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Ernst Zundel - In His Own Words






Ernst Zundel - In His Own Words


Video/Movie clips


2011-04-12 (by Borzoi)


This video is only about 18 minutes long, but like most of his interviews.., is VERY well articulated and more than worth your time to watch. As far as I know, this interview was made only a few years before his "bogus entrapment" arrest for violating one VERY small immigration law (February 5th 2003). It was engineered and arm-twisted by "they" (you know.., those that are not to be mentioned) in order to shut down the projects that he and his wife were working on. This "great and egregious violation" of the US immigration law, was nothing more than Mr. Zundel missing the very routine "2nd interview" (15-30 minutes maximum !) that was to be with his American wife (Ingrid) and an immigration agent. This interview is required to prove that they still had a "bona-fide marriage" (joint checking account, housing, insurance, photos, etc.) after being officially married for one year. This interview is required approximately one year after an immigrant marries a US citizen (at which time is the 1st official interview with an immigration agent). This 2nd interview.., is nothing more than a follow-up interview. BUT.., here's "the twist" !! What "they" did.., was to change his interview appointment date to an earlier date.., BUT without first notifying him !!! So of course, when he didn't show up for his "appointment", "they" just came to his home (multiple armed agents at that !) and arrested him for being in violation of federal immigration statutes. What an easy (and cowardly) set-up it was by "them". The rest is now history. Two years in a Canadian type of "gulag" prison, and then another 5 years in a German prison. Now, as of the Summer of 2010, he was FINALLY released and living in his ancestral home of south-western Germany ! The only thing is.., he cannot come back to the USA for another 20 years because of his violation.., AND his wife.., cannot go to ANY of the European countries, for fear of being arrested (and imprisoned !), just because she runs a web-site dealing with the same subjects that her husband has in the past ! So for now.., until they can win some kind of "battle".., on either of these two VERY controlled continents.., these two VERY devoted and loving people.., can only on RARE occasions (and at GREAT expense) meet AND hold each other again... In this interview, Ernst Zundel speaks about how and why he asked Fred Leuchter, the only known gas chamber expert in the country (if not the world) to go to Poland and scientifically research (to record and return actual samples for forensic testing) whether or not such gas chambers ever existed. There were great risks involved with such a mission (the international political pandering to "they"). This was done, in order that this "expert" was to enter testimony in Mr. Zundel's trial in Canada. All this, in spite of the fact that Mr. Zundel knew quite well, that Fred Leuchter believed quite strongly (just as Ernst Zundel had many years ago) in the stories of "the gas-chambers" existing... The quality of the video is far more than a "watchable" (A9 / V8) As always.., after watching this short but very poignantly spoken interview.., do your best to then PASS IT ON.., in whatever way possible... !!! "Truth Does NOT Fear Investigation" !!!

Files count:



142.01 Mb




sarsapil (2011-04-12)

Zundel is a fanatic neo-nazi who lies through his teeth to try to convince people that the psycho and murderer Hitler was a nice guy ("the Hitler we loved", he shamelessly wrote). He was put on trial in Canada and condemned, all his witnesses were shown to be liars, he was later freed on a technicality (freedom of speech carried to an obscene length, like allowing pedophiles to say why they love to rape young kids, etc.), when deported to Germany he was imprisoned there for the same crime of denying the holocaust, shitting on the memories of millions slaughtered
by the nazi mass killing machine. A sad, pathetic example of sick human being... Just one example of the many deliberate lies in his videos: he says Ana Frank's diary is a forgery by the writing with ball point pen on it, much later than WW2, what they hide is that those writings were marginal annotations by people who inspected the diary AFTER the war, none of them refer to the text in the diary itself. And so with almost EVERY STATEMENT made therein. Of course, they know that for their true believers, those lies seem to ratify their fanatic beliefs and that is what counts for those sick people. David Irving, the "respected historian" witness, as they say, was condemned in a British court and the judge called him A LIAR in view of the evidence of the trial. And I could go on and on... Besides, he couldn't get a nazi aryan certificate because it seems some of his grandparents were jewish, talk of a screwed up guy...

Borzoi (2011-05-05)

Ya know.., I find it quite amazing at times, how some people are so "biased" in their thoughts (and just resort to "name-calling").., that they seem to have an attitude that virtually says: "I've already got my mind made-up.., so PLEASE don't confuse me with the facts" !!
Also another important point to consider is:
"He who wins the War.., also writes the History" !!
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