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Jud Suss - Jew Suss (with english subs)(1940) avi






Jud Suss - Jew Suss (with english subs)(1940)




2009-01-27 (by red_gonzo )


This is the antisemitic nazi propaganda film Jud Süß - Jew Süß (1940) which was intended as an illustration of Nazi racial ideology. Based on the novel by Wilhelm Hauff it played on common prejudiced stereotypes of Jews having hooked noses and being materialistic, immoral, cunning, untrustworthy and physically unattractive. Süß, played by Ferdinand Marian, is different from the original character because he in is fact Jewish by birth. With the exception of Oppenheimer - who shaved off his beard, cut his hair and wore "Christian" attire for most of the story - the actors playing male Jewish characters were made up to look unappealing and alien (non-German) to German audiences. The best example of this is Marian's co-star Werner Krauss who played the two other major Jewish characters, Rabbi Loew and Sekretar Levy. There was also a scene that purported to show Jewish religious services. The Nazi version of the story begins with the coronation of the Duke of Wurttemberg (Heinrich George), a man much beloved by his people, who swears an oath to obey the laws of the dukedom. Unfortunately, the duke does not have sufficient funds to buy coronation gifts for the duchess (Hilde von Stolz), and so he sends a loyal retainer to Frankfurt to borrow money from Oppenheimer. The law prohibits Jews from entering Wurttemberg, but the Duke provides Oppenheimer with a pass that grants him entry. Oppenheimer cuts his hair and shaves his beard, and in "Christian" clothes goes to Wurttemberg. A German audience in 1940 would have recognized several basic Nazi stereotypes in the portrayal of Jews and Jewish culture: There is the early scene in which Oppenheimer is shown to possess a fortune in jewels and jewelry. In another, he tells an innocent German girl that his home is "the world", reflecting the Nazi stereotype of Jews as rootless wanderers in contrast to the Germans' love of their German homeland. Several conversations between Jewish characters perpetuate the Nazi line that Jews are inherently hostile to non-Jews. There is also Oppenheimer's role as a purveyor of women for the Duke, and his relentless pursuit of an "Aryan" woman for sexual purposes, even after she rebuffs his first attempt to seduce her. The 1940 film achieved Nazi objectives and was a great success in Germany and abroad. Within the Third Reich, it was the number one film of the 1939-1940 season, seen by over twenty million people. It was shown to SS units about to be sent against Jews, to non-Jewish populations of areas where Jews were about to be deported and to concentration camp guards. 90 min. Note: English subtitles are hardcoded into the movie. Video specs: Video codec: divx, 720x528, 1301 kbps Audio codec: mp3, 48kHz, Stereo

Files count:



965.24 Mb




sergolus (2009-01-27)

This is a much better propaganda movie than The Eternal Jew which was SO CRUDE and simplistic that defeated its purpose unless the people were incredibly dumb and ignorant. Still, it gratuitously slanders the Jewish people, who don't deserve this, having contributed 200 Nobel Prizes to mankind, besides hundreds of thousands of jews dead in battle fighting for their countries (Germany, Austria, UK, France, etc.) in many wars, check the official records of those countries, they even got many decorations for bravery, this the "revisionist" liars will NEVER tell you, because their anti-jewish hatred prevents it... I pity those poor sods who swallowed Hitler's lies.

netweasel (2009-02-22)

so .. why did you post it here? Maybe for all those Nazi-Bitches who need some Images to wank with?
No one should watch this .. because this Kind of Propaganda is still working in many (Dumb) Heads.
And it is NOT the TRUE!!
Just burn this Movie!
Shalom my Friends

alehound (2009-02-24)

Why do jews wear the skullcap?
X marks the spot - that's where the hatchet goes ;)

Datjet (2009-02-25)

The Eternal Jew is more like a documentary. I have it now on the telly. It feels so forbidden. The problem now and back then remains, that some parts of Judaism are evil and the media always tells us how bad Arabs are. Since I hate the press in Jermany, I have to look it the other way around. With Hitler, we had a useful idiot, nothing more. A lot of these films were released when Germany had huge success in the war. So, you have to consider, after Hitler occupied France even his opponents were impressed. But Zionist Pigs helped finance him, sacrifice some fellow Ashkenazi Jews and now no one dares to critisize them. Pretty Clever, huh???

Pagnus (2009-07-13)

It's fun when you read jewish propaganda directed to gentiles. There they say that Süss wasnt a jew but the son of a noble man but still they defend his actions. And in jewish litteratur directed to jews theres no question that he was jewish and that he did all these things he was verdict guilty of and he's given a hero's reception.

Catwoman27 (2009-07-22)

You anti-Semites disgust me! And that you would in a few words generalise a hugely diverse group! Take millions of people and through all those fates together! You have no reason or humanity!
Red gonzo did you seed this to raise awareness or because you are a nazi sympathiser like the 'fans' here?
Nazi were fascists guys this means lining rich peoples pockets. Destroying dissent, persecution of all people not rich! and the end of freedom of movement! Plus an attitude of eternal war! Which destroys everything. Go figure what makes them so great or appealing to people with a chip on their shoulders about the world bankers and media giants! Jew or not those people in those positions are deluded fascists!
Just don't aggrandise yourself with notions of power or dissent by joining the anti-semite band wagon! You are canon fodder for evil! You wouldn't last long under any kind of fear driven regime you worship!

royston51 (2009-12-01)

This is a wonderful movie. They say it is the most banned movie on the surface of the earth. Illegal in much of Europe.
I don't know if that is true but if so, it is because it portrays the awful truth about the jews which is something the jew dares
not be revealed. When movies as great as this along with holocaust denial are forbidden, then you know the truth is being
suppressed. Ironic how Hollywood constantly pumps out films denigrating white Christian society but they cannot tolerate even one film that fights back. This black and white movie reminds me a lot of the classic "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart. A story of right and wrong, good and evil, a timeless classic about how the jew worms his way into the corridors of power to deceive and to corrupt. While watching it, I was struck by the parallels between how the Jew Suss corrupted the
18th Century German Duke and how the jews have infested and corrupted the Presidential administrations of FDR, Clinton,
Bush,and now Obama. This movie should be required viewing in every high school in the country. The evil of the jew
and its insidious nation wrecking from the inside is a timeless menace that now more than ever critically endangers Western
civilization. Download this now while it is still available.

Sven the swede (2010-09-15)

A very good movie! This movie depicts the true nature of the jew.

Big_Blue_Monkey (2010-09-25)

For those asking why this is posted this is a historical glimpse into the mindset of the nazi regime, the methods used to try and put across their twisted agenda and the form in which it was portrayed. Its a look at what came and how it influenced those that took the message to heart.
Stop painting people with crude pop psychology as to their motivations for posting this or for downloading it.
And save your speeches about morality, any sensible person knows the nazi regime was a monstrous beast that deserved to die, you dont need to tell it to us like is some revelation you just had. For those that DO download this because it appeals to their own twisted view of the world and somehow justifies their own hatred i very very much doubt some line about good and evil by some annonymous poster will suddely make them see the error of their ways.
Im a historian, i have a a huge collection of propoganda films from all nations, i even had the oppertunity to watch this at the German Film Archives some years back.
If you want to understand the past read or watch the material that existed at the time, not latter accounts written or produced years later.
I suggest you take a look at die deutsche wochenschau newsreels, true they always put a positive spin on whatever they are showing but it does give you an idea of the constant barrage of news that the state wanted you to hear.
Not that allied propoganda was any more subtle...

Thermo18 (2010-12-19)

lol at the skinheads above (and probably more below) Thanks for the upload Gonzo I am watching this movie because instead of hearing about History I like to see it first hand. Without a time capsule this is as best as I can do. Cheers mate!

TenRapesASecond (2011-01-11)

Thank you for posting this great movie.

samjoe88 (2011-08-07)

A great book people would be interested in would be the book,
Basic Training For Revolutionaries. It was once in hard copy format and then it was banned. You can read more about it here.

P1edP1per (2012-01-08)

The new Tzar, Alexander III, was so infuriated with the Jews that he issued the following statement which is quoted from the Encyclopedia Britannica, page 76, Vol. 2, 1947 edition:
"For some time the government has given its attention to the Jews and to the* relations the rest of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about by the conduct of the Jews in business matters. During the last 20 years, the Jews have gradually possessed themselves of not only every trade and business in all its branches, but also of a great part of the land by buying or farming it. With few exceptions, they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching or benefiting the country, but to defrauding, by their wiles, its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants ! This conduct of theirs has called forth protests on the part of the people, as manifested in acts of violence. The government, while on the one hand doing its best to put down the disturbances and to deliver the Jews from oppression and slaughter, has also on the other hand, thought it a matter of urgency and justice to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end to the oppression practiced by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to free the country from their malpractices, which were. as is known, the cause of the agitation."

Sandi2001 (2013-03-20)

Thanks so much for the upload.
Yes, in Germany this film is banned (thank goodness) but I really wanted to watch it in order to understand the ways propaganda can be made and how easily you can fall for it if you don't know better...
A couple of years ago a movie about this movie was made and our media exceptionally showed one or two short clips of this and it quite shocked me.
I don't want to watch it because I agree but because I totally disagree...

MakedonMakedon (2013-04-15)

This film is a must watch! If you love freedom, truth and honour, you have to be an anti-Semite.
Besides, it is a great film.


1. Jud Suss - Jew Suss (with english subs)(1940).avi 965.24 Mb