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US Income Tax Law -






US Income Tax Law -




2008-09-24 (by demuffinman)


**************************************** ALL AMERICANS MUST READ THIS INFORMATION **************************************** Mission Statement Original Intent is an organization dedicated to restoring this nation to its republican roots. Our children, neighbors, family and community can no longer even identify our fundamental God-given "inalienable rights". If our inalienable rights cannot be identified, the liberty that stems from them is lost. Our liberty can be revitalized, but only by the Citizens of the states of the Union learning and understanding what their inalienable rights are, and standing up boldly and decisively when government threatens those rights. This website is but one resource to assist Citizens in identifying their rights and how to protect them. In short, our goal is, "Restoring the Citizen at a time". Policy Statement It is the policy of Original Intent to post the most legally accurate information that we can identify on the various subjects addressed in this website, and to present that information in a straightforward, non-legalistic, style. Although we attempt to be meticulous in all that we post, we cannot guarantee that every shred of information is accurate. The voluminous amount of information involved makes that impossible. Due to the evolutionary nature of the national research being performed on many of the topics addressed in this website, information will be updated as results dictate. Acknowledgements While this site is the product of Original Intent, there are literally thousands of people (if not ten's of thousands) who have contributed to the information database of the modern Patriot movement. The earliest Patriot in modern memory cropped up about 1952. The movement has been growing ever since and the research of the last 50 years has essentially been condensed to the legal positions contained within this site. Original Intent wishes to acknowledge all of those who fight for liberty today, as well as all those who have come before us; many of those paying dearly for the lessons that have been passed on to us today. **************************************** INCLUDED: PDF files of the dducational index as of September 2008. Constitutions The Law Citizenship 14th Amendment Clarified Federal Subject Matter Jurisdiction Constitutional Taxation Federal Income Tax Employment Tax State Sales Tax Internal Revenue Districts The Misapplication of Form I-9 Debunking IRS Lies Willful Failure to File Scam Federal Firearms Law What is the United States Code? What are Federal Regulations? Common Law Marriage Common Law Trusts What is the Patriot Movement? Jury Summons Response Letter **************************************** YOU MAY NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCOME TAXES *** From Federal Income Tax Page: Learn how you keep making yourself liable - AND STOP DOING IT *** From Dubunking IRS Lies: IRS Lie #2 "The IRS and Treasury have issued a notice warning taxpayers that if they file returns under the theory that U.S. citizens and residents aren't subject to tax on their wages and other income earned or derived within the United States, they may be subject to penalties." Truth - This is an excellent example of IRS "word-smithing". First, note that the IRS has warned "taxpayers" (not the public generally). This is because the federal courts have ruled that Congress makes no tax laws that apply to nontaxpayers! "The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessment and collection. They relate to taxpayers, and not to nontaxpayers. The latter are without their scope. No procedure is prescribed for nontaxpayers, and no attempt is made to annul any of their rights and remedies in due course of law. With them [nontaxpayers] Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of the revenue laws". [emphasis added] Economy Plumbing and Heating Co. v. US, 470 F. 2d 585 (1972) In so far as the IRS statement applies exclusively to "taxpayers", it is correct because a "taxpayer" is defined in the IRC as "a person liable for any internal revenue tax". So, to claim to be a taxpayer, and then to claim that you're not liable for taxes that apply to taxpayers is silly. The true question that needs to be asked is, "Who is a taxpayer and who is not?" [See Federal Income Tax and State Income Tax to assist you in determining if you are a taxpayer.] "The next bit of sophistry is the use of the "legal term" (not a "word") "wages". Under the IRC definitions of "wages" [within Chapters 21 & 24], the term is limited to the payroll of the following persons: 1. Officers and employees of the United States. 2. Officers and employees of a State government that has agreed to participate in Social Security. 3. Persons working in federal possessions or territories. 4. Citizens of the states of the Union, working within a state of the Union, who have declared their pay to be "wages" by executing a Form W-4. 5. Aliens working in the United States. " For these people, "wages" do constitute income that is subject to State and Federal taxing authority. However, you should know that the pay of a Citizen of the state of the Union, while working within a state of the Union, for a private firm, who has not executed a Form W-4 is not "wages" (as defined in the IRC). [See Federal Income Tax and Federal Employment Taxes for more on these issues.] **************************************** All material taken from Available here for sharing and education of your fellow citizens


  1. income tax
  2. constitution
  3. irs
  4. federal
  5. patriot movement
  6. education
  7. educational
  8. law

Files count:



655.61 Kb




GoldStandard (2008-09-24)

People are being thrown in jail even if there is no law forcing people to pay federal income tax on private income.
But there are safer ways to beat the IRS gangsters (Yes, it is a gangster organisation set up to collect taxes so that privately owned federal reserve gets steady income).
Use Gold and Silver. It is the only money that is not totally in control of the central banks.
Or as Greenspan said it himself before joining the federal reserve, gold stands as a protector if property rights.
And check this out. Payment using legal tender gold and silver coins can be made using the face (nominal) value rather than the metal (instrinct) value:
IRS Suffers Staggering Defeat - MSM Buries Story
161 Federal Tax Charges, 0 Convictions
Total National Media Blackout

GoldStandard (2008-09-24)

This was the specific story I had in mind.
IRS Suffers Defeat: Kahre tax trial Wages Paid in Gold & Silver Coin

Bring back the constitution
Take back the government
Jail the illegal bankers
Take to the streets

GoldStandard (2008-09-24)

I of course meant to say "the criminal bankers".
Sometimes the fingers are quicker than the brain...

GoldStandard (2008-09-24)

Do you also logon as lycericacid...?
I feel everytime someone discusses mosetary systems, geopolitics, terrorism and so on always someone comes in and starts talking about drugs.
If you haven't got constructive comments to give get back to your buzz.

sarahk (2008-09-25)

>>"People are being thrown in jail even if there is no law forcing people to pay federal income tax on private income."
GoldStandard, I hate to break it to you, but the 16th Amendment allows for income taxation.
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
The 16th Amendment went against a Supreme Court decision of Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., which found unapportioned taxes to effectively be direct taxes and, hence, unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution.
Amendment XVI (supposedly) clarifies the Constitution, allowing the decision in the Pollock case to be overruled.
Some will argue that the Amendment was never ratified or that Ohio wasn't officially a state at the time. This is true, but Ohio was retroactively given statehood. Ex post facto law? Yes. Does anyone in Washington care? Only a few.
I practice tax avoidance (perfectly legal), not evasion (illegal). The foundation of the United States was based on freedom from taxes and from state religion (which allowed for freedom of religion). Sad that the nation of the Boston Tea Party ended up allowing electronic access into bank accounts and ability to seize one's assets due to the USA PATRIOT Act.
tl;dr: While there may be some valid arguments against federal income tax, those in power at this point in time don't care and don't want to give up the money they get from taxpayers. Those who actually care about this issue should likely vote Libertarian.

demuffinman (2008-10-02)

1) First, they take notice, and they remember it. Whatever they know about the issue, and even if they hope I DO get thrown in jail, they remember that someone is openly DARING the feds to prosecute him.
2) They quickly see that this isn't someone just hiding, and trying to get away with not paying what he owes. They see there is much more to it, and that the purpose is to battle an alleged fraud, not just to get one person out of not paying his "fair share."
3) They see that it's not a complaint about the law. While they only get a brief little taste of the actual issue, it's enough to show them that it's not just someone whining that his taxes are too high. Again, whether they BELIEVE it or not doesn't even matter when they first see it.
4) They see where they can go to see for themselves what it's all about, rather than just believing some lazy "reporter" whose in-depth research consists of quoting some bureaucrat saying "its frivolous."
5) They see that, at least for now, someone openly resisting the IRS is not in jail. Whether they expect or even want me to be prosecuted, it gets their attention that someone would do such a thing, and that he hasn't yet been prosecuted for doing it. (Remember, that is one of the essential ingredients to the preservation of the extortion racket: the public believing that "resistance is futile," and anyone who doesn't pay ends up in the slammer.)
6) The message of Operation "Glove in Face," and the message of the "Theft By Deception" video, when it finally sinks in for John Doe, has a very different result from anything else I've seen. While all the theories and arguments look (to the public) like someone trying to get out of paying "his taxes," the message should be that YOU (John Doe) have been DEFRAUDED. It's not that there's some loophole, or some way to get out of paying "your taxes." It's that you were intentionally deceived by lawyers and politicians who wanted your money. It's nothing more than an illegal swindle... just a really BIG one. When people finally see for themselves that they have been robbed, they get angry, and they get on board the cause. I've seen it over and over again.
For the zillionth time, this fraud WILL fall. If you want to make it happen faster, I invite anyone to distribute this far and wide, as a flier, as a newspaper ad, etc.
I have seen it over and over again. It is what WORKS. It is what will get the attention, and then the support, of the general public. Don't just have good intentions; have good RESULTS. Let's take down this monster before it chews up any more innocent victims.
Larken Rose