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The Case Against the Jews: A Documented Critique of Contemporary
The Case Against the Jews
2009-06-08 (by Anchorite1)
Jews and gentiles have been in a state of conflict for the last 2000 years -- an understandable if unfortunate circumstance, since brothers in religion or other ideology, like brothers in a family, have a more intense rivalry among themselves than they do with others more alien. But if religion provided the basis for most of the Jew-gentile conflict in historical times, it no longer does so, if for no other reason than that religion has simply ceased to play a major role in a society in which only a century ago it was the dominant force. Instead, the Jew-gentile conflict -- the "Jewish Question" as it is sometimes termed -- has now become a problem of the overweening influence if not virtual dominance by Jews of gentile institutions and culture. In the sense of the evolutionary struggle for "survival of the fittest" there is nothing obviously wrong with such a conflict; but when the details of this conflict are given a careful inspection, there seems to be a great deal which is wrong. The purpose of the present essay is to make just such an inspection; but rather than attempting to present detailed research (which would require at least a book) I have chosen rather to highlight a number of major points in a rather summary -- but I believe revealing -- fashion. While I have provided documentation for many of my assertions, as well as an extensive bibliography where a great deal more information along these lines may be found, the assertions of this essay will still be difficult for many to believe because the material is generally terra incognito to most people, including well-educated ones. The reason for this, of course, is that -- as mentioned earlier -- there is no greater taboo in American society (and for that matter, Western society) than the criticism of Jews, with the result that there is not only a profound ignorance concerning the Jewish Question, but a profound unwillingness to believe that there could possibly be anything worthwhile to learn. While I obviously cannot pry open those minds which are closed on this subject, for those individuals with at least a rudimentary curiosity I hope I will at minimum stimulate a desire to verify or refute the assertions of this essay. In my view there is simply no issue more important to Americans or white men generally than the Jewish Question, as those who dare to read this essay will shortly understand. I hasten to add, however, that there are no easy answers to the problems which are raised here, and those who believe differently have simply failed to grasp the complexity of the issues.
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195.30 Kb
copyrightmustdie (2009-06-14)
"Woe betide the European intellect, if ever the Jewish intellect were subtracted from it." - NietzscheFact is Jews are smarter than gentiles. That's why Jews can become lawyers and doctors, while gentiles become white trash and heroin-addicted skinheads living in squats.
Hitler was an underachieving loser who was jealous of the German Jews and their success in business, the arts, and academia. Hitler became the greatest loser of all time, destroying a perfectly good country in his fag gay homo loser white trash quest. If the Jews are still "in control of world government" after what Hitler did to them, then they must be superhuman geniuses of the highest order and I *WANT* them ruling the world!
I have nothing but love for my Jewish overlords and wish them happiness, long lives, and more power.
PS Jewish girls are also fucking hot. I mean look at Mia Kirshner and Natalie Portman. Om nom nom nom.
sakstroy (2013-02-27)
I disagree. Jews aren't smarter than anybody, they are just hard working, motivated, smart people who also have their share of idiots or criminals like everybody else, but we can learn a lot from them if we just study them and have they've managed to survive through the centuries.
MElastiGirl (2014-04-04)
Since neither of these comments appears to be from a Jew, thought I'd chime in as a member of the tribe....First, thanks for not being racist assholes. There are just too damned many. And thanks for calling us Jewish girls hot--as much as I'd rather be recognized for my intellect, well, sometimes it's nice to be noticed just cause I'm cute.
But most importantly... No, Jews are not smarter than other people, but on the whole, Jewish families (much like most Asian ones) tend to put a high premium on education and a strong work ethic. Historically, we've had to work harder than everyone else because everyone else tended to exclude us from their special clubs and professions. So, in true entrepreneurial spirit--we created our own success. Interestingly, though we make up less than 1 percent of the world's population, Jews have won 22 percent of all Nobel prizes--more than 40 percent of those in economics.
We're overrepresented among many different highly paid professions (banking, law, medicine) and also in Hollywood. But believe me, we have no interest in world domination.
As for having idiots among us... yep, we do--and worse. I can name at least two serial killers and a slew of white collar criminals among our ranks. And more than a few terrorists. The only reason I'm not naming them is so I don't give any ammo to the anti-Semites who post this kind of crap. While we're not perfect, we are at least underrepresented among prison populations.
Also for the record, most of us don't mind being wished a Merry Christmas around the holidays, but I, for one am sick to death of hearing about the fucking nonexistent War on Christmas. You're the friggin' majority for chrissake--nobody feels sorry for you. And in case you didn't realize, Hannukah is hardly a religious holiday. It's not even a traditional gift-giving holiday. That started sometime in the last century so little Jewish kids wouldn't feel bad. Or more likely so big box stores could sell more of their shit to us after Thanksgiving.
And finally, not all of us are die-hard Zionists who think Israel can do no wrong. Most of us would like to see a two-state solution for Israel/Palestine. (But with the ignorant and pathetic leadership on both sides for as long as I've been alive, I don't see a lot of hope.)
So that's my two cents. If anyone is actually interest in Jewish history, I'd recommend the recent Story of the Jews series from PBS (available for download right here on TPB). For an unbiased look at Israel's history (warts and all), the books O Jerusalem and From Beirut to Jerusalem offer some great insight.
Much love to all!
1. The Case Against the Jews - A Documented Critique of Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior -- John Bryant.pdf 195.30 Kb