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2011-04-24 (by MAFIAA.)
M A G N i T U D E
S! ++b5! ++Ix
(c) PTC
SUPPLIER: Team MAGNITUDE 2011 DATE: 22/04/2011
Creo Parametric is the app for parametric modeling (as you might
guess). All the capabilities of Creo Elements/Pro aka Pro/ENGINEER
Creo Direct is your direct modeling app when you want to interact
directly with the 3D geometry
Creo Simulate is the analyst app. Use it for structural and
thermal simulation
Creo Layout is the app for anybody who wants to flesh out early
concept layout work in 2D, with the intention of ultimately evolving
the design to 3D
Creo Schematics is the app for creating 2D routed systems
diagrams, like cabling and piping
Creo Illustrate is an app full of tools for those who need to
communicate complex service information concepts graphically in 3D
Creo View MCAD is a lighter weight app for those who want to view
interrogate, and mark up MCAD geometry
Creo View ECAD is another light weight app. But for ECAD geometry
Creo Sketch is your app everything you need to quickly capture a
design idea in 2D … s-new-name
1. Unpack&Install
2. Read .txt from /MAGNiTUDE dir
3. Enjoy!
Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star - the Ancient Greek
astronomers divided the stars into six magnitudes. First-magnitude
stars were the brightest, and sixth-magnitude stars were the
faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era
of MAGNiTUDE has started
If you feel like you have the power to face first-magnitude stars
contact us at:
[email protected]
/* */
Ascii by the Dynamic Trio: S!, b5! and Ix - (c) SAC 2005.
Files count:
6303.08 Mb
BONGARA (2011-04-26)
awesome uploads man!may I request a software ? its called iPi Soft
gmanchu (2011-05-11)
Does this program by any chance include REX?Thanks!bluuuuu (2011-05-12)
awesome uploads man....ur d manhv u got mitcalc for pro/e....need it urgently
kujirasan (2011-05-19)
The archive apparently is mix of rar and ISO, it is impossible to extract, if some one knows how to extract it, post a message.Stun; do you have to complicate things to a preposterous level?
kujirasan (2011-05-19)
Managed to extract the files, this genius has first rared up then done an ISO.In reference to the 64 bit:
This MAGNiTUDE supplied crack, in the MAGNiTUDE folder, there are 5 files;
This is the content of the install.text file:
PTC Creo Elements/Pro 5.0 M080
1. In the crack directory open the file called ptc.dat and 00-00-00-00-00-00 replace with your
PTC host ID value (showed in left bottom corner of setup screen or use "Program Files\PTC\Creo Elements\Pro5.0\bin\ptchostid.bat" to get it).
Run keygen.bat which will create a license.dat.
2. Run setup and install your selection of Creo products.
Select Locked licensing and point to license.dat created at step #1.
3. Copy the "PTC_Creo5_Corrector.exe" to "Program Files\PTC\"and run it. Patching may need some minutes!
4. Before running Creo Elements it is strongly recommended to block it from internet access.
PS: You may run "Program Files\PTC\Creo Elements\Pro5.0\bin\ptcsetup.bat" to set/change your WF5 setup.
It does not explain what to do PTC.exe, my friedn tried installing on 64 , no luck.
If you guys have installed post an instruction, as what to do with ptc.exe, thanking all
kujirasan (2011-05-26)
Hi guys, I managed to install it , on Wondows7X64, and it works like a charm.1.I disable the firewall and virus scanner etc.
2.Copied everything to the Desktop.
3.Created the license.dat , as per instruction.
4.Proceeded with installation.
5.Loaded the license.dat , then clicked on the ptc.bat, and closed it.
6. Used patch, it does around 60 patch, and takes long time so let it do the work.
One more thing, I extracted the files, in LINUX, Fedora14, as could not do it in Windows. If you need any help, and if I can be of service, post a reply, best of luck, and thanks to the up loader.
clementine2090 (2011-06-02)
Please seed! stuck at 33%! :(clementine2090 (2011-06-04)
Can some one help me out? I am trying to install the x32 version on disk 1. I cannot seem to generate the license.dat file after following all the instructions in step 1. I found the hostid and replaced it in the ptc.dat file. but when I run the keygen it does not generate license.dat file.Please can someone help me out? thanksOcean_F (2011-06-05)
Thanks! Great job!I install it on Windows XP SP2 32bit. Before running Creo Elements it is strongly recommended to block it from internet access:
- Control Panel, Firewall, Exceptions, Creo...., Edit, Change scope, My network.
Again thanks a lot!
Ocean_F (2011-06-05)
clementine2090, copy the directory MAGNiTUDE on the hard disk, inside change the ptc.dat with your hostid. Use "Replace" command of Notepad, because you must make it many times and can make mistake. Save it like ptc.txt and after this from windows explorer rename it to ptc.dat.The modifyed ptc.dat and keygen.bat must be in the same folder before to run keygen.bat.
clementine2090 (2011-06-06)
Hi Ocean_F, i tried what you suggested. I copy-pasted the MAGNiTUDE folder under C:\Program files\PTC folder with all files inside it as it is. Also, identified the hostid of my pc. Still no change-- the keygen.bat does not generate a license file. The error it shows is " 'ptc' is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". ...any help?Ocean_F (2011-06-06)
clementine2090 - Did you change ptc.txt to ptc.dat, after changing hostID?What is your OS and text editor?
Ocean_F (2011-06-06)
Sometime windows explorer hide the extansions of the files. Maybe your file name after chainging hostID is file.dat.txt and not file.dat.In the windows explorer go to Tools/Folder Options/View and in the menu unmark
Hide extensions for known file types
biertjesfredprost3000 (2011-06-19)
Help please.Everything went well till I wanted to use the Corrector. The command screen opened but then it started beeping and told me he can't open all the files.
Tried it severeal times now.
I have a print screen of it.
biertjesfredprost3000 (2011-06-19)
I haven't tried to start to open Creo, cause I don't want to do more harm.biertjesfredprost3000 (2011-06-20)
Solved it already by putting UAC offletsgetthisdone (2011-07-05)
I am having a problem with the last part where I need to patch the files using the Corrector. I put it in the right spot but when I click it, it just beeps and says it can not patch each file. What do I need to do to fix this?leoking123 (2011-07-06)
anybody please upload only magnitude crackas i have setup of m070 but donot have crack.
please email me crack at [email protected]
leoking123 (2011-07-06)
sumbody please upload only magnitude folderghostofandy (2011-07-19)
I put the PTC_Creo5_Corrector.exe file in the C:\Program Files\PTC folder but I keep getting an error message "Can not open file..." & "Nothing fixed" Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?mukammalaurshaffaf (2011-08-10)
Is there any video training or book available for the program? I want to learn this program form basic. Any one who can help me....koenner (2011-08-15)
Can someone please help me figure out what is wrong? I followed what kujirasan said, but I get the error: no SERVER line found to match this host. Ideas? I verified that the ptc.dat has the correct PTC HostID.mackoy_1012 (2011-09-24)
guys, also need some help..i have installed everything..
but when trying to load, it shows for a split second, then crashes down..
did any of you guys experienced the same problem?
i am on Win7x64 bit.
Thanks for the Help!!
soniparth (2011-09-27)
I install the software then when i copied the PTC_Creo5_Corrector file to PTC folder in C drive it says nothing is fixed and patch is not done.Please help
kinetic888 (2011-09-28)
Can any1 help? all i see is disk1, disk 2 and system info, what can i do? i use windows7X64kinetic888 (2011-09-30)
please i need the crack file, i only have the 2 discs [email protected] thxtekma408 (2011-10-11)
Hi All:When you run PTC_Creo5_Corrector in Win7, you need to click right mouse button to select run it with administractor. Otherwise Win7 will not let you run any program.
you need to use 7-zip to extract each of the downloaded disk1 and disk2 to become ISO file, then run 7-zip to extract these two ISO files.
disk1 is for 32 bit system while disk2 is for 64 bit system.
tekma408 (2011-10-11)
Hi All:When you run PTC_Creo5_Corrector in Win7, you need to click right mouse button to select run it with administractor. Otherwise Win7 will not let you run any program.
you need to use 7-zip to extract each of the downloaded disk1 and disk2 to become ISO file, then run 7-zip to extract these two ISO files.
disk1 is for 32 bit system while disk2 is for 64 bit system.
tekma408 (2011-10-11)
Hi All:When you run PTC_Creo5_Corrector in Win7, you need to click right mouse button to select run it with administractor. Otherwise Win7 will not let you run any program.
you need to use 7-zip to extract each rar file inside the downloaded disk1 and disk2 to become ISO file, then run 7-zip to extract these two ISO files.
disk1 is for 32 bit system while disk2 is for 64 bit system.
tekma408 (2011-10-11)
Hi All:When you run PTC_Creo5_Corrector in Win7, you need to click right mouse button to select run it with administractor. Otherwise Win7 will not let you run any fix program.
you need to use 7-zip to extract each rar file inside the downloaded disk1 and disk2 to become ISO file, then run 7-zip to extract these two ISO files.
disk1 is for 32 bit system while disk2 is for 64 bit system.
projectrevo (2011-11-03)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!andromeda666 (2011-11-13)
Can anyone help me here?When I try to launch the Cre/ProE, it just pops up and vanishes. When I click on the Thermal, it says "Invalid (Inconsistent) License".
ctboyer1 (2011-12-27)
This is all quite confusing. I have not been able to generate a license.dat file either, even though I have copied the Magnitude folder onto my hard drive locally, then I have modified the ptc.dat file to include my correct Host ID information, then saved it over the original ptc.dat file. When I run the keygen.exe file, it opens a dos prompt style window for a second, then closes. No license.dat file is created. When I install the software I point to the ptc.dat file. Then when I run it, it opens for a split second then closes. Nothing else. Can anyone really help?rd0769 (2012-02-13)
Guys i got the solution..!i was having all problems users said above LOL..
what i did i just inserted both files in LOCKED LICESNSING OPTION
i.e keygen.bat and ptc.dat after changing that HOST ID VALUE
and installed it and then after pasting corrector file in location told i.e Program Files\PTC\ . I RAN IT AS ADMINISTRATOR and instead of beeping and saying nothing patched it says 32 patched made me happy..!
before it many times i intalled and uninstalled it many problems faced like CAN NOT RUN CREO NO LICENSE FILE .PSF FOUND ..!
NOW JUST WHEN I OPRN CREO IT SAYS SELECT WORKING DIRECTORY i can not find solution still can not work..! :P
har_l (2012-02-27)
Steps to install..• Disc 1 - win 32
• Disc 2 – win 64
• I used Disc 1 cause my pc is win OS is 32 bits
• Extract Disc 1 using win rar, which give you m-wf5cr2.iso (Disc image file)
• Use DEAMON virtual drive software or any virtual drive software to run the iso file.
• Run setup. Left bottom corner of the setup screen shows your PTC host ID.
• Copy Magnitude folder to the desktop. Open “install†file, copy the 00-00-00-00-00-00
• Open “ptc.dat†file in notepad, click on edit, select replace, paste 00-00-00-00-00-00 in “find what:†and past your PTC host ID in “Replace with:â€.
• Click Replace All. Close the replace box and save the file.
• Click or double click on “keygenâ€, it will create “license†file. Take your time, sometimes it does not create the file right away.
• On setup window, click next, click “I agreeâ€, click next, click “ creo elements/pro & creo….â€
• Click on the product features icon, select install all sub features. Do the same for platform and languages. Click next
• Click ADD, select “locked license file†option. In file path, select the license file you created in magnitude folder on your desktop.
• Click OK… from here after you will be fine for rest of the setup.
• After setup is completed, copy “PTC_Creo5_Corrector†file (which is in magnitude folder) to C:\Program Files\PTC, run it by right clicking on it and select †run as administratorâ€. Wait until 64 patches are completed.
• All done, use the software.
har_l (2012-02-27)
Steps to install..Disc 1 - win 32
Disc 2 – win 64
I used Disc 1 cause my pc win OS is 32 bits
Extract Disc 1 using win rar, which give you m-wf5cr2.iso (Disc image file)
Use DEAMON virtual drive software or any virtual drive software to run the iso file.
Run setup. Left bottom corner of the setup screen shows your PTC host ID.
Copy Magnitude folder to the desktop. Open install file, copy the 00-00-00-00-00-00
Open ptc.dat file in notepad, click on edit, select replace, paste 00-00-00-00-00-00 in find what: and paste your PTC host ID in Replace with.
Click Replace All. Close the replace box and save the file.
Click or double click on keygen, it will create license file. Take your time, sometimes it does not create the file right away.
On setup window, click next, click I agree, click next, click creo elements/pro & creo….
Click on the product features icon, select install all sub features. Do the same for platform and languages. Click next
Click ADD, select locked license file option. In file path, select the license file you created in magnitude folder on your desktop.
Click OK. from here after you will be fine for rest of the setup.
After setup is completed, copy PTC_Creo5_Corrector file (which is in magnitude folder) to C:\Program Files\PTC, run it by right clicking on it and select †run as administratorâ€. Wait until 64 patches are completed.
All done, use the software.
nowayman (2012-03-04)
how can I activate Direct Molding Express? When I start, appears a window asking for e-mail and password.Thanks
htps8463 (2012-03-25)
license should be generate after you change the MAC address in ptc.datgrrici (2012-05-15)
Hi guys,Is this contains the pro mechanica also?
I would like to use that.
Thanks the upload.
grrici (2012-05-15)
Yes, it have mechanica, and the ver x64 is working.Thanks
ishkabidle (2012-08-15)
How do you get the crack to work with the virus/malware removed?motofox16 (2012-12-31)
If you are having trouble like I was with the licencing, make sure to add both the licence you create, and the ptc.dat file also.I have some questions about the internet, somewhere I saw you should disable the internet, is there an easy way to do this? I have just been disabling my computers internet but it is a pain. Is this critical to me keeping my licence?
theara007 (2013-01-09)
can anyone please send me MAGNiTUDE supplied crack containing1.Install.text
to [email protected]
it wasn't there in the torrent when i downloaded & so now i'm absolutely unable to move forward! :(
Shuriken-Jutsu (2013-01-20)
In case anyone's wondering (because all the instructions until now have been sort of incomplete)The torrent includes folders: DISK1 and DISK2 (and an .nfo file)
DISK1= 32bit
DISK2= 64bit
In either folder, second to the bottom should be the .rar file (m-wf5cr1.rar). Extract it.
Inside the new extracted directory will be an .iso file. Mount it using your Daemon tools or whatever and open it. On the bottom left of the window that pops up, it will say (PTC HostID: ##-##-##-##-##-##). Write the number down.
Leaving that program open, go back to the directory you were at and instead of opening it like you just did, EXTRACT the .iso file (like you would a .rar file or a .zip file).
A new folder is made. Inside this directory is a folder called MAGNiTUDE. Open it. You'll see a file called (ptc.dat). Open/edit it in notepad. Click edit, replace, and replace all instances of (00-00-00-00-00-00) with the number you wrote earlier. Save and close it.
Open the file called (keygen.bat). It will create (license.dat).
Go back to the installation window. (Next > I Accept > Creo Elements/Pro & Creo Elements/Pro Mechanica)
Click the thumbnail for Product Features and select (Install All Sub-Features). Do the same for Languages. (Next > Add > Locked License File > Browse). Navigate to the (license.dat) file you made earlier in the MAGNiTUDE folder. Select it. OK. Next. Next. Next. Install.
Shuriken-Jutsu (2013-01-20)
Sorry, even my last one was incomplete:::The torrent includes folders: DISK1 and DISK2 (and an .nfo file)
DISK1= 32bit
DISK2= 64bit
In either folder, second to the bottom should be the .rar file (m-wf5cr1.rar). Extract it.
Inside the new extracted directory will be an .iso file. Mount it using your Daemon tools or whatever and open it. On the bottom left of the window that pops up, it will say (PTC HostID: ##-##-##-##-##-##). Write the number down.
Leaving that program open, go back to the directory you were at and instead of opening it like you just did, EXTRACT the .iso file (like you would a .rar file or a .zip file).
A new folder is made. Inside this directory is a folder called MAGNiTUDE. Open it. You'll see a file called (ptc.dat). Open/edit it in notepad. Click edit, replace, and replace all instances of (00-00-00-00-00-00) with the number you wrote earlier. Save and close it.
Open the file called (keygen.bat). It will create (license.dat).
Go back to the installation window. (Next > I Accept > Creo Elements/Pro & Creo Elements/Pro Mechanica)
Click the thumbnail for Product Features and select (Install All Sub-Features). Do the same for Languages. (Next > Add > Locked License File > Browse). Navigate to the MAGNiTUDE folder. Select both (license.dat) AND the (ptc.dat) file. OK. Next. Next. Next. Install.
firestone9x (2013-02-08)
I have followed all the instructions posted here and the problem is in last step where you run the PTC_Creo5_X64_Corrector.exeThe program states 'cannot open' and 'nothing fixed'.
I think most of us here are facing the same issue.
So can some one please give the correct instructions if they have successfully managed to get their application running. Thank You
D4RK_R1D3R (2013-03-10)
When i want to run setup, I get error ptcsetup.exe stopped workingplayusa (2013-06-12)
i cannot get it to create a license. i have turned off anti virus.enabled or disabled internet. i have changed the address in ptc.dat. it still will not generate a license. keygen just flashes a cmd prompt that's it. running win7 64bit. any ideasHank_west (2013-09-24)
Hi everybody, I've successfully installed the program on my computer, but the last time (today) I forgot to disconnect it from the internet, and now it appears a problem with the license and I can't open the program anymore. What can I do?IcemanSR (2014-01-14)
Its working all right!As person said earlier,add BOTH files to locked,
licence and ptc.dat
tee_bee (2014-06-02)
Success! Opened rar #1 and it all unzipped, then opened into ISO. Got the ID from lower left window, and opened the license dat file did copy replace all with my license. Only hiccup was copying license to Magnitude folder - during install where browsing to locked license file, had to recopy the generated license file to another new folder I just created on desktop, because for some reason the Creo installer did not see it in the magnitude folder.Once install finished, ran the corrector file I had copied to Prorams/Creo folder, 61 patches completed. I also set up a Firewall outbound rule and browsed to the creo.exe file in the Magnitude folder to prevent it from connecting to internet. Up and running no problem on Win 64. Now I just need to figure out how to use it.
1. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r00 47.68 Mb
2. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r01 47.68 Mb
3. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r02 47.68 Mb
4. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r03 47.68 Mb
5. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r04 47.68 Mb
6. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r05 47.68 Mb
7. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r06 47.68 Mb
8. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r07 47.68 Mb
9. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r08 47.68 Mb
10. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r09 47.68 Mb
11. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r10 47.68 Mb
12. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r11 47.68 Mb
13. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r12 47.68 Mb
14. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r13 47.68 Mb
15. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r14 47.68 Mb
16. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r15 47.68 Mb
17. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r16 47.68 Mb
18. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r17 47.68 Mb
19. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r18 47.68 Mb
20. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r19 47.68 Mb
21. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r20 47.68 Mb
22. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r21 47.68 Mb
23. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r22 47.68 Mb
24. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r23 47.68 Mb
25. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r24 47.68 Mb
26. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r25 47.68 Mb
27. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r26 47.68 Mb
28. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r27 47.68 Mb
29. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r28 47.68 Mb
30. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r29 47.68 Mb
31. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r30 47.68 Mb
32. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r31 47.68 Mb
33. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r32 47.68 Mb
34. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r33 47.68 Mb
35. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r34 47.68 Mb
36. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r35 47.68 Mb
37. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r36 47.68 Mb
38. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r37 47.68 Mb
39. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r38 47.68 Mb
40. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r39 47.68 Mb
41. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r40 47.68 Mb
42. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r41 47.68 Mb
43. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r42 47.68 Mb
44. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r43 47.68 Mb
45. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r44 47.68 Mb
46. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r45 47.68 Mb
47. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r46 47.68 Mb
48. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r47 47.68 Mb
49. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r48 47.68 Mb
50. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r49 47.68 Mb
51. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r50 47.68 Mb
52. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r51 47.68 Mb
53. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r52 47.68 Mb
54. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r53 47.68 Mb
55. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r54 47.68 Mb
56. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r55 47.68 Mb
57. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r56 47.68 Mb
58. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r57 47.68 Mb
59. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r58 47.68 Mb
60. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r59 47.68 Mb
61. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r60 47.68 Mb
62. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r61 47.68 Mb
63. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r62 47.68 Mb
64. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.r63 32.69 Mb
65. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.rar 47.68 Mb
66. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK1/m-wf5cr1.sfv 1.46 Kb
67. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r00 47.68 Mb
68. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r01 47.68 Mb
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71. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r04 47.68 Mb
72. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r05 47.68 Mb
73. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r06 47.68 Mb
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77. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r10 47.68 Mb
78. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r11 47.68 Mb
79. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r12 47.68 Mb
80. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r13 47.68 Mb
81. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r14 47.68 Mb
82. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r15 47.68 Mb
83. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r16 47.68 Mb
84. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r17 47.68 Mb
85. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r18 47.68 Mb
86. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r19 47.68 Mb
87. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r20 47.68 Mb
88. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r21 47.68 Mb
89. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r22 47.68 Mb
90. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r23 47.68 Mb
91. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r24 47.68 Mb
92. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r25 47.68 Mb
93. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r26 47.68 Mb
94. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r27 47.68 Mb
95. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r28 47.68 Mb
96. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r29 47.68 Mb
97. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r30 47.68 Mb
98. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r31 47.68 Mb
99. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r32 47.68 Mb
100. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r33 47.68 Mb
101. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r34 47.68 Mb
102. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r35 47.68 Mb
103. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r36 47.68 Mb
104. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r37 47.68 Mb
105. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r38 47.68 Mb
106. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r39 47.68 Mb
107. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r40 47.68 Mb
108. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r41 47.68 Mb
109. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r42 47.68 Mb
110. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r43 47.68 Mb
111. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r44 47.68 Mb
112. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r45 47.68 Mb
113. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r46 47.68 Mb
114. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r47 47.68 Mb
115. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r48 47.68 Mb
116. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r49 47.68 Mb
117. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r50 47.68 Mb
118. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r51 47.68 Mb
119. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r52 47.68 Mb
120. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r53 47.68 Mb
121. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r54 47.68 Mb
122. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r55 47.68 Mb
123. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r56 47.68 Mb
124. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r57 47.68 Mb
125. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r58 47.68 Mb
126. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r59 47.68 Mb
127. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r60 47.68 Mb
128. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r61 47.68 Mb
129. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r62 47.68 Mb
130. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r63 47.68 Mb
131. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r64 47.68 Mb
132. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r65 47.68 Mb
133. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.r66 23.81 Mb
134. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.rar 47.68 Mb
135. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/DISK2/m-wf5cr2.sfv 1.53 Kb
136. PTC.CREO.ELEMENTS.PRO.V5.0.M080-MAGNiTUDE/magnitude.nfo 7.82 Kb