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TalmudTimmy Book Pack 20-02-09






TalmudTimmy Book Pack 20-02-09




2009-02-21 (by CuriousGeorge )


Contents: Jewish Dominance in the Porn Industry Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak and Norton Mezvinsky Sex and Psychological Operations by: Herbert A. Friedman JEWISH PERSECUTION TOOL of the International Zionists' Plan for World Dominion The Babylonian Woe - BY DAVID ASTLE Mossad & CIA Committed 9-11: Italian President Francesco Cossiga Famous Freemasons Exposed:Masonry From the Vatican to Hollywood By Eric & Intukan Dubay The Poisonous Mushroom THE APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIGRAPHA OF THE OLD TESTAMENT IN ENGLISH Stephen Harper and the Bilderbergers Secret Meeting The Kingship of Christ and The Conversion of the Jewish Nation A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols with those of the Hebrews By FREDERIC PORTAL Earth Older than the Sun Against Bolshevik Propaganda Among Workmen Child Porn Surges as Jewish Porn and Snuff Industry Proliferates Against Jews, Judaism and Zionism ALBERTA HAS THE SOVEREIGN RIGHT TO ISSUE AND USE ITS OWN CREDIT Aliens in the Bible - Author: John W. Milor The Artificially Sweetened Times - An expose of the hidden addiction killing people worldwide (Aspartame) Nuremberg or the Promised Land - Maurice Bardèche The British Guardian - Eh Goy! Vitch veighs More? Jewish Interests and British Interests Jewish Mysticism: Medieval Roots, Contemporary Dangers and Prospective Challenges FREEMASONRY IN CANADA Organisation of Degrees, Orders, Ceremonies and Honours (by George W. Eaton, PM Zion 77, GRBC&Y) THE CAIN / SATANIC SEED LINE by Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet,A.B., J.D. Expanding Holocaust Denial and Legislation Against It Michael Whine* La Guerre des juifs - Flavius Josèphe Fight or Flight? - The Personal Face of Revisionism - Fredrick Töben Sabellianism Reconsidered (Christology and Modalism) H. E. BABER HOLOCAUST DECEPTION The Hidden History Of Nazi-Zionist Collaboration And The Inner Story Of The Hoax Of "Jewish Holocaust" Jewish Questions - Three Lectures CAUTION: ZIONISM! Essays on the Ideology,Organisation and Practice of Zionism. The Jewish Genocide of the Armenian Christians - Christopher John Bjerknes Jews of Khazaria, brief history and other resources Jews' G-d and Freemasonry GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany By Ralph Franklin Keeling The Jewish problem How to Solve it by Louis Dembitz Brandeis Jews Control the Media White Slavery of Christian Girls - In Israel!! PLUS Jews Dominate Hollywood and Porn Elie Wiesel and the Catholics by David O'Connell THE PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH BY MAURICE PINAY 1962 Eric Jon Phelps: Smear Artist, Israeli Diamond Trader and "Jesuit" Expert Eric Jon Phelps: Zionist Promoter, Israeli Diamond Merchant, New Ager, White Separatist A Real Case Against the Jews - One of them points out the full depth of their guild Marcus Eli Ravage The hidden Zionism of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons - Peter Myers Christian Zionism: Its History,Theology and Politics by Stephen SIZER AAARGH Internet Editions 2005 The Real Culprits Behind the 9-11 Attacks By: Edward Hendrie WOMEN AS COMMODITIES: TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN IN ISRAEL 2003 Nomi Levenkron & Yossi Dahan Under Two Flags by Heinz Weichardt Unmasking Evolution - by Laurence D Smart WHERE THE JEWS FAIL by Maurice M. Feuerlicht 'Hatred of The Jews Explained' The Mass Media “We allow the most atrocious lies uttered by political and moral prostitutes to go unchallenged. These lies are endlessly recycled in the commercial media until they become ingrained in the public conscience as truth.” Charles Sullivan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My public URL: My RSS feed:


  1. Judaism
  2. Holocaust
  3. Talmud
  4. Freemasonry
  5. Illuminati
  6. Zionism
  7. Zionists
  8. Masons
  9. Kabbalah
  10. Christianity
  11. Sabellianism
  12. Modalism

Files count:



198.96 Mb




sistromo (2009-02-22)

The usual crap from TalmudTimmy, crapper par excellence.

Monteromailnet (2009-02-22)

Why is a minority of the world (jews) in every single sector of the financial and media sectors of this country-in large numbers?For the simple reason that they are a segregated minority until themselves and their whole hearted belief in the infiriority of any others and the need to exploit others like farmers with their crops.your time will come in a tide like it did fifty or so years ago,when the peoples woke up and dealt to you the fate that you have dealt to the rest of peoples of this world. When as a whole you return to the faith of what made you and left wayside the religion of systematic exploitation of others then you will be one with the rest of humanity,other wise you shall allways be the hunted as through out history-no amount of controll or financial hording will appropriate you to the rest of this worlds comunity.

ps2ps2 (2009-02-22)

Timmydarling, it stars with math. It's a nummerical problem, there are not enough jews to be able to control and do every evil, you acuse them of.

FurryHamster (2009-02-22)

Jews are guilty of a far worse crime the been manipulative and responsible for the worlds troubles , like the current economical crisis . They are above all else : Traitors to Christ . They fell from been God ' s people to been a cursed people . There is a special place prepared for them in hell . They might talk about the Holocaust ( which by the way is one of the biggest lie in the XX century ) but they will get a real Holocaust when Christ returns and burns them all .
Timmy you are my hero , Keep it comming !

GoldStandard (2009-02-22)

ps2ps2, how may does it take to screw up the world?
Look at the communist revolution;
Marx, Engel, Trotsky, Lenin etc confirmed jews (likely even Stalin whos real name means son of jew) Financed by jewish international banking family Warburgs.
Who set up the federal reserve and control bank of england?
Rothchilds, Warburgs, JMP, Huhn, Loeb - all jewish banking families.
Former chairmain Greenspan - jewish
Current chairman Bernanke - Jewish
Treasurer Geithner - Jewish (he was the brain behind TARP to start with - to pass on toxic shit from banks to tax payers)
The list goes on and on.
My position is that jewish aren't evil but much of the evil forces in play sure are jewish.
To break this you don't go after the jews but you need to ensure their grip of politics, finance and media is broken. They are currently following a script that was laid out long ago and it will otherwise lead to the ruin of all of us.
Problem is that it carries so much stigma that it can't even be discussed as undemocratic jokers like yourself and sistromo tries to put a lid on it.
Just like recently unclassified recordings with Nixon where he complains that media is all controlled by jews and he can't even go out and say it.

LeeEtta (2009-02-24)

@ GoldStandard....Amen to that. As some well know: "I don't care who is ruling the Govt. as long as I control the Money"- Mayer Rothschild. Come on people just look who controls the money....They are Jewish or puppet of Jewish influence...Mostly Jewish.
Jesus told the Pharisee's that their father is the Devil. Who are the descendants of the Pharisee's....They are running the banks. In Revelation it is foretold that Jesus is going to bring ruin to those ruining the earth. You can't stop this from happening but you can be aware of what is happening and whose behind it. This will enable you to prepare for what is to come.
The things we are witnessing today were foretold in the Bible. That Satan is pulling the puppet strings of the things we are witnessing today and Jesus clearly lays out who are his puppets.
Hello!!! This has been written down close to 2000 yrs ago and we are now seeing it come to fruition. If you can't see that. I feel sorry for you. If you are open minded you should examine it from the Bible yourself.
You can call me a fool or whatever. The fact still remains that I was written down a long time ago and it is playing out just as it was written.

GoldStandard (2009-02-24)

No Engels was probably not Jewish. Sorry for throwing him in. I got carried away as nearly all the communist founders and revolutionary leaders were jewish.
It is not a coinsidence that Rothschilds and Communism use the same colour.
Central banking is a system put in place to control fiance and governments. It is not pro-free market capitalism. We can clearly see that in how ferderal reserve now decides which enterprises to support and which not and there is not even any congressional insight.

Tropius_B (2009-05-10)

Monteromailnet, it's simpler than that. For some strange reason the Jew faith doesn't regard usury (charging of interest) as a sin (all other major religions do). So the greedy ones all head straight into banking, with **literally no concept** of the idea that sending a family into the street because they couldn't pay a home loan on time is a fundamentally disgusting thing to do!
Regarding the porno thing, its not considered infidenity or even premarital sex for a jewish dude to screw a non-jew woman. This probably came about back in the days when jews were nomads, and made the rules such that they kept peace in their own tribes, but got to party with the locals whenever they rolled into a new town. Considering over 50% of marriages in the United States experience infidelity anyways, I don't think we have any real room to criticize Jews about this sort of thing anymore, actually.
Lucky for the rest of us, some Jews figure out usury is a bad thing all on their own, and become scientists or doctors, cause they've done some pretty awesome stuff in that field. Almost enough to make up for all the bankers that gave 'em such a bad rep, but, not quite.
Now, as for Islam being a fucked up religion, you bet your ass it is. It had to be - most of the people that converted to it are in regions that had even more fucked up shit before, stuff like headhunting, cannibalism, blood rituals, etc.
Basically, that pedophile Mohammad decided that what Jesus said wasn't going to cut it with a bunch of tribal savages. He might have been right, too. So he just changed the rules so he could kill anyone who wouldn't convert, more or less. Fucked up, but understandable; I've never heard of an ape accepting the word of Jesus either - not even that one they taught sign language too. Oh well.
Now that the world is finally all out of headhunters to kill, they started coming after civilized people, which is pretty fucked up, but, what are you gonna do?

Artilious (2009-07-31)

Thanks for taking the time to upload this informative material. And to you closed-minded, kneejerk reactionaries who are so totally and pathetically ignorant regarding the subject matters contained in these books, I say to you: The truth will set you free. GET INFORMED! If you're not interested, then GET LOST!

upwiththepeople (2009-08-24)

Thank you for making this information available. Keep up the good work.

AlienRapist2 (2014-03-21)

Yes thank you for making this material available.Hook nosed kike cockroaches be damned.


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