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The Truth about Muhammad






The Truth about Muhammad




2008-06-22 (by IndianChristian )


Excellent booklets by some north indian muslim turned christian preacher. There are 3 booklets not two. Thanks to original uploader. uploaders comments: At a time when hundreds of Christians are converting to Islam in the world (and of course that many muslims also leave islam every year to become christians inspite of Muhammads clear command to slaughter every muslim who leaves Islam - Sahih Bukhari 4.260) believing that Muhammad is the noblest men who walked the planet, this article comes as a shock for these Christians who have converted to Islam. It exposes exactly how holy was the founder of Islam? He certainly was no Jesus or Buddha. The Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). And there are scores of Christians converting to Islam due to their lack of knowledge of Islam. They are conned into believing that Islam is the true religion and Jesus Christ was not the Christ but a mere prophet and fore-bearer to Muhammad. This article is an honest approach to expose this lie. The crux of Islam is Muhammad. If Muhammad was not a holy man then entire Islam vaporizes. And this is the case. The Islamic Sunnah describes in detail the nature of Muhammad and how he cannot be a Biblical prophet. Rashid Alamir in this article simply brings this fact to light. According to the Islamic Scriptures, Muhammad was not a prophet but a bandit, a thief and a rapist. Through he claimed to be Biblical prophet; he broke each and every of the Ten Commandments. Equally disturbing is the fact that Allah was willing to bend all the rules for his prophet even to the extent of revealing scripture to support Muhammads quest for thievery, rape, murder, incest, adultery and wealth. It is all given in detail in the Islamic Sunnah. You will come to know this only if you have read the books (not some arbitrary hadiths from these books but the actual books. When Muslims Imams quote hadiths they leave out the damaging part) comprising the Islamic Sunnah. Part 1 of the article it contains the following 4 sections: 1. Was Muhammad really a prophet - An Introduction 2. The Islamic Scriptures 3. How the Quran was revealed - Is it similar to how the Bible was revealed? 4. Muhammads suicide Attempts - Did our Biblical prophets do something similar when the angel of God conveyed Yahwehs message to them? Part 2 of the article contains the following 5 sections: 1. Islam and the principle of Al-Takiyah 2. The Tawhid - the oneness of Muhammad and Allah 3. The Woman Muhammmad had 4. Muhammads perverted Nature 5. Muhammad, Champion of Womans rights? For more articles by Rashid Alamir, Bible Tracts, Inspirational Christian literature, Christian comics and other Christian resources please visit

Files count:



999.34 Kb




 IndianChristian (2008-06-22)

my god is better than your god...
No one said that my God is better than your god. Muhammad claimed the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims is one and the same. The author says Truth is God. I posted this so that christian people who have switched over to Islam realize the grave mistake they have done before it is too late. The Jesus of Islam is an imposter. Muhammad is the Antichrist.
when will you religious retards just grow the fuck up...
Jesus said, "Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account." Matthew 5.11
Jesus said, "You will be hated by all men on account of my name; Mt. 10.22

Vevaren (2008-06-22)

Anyone know where to get those Muhammad-drawings that made so much mayhem a while ago? Please upload if you have them. And thanks a lot for this one! :)

justin kaise (2008-06-27)

study religion before you run your mouth

rockstar11998 (2008-06-28)

Small Change- I disagree with much of what you say at the beginning, yet I also know Islam is totally of Satan not God. I really don't like this comment of yours - "Thus the claim that Muhammad was not educated and could not have known all this, is FALSE." Um that can't be straight thinking. Muhammad definitely was uneducated and that's why he was such a good pawn for Satan. Satan is the one that dictated the Koran through Muhammad. Didn't you see the History channel show that tells how Muhammad went through some sort of epileptic seizure prior to dictating a new saying. It's called being possessed by the Devil. Satan knows everything that has happened on earth (with the help of his angels) so that is why he was able to share all of this prior information you claim he 'stole' from the Greeks. You are right that Allah is not a God - Allah is actually Satan. God would never tell humans (his children) to do the things Islam says to do to each other or the nonbelievers. After further reading I found more to agree with you on. I went to the site prophet of doom and the author lays out everything very well of how crude and evil Muhammad was - definitely not a spiritual man.

rockstar11998 (2008-06-28)

PhXAnarchy -aka Antichrist - You sound a lot like an Antichrist found in the Book of Mormon with this statement of yours - "there's no need for ANY religion AT ALL." I don't know what problems you have or what sort of chip you have on your shoulder but putting down all religion is very prideful and very sinful behavior. So you're trying to tell me you are so ignorant about science and life that you can boldface lie and say that God doesn't exist. Wow you must be having a horrible life. If you were educated in the slightest about science and nature you'd have to assume there was a creator or organizer of those things. I feel sorry for you that you haven't yet been enlightened. I'd like to gladly share the truth with you.
I have to comment on this other ignorant statement of yours. You claim that religion denies - sexuality (for instance they're better at raping children or mutilating them than freeing their sexuality). I've never raped anyone nor do my beliefs say that is ok or proper. Maybe some religions do that but not mine. If we had free sexuality what would the world be like do you think? Let's see - it might look something like lets say San Fransisco. LOL If children aren't born to committed partners (through marriage) then the children will grow up like many are today. Out of control and transmitting all sorts of deadly diseases around the place. Your logic is way off base. Actually God is punishing all of those that are 'freeing themselves sexually' with these diseases and illnesses. You reap what you sow. Good luck to you cuz ur gonna need it if you're sleeping around.
The powers of procreation is sacred. To take lightly the fact that you could have a child every time you had sex is not a small matter. Just because technology and contraception is advanced today doesn't make having sex any less of a sin because we are a little 'safer' from getting pregnant. I could go on and on but you haven't got a clue what having children is really about. Sex is a privilege and if it is misused in this life you will not be given the opportunity to continue it in the next life. One last thing - those that are raping children are mainly the sexually frustrated celibate Catholic Priests who find it hard to repress those natural tendencies to procreate. We were put on this earth to form families and having kids is part of that. If they had themselves a good wife they would have been just fine. Not that I agree with the Catholic church on the celibacy issue or others.

rockstar11998 (2008-06-28)

Small Change - You are flip flopping with this statement when you already mentioned Christ - "Would the real creator (if he exists)'
It seems to me you are anti-religious when you add the phrase if he exists. If this is the case I have no further comments to you except that you find the truth because it is out there. God does exists and anyone with faith and humility will discover this.

jose777 (2008-07-07)

an eye opener!!!!!!!!!!
to know more about the fallacies and lies perpetrated by kuran go to this sites
faithfreedom by ali sina

big.dick65265 (2008-07-18)

smallchange, after reading your thesis on the subject of Islam it has led me to believe that your brain is smaller than your penis. Furthermore, I believe that your brain was at one time in your penis. However, I am now certain that the last time you ejaculated your brain had become lodged in the anus of your homosexual partner who subsequently crapped over the bedroom carpet and you unwittingly walked over it and have become totally brain dead.
If you are a dirty jew or christian and can't tell me why you are so gay, please read my FAQ, and if your question is not answered there, contact me. I will answer your question and will include it in my FAQ section.

 IndianChristian (2008-07-24)

Forgot to mention, the third book in this torrent is Exposing the Myth of the Islamic Jesus. Here are the details from the original uploader.
Exposing the Myth of the Islamic Jesus
37 pages.
Another super book from the author of the book, "Jesus Christ, the only hope of the World". A must read article for Christians and Muslims.
Muslims and Christians claim to believe in a Jesus whose characteristics as described by both these religions are exact opposites. In Christianity Jesus is God, in Islam he is a mere prophet. In Christianity Jesus is the Lord of Lords, in Islam he is a slave of Allah. In Christianity Jesus is a Jew speaking in the name of Yahweh. In Islam, Jesus is a Muslim speaking in the name of Allah. In Christianity Jesus was crucified and resurrected, in Islam he was not crucified nor resurrected. In Christianity Jesus came as the sacrificial lamb to die for the sins of mankind, in Islam Jesus came as a torch bearer to pave the way for the coming of Muhammad. In Christianity Jesus will come again in full glory to reign over all men, in Islam Jesus will come again with the sword to destory Jews and Christians, convert the entire world to Islam, to marry & have children and then die of old age and be buried in medina.
So which is the true Jesus? Is it the Biblical Jesus or the Islamic Jesus? What are the common points between the Muslim Jesus and the Christian Jesus? What are the differences? Why are there differences? This booklet addresses all these points.
At the end, It also addresses the crux of the issue - Since there are differences between the christian and the islamic versions of Jesus, either the diciples of Jesus or Muhammad, the self proclaimed prophet of Islam must have lied about Jesus. So who lied? Was it the disciples or Muhammad? Read about it in this terrific article by Muslim turned Christian Kashmiri evangelist Rashid Alamir.

rockstar11998 (2008-08-06)

IndianChristian - Keep up the good work brother.

pothead42024 (2008-08-27)

You Fuckin morons are arguing over books write 3500 year ago 2000 years ago and 1400 years ago they are all fiction they were meant to enlighten those who needed to be told you can't love a sheep like a person. We have gotten past these books, read the gunslinger it is just as inspired by god and unlike your favorite books, Original

samurairy (2008-08-28)

Funny how Christians say Islam is BS because the Koran was written by men, they think God actually came down to this insignificant world and wrote the Bible for them.
Anything made by humans trying to tell you what happens after death is gonna be garbage. Nobody knows, nobody can know. Some people just didn't want to work so they made up crap to tell morons.

 IndianChristian (2008-09-28)

Unable to upload torrents in piratebay. Hence all further uploads will be in mininova. Kindly also visit my mininova uploads. User Id in Mininova is IndianChristian

wheellee (2008-09-30)

Al-Qur'an in Microsoft Word, just 1MB per language:

 IndianChristian (2008-10-02)

For more articles by Rashid Alamir, Bible Tracts, Inspirational Christian literature, Christian comics and other Christian resources please visit http://geocitiescom/yahwehcalls/

 IndianChristian (2008-10-14)

Seems like the previous commenter is one of the bearded Islamic saints who cry Allah hu Akbar while murdering kafirs and molesting their woman and daughters.
The Truth is, it is possible to distort anything these days. By selectively quoting passages from the Bible it is possible to project it as anything from a porn novel to the most sacred of books. What matters is the overall truth when everything is read in its context. And that is where the Bible comes out unaffected.
The Bible say, a Tree is known by the fruit it bears. And if you look around I don?t have to tell who are the terrorists murdering unbelievers in the name of God, are supporting terrorism, harassing kafirs, are promised 70 virgins and 28 young men for dying while slaughtering innocent unbelievers, blowing themselves up in order to attain this great privilege, and worship a pedophile and womanizer in the guise of prophet. There are no points for guessing who fits the following descriptions:
-Prophet of Doom
-Prophet of Incest
-Prophet of Pedophilery
-Prophet of Hatred
-The Womanizer Prophet
-Prophet of Adultery
-Prophet of Satan
Anyone who has eyes can see it and have ears can hear about it. Indeed a tree is known by the fruit it bears. A good fruit bears good fruit and a rotten tree, rotten fruit. It is just a case of following the leader. We Christians are people of non-violence following our savior Jesus Christ. What about the Muhammadans?

jonick8088 (2008-10-16)

TO IndianChristian, PhXAnarchy you all son of a BITCHES. EAT your pork wich eats it's shit, so your stomac full of shit. Fuck you all stupids

firebolte (2008-11-11)

For small Change!
you spent so much time on proving Allah is not God, just switch to "Peace TV" one day and you will find the truth about every thing including Allah, Muhammad, Quran.
please do act on this advice as there is answer to all your queries

 IndianChristian (2008-11-14)

The religion of Terror it seems has started Peace TV. what next?
Maybe Satan starting Holy TV

 IndianChristian (2008-11-17)

Sorry the link mentioned has a issue. dot is missing between geocities and com.

Wake_Up. (2008-12-09)

Wake_Up. (2008-12-09)

Wake_Up. (2008-12-09)

bagsy84 (2008-12-10)

I'm a Vegetarian, in my view, you eat animals, any animal. It still has feces inside it. If not, it still ate something that did have feces inside it.
The true point is that it is less what a person eats that make them unclean in the eyes of God or Allah, whatever you call him.
What matters is how much Goodness you have inside that shows up in your life, and the way you talk, and how you treat people that your GOD or ALLAH created.
If people are the creations of God or Allah, then maybe you should respect your deity's creations. I mean, if God or Allah hasn't dropped lightining on the person's head, then you probably don't have the right to think the way you do towards them. Cause if Allah or God or Jesus wanted to kill him, he would already be dead. So, have you looked inside yourself and noticed that your hatred towards others are not even rooted from your Love of God or Allah ? Your emotions toward your fellow mankind are rooted on hate. Hate that as you can see, even God or Allah have not expressed. Cause frankly speaking, if Allah doesn't kill him, what gives you the right to do so? Unless you think Allah can't do it himself? Then why bother serving a deity who can't even do anything to his enemies? Unless this deity is expressing MERCY? Something you need to IMITATE from your god ?

TeX_mEX (2008-12-13)

stupid poor indian..u dont know that the most growing religion is Islam?

TeX_mEX (2008-12-13)

how much money u are getting from them ? i know.. "yahweh..." and how does it work.
u are a bad example for indians that i know,you are full of hate, ignorante,with no respect for others ,the problem are the guys like u not the religions.

TeX_mEX (2008-12-13)

 IndianChristian (2008-12-14)

TeX_mEX you wrote,
"stupid poor indian..u dont know that the most growing religion is Islam?"
My Reply:
Does "most growing" mean it is not bad?
Have a look around you. All Terrorists are Muslims. And if you have read the Islamic scriputes then you would have known that Muhammad himself was a master Terrorist, thief and a Slave Trader. Yes, the people who took the children hostage in Chechenya.....the people who recently killed 200 people in the heart of Mumbai and the people who bombed Jaipur some months back killiing scores of people were all Muslims. And the root of it is the terrorist manual called the Koran. Allah according to the Koran offers 72 ever young virgins to each Terrorist (Is Allah a womanizer? how many woman is Allah frolicking with?), 20 young man to commit sodomy(Is Allah Gay?), rivers of wine in heaven (Does Allah runs a alcohol distillery in heaven?) and all sort of perverted stuff possible like chained girls in heaven whom believers can "enjoy" when they want. And mind you, this is what the Koran promises to its followers. I can quote the relevant verses if you want.
Little wonder that Muslims are so desperate to kill unbelievers and are always making a beeline to achieve martydom. Anyway they will have their just deserts on the day of Judgement.
About being stupid, I am not so sure. Because it is not me who is chanined to religion. I follow it out of my own free will. It is you who is chained like a slave and so are scores of muslims. Can you get out of your religion? If you try to get out, You will be murdered by your own father, brothers, cousins it is happening to thousands of muslims today......calling it honor killing as per the words of Muhammad to kill all muslims who leave islam.
TeX_mEX you wrote,
"how much money u are getting from them?"
My Reply:
From whom? Do you think I am rolling in Saudi oil moolah? Here in India, Muslims are converting hundreds of poor hindus and tribals every day offering them Money (saudi oil money) to convert to Islam. Most of the mosques in india are financed by saudi sheiks. That is how Islam is growing in India at the expense of Hinduism. In the olden days, Islam spread through the sword (Muslms soldiers would convert at swordpoint - convert or die), now it is spreading using oil moolah and deception.
TeX_mEX you wrote,
My Reply:
No need to check the great qualities of Allah. I already know them. You can read some of them above in my first reply.
Actually speaking it was Muhammad who was the creator of allah and the writer, producer and director of the koran. allah was just his creation. As craig winn says, muhammad created allah just to satisfy his own desires of wealth and women.
If you want to know the real muhammad, read the following book. It gives the entire story of islam and muhammad and is totally based on the muslim scriptures. in doing so the author quotes almost the entire islamic sunnah and the quran.
www.prophetofdoom_net (Islam's terrorist dogma in Muhammad's own words. Replace the underscore by dot)
It will show you clearly why I said that Muhammad is the author and director of the Quran. May heavens save you from the clutches of islam.

2Old4Porn (2009-01-13)

Jesus is the door...anyone who enters through Him, will be saved. End of Story...Theres your invitation to heaven...Those who know the Truth, do not follow another Shepard...those who do, were never saved, nor knew thr Truth.
Peace 2 u all

CarlWilfilUranus (2009-01-28)

There's enough porn in the bastardized 'bible' to stroke even the most prudish into an acceptable hard-on! The Faggot King James Version makes for some stimulating bathroom reading. Yes Folks: Jimmy was a notorious hemorrhoid-popped ankle grabber getting his itch relieved by Cousin Esmé Stuart and others. Go research for yourself! In fact, he was affectionately referred to as 'Queen' James by those who 'knew him' (in the 'biblical' sense! Yuk! Yuk!).
So, is this, your 'bible' the word of God? Which freaking version?'?Cos there's there ain't no original in ancient Aaramaic nowhere, Dudes! The 'Unabridged' Version? Douay Version? American Standard, Gaelic Gospel of Mark' Webster's Bible, World English Bible, Young's Literal Translation, the various 'Pocket' Editions and multilingual translations and, not to be outdone, the several cult versions, more notably the 'correct', 're-written' Mormon Version by illiterate charlatan Joseph Smith: a perpetually morphing 'word of god' that keeps pace with the LDS cult?s ravenous monitory appetite. But, give the devil his due, here's one church that personifies the American Spirit: be all that you can be! Hell, you can even be a god or, if you prefer, God Himself after you die (for a price). And if perchance you end up as decayed feces, well, go back to the church for a refund! Hang on to that receipt, Pilgrim. And Good Luck!
Your 'bibles' are FAR from the word of God who is the personification of Purity. He wouldn't compose such filth and lies! It's the word of an insatiable, weenie lover on a phallus-kiestering mission!
The true Jew was a Christian because Moses foretold the coming of Jesus. And the true Christian is Muslim because Jesus foretold the coming of the Comforter Ahmed - Muhammad. See for yourself the presence of Allah in the remnants of the Old Testament: "elah" this Aramaic word is the equivalent of the Hebrew "eloah" (general term for "God" in the Aramaic passages); it is a cognate form of the word 'allah', the reference to God in Islam. The word was used widely in the Book of Ezra, occurring no fewer than 43 times between Ezra 4:24 and 7:26.
Be warned you who blaspheme against Allah and His Emissary (who seeks no reward from you). Your guile, witticism, and distortion of His message is preparing for you a very despairing future. There is no compulsion in religion but, I assure you, when the time is nigh (and it is too damn late for anything), even the most hardcore atheist will believe in Allah. Peace!

melbournezones (2009-02-03)

Hi CarlWilfilUranus,
You attempt to cast doubt on the truthfulness of the Bible because of the different versions that exist.
Don't forget that the text of the Quran was given to us in its present form by Uthman ibn Affan. So the surahs are in a peculiar order and there is doubtfulness about the accentuation necessarily being exactly what Mohammed said.
Anyhow, whether or not we have the Quran as Mohammed originally made it up is to me not an important issue. Anyone can write something down - testify about themselves - does that mean we're going to start following them?

melbournezones (2009-02-03)

Furthermore CarlWilfilUranus,
I can see from these linked photos why you prefer Islam over Mormonism.

capcal (2009-02-05)

Great upload indian! keep it up and let the bearded terrorist be in rage and kill us all christians for their eternal reward in paradise with VIRGINS!!!
Clearly that MUHAMMAD is POSSESED. Now i understand why his followers are crazy about ISLAM and why a lot of people are in RAGE about this upload.
It's like...let's kill each other and be rewarded on the afterlife. Is it not clear to all of you yet that if Islam is a religion of peace, why are terrorist muslims??? They even used kids and women to do suicide bombings. Is that what your religion is all about?
To all terrorist and wannabes:
Know the root of Islam and the credibility of your POSSESED prophet before you start bombing, ok.So you'll realize that you're just wasting blood for nothing.

 IndianChristian (2009-02-10)

I just finished reading the entire prophet of doom by craig winn from prophet of doom net site and realized what a dastardly man this muhammad was. His sexual escapades make him the pervert of the 7th century. his theiving ways had no rivals.
It is a real pity. There are many good muslims out there who think that muhammad was a saint, a holy man. if only they could read the islamic books to find the kind of man muhammad was. it is a pity that they trust their lying imams with their life..sorry i mean with their souls. Hope they come to the realization of the truth before it is too late.

pukkalover (2009-03-08)

Thank's, I for one have long understood the truth behind the so called "prophet of peace" I will share these booklets with as many peeps as I can. Jesus is the bridge to God for all mankind.

CarlWilfilUranus (2009-03-26)

Hi melbournezones: Whuzzup Dude! Thanks for the links. Obviously the image in the second one has been doctored and the ST creatively erased from JUICE, otherwise it would have read "juSTice". Just as well 'cos everyone knows if there was any justice at all, OJuice woulda been 'pruned' juice! (That's OJ Simson, no'whaddaimean? Get it? Huh? Huh? Get it? Lame ---). Needless to say, other alphabets were also strategically erased so the sign would read "Death to All" instead of "Death To All Crooked Limp-wristed Mormon Used Car Salesmen and Preachers With a Mama Fetish: I hope To God You Have Your Butt Reamed And Pop Your Hemorrhoids"! I'll make believers out of you yet! As for the group photo in the first link, aren?t they alter boys in the Tabernacle Choir faking a smile while puckering in their sphincter trying to keep their guts from plopping down? And whazzat they?re holding thar Pilgrim? The preferred toy of lonely LDS perverts: A FLESH-light flaunting Joe Smith's effigy?

CarlWilfilUranus (2009-03-26)

And furthermore, melbournezones:
Doubt on the truthfulness of the Bible is intrinsic to it not solely because of the different versions that exist but the different interpretations, the arbitrary exclusion of whole chapters and volumes, the creative editing that innovates and alters the original Word of God to portray a tangential meaning more in conformance with Church politics and its global ambitions. MOHAMMED DIDN?T WRITE THE HOLY QURAAN. HE WAS ILLITERATE! And, YES! the Holy Quraan was written to paper many years after he died. But long before it was written to paper, the Holy Quraan was written on hearts: Written to memory.
The fact is, the Holy Quran has ONE originator Whose Word was conveyed thru' ONE illiterate messenger, and compiled with preciseness in ONE original Book ? the existence of which is personally guaranteed by the Originator! If every Quran is destroyed, burned, rendered to ashes, there exist millions (Hafiz) who can reproduce it from memory, the EXACT, PRECISE REPLICA down to each comma, period, exclamation! Truth cannot be destroyed! On the other hand, the "Bible" (actually the distorted, mistranslated, misinterpreted, misunderstood, misquoted multi-authored and multi-denominational versions of the non-existing original Scriptures), and statements ascribed to Jesus Christ fall pitiably short of minimum recognition standards to be accepted even as hearsay evidence! Consider the source: WHO heard Jesus say WHAT? WHEN did this occur? HOW, and through how many RELIABLE CHANNELS and thru' HOW MANY YEARS did this info get passed on down finally reaching you? And, while we?re at it, how the frick reliable are YOU as a source of factual information - or fictitious BS? Ya'no whatimean, Pal?
In reference to the Holy Quraan, you opine, ?Anyone can write something down - testify about themselves ? ?. True! So how come Allah?s challenge has not been met as yet? "If all mankind and all invisible beings would come together with a view to producing the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce its like even though they were to exert all their strength in aiding one another!" 17:88. If the Quran was authored by Iblis (Lucifer), wouldn't it encourage debauchery, lewdness, idolatry, everything contrary to the Commandments sent thru Moses and other prophets?
Do not sell yourself short by being unreasonably biased about the Holy Quraan and the Holy Prophet. READ the Quraan and feel for yourself the Divine Truth within. It is an EYEWITNESS account of happenings since before the creation of Man. READ up on the life of the Prophet and realize the simple, austere life of sacrifice that he led and strict moral standards he adhered to. Ask yourself if it is possible for an ordinary illiterate Bedouin to be instantaneously transformed into the orator of UNEXCELLED ARABIC PROSE (The Holy Quran)? A local merchant responsible for the far-reaching social transformation of Arabia and the world? A family man stereotype metamorphosed into the ultimate military commander? A simpleton turned statesman who's Message reached every section of the world? Unless the mission of this mortal Prophet amongst mortals was in conformance with Divine Command?
READ the several references to the coming of The Comforter Mohammed in (what remains of) the Holy Bible. READ the great Apostasy prophesied in the Bible: look toward Rome and the Vatican II sect! Chapters 17 and 18 of the Apocalypse make striking prophecies about the "great harlot" or the "Whore of Babylon" which will arise in the last days from the city of seven hills. Rome was constructed on seven hills. The Whore is clothed in purple and scarlet "having a golden cup in her hand, full of the abomination and filthiness of her fornication." (Apocalypse 17:4): Cardinals are clothed round about in scarlet; Bishops are clothed round about (i.e. around the waist) in purple! Babylon has historically been regarded as a code name for Rome. 1 Peter 5:13- "The Church that is in Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you: and so doth my son Mark." Apocalypse

okfj (2009-04-13)

obviously Mahummad, who was well learned in Jewish and Christian beliefs, totally disregarded the warning in Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 to 9......... " I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

okfj (2009-04-13)

forgot to highlight in the previous post
"But though we, or an ANGEL from heaven, preach any other gospel ......"
any Christian considering converting to Islam, PRAY & THINK ABOUT THIS... we are told in 2Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 " .... for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
could not the angel 'enlightening' Mahummad have been Satan himself in disguise?

jose777 (2009-04-16)

The spectre of islam is finally confronting the mullahs and the islamic radicals..
A Must read for whoever wants to seek the truth about islam, for a person like me staying in an islamic country this type of materials hardly make their way to the public as they are deemed as heresy.
Thanks a lot
.....and than you shall know the truth and that truth shall set you free

afrowoman (2009-04-23)

More info:

 IndianChristian (2009-04-25)

Afrowoman, I can provide you several links which show hitler as a great and divine man who never hurt a fly. Incidently there is a chapter called Mein Kampf in Craig Winn's Prophet of Doom (search on google) which compares the amazing similarity between Hitler and Muhammad (the 7th century hitler).
Who is the anti-christ or the dajal?
The Antichrist is the one who denies the mission of the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth.
In the history of the world there have many who have denied Jesus Christ as the messiah, but there is only one who has denied his mission.....Muhammad the muslim prophet aka world terrorist who denied that christ was the promised messiah and claimed himself as the messiah and prophet promised by Moses.
If perverts like Muhammad can become prophet, then why people like me (who are saints compared to Muhammad) cannot become God?

quantium_sr (2009-05-14)

Really you have mis- name your torrent as this doesnot imply the truth which you said you are honest but the name is the truth about christian and its fellows as a fake religion built on nothing except imagination not the true christianity which was sent by prophet ISSA who you call plz dont tell lies again bad boy

 IndianChristian (2009-05-24)

@quantium_sr this is the blind faith I was talking of. Instead of reading this book and checking out whether it is true or false, muslims who ware totally brain washed by the nonsense that their imams teach them say the same thing like a parrot what their Imams have conditioned them to say. Isnt' it?

alchie11 (2009-06-21)

>All Terrorists are Muslims.
Wow, you must be really uneducated for not taking a minute thinking before saying that. I mean, how ignorant can you be?
Let's start with something I was very much close to, when I was residing nearby, the incident in Ireland/Northern Ireland where people came into a school and killed a teacher/child before being arrested by the police.
The incident in America relating to above where people came into a school and killed several people in the state of Texas. See a certain Michael Moore (I don't support him) movie for details.
Germany's invasion of the world. Japan's invasion of America; Pearl Harbour. British Empire with almost every country in the world. America & Vietnam. China & America (may not be actual, but the threats and eludes of attacks are quite fearful - so much so, it's even being mentioned on Popular Science).
The Bosnian Massacre. Palestinian ethnic cleansing (as admitted by a Jewish rabbi's - he wrote the book) in Israel a few years ago.
North Korea & America. The Montreal Massacre, where several (~20) women were brutally killed; I'm glad it didn't occur in my city.
Almost daily, the robberies in America that take place. Masked gunmen coming into stores and stealing money.
Something even more recent, Tamil Tiger rebellion in Sri Lanka. Killing of thousands of people of the Majority sect. During high school, I had known Sri Lankan's who supported the Tigers.
Crusades - all religions at that time here are at fault. But to be frank, admittedly Christians (the then people) are to blame. The Holy Land was peaceful with Christians, Jews and Muslims, but unfortunately, it HAD to occur considering the times of then (to conquer as much land as possible). In summary, it was ignorance and greed which lead to the disaster.
No matter what kind of means of attack or the situation, one way or another someone innocent will die in a incident dealing with people or a person coming and terrorizing others for land, wealth, power, etc.
Taking another's words, making and promoting anything anti-insert-religion will trigger hate, arguments, debate, which leads to war, even more. So, my comment is to just ignore these forms of media for our own safety.

alchie11 (2009-06-21)

Going back to my first, to add, I should also mention the Anglican vs. Protestant war. I was midst it, when I was a child, but am really glad it ended. As a kid, I was brain-washed to hate on the Irish. I still do today, but I have no reason to, so it will just stay in a locked chamber of my brain.

 IndianChristian (2009-06-28)

Totally wrong. The comparison you are making is not correct. Tamils in Sri Lanka are fighting for a seperate homeland. Jews in Palestine are fighting to save their own skin (remember it was muslims who started the suicide bombings first). If they stop the fight and take to non-violence like Jesus preached then they would become extinct soon. The Catholic-Protestant fight in Ireland is a locallized fight. These are not the fights the Muslims fight with unbelievers where they believe that it is a god ordained duty to murder all unbelievers and murdering infidels (unbelievers) will lend them a place in heaven.....where rivers of wine flow and eternal orgies.

Now coming to the crusades, let me assure you that the crusades were the greatest need of the hour at that time. Islam from the time of its creation had run roughshod over everyone murdering and raping unbelievers and there was no one to stop them. The main reason the crusades started was becasue of the complaint of the jerusalem returned pilgrims who complained of toture, murder and rape at the hands of muslims. Many pilgrims did not return at all - either killed or were languishing in muslim dungeons for refusing to convert to islam.
The crusades were very important because they put allah and his demons back in his place and induced doubts in the minds of the muslims regarding allah.
Even today Islam is the only religion fighting all the other major religions in the world...hindus in Kashmir, Buddhists in southern thailand, jews in Palestine and Israel and christians around the world.

Christian777 (2009-07-03)

This movie is a terrorist propaganda movie, calling the pedophile mass-murderer and mass rapist Mohammed an exemplary man of peace. What a joke!
Also all the historic facts are completing wrong. Arabia was at peace before Muhammad and Christianity and Judaism were the main religions. The was also some paganism, sun and moon god worshiper and Mohammed was a pagan, a moon god worshipper who married an older women for her money and a 6 year old gild for sexual pleasure at the age of almost 60.
Allah is actually a version of the moon god, and the Koran was written to sell paganism and moon-god worshipping to Christian and Jews. When Mohammed failed trying to convince Jews and Christians he starter a murder streak and personally murdered thousands of innocents and he raped the wife?s and female children the same night he had butchered their husbands and fathers.
So Mohammed was far from peaceful as this lying peace of propaganda crap claims but a monster worse than Hitler, Stalin and 4 all the others combined.

hellisreal (2009-07-17)

God Loves You My Muslim Friend - Former Muslim Ergun Caner Testimony:

comment_smasher (2009-08-26)

We all know what he was !!!!!
The greatest humor of todays life is that nothing can be kept hidden....
Internet has paved a new path of truth and devine knowledge.....
I think we dont need books to know this kind of people....
We already know about them....
Facts are truth which can never be DENIED.
No artificial manupulation or selfish sacred books can withstand the foundation of a fake religion !!!
U can shape my words and pass on a comment and spell rubbish and leave but the facts still remains the same about mohammed.

 IndianChristian (2009-10-11)

Exactly Comment smasher. The Truth is God and everyone should follow the Truth.

boggerman666 (2010-07-05)

18:86 is my favourite verse in the quran. No muslim I ever talk to know what it says and I doubt that they ever looked it up.

warrennocos (2010-08-10)

please seed God bless

hamzaibrahim1983 (2011-07-22)

"Muhammad must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and happiness."
- George Bernard Shaw, a famous writer and non-Muslim

 IndianChristian (2011-08-01)

Muhammad is the worst scoundrel who ever lived. As Rashid Alamir says in one of his books, there have been worse people than Muhamamd in this world, but none of them have committed rape, murder, pedophilery and incest in the name of God. Look at the description of heaven by Muhammad. It is a brothel.
Of course as Rashid Alamir mentions in the preface, a muslim is brainwashed against all material that tells the truth about Muhammad.

wirama (2012-12-16)

My great grandfather converts from Islam to Catholic, because he felt and knew something is wrong with Islam. he told his generations to generations about the reason he converts. all the reason he told me through my dad is all in this book.

netrek (2013-12-07)

Mohammed was an illiterate rapist, child abuser, murderer, liar and a madman. Anyone who follows his teachings are a fool and bound for Hell!