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Obama Presidential Health Care Town Hall Meeting - 2009 08-14
Obama Presidential Health Care Town Hall Meeting - 2009 08-14
Video/TV shows
2009-08-15 (by americium)
You can come to your own conclusions, but this man is a serial liar.
Oh well, we elected him, and we will pay the price for Obama's irresponsible decisions.
Please seed. This video is public domain since it was recorded by C-SPAN.
C-SPAN Description:
Presidential Health Care Town Hall Meeting
White House
White House->Domestic Trip
Belgrade, MT, United States
Event Date: 2009-08-14
Airing Time:
03:07:25 PM - 04:11:11 PM
Length: 00:55:00
Summary: President Obama spoke at a town hall meeting on health care at Gallatin Field Airport hangar in Belgrade, Montana. He outlined several examples of health insurance industry excesses, criticized opponents of reform for engaging in scare tactics, and emphasized that he sought a "uniquely American" solution to the problems of health care financing. He answered questions from several audience members about the costs of reform and various proposed legislative reforms. The program was joined in progress due to technical difficulties during the first ten minutes of the program .
Files count:
723.25 Mb
joful2068 (2009-08-15)
NAZI "by the way is an acronym for National Socialist Party, their name for a decade before WWII and the holocaust" check the Historical Fact not the Pop Culture belief behind the word. Obama is a Lying Nazi Piggreatfugazi (2009-08-15)
joyful, your name should be 'stupid', it is more descriptive of you. As everyone who hasn't submitted to Republican re-education knows the "Socialist" in National Socialist Party is a misnomer. Even Hitler said so. Nazism is a Fascist ideology and if you actually red real history books you would know that it was the Republican Party that was good friends with the Nazi Party. Charles Limbergh and Father Coughlin were both Republican Nazi sympathizers. GW Bush's Grand daddy and GHW Bush's daddy Prescott Bush aided the enemy during WWII by assisting Nazi industrial companies up until the time that he was charged under the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1942. So, you see (and I am sure you don't because you are brainwashed) you are the one paling around with fascists terrorists you piece of filth.joful2068 (2009-08-15)
greatfuazi have you read the communist manifesto the one written by Marx himself? Doubt it!!! Before you talk read, NAZI did stand for "National Socialist Party" Dumb Fuck!!! And the Manifesto explains the criteria and steps to take over a COUNTRY to become Socialist or Communist either or! And who the FUCK said BUSH was any better U Fuck!!! If you can't read the CONSTITUTION how the FUCK can you follow it, BUSH is a FUCKING IDIOT!!!! NOW 1st take over Banks, "refuse them to repay bailout", take over of Private Companies, "DUH", Censure Media "Trying to SHUT DOWN conservative MEDIA" but not the Socialist sounding boards for the OBAMA goverment, and who said most conservative liked Bush, Obama got elected didn't he, More of a statement of dissatifaction with the Past 8 years under a retard than Obama!!!!joful2068 (2009-08-15)
And Hitler took the same steps that Obama has at the beginning of his Reign, take over of the Banks, Private Companies and shut Down any News or any one who didn't fall in line with his agenda, and CALL THEM CRAZY!, the Nazi's were the FIRST goverment other than the Soviets to have Socialized Health Care!!! READ EDUCATE YOURSELF, don't be a conformist just because of what you have been educated to believe!!! WHICH is really crazy because the SAME Idiots who are calling people who disagree with them CRAZY, RACISTS, NAZI"S, were, THE HIPPIES DURING THE SIXTIES, NONCONFORMIST, THINK FOR YOURSELF, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE THE MEDIA, RETHINK WHAT YOU WERE TAUGHT, and now look at them when the shoe is on the other foot, crying why is this happening, this is our dream of America, why won't they follow along quietly?joful2068 (2009-08-15)
Oh and by the way since Obama is following in Hitlers footsteps so closely I like your name for him better, FASCIST PIG!!!!!! I just thought it was a little to far to call him that but since you are following your Pide Piper, we'll follow along with the name FASCIST fits so much better HIEL OBAMAHelloDolly1 (2009-08-16)
joful2068:"And Hitler took the same steps that Obama has at the beginning of his Reign, take over of the Banks, Private Companies and shut Down any News or any one who didn't fall in line with his agenda"
Obama never did any of these things. The government did, to make sure people still had jobs the next day. Once the banks fails, companies would fail too (as they wouldn't be able to get loans to pay wages etc.). And once companies fails, even more people would be out of jobs.
Any political party wouldn't let that happen, unless they're total morons. Actually, George W. Bush started to do the same, but Obama had to finish as he was elected president.
As far as I know, Obama never shut down any news. So that's just pure bullshit.
Comparing Obama to Hitler is just a disgrace. Pure tasteless. Even if you don't agree with his politics, there's about nothing that compares between them. Hitler took power, Obama got elected. Hitler killed 6 million jews, Obama wants a healthcare reform that gives 50 million uninsured people an insurance, plus making health-insurance cheaper.
Obama is neither a socialist or national socialist. I live in a european country, with universal healthcare paid by the government through taxes. While we care about basic human rights, the right wing in America are crying cause they want more money in their own pockets.
"I would like obama, if he weren't a nigger."
LOL. That's about the most stupid things I've ever heard. So because you don't have the same skincolour as Obama, you don't like him?