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2008-10-20 (by Malekay )


�� � �� � ����� �[Presents] �° �� ��± [ Elvenking - Two Tragedy Poets ] ±�� �± ±� þ�± [ Genre: Acoustic ][ Encoder: LAME ] ±�þ �± [ Type: Album ][ Quality: VBR/44,1/Joint-Stereo] ±� �± [ Songs: 12 ][ Grabber: Audiograbber ] ±� �± [ Rls Date: 19-10-2008 ][ Source: CDDA ] ±� ²± [ Company: AFM ][ Size: 68.4 MB ] ±² ±° [ Cat Nr: n/a ][ Length: 43:10 min ] °± ��²²�� ��²²�� ±±²����� �² �����²±± ±²� þ �° ��²²± �²±± �� �� �� �± ���²± �������²�� ���²± � þ �²± � ������ °° �² �� �± ± ²���²�± ²�²���± �± �� �² ²± ²± �² ��� � °°° ������ � ���� ²� °° �� ²± ²± ± ²± � °± ²± � °± ²²� ²± �± ²± ²± ���²± °° �² ���� °��� � � �²�²± �²�± ²± ²± ²± ±± �²�²± ²± ²± ���²± �²�²± � � ���° ��� ° � �� �� � ° ��� �� ±° Release comments °± �� �± ±� �± Promotional version with voice overs in all tracks ±� �± except track 1-3. ±� �± ±� �± Enjoy anyway. ±� �± ±� �± ±� �± ±� ²± ±² ±° °± ��²²�� ��²²�� ±±²���²� �² �² ��²��²±± ±²� þ �° ��²�� ����± ²± ��²²± ²± ²± ²± �²� ���²± �²�� ² þ �²± � ������ °°°° ²± �² ��±� ��²± �² �� �± ²� ²± ��� ��� � ²± �² ° °° ������ � �²�° ²� °° ²± ²± �± �²� �²± �� ²± �²�� �² ��± ���²± ²± ²± °°° �² ²��� °��� � � ���²± �± �± ���² �²�²± ²± ²± ���²± ² �²�²± ���²± � � ���° ��� ° � �� �� � ° ��� �� ±° Tracklist °± �� �± ±� �± ±� �± 01.The Caravan of Weird Figures 01:16 ±� �± 02.Another Awful Hobs Tale 03:09 ±� �± 03.From Blood to Stone 04:12 ±� �± 04.Ask A Silly Question 03:30 ±� �± 05.She Lives at Dawn 01:25 ±� �± 06.The Winter Wake 04:12 ±� �± 07.Heaven is A Place on Earth 04:11 ±� �± 08.My Own Spider's Web 04:21 ±� �± 09.Not My Final Song 04:44 ±� �± 10.The Blackest of My Hearts 03:31 ±� �± 11.Miss Conception 04:51 ±� �± 12.My Little Moon 03:48 ±� �± ±� �± ±� �± ±� ²± Total Size: 68.4 MB ±² ±° Total Playtime: 43:10 °± ° ��²²�� ��²²�� ±±²����� �²²��²±± ±²� þ �° ���� ���²± ²± ²± ���²± ± þ �²± � ������ °°°°°°°°°°°°°° �² ²± �± �� ²± � °± ��� � °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ������ � ���² ²� °°°°°°°°°°° ° ²± �± ²²� ²���²�± ���²± °°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° �² ���� °��� ± � ²± ²± �²�²± �� �� �²�²± � � ���° ��� ° � �� Group news �� � ° ��� �� ±° °± �� �± Hell yeah, we bring you another fine release from QTXMp3! :) ±� �± ±� �± The name has been changed a bit, the quality is still as high as ±� �± ever. ±� �± ±� �± What all started back in 2002 grew to what we we are today, ±� �± a dedicated group of good friends with a passion for music. ±� �± ±� �± In order to proceed with bringing you the finest tunes in metal ±� �± and house related music we could use your help: ±� �± - Rippers, always feel free to apply if you are able to rip new ±� �± metal or house-related music releases. ±� �± - Siteops, if you are running a mp3 site [100mbit+ / .eu] get in ±� �± touch with us. ±� �± - Shell/BNC providers [100mbit+ / .eu] ±� �± ±� �± Last but not least you probably know how to get in touch with us. ±� �± If not we don't need you! ±� �± Respect to all the other groups out there, except yours ;). ±� �± ±� �± And remember: if you like the release, buy the original like we ±� �± did and support the artists. ±� �± ±� �± -------- ±� �± ±� �± Respect to tha man with the icecream-van ±� ° �± ±� ° ° �± ±� ° ° ²² ²² ° °° �²� �²� °° °± ��²� ��²�� ±° ±± ���²²�� ���²²��� ±± ±± ° ����²²�� ���²²��� ����²²�� ° ±± ±±± °°°° ����²²���� �²�²²²²�±� ������²²�� °°°°° ±±± ²±± °°°°° �����²²²���� �² þ �� þ ±� ������²²���� °°°°° ±±² ²²² ���²²²²²²��� ²� ���²²�²²²��� ²²² �²² ���� ���������± ²��� ²²� ²±² Location: ��±²�±�²�±�� QTXMp3 NFO last updated ²±² ±±± °²±°±�� ±±± °° None of your ���� ��� 29/10/2005 °° °° business ± �� ² By: Team-QTX °° ° ��� °� °

Files count:



68.42 Mb




a-a (2008-10-30)

Thanks , wonder if its like blind guardian..

Gr33np0w3R (2008-11-14)

Isn't someone going to remove the "promochatter"...

tribaltyn (2008-11-30)

dont download
it's got promo messages all over it xD
of course that pretty much ruins the songs