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Dark Messiah Multiplayer Non-Steam \\






Dark Messiah Multiplayer Non-Steam




2006-11-30 (by Spasmus)


This is the extracted version of Dark Messiah Multiplayer. Works on lan without steam... The client have to type connect and then the servers ip, in the console to join. For some reason you can't join in find servers.

Files count:



1068.20 Mb




Spasmus (2006-11-30)

I'm sorry but i don't have too much upload speed on my crappy internet. Might be at bit slow

Marxist (2006-12-01)

nice upload , now someone needs to test it with hamachi

SilverDK (2006-12-02)

Works fine for me with Hamachi..

erfah (2006-12-02)

so... seeders are needed... anyone?

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

someone please seed i need it

markslo11 (2006-12-03)

How do i install this...i have extracted the files on C: Disk and nothing happens...there are just some files...what should I do ? do i need steam ??

Spasmus (2006-12-03)

I´m sorry i haven't been able to seed for a couple of days. Back up soon.
And for "markslo11" You just run the mm.exe and it will work. You don't need steam ;-)

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

Thx spasmus :D

markslo11 (2006-12-03)

Isnt mm.exe for Singleplayer? Or maybe..i run mm.exe----> oh..this is mp right..:D BTW..PLEASE SEED.MY DOWNLOAD STOPS AT 37.6% SEED PLEASE!

markslo11 (2006-12-03)

another thing...There are some files---> i extracted them into C: disk ...anyone know what to do ?blackmagicDK do u have any idea?

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

nope i stopped with 37,6% too

markslo11 (2006-12-03) have only 2 seeders :S i really wanna try MP ..blackmagic got msn ?

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

yeah :D

markslo11 (2006-12-03)


markslo11 (2006-12-03)

gimme gimme ur msn :)

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

ok m8 "[email protected]

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

Spasmus or other seeds. SEED we need it

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

seed please seed

Spasmus (2006-12-03)

There are some problems with my comp... I will try to seed from another comp. This is for lan only.. and i think someone tested it with hamachi.

blackmagicDK (2006-12-03)

thx spasmus

blackmagicDK (2006-12-05)

What must i do to press the console up i cant press it up with ½ and ' please help me

masicuro (2006-12-06)

has somebody some ip to play online without steam? someday we could play togher..

succamehu (2006-12-06)

Hi BlackmagidDK, I got the console working by making a shortcut of mm.exe and added -console to the shortcut name properties, and I also changed the ½ to another button (my ½ button is buggy) by modding the config.cfg in the cfg folder. Just search "console" and change ½ to whatever you like

succamehu (2006-12-06) repeat masicuros

succamehu (2006-12-06) repeat masicuros question, any cracked server up ? :D

isilro (2007-01-15)

Seeders are needed!

TDDN (2007-02-12)

Hey,there Is a problem,like something about a code and it says ''could not read memory'' anyone got a solution?

B3RGM4RK (2007-03-21)

My Console does'nt appear... Whats wrong please hep me

blackmagicDK (2007-04-15)

Seed please Seed

mr.garrison77 (2007-05-20)

Would be lovely if some1 knew an hamachi server, or anything else that could make it possible to play online... If, please post it here. Thanks on forehand

Barestrand (2007-06-03)

come on please make this torrent alive again!!P

SuperFly2000 (2007-06-19)

Hamachi network name:
Come join

SuperFly2000 (2007-06-19)

You have to enable the console via advanced.
Then simply press ~

Achilles90 (2007-07-07)

Can anyone tell me plz how do i get this to work???

Achilles90 (2007-07-07)

It keeps telling cant find some DLL file but i dont get any name on the file except that

bozicek (2007-07-28)

SEED THIS TORRENT!!!! or keep going to hell...;P

Blackfirefly (2007-07-29)

There is no problem in getting it to work but i still can´t figure out how to get the console to show...
Ihave enabled the Console, creating a shortcut named mm.exe~console, but nothing works
I read somewhere in these comments that u can modd "config.cfg" but i just don´t get in
Would really apreciate help btw i´m swedish so here is my msn [email protected]

bozicek (2007-07-30)

How can I join in a server?
my sreverlist is empty!!!

bozicek (2007-07-30)

where can i find an ip for play in?
can anybody tell me plz

bozicek (2007-08-01)

anybody plays this multiplayer???

T-LINK (2007-08-19)

I have this error:
I start the game, and then right after the trailers then right before I get to the main menu (where i can click on "find servers", "Options" and so on) the game crashes and write this message: "Platform Error: module failed to initialize"
Can anyone help me??

Withcze (2007-08-26)

New Empy Hamachi network have name:
Come join and fight

Skarvig (2007-08-26)

Can someone help me ? When I double press the "mm.exe" nothing happens. Why ?
E-Mail : [email protected]

RobertBond (2007-09-11)

ain't get longer then 94.2

Dealman (2007-10-10)

I get an error, like "Moudle failed to initialize" just when it's about to show the menu. Then another error comes and says some with "0xblahblah" could not be read or something. :S Any way to fix this?
Also someone can help me how to use it via Hamachi? I never used Hamachi ^^

Petan120 (2007-10-30)

someone that can tell me why the download stops at 87.8%?

Doggedoggedogge (2007-12-12)

Can people seed please i didn't care so much before but waiting 3 weaks for a torrent this small is lame

Nozh (2007-12-29)

Please seed this, lots of us stuck at 73% T_T

nthess (2008-01-31)

stuck at 78.8!!!
can somone PLASE seed??????????

nthess (2008-02-03)


nthess (2008-02-07)

stuck at 95.7%... please seed

vlex26 (2008-02-07)

Stuck on 95.7%
Need Seeder or peers that are higher than me

vlex26 (2008-02-07)

Come on Please just bloody seed it already
got a LAN Party tomorrow and i need this game for it

nthess (2008-02-08)

please,please seed...just 4.3% to download...

nthess (2008-02-09)

c'mon seeders...don't just leave it like this...

nthess (2008-02-17)

F****N' SEED THE DAMN FILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VonXagen (2008-03-26)

Aaahh mann!!!A
Anyone please seed!
It's stopped at 95.5%
Please guys...If you seed and i will get it,i promise i use my 255 kb/s upload to help you guys...

Black3r (2008-12-29)

I uploaded my working multiplayer non-steam extracted version of this game which is not experiencing those bugs mentioned here (console connect), it is working fully nonsteam. Found here:

I can't seed now due to certain reasons but there still are some seeders.