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I-Doser with ALL doses including the new quickhits released in 2






I-Doser with ALL doses including the new quickhits released 2008




2008-10-29 (by robwalsh1)


EDIT: I HAVE NOTICED THAT I FORGOT TO INCLUDE THE ALBUM ARTWORK. SEARCH FOR I-Doser Album Artwork FOR MY TORRENT CONTAINING THEM OR HERE'S THE LINK: ----------------------- I-Doser Description: ----------------------- I-Doser Labs is the leading producer of Binaural Brainwave CDs and computer applications. Using proven, scientific, and safe methods of synchronizing your brainwaves; a simulated state can be achieved through the use of our advanced audio CDs, or the I-Doser Application, and a pair of stereo headphones. Our Binaural process has been refined with years of research and development. With thousands of satisfied users, the I-Doser Labs CDs, MP3s, and the I-Doser Application for PCs continue to lead the industry as the only safe and effective method to achieve a simulated mood or experience. ----------------------- This is the ONLY torrent to have ALL the I-Doser doses including the new quickhits released in 2008 without duplicates. Over 100 unique doses! The MP3's are for the doses that I could not get a hold of the .drg files for. The MP3's, however, are high quality (almost lossless) so should work perfectly. I have also included the Album Artwork for each dose so you can put them on your iPod/MP3 player. Search on YouTube for 'drg to mp3' to find out how. In this download you will find the new quickhits released in 2008. I could not find these anywhere but after a long time searching found them on some russian website, which I had to translate and sign up for etc. Trust me - you will not find them ANYWHERE else. I guarantee that I am the first person to upload them to a non-russian website. Note: Some people recieve an error when trying to open I-Doser reporting a missing file - COMDLG32.OCX. If you have this problem, jut download the missing file from and extract it to your WINDOWS/System32 folder. Enjoy! Happy dosing! -- robawalsh


  1. idoser
  2. i-doser
  3. dose
  4. doses
  5. quickhits
  6. new quickhits
  7. idoser new

Files count:



150.53 Mb




robwalsh1 (2008-10-30)

It may take a while for your brain to recognize/get used to the binaural beats. I didn't feel anything until my 15th or so dose and I just started to get an effect every time and I've done about 75-100 total
Also, make sure you use decent headphones. I'm not saying you have to spend £100 on some expensive sennheisers but use something slghtly better than the facotry iPod headphones.
This should help - it helped me massively.

banhmr9001 (2008-11-03)

Feels good man

robwalsh1 (2008-11-04)

what feels good? did you get it to work? it usually takes over 10 tries before any effects show
the more you do it, the stronger the effects become every time

Ryker1000 (2008-11-09)

Ahh Very nice work man ! ;) %$%

GVOLTT (2008-11-11)

On quite a few of the files, I get this message:
"This dose is licensed for another computer. Please purchase a dose for this computer." Is there any way this can be fixed?

GVOLTT (2008-11-11)

Disregard my previous comment; I got them to work. I'll see where this takes me...

hotinja (2008-11-21)

tanx for this great upload...i installed the i-doser player from their website and i get only about half of your dose files running, the rest says they are licensed to another computer...anyone can help me??

Vilzu (2008-11-28)

what line characters i have to change???

robwalsh1 (2008-11-28)

Don't worry, everyone gets this problem.
Just open the file with notepad, scroll to the very bottom and delete the last line.
Everything after the @ symbol on the last line and nothing else.
Then save it and open - it should work

OriginalFire (2008-11-29)

Rob is right ;D
Works everytime...
Make sure you ONLY!!! delete the '@' symbol and everything AFTER that...
Don't delete anything BEFORE the @ or it wont work right ;D

Corbzor (2008-12-08)

The best thing i found is to start with one of the QTs as your first, because they are supposed to be more intense and faster acting they can get you're brain used to this kind of thing faster. I recommend the Brain+QT because it isn't supposed to have any normal drug type affects so you don't have expectations that are to high.

AimForTheHead (2009-01-07)

robwalsh1 you're lying when you say includes all quickhits, what about the "LSDQH" for example?

jacobrod (2009-01-11)

@Aimforthehead He didn't have to give us anything, just be grateful he put it up at all...
BTW thanks Rob :D

White_Flare (2009-01-12)

these are always fun. i downloaded the pack back in 2005 and those weren't very much compared to the ones out now. lets just say played runescape for what seemed like 20 minutes only to find i had been walking in circles for 3 while listening to "speed" only worked because i let my brain drift but very nice effects.
so thank you rob for this pack.

White_Flare (2009-01-12)

oh and for those who are having trouble with this when i said i let my brain drift i dont mean like "free your mind danial san" i basically mean dont focus on anything but as soon as u feel it start taking your thoughts away dont force it but keep from focusing.
let the rhythm do its work and soon you will be soaring 'high'. good luck all.

robwalsh1 (2009-01-21)

LSDQH is in there as an MP3. Look under the folder 'MP3's'
I couldn't get it as a dose file, and i dont think you will anywhere else unless you buy it

jroemlein (2009-02-03)

awesome awesome awesome. i love it. extremely fast d/l too!!!!!

robwalsh1 (2009-02-04)

No problem.
I also make binaural beats myself cos alot of the I-Doser's are badly contructed, only about a third of them work in my opinion.
Mine are better :-)
Go to
I havn't put any on yet, i'm working on it...

alezito_gdl (2009-02-23)

Bro, my brain can't thank you enough......
I'll send all my positive vibes right to you!!!!!

alezito_gdl (2009-02-23)

By the way...extremely fast download, will seed this like forever.....and uploading the artwork to....dude you rock.

jagtarenpaj (2009-02-26)

I can't even make the program work. I've reinstalled it a couple of times but every time I try to open to program a window pops up with the text:
Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file missing or invalid
How am I supposed to fix this? Should I download the client from another torrent?

robwalsh1 (2009-02-28)

I've never seen this problem before, but searching on google i found this.
That should solve your problem.
and thanks alezito_gdl!

jiggaboo (2009-03-14)

hi what do you mean by opening it with notepad? soz for being a bit of a noob but i dont get what you mean. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

CheebaNick (2009-03-17)

@AimForTheHead dont be so quick to judge.... check ur mp3 folder =P
ty robwalsh1

Lootskin (2009-03-19)

I already have the program and some doses. But I'm downloading this to extend my collection. Some of these things are scary.

kraziaznvtboi (2009-03-20)

I-Doser divides people into 3 groups:
-Somewhat affected
-No results
So don't complain if it doesn't work.
For slow peers, just uncheck the .mp3 files which will leave the download being only about 20 MB .
Kudos to robwalsh1 for going through the hassle of Russain sites to get us this splendid release.

robwalsh1 (2009-03-28)

Wow. This is my first and obly torrent so i'm hapy to see such postitive feedback. And over 100 seeders!
jiggaboo, sorry to be a bit slow. If you're still wondering, you go to the dose file (thats the .drg), right-click on itm click 'Open with...' and choose Notepad. If it's not there then click 'Choose program' and find it. Once you have it in notepad, scroll to the very bottom and delete the last line - everything AFTER the '@' symbol, but nothing before it.
Then save the file and try to open it again. It should work.
kraziaznvtboi, I went through ti all in the first place to get it for myself and then I thought i'd share it since they're so hard to get hold of.
I having really been doing my site, but if you want some of my BB's (which IMO are better than I-doser's) then ask here and i'll get in contact with you.
I hope everyone's enjoing, and keep seeding!

dinobug (2009-03-29)

Thanks for the Torrent! Here's a site that tells in detail how to go from .drg to mp3

Real detailed with links to where you can download the programs to do it.

Selmuir (2009-03-31)

wtf.... some work some dont. Most give me errors when i try to open ffs.

Selmuir (2009-03-31)

wait doesnt matter. Thay all work. My fault :P

blaze10101 (2009-04-26)

This downloaded in 5 minutes @ Frostwire...I am seeding this. Very very very well done. What is QH?

robwalsh1 (2009-04-29)

QH means QuickHit which is the same (supposedly) as the full length dose but shorter, usually 5-15 mins.

Stryke23 (2009-05-17)

is there a difference between the mp3 files and the dose files?

Stryke23 (2009-05-17)

When i try and run it i get "Component 'mscomctl.o cx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" Help?

robwalsh1 (2009-07-17)

illusionz, i think you are somewhat confused. SBaGen is the program/engine that I-Doser write their doses on. The .drg files are simply their encrypted version of the file, making you have to pay for a simple text file they have constructed on SBaGen. You could easily have written the dose yourself in 10 minutes with some basic understanding, all I-Doser have done is save you that work and make you pay $4 for it. In my opinion, a scam; unless you dont understand how Binaural Beats work, in which case you should learn and save yourself a lot of cash.
Besides, the I-Doser doses of often badly constructed and would work a lot more effiently if re-written by someone with half a brain. If you havn't got it already, I hate I-Doser, i'm just uploading them due to popular request.
I'm working on my own better, Binaural Beats, one to induce euphoria for a short period of time and one to reduce stress/anxiety and, hopefully, a hallucinogen.
If you would like some of my BB's just email me:
and if you send me spam, i will personally rip off your testicles, shove them up your behind so that the next time you go for a shit, you shit your balls.
Sorry for my language ;)

0-LSD-0 (2009-07-25)

Thanks for uploading man. And good luck with your project on making your own.

gase112 (2009-07-27)

Could anyone help me with my problem.
When i try to open a dose some kind of error pops out. Don't know what to do.
Here is a picture:

robwalsh1 (2009-07-27)

gase112, i've never seen that before, but i got this from the i-doser support website:
Error Message: "Error 481: Invalid Picture"
1. Close I-Doser
2. Go to START -> Control Panel
3. Go to Regional and Language Options.
4. Then on the main page for Regional and Language Options do following: On the first language line click and find "English (United States). On the other (below) choose United States, press Apply and Ok.
5. Open I-Doser.
Let me know if it works.

gase112 (2009-07-28)

Oh thanks-a-lot!!!
This helped me. Now it's working perfectly.

jelomulawin (2009-07-29)

Haha, nice to see my ECT here^^. By the way, just beware using it, it's the first unofficial drg I first made just to show others how to make your homebrew drgs and it's definitely not perfect... rob appreciate that you still have this, they totally put this off ipmart and u still have this! gonna seed for a long time!!

robwalsh1 (2009-08-05)

why, whats wrong with it?

robwalsh1 (2009-08-15)

thanks for the seeds guys :)

robwalsh1 (2009-08-15)

Check out my new Codeine binaural beat here:
You will need to download the free program called SBaGen (its the first result in a google search) to play it.

It's an attachment in a forum thread, im not sure if you will need to sign up for the forum or not. Might as well, only takes a minute.

CH0C0M3L (2009-09-23)

Great torrent,
but some of the doses don't work :(

mm-artin (2009-10-21)

I get this error when opening the drg-doses

The other drugs that dont get the error wont work cuz it says they've been registered on another computer, this happens though i removed the last line in notepad exept the @.

robwalsh1 (2009-10-23)

mm-artin, you need to remove the @ as well.
If any of them say they are licsenced for another computer, you need to open them in Notepad and remove the last line, every after and including the @ but nothing else.

mm-artin (2009-10-28)

I got everything to work, aparently my setting for non-Unicode programs was set to Estonian (even though im swedish) so thats the setting you need to change, its in the Regional and Language Options, under the Advanced tab. Thanks for the upload.
Is these doses bough and then uploaded without being messed with? Cuz on the i-doser forum alot of ppl says the pirated doses dont work which i dont believe since nothing is done to the dose files, right?

TheBlueBullet (2009-11-18)

It works dude pirated or not. I just did the DMT. It was amazing btw :D

carson44603 (2009-12-18)

Hey Rob, I seem to be having a different problem, although I have checked the regional language settings and the @ symbol stuff. Most of the ones I've tried have not had an @ in the last line. Any way I get this error when I try to run the doses"
Error number: 52
Error description: Bad File Name or Number
Error source: IDoser
I have no idea what this mean, but by your other comments, you seem to be a pro a troubleshooting. Any ideas?

cjhard (2010-03-28)

I'm having the exact same problem as carson. Anyone have any ideas?

Crimacabre (2010-05-07)

Haha enjoy your Placebo kids, i'm gonna go and get high for real while you're getting a headache listening to this shit.

Hypotermi (2010-06-16)

The only thing this shit will give you is a fucking headache...

thekilla377 (2012-11-27)

Thanks, bro! Worked flawlessly!
tried three other torrents on this site, but they were shit.