've successfully installed, I have never needed more than Daemon tools. Stop saying it doesn't work when you're not even bright enough to make sure you have the latest version, please! Because I am sure others will attest, we are sooo tired of your blabbering about what works and what doesnt when you are wrong. Some people really need some help and are sincere. That's fine. Your cursing and birrage of 6 comments in a row, all in caps and five year old "you = u / thanks = thx" notation is not.
My biggest suggestion is to study the program your using before you use it and especially before you say it doesnt work. Is it so hard to figure out that you can say "recognize all files" to mount a .bin and that a .cue is not even needed? Really. And I didn't study this crap - I learned it on my own by having patience and READING and not just going nuts and trying to install something as if I were cramming a bagel into a toaster. Thank you.
After the download, open your latest version of Daemon Tools and mount cd1 .iso. If it doesn't autorun, you know what to do. If you don't, find another hobby. Next, do a FULL install. When asked for cd2, don't unmount. Just mount cd2 on the same drive and continue until it asks for cd 1 again. Mount cd1 and finish install. If you dont want to install tob, use cd2 to play.
Next mount the tob.iso and install, once again a full install. after this you can decide to play by mounting the tob iso or doing the patch / nocd crack. If you want to do this, which I reccomend, take the patch out of th download folder and place it in your BGII directory, then install. You must do this prior to using the nocd crack. For nocd, simply extract the file to you BGII directory and overwrite your .exe and that is all.
This game is awesome and so is Pirate Bay. Many of the people on hear are great and I don't mind lending a hand when I can. If your a leecher, well there's nothing I can do, but as a computer wizard in training I am now casting a fatal error spell targeted at all your rigs. May your hard drives crash to the point of no return as the cores of all your processors vaporize
just as you get the game working. PEACE!

jojojo80 (2008-12-02)

Oh and Japan Alex - What are you talking about the .iso is the .rar file? This is what I mean. The rar is nothing but a few jpgs. The iso's are right in front of your face. This is how people get confused and a simple torrent turns into a megaspamposting disaster.

brokenvector (2008-12-14)

pikkug3 is right, the no cd crack didnt work, neither in SoA or ToB ... anyone can help with this?

Tactical__ (2009-01-01)

One of the best games ever.

kezeyrage (2009-01-12)

It needs 5 discs and this comes with 4, omg wtf this is gay

patrik83dx (2009-01-14)

jojojo80 just restored my faith in mankind.

Chadathin (2009-01-22)

This works perfectly, was extremely easy to set up, downloaded fast, and has no glitches so far at all. Thanks for this excellent game and torrent!

Chadathin (2009-01-22)

Oh, and as far as the nocd crack goes, I haven't messed with it at all, but who needs it? Do a full install, mount discs one at a time with Daemon or something similar, patch it and play. You don't need discs after a full install, and even if you did, you could just remount easily. I fail to see why the nocd crack would even be useful unless you didn't do a full install.

UnknownMonsta (2009-01-26)

Before I get flamed for asking how to get this thing to work. I just wanna let you know this is the first out of I don't know.... 30 games I've ever had trouble getting to work.... I can get it installed no problem.
However, I can't get the crack to work. I tried burning each CD to a disk, and that'll get me to the menu where it asks if you wanna play Shadows of Amn or Throne of Bhaal.
Well I select shadows, it asks me to swap disks, and BAM the game freezes. I tried loading with said disk and it still freezes... I've also tried mounting the playing disk with PowerISO and still no luck... So guys I'd appreciate some help, and I'm going to go ahead and thank you in advance....

shinateku (2009-01-27)

alright I'm having a slight issue. It isn't with installing, the comments earlier helped with that, but rather with the starting of the game.
it tells me to configure first since it is my first time. thats cool, so I configure it. then I click ok and it doesn't start the game nor does it let me play the game from the launcher (just tells me to configure it.) any advice would be appreciated

qcsheep (2009-02-05)

First.. scuse for my bad english ^^
So hem... Am I a total noob or it's just this fucking torrent who is not working ?
I have a problem with the CD 5.... Yes I read all the comments... NO I dont found a solution....
So !
1- I run setup.exe in BG2_CD1
2- I choose one of the tree options ( conpact, full or recommanded )
3- Everything works fine.... CD 1,2,3,4
4.... Popup want me to put CD 5.... WTF !!!
I try replace CD 5 by CD1, its not working... I try to put all the CDs in one folder... ITS NOT working !!
And.... everyones said to mount the CDs (I use deamons tools)... So hem... Where are thoses fucking images files ?!
I never have any problems with other torrents of pirate bay... so I dont understand whats not working...
So, if you can help me, it would be nice to you^^

qcsheep (2009-02-06)

Ok ! Im a total noob... scuse me I realy suck XD
Thx for the torrent, work great, no bug !

Lullebull (2009-02-07)

seed please

bigdicknick8463 (2009-04-07)

i am soooooooooooooo pissed right now. i hadj ust thrown out my origional copies of this game because i was sure i need a cd key to install it and i only had the cd's! GAHHHHH!
You can only do "MINIMAL INSTALL" everyother one asks for a 5th disk which isnt noti ncluded int his torrent. BUT! i havent tested it yet, u can FAKE it by following these instructions. These are directly from the bio ware website here

Minimum to Recommended Install
1. Do a Minimum install.
2. Edit your "baldur.ini" file. Change the line "Install Type=1" to "Install Type=2"
3. Copy the following files from CD2 to your BG2 directory, where [cddrive] is the letter of your CD-ROM drive and [BG2] is the location of your BG2 install
[cddrive]\CD2\Data\CREAnim.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CREAnim.bif
[cddrive]\CD2\Data\CREAnim1.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CREAnim1.bif
[cddrive]\CD2\Data\GUIMosc.bif ===> [BG2]\data\GUIMosc.bif
[cddrive]\CD2\Data\MovHD0.bif ===> [BG2]\data\MovHD0.bif
[cddrive]\CD2\Data\NPCSoCD3.bif ===> [BG2]\data\NPCSoCD3.bif
[cddrive]\CD2\Data\NPCSound.bif ===> [BG2]\data\NPCSound.bif
4. Copy the following files from CD3 to your BG2 directory
[cddrive]\CD3\Data\CD3CreA2.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CD3CreA2.bif
[cddrive]\CD3\Data\CD3CreAn.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CD3CreAn.bif
[cddrive]\CD3\Data\CDCreAni.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CDCreAni.bif
5. Copy the following files from CD4 to your BG2 directory
[cddrive]\CD4\Data\CD4CreA2.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CD4CreA2.bif
[cddrive]\CD4\Data\CD4CreA3.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CD4CreA3.bif
[cddrive]\CD4\Data\CD4CreAn.bif ===> [BG2]\data\CD4CreAn.bif
You now have a Recommended install.
Minimum to Full Install
1. Do a Minimum install.
2. Edit your "baldur.ini" file. Change the line "Install Type=1" to "Install Type=3". Also, you will need to edit the [Alias] section. Make the following changes where [BG2] is the location of your BG2 install
3. Copy the following directories (and all their contents) from the BG2 CDs to your BG2 install folder, where [cddrive] is the letter of your CD-ROM drive and [BG2] is the location of your BG2 install
[cddrive]\CD2 ===> [BG2]\CD2
[cddrive]\CD3 ===> [BG2]\CD3
[cddrive]\CD4 ===> [BG2]\CD4
You now have a Full install.

Dani1230 (2009-04-15)

Well, I don't know if anyone will even bother to reply to this one... but I am a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff, and I am have no clue what I am doing. I can't even get past double clicking on Setup.exe in the first CD. I can't get past "insert CD 2"...
I don't see a readme in the files that could possibly help me... I guess this stuff is for the more technically savvy.
No one could possibly give me a step by step runthrouh, hmmm?? :D

Dani1230 (2009-04-15)

Well, nenvermind, I at least got to the "insert cd 5" that everyone else got stuck on. ut I tried following everyoone's advice on the previous comments and it gets me nowhere.

escalonaricardo (2009-05-14)

Is this game as fast as it goes when im playing it? im used to sword coast tales, and believe that it is excessively fast (the game play). is it like that? or is the torrent... is there any way to fix it?

Bill_Oreilly (2009-05-15)

The torrent works, installed and runs just fine. Unfortunately I can't hear the characters speak. I've searched everywhere for a solution, but I guess the game is just a little too old. The game is still playable with captions, but one of the best parts of this game is the voice acting. :(

Avlor (2009-06-16)

seed, please :-)

tomhague (2009-10-23)

managed to install fine although when I try n play it asks for disc 2.
I have tried mounting with daemon and poweriso
I have also tried burning to disc
any ideas?

Brandon6947 (2009-11-15)

Game installed perfectly. I played it all night last night but then when I went to open the game today the start-up screen was back to "install" instead of "play".. any ideas what i did wrong?

neomi4 (2009-12-22)

run the game from XP it won't ask for the bloody CD2!

spearthebigones (2010-03-08)

I had the same problem on Baldur's Gate I where I couldn't hear the voices while playing the game.
It's a real easy fix, at least for Baldur's Gate I! You simply need to change your sound setting on your computer so that the speaker setup "configuration" is set to "stereo". These old games weren't designed to play surround sound and that's why it mutes the voices.

RealDream (2010-03-21)

Where's the last CD?
I find CD 1, CD 2, CD 3, CD 4 and CD ToB.
Everything is installed, but some areas need another cd to mount. The Expansion CD. Where is it in the torrent?
Specifically: I'm travelling to Watcher's Keep (ToB area) but the game tells me I need another CD. "Place Expansion CD in Drive D." I've the ToB CD mounted, and I've tried to mount the other CDs as well, but none works. So is there a "hidden" Expansion CD in the torrent or not?

OlbrieN (2010-04-30)

Okey guys, I had problems with this game. After installing the game like bigdicknick8463 said, I still couldn't manage to play the game. The game started, the movie comes on, but when I have to chose between both games SoA or ToB it would ask to insert the expansion disc and that it wasn't inserted in Drive.
I managed to work that out, and now I play the game without any problems.
First you should do this
Minimum to Full Install
1. Do a Minimum install.
2. Edit your "baldur.ini" file. Change the line "Install Type=1" to "Install Type=3". Also, you will need to edit the [Alias] section. Make the following changes where [BG2] is the location of your BG2 install
3. Copy the following directories (and all their contents) from the BG2 CDs to your BG2 install folder, where [cddrive] is the letter of your CD-ROM drive and [BG2] is the location of your BG2 install
[cddrive]\CD2 ===> [BG2]\CD2
[cddrive]\CD3 ===> [BG2]\CD3
[cddrive]\CD4 ===> [BG2]\CD4
Now, after doing this, you must do for cd5 too.
CD5 is located in the .iso file BG2 ToB
[cddrive]\CD5 ===> [BG2]\CD5
Also you should change your alias for CD5 too...
Now I think you could manage to play the game, but... I also changed the configurations of the game. I'm not sure that is needed, but I think it is.
Go to where you installed your game, open BGConfig go to 2d 3d options, and put a mark on 3d animations, use 3d acceleration, 32bit texture.
I hope it works, like it worked for me =d

newslimepirate (2010-05-08)

It seems I have found a solution to the CD5 error. I searched on other forums and found that many people (and myself now) got it working using this method. (I got it working on my first try installing this game, so whether it would have worked had i not used this method, I do not know for sure)
Note, this worked on the FULL install. I did not attempt the recommended install.
Simply, mount the image for the CD you need, allow it to install its portion of the game, and then it will ask for the next CD.
At this point, UNMOUNT the current CD, wait 5-10 seconds, mount the next CD, wait 5-10 seconds, and continue with the installation.
Sounds too simple to work, but nevertheless it works as it did for me as well as other people on other forums.
If all done correctly, it should ask for CD1, then CD2, then CD3, then CD4,
After you mount CD1 again at the end, it will finish installing, then play a short video trailer, then you will be completely finished.

Muadddibb (2010-05-24)

setup could not find specified path or .....
help please it ask for cd2 i click the map and it gives me this message, sometimes it just ask for 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 and i get the same message

Bakbar (2010-06-07)

Okay I have just a small problem. I downloaded everything and installed with no problem, and just played for an hour with no crashes.
However, the no-cd crack doesn't work. I copy it to the directory folder and it tries to apply a patch or something. I already patched the game beforehand.
I can still play the game by mounting the disc, but a way to get the crack to work would be appreciated. Or maybe another crack somewhere.

copiedname (2010-07-21)

I was getting an error during RECOMMENDED installation, when it asked for CD2, I clicked the CD2 folder, but it said file not found. I found fix, when it asks for CD2, DO NOT specify a folder, simply mount CD2 and click ok/next. This worked when it asked for the other CDs as well.
Not sure if this works with minimum/full, but it worked for me.

emersonchris45 (2010-07-27)

i am trying to follow what jojojo80 wrote and when i get to "or doing the patch / nocd crack. If you want to do this, which I reccomend, take the patch out of th download folder and place it in your BGII directory, then install. You must do this prior to using the nocd crack. For nocd, simply extract the file to you BGII directory and overwrite your .exe and that is all." i cant figure out how to do that... can somebody help me? i would appreciate it

Kyully (2010-08-14)

Goddamnit people, Disk 5 actually means Disk 1, the first, play disk. The answer is just a few pages back, you people could be less lazy, eh. Also having problems burning and/or mounting images when you never did it before is nothing retarded, you have to start somehow after all, we all did. I will make a detailed guide after downloading this torrent if people still need it.

Kyully (2010-08-15)

Okay, so here's the guide. Just follow there steps and you should do fine.
1 - Download this torrent.
2 - Download a tool called "Daemon Tools", or "Daemon Tools Lite', it makes no difference. Just google it.
3 - Install Daemon Tools, start the program and then create a virtual drive. Just search for "Virtual Devices", then "Add SCSI Virtual Drive".
4 - Again in "Virtual Devices", click on the virtual drive and then click "Mount Image", then search for the "BG2_CD1" ISO file located in your torrent folder. It should automatically pop-up the Baldur's Gate II instalation setup. If it doesn't, go to your My Computer and then click on the mounted image.
5 - Start installing the game. After a while a message should pop-up asking for you to insert CD2, so just follow step 4 again, but this time mounting the "BG2_CD2" file. Go back to the setup and press OK. When CD3 is asked, just mount it. And so goes for CD4. It then will ask for CD1 (or CD5, CD0, whatever, doesnt matter), just mount "BG2_CD1" again and press OK.
6 - After the instalation is done, a promo video will be shown. When it ends, your setup will say that the installation is done and you may play, but don't start the game just yet. Go back to Daemon Tools and mount the file "BG2 ToB". Another setup will pop-up. Install it, it's an expansion.
7 - Finished the installation, go to your torrent folder (where the disks are located) and search for the
file. Just double-click and install it. It's very quick and it'll be over before you know it.
8 - Still in the torrent folder, search for the "Baldur's Gate II - ToB - NoCd Crack 26498" rar file and extract it (if you can't extract the file, download WinRAR, google it). You'll have three new files. Run one of them, "Baldurs Gate 2 ToB v2. Crack". A program will appear, which you'll press "Apply Patch". It should search and create automatically a crack for your Baldur's Gate game. After all of this is done, just run baldur.exe in your install folder and it should start.
PS.: If while cracking a message like "BGMAIN.EXE : not found or already opened !" pops-up, this is natural because the crack is shit as are the people who made it. No matter what you do, it won't work. But it won't affect your game, you just need to mount "BG2_CD1" again and start baldur.exe.
9 - Don't forget to seed at least in a 1-1 rate. Share the love!

epichobo (2011-02-03)

Good torrent

Leeell (2011-04-12)

nice guide, except when you see: "BGMAIN.EXE : not found or already opened !
just re-run the program as administrator, it will work then

Ikharus (2011-06-04)

-_- I hate these torrents.
They try to be all fancy and look so convenient and easy to use that it just ends up being annoying.
Make a normal crack... not this self applying crap that doesn't work anyways...

brc2001 (2011-06-13)

^ Apart from the NoCD crack, it works perfectly and doesn't take more than a few minutes to install. If you're too stupid to follow simple instructions, then just buy the game

spik330 (2011-06-21)

works just fine with online to!!!!

hayley123 (2011-07-04)

I have just downloaded this torrent and it works perfectly except that when I tried to load it up again after playing it once the start scrren only gave my the option of installing the game (which I had already done) and no option to play the game. I was really irritated by this because I didn't want to have to start over again- I used daemon tools to install and it worked fine for BG1- can somebody help and explain to me what I shoulds do?

bamfbamf (2011-07-10)

Um don't keep running setup.exe?
When you mount an iso for installation it starts setup.exe by default... so after you've installed you have no reason to keep auto-running setup to reinstall the game.
Just go to wherever you installed the game and run the actual application file, or better yet make a shortcut of the game when you install and turn off daemon tools autorun setup otherwise every time you mount it will simply try to run the setup.exe.

cuttingedgecomix (2011-07-12)

Okay, I feel dumb often times when trying to figure this stuff out, like what good is these files without a crack, a crack that I cannot seem to find? What is this German? Can anyone help?

Xyphon (2011-07-23)

I'm getting an error code (0x80040707) all I can find about fixing it is cleaning off my disk. Problem is I mounted the .iso on a virtual drive. Any advice?

Cloud_St (2011-08-10)

My install stops at 1%,any help?

Trance185 (2011-10-12)

Alright guys i was like alot of the guys in the comments. Wondering why the hell this wouldn't work and it kept asking for cd5 The First option choose single player install then when installing the exspansion choose full install worked perfect for me. Hoped it helped thanks for the upload

inheart (2011-11-17)

Is it possible to play online - lan? Any one that knows please tell me! Thanks

prat29 (2011-12-25)

WOW!Horrible graphics T_T

Yacksoba0 (2011-12-28)

wow a 11-12 years old game and one of the best RPG ever created :D

fslaker (2012-01-24)

Well It installed everything ok, and it didn't ask for cd5 instead it asked for cd1 again, It wrote CD1 not CD5...
The funny thing is that the No-CD crack didn't work but I can still play the game just by mounting the Throne of Bhaal iso file.
OS: Windows7 64bits

fslaker (2012-01-24)

okay now something is bothering me.
Is it normal for the npcs talk only the first line written??
I mean the text appears then they speak. After that I press Continue so the new text appear, but they don't speak what's written there. Is that normal?

SomedayI (2012-03-14)

This is going to sound stupid of me, but I made it all the way through the installation with Daemon Tools, and sometime around when the demo video is supposed to start the whole thing bluescreens and crashes entirely.
I'm on Windows 7 64 Bit- could someone tell me how to make this thing work, or perhaps where I've gone wrong?

sutoko (2012-04-25)

Easy way to install this;
Extract all the ISOs into one folder, install game.
When it asks for CD1, mount it with UltraISO or something, point the installer to the virtual drive.
Install ToB the same way, extract to a folder, install from there.
Install the patch, you can get a crack from GameCopyWorld that will crack any version of the game and you're done.

LordPhallus (2012-05-17)

So I created an SCSI digital drive with Daemon tools, mounted the .ISO for CD 1, and nothing happened. Went into My Computer, clicked on the digital file, and nothing. This is my first major torrent, and I'm stumped. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there something wrong with my system? Could anyone shed some light or offer any advice?

MegaDroogie (2012-09-26)

Don't let anyone convince you that there's something wrong with the torrent. This thing runs absolutely perfectly. I've been seeding the fuck out of it. You should too.

RAMEN00DLE5 (2012-12-10)

@prat29 wow horrible ignorance T_T

Felix3996 (2013-01-24)

Apologies for being one of the many with question most likely with a simple solution, but, through reading the 11 pages of comments, I haven't found a fix to my problem.
Every time I try to start multiplayer (Not for online, just to use more than one custom character), I go to New Game, after entering in session data, game name, etc. But, it says the program has stopped working right after I click New game, and, closes after a while. I'm thinking about just getting Icewind Dale, but, the story and quests are so much better in SoA.
I'm attempting this with TCP/IP, because I can't seem to get serial to work, and the other options are not accessible to me. I'd appreciate a solution if anyone has one. Thanks.
Other than that, the game works just like the CDs. I used sutoko's method of installing, if it matters

armada60 (2013-02-13)


Lebada3 (2013-07-29)

So many stupid people. Probably shouldn't have downloaded this in the first place., it's obviously not for you.

Chino_br (2013-10-29)

Thanks for remembering my childhood :)

Rawhide65 (2014-07-07)

Early on during the installation of disc 1, I ran into a CRC mismatch error with regards to the file ... data/CHAAnim.bif. I retried a few times with the same result and eventually ignored the problem. The rest of the discs installed without a problem, mounting them one at a time on the same virtual drive. I'm about to test to see if the game works but worry about their being problems down the road due tot his (missing?) file. Has anyone else ran into this? Any suggestions on how to fix it? I've tried googling the file in question but have found nothing that helps. I was also unable to find the file in the data folder of disc 1. Thanks for any help.


1. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldur's Gate 2 - SoA + ToB expansion.nfo 870 bytes
2. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldur's Gate II - SoA [Manual].rar 34.63 Mb
3. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldur's Gate II - ToB - NoCd Crack 16.24 Kb
4. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-back.jpg 197.57 Kb
5. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd1.jpg 100.73 Kb
6. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd2.jpg 100.69 Kb
7. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd3.jpg 102.83 Kb
8. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-cd4.jpg 82.57 Kb
9. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-front.jpg 151.93 Kb
10. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-inlay.jpg 125.06 Kb
11. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Shadows_Of_Amn-inside.jpg 113.76 Kb
12. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-back.jpg 199.56 Kb
13. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-cd.jpg 97.64 Kb
14. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-front.jpg 132.56 Kb
15. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-inlay.jpg 121.66 Kb
16. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/Baldurs_Gate_2_Throne_Of_Bhaal-inside.jpg 136.06 Kb
17. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/BG2 ToB.iso 633.80 Mb
18. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/BG2_CD1.ISO 619.55 Mb
19. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/BG2_CD2.ISO 626.24 Mb
20. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/BG2_CD3.ISO 650.06 Mb
21. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/BG2_CD4.ISO 596.94 Mb
22. Baldur's Gate II - SoA + ToB expansion/BGII-ThroneofBhaal_Patch_26498_ENGLISH.exe 8.00 Mb