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Dispatches - Afghanistan's Dirty War ~2009 06 15 Ch.4






Dispatches - Afghanistan's Dirty War ~2009 06 15 Ch.4


Video/TV shows


2009-06-18 (by john1942 )


Dispatches - Afghanistan's Dirty War ~2009 06 15 Ch.4 379 MB /00:47:23 As the US apologizes for the recent killing of civilians in air strikes on the Farah province of Afghanistan, Dispatches examines the effect these military operations are having on US-Afghan relations. Directed by Emmy and Bafta award-winning film-maker Tom Roberts, this programme investigates a similar American assault on the village of Azizabad last year, in which scores of civilians, including dozens of women and children were killed. The film examines the reaction of the US forces - which initially declared the operation a success and denied any civilian deaths - and looks at how, despite evidence to the contrary, the US army remains robust in denying any wrongdoing. No International Streaming video File Name: Dispatches - Afghanistan's Dirty War.avi Source: Cap: greydesk Other shunster posts

Files count:



379.96 Mb




Crawling_Chaos007 (2009-06-18)

So fucking what. It's WAR. You can't have all your candy and cake in WAR. If you think you can have a bloodless war your infuckingsane. If you think we need to leave there you are infuckingsane.
If you are are infuckingsane.
If you are liberal socialist you are a MAD FUCKING HATTER.
Go away socialists and Obongo. The United States is a republic NOT a socialist dictatorship with state run news media( CBS,NBC,ABC, and PBS). FOX is the ONLY reliable source for American news on the television at this point in history.
Though having a socialist communist negro like Obama in the highest office in the land might please the fools it is going to lead to the most trajec economic times in our countries history. Mark my fucking words , wannabe socialist liberals. MARK them. Fuck Afghanistan. It should have been burned into glass after 9/11.
Seeing people report on our "evil chid killing innocent muslim killing" army makes me sick..sick for the dumbass motherfucker reporting such shit. There is no such thing as a "clean" war. GO FUCK YOURSELF you'll get more PUSSY.

sonofdog (2009-06-19)

@ Crawling_Chaos007
What a load of rubbish - you're full of hate-filled shit. Your so-called republic is a virtual dictatorship thanks to the patriot act. Obama was groomed by the Wall street mob, he's a student of Kissinger who is as right wing as you get. He's broken just about every promise he made to get elected and is giving his wall street friends more money after they stole everybody elses, leaving an already robbed society the bill. His appointments to office are all from the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, Wall Street or Lobying firms, making this present US govt the most dangerously self interested right wing set up in history. Your calling them liberal just shows how much you are the victim of spin. I agree with your economic forecast though, but I think everyone has figured that out.
There's no evidence that Afghanistan was involved in 9/11. Most of the Taliban are foreign fighters and not Afghans and the poor country has been blasted by war into the stone age for decades if not centuries. Fox is the most propaganda filled right wing station. Don't believe the shit these oligarchy owned networks pedal. The US military frequently commit overkill and ruin the difficult job to win hearts and minds, which is the only way to stabilize and win such wars. The use of airpower without proper intelligence is about as smart as a bag full of hammers and about as subtle as your suggestion to nuke the place moron.

TempestLana (2010-03-31)

thanks for the uploads

skippythekangaroo (2010-08-01)

I believe anyone who thinks the afgan war is justified is just another ignorant person. The British during the American revolutionary war said the same thing about George Washington that he was a rebel terrorist and that the USA needed to be attacked. People who want war probably have not seen with their own eyes someone they love cut to pieces by machine gun fire or artillary fire, they speak only from video game experience and watching tv news. Perhaps the united states needs to have war brought to U.S. soil so that the american people will taste what it is like to have bombers hitting your home and killing your kids at anytime of day or night.
I believe that most of the worlds problems are caused by overpopulation leading to people having to take land from others to satisfy their ever growing need because of breeding like cockroaches.

talwandiseth (2012-04-10)

Wah...what a bugginn load of crap...!

talwandiseth (2012-04-10)

Wah...what a bugginn load of grab...!