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Tom Hess Correspondence lesson # 1






Tom Hess Correspondence lesson # 1




2011-04-16 (by EpicPirate55)


Correspondence lesson #1 from Description from website: You want to play guitar the way you want, right? In order for that to happen you need to learn all of the necessary things that will help you reach your guitar playing goals, but you also do not want to waste time learning stuff that does not relate to your goals. You will likely experience 2 main problems if you learn from most guitar teachers, instructional products or other online guitar lessons. The first problem is that these lessons often do not teach all of the critical areas that YOU need to learn in order to reach YOUR musical goals. (And if you are self taught the problem is likely to be even worse). The second main problem is they typically teach the same things, in the same order, to all guitar students. Fact is even local private teachers often teach the vast majority of their students the same things in the same order and in the same ineffective way (which is why they typically do not have a long list of great guitar players whom they have taught to play on a highly advanced level. When you take online guitar lessons with me, you will learn all (and only) the important things that you need to achieve YOUR specific guitar playing goal(s). And most importantly, you will learn how to actually apply what you are learning into your guitar playing. The things you will need to learn to reach your guitar playing goals are probably going to be different for you than they are for my student Nick for example. So although at this moment (while you are reading) I cannot give you a specific list what YOU will learn from me, here is a short list of topics that we could get into (each of them are important areas of great musicianship): • Lead Guitar Playing Techniques • Guitar Practicing Strategies • Music Theory • Songwriting • Soloing • Improvisation • Ear Training • Rhythm Guitar Playing • 2 Hand Synchronization • Creativity • and more! 4 Reasons Correspondence Guitar Lessons Are Different From Anything You've Seen Before: 1. You Get Results - Play Guitar The Way YOU Want ◆ You get personalized guitar lessons that will help you reach your guitar playing goals fast. You will learn exactly what you really need to learn in order to finally play guitar the way you have always wanted. Unlike many guitar lessons online, this is NOT a typical cookie cutter lesson program that bores you with things that are not specific to your guitar playing and the things you want to learn. Correspondence Guitar Lessons are fully personalized to YOU and your goals and needs. ◆ Your personalized online guitar lessons are based on a clear strategy and my full understanding of where you are at musically - and where you want to go. ◆ You get expert feedback on your guitar playing from me personally. You avoid a lot of trial and error in your learning because your challenges will be solved quickly and efficiently and mistakes will be fixed and corrected before evolving into a big problem in your guitar playing. ◆ The focus of your guitar lessons with me will be fully on your specific guitar playing goals. These online guitar lessons are not only designed for you to acquire new information and skills, or to simply give you 'something' to practice, they are intended to give you the knowledge and skills to do what YOU want to do musically. ◆ You will get faster results by knowing exactly WHAT to practice. ◆ You have a personal guitar teacher (me) to inspire, motivate and empower you as we work together to make you the guitar player and musician you want to be. 2. You Save Time ◆ You get relevant lesson content and don't waste your time with anything that wouldn't really help you reach your guitar playing goals, works too slowly or doesn't work at all. ◆ You eliminate a lot of guessing. You will know exactly what to do and how to do it and save yourself a lot of frustration and practice time. ◆ You don't need to wait until next week to see your guitar teacher to get your questions answered, instead you will get answers quickly through your exclusive access to my help forum. ◆ You never need to travel to a music school or private teacher. When you learn from me you do so in your home. 3. You Save Money ◆ You will get MUCH more content in one Correspondence Guitar Lesson with me than you get in most private guitar lessons. A private teacher may spend 4-10 lessons trying to show you something that you learn from me in 1 lesson. ◆ You will get FREE exclusive bonus guitar lessons and master classes that you cannot find ANYWHERE else. ◆ When you take guitar lessons from a local private teacher you are paying him/her to answer all of your questions, plus there is no way you can possibly remember everything a local teacher 'verbally' tells you. So that means you are paying money again when you need to review something you were already taught. You will never waste your money to ask me questions. In addition, all the lessons I will create for you are fully documented so there is no need to pay twice for the same thing again. 4. You Have A LOT of Support and Guidance ◆ You get expert feedback on your guitar playing and your progress directly from me. This will help you to know how you are progressing in our lessons and what we need to focus on next so that you can improve your guitar playing at a faster pace. ◆ You will be surrounded by other serious guitar students who are as dedicated as you are. Some of my students are highly advanced guitar players, professional musicians and even guitar teachers themselves (very successful ones) who are very willing to inspire, motivate, support and help you. ◆ You will also get live access to me via Q&A sessions in live chat where I will answer your guitar playing questions.


  1. tom hess
  2. neoclassical revelation
  3. guitar lesson

Files count:



139.55 Mb




piedmont (2012-05-26)


quasix (2014-04-08)

@piedmont: Dude, stop calling everything a virus. You probably downloaded some bad porn or something. This torrent isn't a virus.