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Metallica (Orgullo, Pasion Y Gloria) (2DVD9 MULTI & 2CD's)






Metallica (Orgullo, Pasion Y Gloria) (2DVD9 MULTI & 2CD's)




2009-12-11 (by Conin)


Hi guys: This is the special edition box set, containing 2 DVD's and 2 CD's spanning all three Metallica gigs at México City. The two DVD's are multiregion, NO compression NOR recoded, are the exact iso images, and so are both cd's. They were ripped using CloneDVD and CloneCD. Hope you enjoy it. I'll keep on seeding as long as possible due to the size of the ISO's. Greetings!.


  1. Metallica
  2. Orgullo
  3. Pasion
  4. Gloria
  5. Tres
  6. Noches
  7. Ciudad
  8. Mexico
  9. Death
  10. Magnetic
  11. Tour

Files count:



16117.62 Mb




skinnyb82 (2009-12-12)

You'll keep seeding as long as you can? You should've said "I'll seed until one person downloads the entire package" at the least. Congrats, you're lumped into the "I'm posting and seeding a torrent, but not long enough for anyone to complete downloading it." Why bother posting a torrent if it's so big that you aren't gonna seed it? It's stupid and it's illogical. 160 leechers and 0 seeders. I'm just gonna buy the damn DVD set anyway. It's well worth the money.

Conin (2009-12-13)

@ skinnyb82:
Congrats, you're lumped into the "I'm a lamer who's always complaining instead of having patience".
It's stupid and it's illogical on thinking that the stats for seeders/leechers up there are just correct.
I'm seeding 24/7 and there's people downloading without any problems.

xxxhsbxxx (2009-12-13)

So sth must be god damn wrong cause it's been 2 days trying to get this and it shows 0 seeder...right now I get 0 seedeers and 146 leechers...

Conin (2009-12-13)

There could be an error on the tracker or something?, because I'm seeding 24/7 and there's people I know for sure are downloading without any problems, even BitTorrent indicates that I've uploaded 4.8gb so far.

xxxhsbxxx (2009-12-13)

my tracker list:


every time I refresh the tracker, piratebay's does not respond, o I end up with

which tracker are u using?

Conin (2009-12-14)

@ xxxhsbxxx:
I'm using pretty much the same config as you, and as weird as it gets, I see The Pirate Bay's "Seeders" stat as "1":
Here two screenshots, one for the torrent config in BitTorrent, and one for The Pirate Bay's page:

ThatGuy313 (2009-12-14)

Turn of initial seeding please... for the love of god.

Conin (2009-12-14)

Initial seeding turned off.

Conin (2009-12-14)

I mean, I just turned off the "initial seeding" setting, but I'm still seeding 24/7.

xxxhsbxxx (2009-12-14)

damnt.....I don't waht else to do....It's been what...3 days now, I've downloaded only 2.12GB and I get no seeders. Download speed here is 0.0 KB!!!!....and sometimes goes to 6KB and back to 0...I'm almost giving it up

Conin (2009-12-14)

I can't thing of any suggestion more than selecting first the CD's, and once they've completed, select the DVD's.
And have a little patience since I'm in México and here the upload speeds are very very limited, really, that's one of the reasons why I'm seeding 24/7.

Mirokun (2009-12-16)

hey if you are from mexico DF maybe you could give me the file xD and i may help you to upload it until someone has it on 100% =)

Conin (2009-12-16)

Hehehehe, I'll be there this weekend, how that would be?.

Mirokun (2009-12-16)

xD hablemos en español, si tienes una lap o un disco duro externo pues ahi me lo puedes pasar, yo tengo 386 de subida digo eso hace el paro, nos veriamos en una plaza o un lugar asi

Conin (2009-12-16)

Como en las pelis: "¿Cómo sé que no eres un policia encubierto y cómo sé que luego de pasarte los ISO's no te vas a dar a la fuga sin ayudar con el seed del torrent?, jejeje.
Te confirmo de aquí al viernes al medio día para saber el rumbo por donde andaré, aunque casi es un hecho que será en el centro, y para confirmarte si se hace el sábado o el domingo.

Mirokun (2009-12-16)

ya me veras xD no soy culei, y si andas en el centro podemos vernos en algun cafe, si traes lap seria mejor, si no , pues ocn un disco externo y yo me llevo la mia

danielgmo (2009-12-17)

muchas gracias conin... esperemos se pueda completar sin problemas

Conin (2009-12-17)

De nada danielgmo, y claro que podrá completarse, solo que por el tamaño y por la velocidad, va a tener que ser como el elefante le dijo a la hormiga: "con paciencia y salibita" jiji. Por mi parte tengo el lap encendido las 24 horas sin utilizar la conexión más que para hacer el seed del torrent, por lo que se está subiendo de manera permanente. Saludos!.

cmmg04 (2009-12-17)

Great Torrent..this is 2 in 1(this torrent have Orgullo, Pasión Y Gloria 2dvd, cds and Français Pour Une Nuit(only dvd)

cmmg04 (2009-12-17)


cmmg04 (2009-12-17)

Portugal..yehhehhh 18 May on Lisbon Metallica

Conin (2009-12-17)

@ cmmg04: you're very wrong, this torrent does NOT include the "Français Pour Une Nuit" DVD, it is the "Orgullo, Pasión Y Gloria" álbum entirely, this is the special edition pack containing two DVD's and two audio CD's, covering the three nights at México City; this is the tracklist:
2DVD & 2CD Tracklist:
DVD #1
The Ecstasy Of Gold
Creeping Death
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Ride The Lightning
Disposable Heroes
Broken, Beat & Scarred
The Memory Remains
Sad But True
The Unforgiven
All Nightmare Long
The Day That Never Comes
Master Of Puppets
Fight Fire With Fire
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
The Wait
Hit The Lights
Seek & Destroy
DVD #2
That Was Just Your Life
The End Of The Line
Holier Than Thou
Trapped Under Ice
Turn The Page
The Prince
No Remorse
Wherever I May Roam
Harvester Of Sorrow
Fade To Black
...And Justice For All
Dyers Eve
CD #1
The Ecstasy Of Gold
Creeping Death
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Ride The Lightning
Disposable Heroes
Broken, Beat & Scarred
The Memory Remains
Sad But True
The Unforgiven
CD #2
All Nightmare Long
The Day That Never Comes
Master Of Puppets
Fight Fire With Fire
Nothing Else Matters
Enter Sandman
The Wait
Hit The Lights
Seek & Destroy

Diegus83 (2009-12-18)

Bajando con paciencia.

cmmg04 (2009-12-20)


Mirokun (2009-12-21)

consiguete un amigo un vecino lo ke sea ke te ayude a hacer el upload, aunke sea ne las noches o en la tarde lo ke sea ayudaria!!!

ppruix (2009-12-22)

Conin, Mirokun.. fue posible la reunion? me interesa la copia, y apoyar en seedear, tambien tengo 386k de subida... no estoy seguro, pero apenas sube 2% por dia!..Que necesito, o que necesitas Conin, para hacerlo posible? Estoy seguro que en un principio habia 2 seeders que paso con el otro?...debemos unirnos, o esto se va a desquiciar :o)

Conin (2009-12-22)

Ya no nos pusimos finalmente de acuerdo, pero en todo caso, hagamos una "cita" formal y podríamos vernos los tres para pasarles los archivos; ppruix, ¿también estás en el D.F.?, yo salgo para allá (vivo en Cuerna) el miércoles 23 por la mañana, me llevaría un portable HD con la info ya que dejo el lap encendido las 24 horas para hacer el seed.
Lo mismo digo acerca del otro seeder, hubo algunos días en que incluso ya marcaba 3, en fin.
¿Cómo ven?, ¿pueden ese día?.

SGDreams (2009-12-22)

Only 0.472 of the torrent available to download at the moment.
I'm only looking for the CDs and I can only get 65.1% of those.
It's been 10 days, this complain is legit.
Conin, you need to seed, cos I can't see how there's even a full copy available for download.

Conin (2009-12-23)

@ SGDreams: that is something that I can't understand myself, obviously the first copy is the one I own since I made the ISO's and made the torrent out from the original and physical release.
There were some days with up to three seeders, and I am seeding the torrent permanently, 24/7 but I have to say that my upload speeds are limited by my ISP and am able to upload at 300k by far, and all this days I'm not using my connection for other things than to seed the torrent.
Any advices on how to speed up the process are really welcome.

SGDreams (2009-12-23)

Fair enough man. I get that you're trying your best. Us leechers will just have to wait and see.

Conin (2009-12-23)

@ SGDreams: I'm even considering to travel to a nearby city to give the torrent personally to at least two different people so they can help a little bit with the seeding... as long as they are not from the RIAA and the like hehehe.

SGDreams (2009-12-23)

Haha, be careful. Thanks anyways.

Diegus83 (2009-12-23)

No le hagas caso a los que se quejan por la velocidad, estan acostumbrados a descargas cosas cuando ya tienen muchas fuentes o subidas desde seedbox con 10Mb de velocidad.
Es cuestion de paciencia, confio en que vas a seguir sedeando hasta que alguien mas lo complete y que todos vamos a seguir sedeando cuando lo completemos por lo menos con un ratio de 1:1.

Conin (2009-12-24)

Diegus83: ¿Cómo vas, no has tenido problemas?, bueno, aparte de la velocidad un tanto limitada jeje.
Y pues claro, es cierto también lo que dices, eso me recuerda a que a principios de año me puse a bajar un torrent de Nine Inch Nails de "tan solo" 500 gigas, puff!, creo que demoré como tres meses si no es que más jaja.
Desde luego, tengo haciendo el seed día y noche. Saludos!.

ppruix (2009-12-24)

Conin, lo siento no haber contestado a tu mensaje. De cualquier forma no podia ir temprano el 23-dic. Apartir del 24-dic en adelante si podria a cualquier hora. Es cierto podemos ir bajando el torrent con paciencia, pero antes al menos avanzaba 2% al dia, ahora que creo que ha bajado dramaticamente.... En fin, si sigue en pie poder apoyarte, podemos fijar lugar, fecha y hora, tambien que se unan otros del DF con la misma causa. Saludos.

Conin (2009-12-25)

@ ppruix: Cierto, es raro lo que mencionas, y peor aún, no sé a qué se deba que de pronto incluso aquí aparece como "0" en la cantidad de seeders aunque en el BitTorrent se esté subiendo.
Yo regreso a Cuernavaca mañana 25 para ir por el archivo y regreso probablemente ese mismo día, así que podríamos hacer el "meeting" el sábado en el centro del D.F., ¿cómo ven?.

elk666 (2009-12-25)

i just got on this torrent, no seeder, is there a problem and this one not gonna get finished?
if so please advise..
thaks for you work and time uploader.

ppruix (2009-12-25)

@Conin. Perfecto, mañana sabado 26 en el centro, como posibles sugerencias: Bellas Artes, Sanborns "mosaicos" o que tal en el 'moro'? y la hora a las 12pm, estara bien? Si alguien mas se une también debe confirmar. Saludos!

Conin (2009-12-26)

@ elk666: we've been working on this, it is strange even for us that the seeders stats here in TPB appears as "0" even when I'm seeding 24/7, but from this weekend we'll try to seed from at least three different points so the torrent can be completed by anyone else.
@ ppruix: me parecen buena opción el Sangron's o el Moro, sólo que confirmo la hora hoy por la noche ya que aún desconozco a qué hora estaré de regreso en el D.F., ¿va?

ppruix (2009-12-26)

@ Conin, Va!. Quedo al pendiente en la noche para confirmar, hora y lugar.

Conin (2009-12-26)

@ ppruix: Ya no pude entrar anoche!, una disculpa, pero ahora resulta que "dice mi mamá que siempre no", no me es posible regresar al D.F. hoy mismo sábado sino que estaría llegando por allá hasta el lunes en el transcurso del día, entonces en cuanto pise suelo capitalino me reporto de nuez para re-agendar la cita, "me estiba Brozo" (me carga el payaso).

Conin (2009-12-27)

De nada Yoshimar, hacemos lo posible, aunque en estos días he tenido algunos problemas con el upload, pero el seeding continúa de manera permanente. Saludos!.

l_h2o_l (2009-12-29)

Nice!! ya lo estoy descargando. ayudaré a leechear, tengo 2 conexiones diponibles 384 kbps y 640kbps ^__^
Grx Conin!

Conin (2009-12-29)

Thanks for the patience guys, the torrent is near to be completely uploaded, and please keep seeding aswell.

Conin (2009-12-29)

@ l_h2o_l: querrás decir ayudar a hacer el seed jejeje; mi conexión sube apenas a 250, así que ten un poco de paciencia, el lado bueno es que ya falta poco para que se complete una copia en upload y a partir de ese momento todo será más rápido.

Diegus83 (2009-12-30)

Ya hay varios clientes con el 97% completado, espero que cuando lleguen al 100% sean solidarios y sigan sedeando.

Conin (2009-12-30)

@ Diegus83: así es, ya falta poco para completarse el upload, de la misma manera seguiré manteniendo el seed de manera permanente. Muchas gracias por la paciencia. Saludos!.

xxxhsbxxx (2009-12-30)

Okay...I'm almost there....stuck on 97.6%, just 380MB left!!!!!....common!!! let's do this guys!

Amstelbiercuracao (2009-12-30)

Please upload guy, please. No seeders.

Conin (2009-12-30)

@ Amstelbiercuracao & xxxhsbxxx:
Please have a little bit of patience, I know this is the last stage and several people is already on 97% or so, but I think the upload has slowed down a little bit in the last 5 days, maybe because the amount of leechers rised from an average of 290 up to 480 (that's what I think, I'm not a savvy in this matter), meanwhile I'll keep on doing my best to seed 24/7.
Thank you very much for the patience to all of you guys.

xxxhsbxxx (2009-12-30)

I'm not complaining at all!!! the way I'm f*cking happy....this is METALLICA!!!

Conin (2009-12-31)

@ xxxhsbxxx: I know, I know hehe, I just wanted to let you guys know that I've not abandoned the torrent.
Thanks for the patience!.

james_1 (2009-12-31)

please,please seed,I have 97%...

Conin (2009-12-31)

Hi guys, today I'll be offline for a few hours since I'll be traveling along with my laptop, but as soon as I arrive to my destiny I'll continue the seeding as usual.
Once again, thank you very much for your support and patience.
Heavy Metal christmas and a Headbanging New Year!.

james_1 (2010-01-01)

Hi,I have still 97%...Very please all and mainly uploader about seed...I wish everyone happy new year ..

Conin (2010-01-01)

@ james_1: hi, this is the first time that I do and upload a torrent, and I have also noticed that the upload speed has decreased now that the percentage is closer to 100%, but don't know if this is "normal" or is somewhat an error or something, sometimes even the "Leechers" stats appears as "0" (zero) here at TPB even if I'm seeding permanently.
Happy new year and thanks for the patience!.

khammet69 (2010-01-01)

conin feliz año he registrado solo para hablar en este probado a ponerlo en modo superseed??si lo ves ponlo.llevo 1 semana y 3 dias sin parar de bajar y subir XD.un saludo desde España

Conin (2010-01-01)

@ khammet69: feliz año!; en efecto, el programa con el que estoy haciendo el seeding es BitTorrent, y la opción "Initial Seeding" la tengo activada (que es el equivalente de Superseed), solo la desactivé a lo mucho durante tres días cuando inicié el seeding, pero indagando en ese entonces encontré que si tengo activado el Superseed o Initial Seeding, los leechers en teoría obtienen piezas "no repetidas" por lo que se agiliza la transferencia.
Mi única duda en general es que desconozco a qué se deba que al llegar al 97% subido, la transferencia pareciera estar estancada a pesar de que tengo el PC encendido permanentemente día y noche haciendo el seeding.

james_1 (2010-01-02)

Conin:OK,OK, I'll wait ..We very much look forward to when it will..The concert is great.This is the best gig in those years that I heard from Metallica...I see you speak Spanish,you are from Mexico?

khammet69 (2010-01-02)

pues nose lo ke pasara.llevo bajados 15.4 y subidos 23.7.lo ke no se es porke no avanza mas de 0.977 de disponibilidad,se supone que al tener tu la copia entera ya deberia de estar a 1.000 como minimo.mira manuales o pregunta a algun experto del tema haber si te puede ayudar.que ya solo kedan 300 mb.un saludo de nuevo

Conin (2010-01-02)

@ james_1: así es jeje, soy de México, he estado haciendo el seed desde el D.F. y Cuernavaca. Saludos!.
@ khammet69: ah, es que a ustedes les aparece como .97 de disponibilidad dado que la copia inicial del seed no se cuenta, es decir, hasta que alguien de ustedes complete su copia, entonces la disponibilidad cambiará a 1 como mínimo.
Indagando acerca de las características del superseed veo que esta es una de las desventajas, que la velocidad de transferencia suele disminuir al acercarse el 100% de subida.
Por otro lado, similar a tí, un primo mío le faltaban hace unos días ya 360mb y ahora solo 299 por lo que a pesar de la "lentitud" sí se está subiendo afortunadamente.

l_h2o_l (2010-01-03)

lo extraño es que ya dice que hay 0 seeders :S

Conin (2010-01-03)

@ l_h2o_l: creo que esta es la primera vez que TPB está en lo correcto, pues ayer sábado 2 de enero por la tarde detuve unas horas el seeding porque hice un viaje, pero ahorita son ya la 1 de la mañana del domingo 3 de enero y he llegado a mi destino para continuar el seeding.
Eso es algo que no deja de hacerme pensar, que hay momentos en los que dice que no hay seeders aunque en realidad esté conectado.

khammet69 (2010-01-03)

pues si te digo la verdad yo llevo desde que comenze la descarga con 0 seeds. me pone esto seeds 0 (1) aunke en algun momento de la semana pasada llego a ponerse en 0 (3).uso utorrent.hay algo en este torrent ke no esta bien porke me bajo un monton de releases de xbox 360 segun han salido y no pasa esto.

james_1 (2010-01-03)

Please seed,I have still 97%...Remaining 360 mb Please seed,Thank you...

SGDreams (2010-01-03)

Yeah, it's not moved for ages now. I reckon it's dead.

xxxhsbxxx (2010-01-03)

Oh christ... @Conin spent so many words saying that the torrent is not dead and people keep saying it...that's sad. Here is the deal, for those who think the torrent is dead, please get lost ok?!...then the rest of us will finish earlier...

jhanas (2010-01-04)

Conin thinks he's seeding but he's not. We've been all stuck at 97.7% for ages. Before downloading this, see if some of us can get to 100%. I only hope that's not gonna be one of the worst waste of bandwidth in the history of bittorrent.

MEX-CAN (2010-01-04)

Ok guys, my download it's been in 97.7% for days so I went to check the file details of the download and I noticed the DVD1 and DVD2 iso's were completed. Then I tried to extract the DVD1 iso with WinRAR and it said it could not be open because it was been used by other program. I copied and pasted the iso to another folder and then I was able to extracted the Video Ts folder and watched the DVD1 with VLC player. This didn't work with DVD2
I just wanted too share this with u guys so at least can enjoy the DVD1. If u get an error in VLC player saying the video can not be read, just click cuntinue.

Conin (2010-01-04)

@ MEX-CAN: you could also mount the ISO's using PowerISO or DaemonTools and play them using PowerDVD.
Sincerely I don't know why the transfer rate has become so slow, but guys, you have my word the torrent isn't dead.
Any advice is really welcome; should I keep "Initial Seeding" turned on or should I turn it off?.

Conin (2010-01-04)

Remember that I made the ISO's using Slysoft's CloneDVD for both DVD's, thus the ideal procedure should be burn the images onto dual layer DVD's.

gordomorbido (2010-01-04)

Prueba a quitar el "Initial seeding" a ver que pasa, más despacio no puede ir, lleva días al 97%, días, y a estas alturas lo importante es que la gente empiece a completar. Yo ya desesperé hace un par de días y me bajé los dvds de un tracker privado, pero todavía querría completar los cd´s. Gracias igualmente por compartirlo.

xxxhsbxxx (2010-01-04)

update: I was stuck on 97.7% just like you guys and I still am...but now only with 364MB left, it means it is ALIVE, because for a week I got 368MB left...let's keep on the good work!!!

james_1 (2010-01-04)

So where is it seed???It's dead or what? It's been almost a week and not going at all?Still missing me 360 Mb..Do you have anyone seed???Please...

Amstelbiercuracao (2010-01-05)

Go Conin Go! This is a must have. I`ll die without ;).
But if you say you will keep seeding, i`ll trust you dude.

l_h2o_l (2010-01-05)

dude, porque no se lo pasas fisicamente a un amigo o varios, para que te ayuden a seedear? hoy no he bajado ni un solo mega estoy e 354 :S

Conin (2010-01-05)

Hi guys; please let me know if you notice any difference since I changed some parameters and would like to know if you are still getting data.
And my apologies for all this trouble with the transfer speed, sincerely.
@ gordomorbido: al desactivar el Initial Seeding se ralentiza considerablemente el uploading, diantres.
@ l_h2o_l: esa era la idea en un inicio, contacté por este medio y a unos primos, pero desafortunadamente hasta la fecha no hemos llegado a un acuerdo; y peor aún, aquí en la ciudad donde radico conozco a poca gente y de esa, a ninguno que quiera estar dispuesto a tener un PC haciendo seed las 24hrs jeje, chales.

Pedro_o (2010-01-05)

Hello my friend Conin!I'm from Brazil.First of all,THANK YOU SO MUCH for this great upload.
I need help,im since 4 days stuck in 99.8% and can'´t finish te Torrent!
Please help!I promise i'll stay as a seed for at least 3 monts.
Thants again Conin.
Um abraço do pessoal do Brasil!

xeamus (2010-01-05)

There is only one dude with the full torrent, and he is nowhere to be found! WTF!

jhanas (2010-01-05)

Hi Conin, try redownloading your torrent (click on download this torrent). This will hopefully update the tracker in your bittorrent client and enable you to seed up to 100%. If this doesn't work, do the same thing (download your torrent again) but first delete it from your bittorrent client.

khammet69 (2010-01-06)

conin es kurioso pero si hubieses subido los dvds en un torrent y los cds en otro probablemente tendriamos las 2 kosas ya kompletas desde hace tiempo jejeje.un saludo desde españa kompañero,no t preokupes k yo aguanto lo ke haga falta aki ke ya llevo subidos 28 gb y no kiero tirarlos a la basura.

Conin (2010-01-06)

@ Amstelbiercuracao, Pedro_o, xeamus, per9151, jhanas, khammet69:
Thanks for the comments and patience: I just did what jhanas said and it seems that it is working, now the upload transfer has speed up a little bit and is almost as "fast" as when I uploaded the torrent and began seeding a few weeks ago. The status in BitTorrent stalled this days at 1.977 but in the last hour appears now as 1.978 (with 100mb uploaded in less than an hour) so the uploading is being made.
Thanks again for your patience and support.
Gracias por los comentarios y su paciencia: hice lo que sugirió jhanas y pareciera estar funcionando ya que ahora la velocidad de transferencia se ha acelerado un poco y ya es casi tan rápida como cuando subí el torrent y empecé a hacer el seeding hace unas semanas. El estado en BitTorrent se había "atorado" durante estos días en 1.977 pero en la última hora aparece ya como 1.978 (con 100mb subidos en menos de una hora) por lo que el seeding sigue su curso.
Gracias nuevamente por los comentarios y el apoyo.

xxxhsbxxx (2010-01-06)

@ Conin: I don't know what you did but it's f*cking working!!!tks

Conin (2010-01-06)

@ xxxhsbxxx: I see and am happy to know it is working again.
I spent most of today reading and looking for info, and found that at some point, it is "normal" under certain conditions for a big torrent to become stuck when reaching 95% or so, but can't find any specific reason.
I'm really looking forward for everyone to complete the torrent.

Amstelbiercuracao (2010-01-06)

Keep on going dude. Now it`s 98.5% We are getting there :).
The dvd`s are already viewable with some tricks applied (with deamon tools, ifo-edit and poweriso). But I want the full 100% of course. Let`s go for it.

cmmg04 (2010-01-07)

update: 57.5%

xeamus (2010-01-07)

moved up from 99.8% to 99.9%
slowly moving, but I think it's coming.
thanks, man!

Conin (2010-01-07)

@ Amstelbiercuracao, cmmg04, xeamus:
It is good to know that the seeding has become stable again (even when it is a little bit slow) and that many of you are getting closer to complete the torrent, thanks for your patience, and please help seed the torrent so everybodycan have this one.

Pedro_o (2010-01-07)

Stil stuck on 99.8%.Ave speed 0.3 KBPS.

Conin (2010-01-07)

It looks like the final stages of the upload must be a medieval torture, and it seems like at least three or four people have completed the torrent because for a few hours the "Seeders" stats here appeared as "3".
Please help seeding guys, and once again, thanks a lot for your support and patience.

cmmg04 (2010-01-07)


cmmg04 (2010-01-07)


cmmg04 (2010-01-07)

now Seeders" stats here appeared as "2"

xeamus (2010-01-07)

still no move from the 99.9%
let us be patient

khammet69 (2010-01-07)

some people already have the torrent downloaded,but they aren´t seeding.please people seed until the torrent complete the avail. to 1.000 PLEASE!!!

Conin (2010-01-07)

@ cmmg04, xeamus, khammet69, per9151:
That's for sure, there are a few that have already completed the torrent but are not seeding, for a few minutes yesterday, the Seeders stats appeared as "3".
And since I'm still the only one permanent seed, that's why this becomes slow at times, mainly now near "the end".

sao24006940 (2010-01-07)

Good afternoon fellows, the my download be in 99,9%, remaining 8.71mb. So born. But the only thing i have to do is wait. Alight, see ya friends.

Riki (2010-01-07)

@ sao24006940
hehe sounds good..whatever you meant :P

cmmg04 (2010-01-08)

update 62,5% (3 Seeders)

threat89 (2010-01-08)

Estoy en 99.9%!, pero del 99.8% que se esta bajando a 0.5 kb/s promedio... (una mierda wm)

khammet69 (2010-01-08)

por favor seguir seedeando cuando lo tengais aunque sea unos dias...yo prometo hacerlo

cmmg04 (2010-01-08)

threat89..eheheh...Viva Portugal

Pedro_o (2010-01-08)

Update>99.9!0.5 kbps.
Here we go!!

Conin (2010-01-08)

I'm glad to see you guys are completing the torrent despite the slow transfer rates, and after that, please help on seeding so others may also be able to get it.

Conin (2010-01-08)

Right at this moment, the seeders stats here in TPB indicates "3"... please keep on seeding guys!.

Conin (2010-01-08)

And right now I'm watching 4 seeders here at TPB.

Conin (2010-01-08)

Now there are 6 seeders!, thanks guys!, and please keep seeding!.

Conin (2010-01-08)

@ Yoshimar: De nada men, ¿ya lo completaste?, pareciera que algunos lo están completando en estas horas porque curiosamente en un lapso de dos horas, la cantidad de seeders indicados aquí pasó de 1 hasta 8 que estoy viendo justo en este momento jeje.

cmmg04 (2010-01-08)

now 23 Seeders

khammet69 (2010-01-08)

coninn que grata sorpresa llegar de un duro dia de trabajo a casa,encender el ordenador y encontrarme a 20 tios haciendo seed jejejej y el bittorrent bajandome a 170 kbs.en menos d una hora lo tendre y te digo k me parece.muchas gracias
seguire ayudando con el seed yo tambien

Diegus83 (2010-01-08)

Si llego a haber 20 seeds la mayoria desaparecieron, por que ahora veo solo 2.
Igual ya estoy cerca de 98%, y llevo 10Gb subidos.

cmmg04 (2010-01-09)


Conin (2010-01-09)

@ khammet69: ¿pudiste completarlo?, espero que ya no demore la transferencia y puedas tenerlo completo.
@ Diegus83: probablemente los 20 seeders "desaparecidos" sean compañeros que encienden el PC solo unas horas, a diferencia de algunos obsesivos como yo, que lo tenemos encendido de manera permanente jeje.
@ cmmg04: have you noticed any speed up these days?.

Conin (2010-01-09)

@ per9151: Congrats!, and thank you too for the patience and support on seeding. Greetings.

xxxhsbxxx (2010-01-09)

@ Conin : I just want to thank you again for sharing this and I want to let you all know that I'll be seeding this for a long...long...time don't you worry about that!!! Cheers!!!

Conin (2010-01-09)

@ xxxhsbxxx: thanks a lot also to you for not falling into desperation and for the help on seeding. Cheers!.

heavy0666 (2010-01-09)

Thank you.
The best torrent EVER.
You are the best.
2010-05-18 in PORTUGAL Pavilhão Atlantico, there'll.

Pedro_o (2010-01-09)

Hello Conin!
Just finished the torrent!!!Thanks so much man!!!
Keep rockin!

Pedro_o (2010-01-09)

I just hearing the dvd2 and noticed the PCM Stereo wasn't stereo!This hapens with the original DVD too?Someone noticed that?
In the other way the DTS sound and the picture is flawlless!
Thanks again Conin!

l_h2o_l (2010-01-09)

@Conin valió la pena la espera! gracias dude!

Conin (2010-01-09)

@ heavy0666: thank you too for the support!.
@ Pedro_o: I haven't noticed that, I just checked right now because of your comment and, yes, in the original second DVD the StereoPCM track also isn't really in stereo, which is really strange, it sounds more like a "widen mono", but as you said, the 5.1 DTS channels are flawlless. Greetings!.
@ l_h2o_l: me alegra que lo hayas completado por fin, gracias por la paciencia!, jejeje. Saludos!.

Pedro_o (2010-01-09)

Thanks for your answer Connin.
I asked a friend of mine who owns the simple version of the show(1 DVD only) and the sound of the PCM is mono too!
Ok.enought of this bullshit an lets enjoy the show!hehe.
The guys will come here in Brazil in the end of January!This will be insane!!Can't wait!
Take care my friend.
oh and of course ill will keep seedind!

prowler289 (2010-01-09)

Hey conin, I downloaded the Cd's and burnt the 'img' file to a disc but its unreadable by by computer... what am i supposed to do?

Conin (2010-01-09)

@ Pedro_o: that's even more weird, that both have the audio that way, but of course, let's enjoy it on 5.1 DTS hehehe.
@ prowler289: make sure you use the ".cue" file for burning, otherwise you'll get a faulty burning or an unreadable "data" disc. Also, try burning the audio cd's using SlySoft's CloneCD since I made the ISO's with that program.
As a note, I've tested the audio ISO's by burning them with CloneCD, Nero8 & 9 and PowerISO and had no errors at all, but remember use the ".cue" file.

Conin (2010-01-09)

Addenum and note:
The audio cd's ISO's were made with SlySoft's CloneCD, and the dvd's ISO's were made with ElaborateByte's CloneDVD2.

prowler289 (2010-01-09)

thanks, worked perfectly.. Metallica will kick your fucking ass!!! Thanks for the kick ass upload... loved it!

Conin (2010-01-09)

@ prowler289: good to know that it worked fine, enjoy!.

cmmg04 (2010-01-09)

yes I see speed up on these days(sory my english)Now i see 182 seeders, I think that one more day and I have this file complete..15.74gb is a BIG file

Conin (2010-01-09)

@ cmmg04: Indeed it is a BIG torrent, but I think it is preferably to be that way so anyone can get the full quality release instead of compressing the DVD's and sacrificing quality. Hope you complete it as soon as posible, and enjoy it.

cmmg04 (2010-01-09)

cd´s(1 and 2) complet:-)great sound

Conin (2010-01-11)

Since yesterday I have problems accesing TPB, do you?. Hope many of you are completing the torrent by these days. Greetings!.

rumbaman69 (2010-01-11)

Hola Conin!
Ya bajo pero NO tengo la menor idea como hacer para ver el DVD... Alguna ayuda?

Conin (2010-01-11)

@ rumbaman69: Enhorabuena!; lo ideal es que quemes los iso's en un par de DVD's vírgenes double layer, pero si deseas reproducirlos sin tener que quemarlos, utiliza el DaemonTools o el PowerISO y haz un mount con cada uno de ellos para que puedas reproducirlos con el PowerDVD con la opción "Play Movie From Hard Disc".

rumbaman69 (2010-01-11)

Gracias Conin, me baje el power iso, pero no tengo claro como hacer el mount, cuando abro el archivo y se be le power iso, me paracen dos carpetas AUDIO TS y VIDEO TS. Tengo q seleccionarlas a las dos? Y en donde hago el mount? Disculpa, nuevo en esto...

rumbaman69 (2010-01-11)

LISTO!!!! GREAT TORRENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conin (2010-01-11)

@ rumbaman69: Apenas estoy viendo tu otro mensaje, disculpa jeje, pero bueno, veo que ya pudiste, a disfrutarlo!, saludos!.

cmmg04 (2010-01-11)

97,1% \M/

cmmg04 (2010-01-11)

Fucking Yes!!!100% thanks Conin

Conin (2010-01-11)

@ cmmg04: Enjoy!, cheers!.

Diegus83 (2010-01-12)

Por fin llegue al 100%, despues de casi un mes, lo habia comenzado el 13 de diciembre.
Muchas gracias!!!
PD: Pueden ver las ISO directamente abriendonlas con el VLC, no necesitan montarlas, al menos en Mac eso funciona.

Conin (2010-01-12)

@ Diegus83: gracias a ti por la paciencia; saludos!.

cmmg04 (2010-01-13)

upload 7.55gb

Conin (2010-01-13)

@ cmmg04: Thanks for seeding! ; )

punisher_latin (2010-01-15)

gracias muy

Conin (2010-01-15)

@ punisher_latin: ¿Ya lo completaste?, que lo disfrutes!. Saludos.

webcrawler13 (2010-01-18)

ya yoz, solo esta subiendo a 8 y bajando a 4, alguien sabe como hacerlo mas rapido?

Conin (2010-01-18)

@ webcrawler13: sinceramente no, y desconozco la razón por la cual hay momentos en los que esté tan lento, pero bueno, lo mejor es que ya bastante gente lo ha podido completar. Saludos!.

afgaviria (2010-03-04)

gracias viejo, q chimba de torrent!!!! ayudare a subir tanto como pueda.

Conin (2010-03-04)

@ afgaviria: gracias a ti por la paciencia, disfrútalo. Saludos!.

samdragon (2010-08-19)

muy xido man... t la volaste ehh i'll seed thanks a lot

Conin (2010-09-20)

@ pelayuscl y samdragon: enjoy!, jeje; disfruten, y se les agradece la ayuda con el seed. Saludos!.

spit3825 (2010-11-25)

just burned it 2 dvd.kick ass! do u have metallica francais pour une nuit?
many thx dood!

Conin (2011-01-17)

@ spit3825: Sorry, I don't have that one =(

lupppp (2011-07-15)

Perfecto!!! Gracias a quienen mantienen las Seeds, y sobre todo a CONIN. Descargado en un solo dia.

 GoodFilms (2011-08-18)

Conin... You are pretty dumb, aren't you.

Conin (2011-10-02)

@ GoodFilms, why do you say that?.

Sanantta (2011-11-26)

Thank you very much, Conin!!!

Conin (2011-12-04)

Sanantta, you're welcome!

McGunt (2011-12-17)

Thanks most kindly Conin


2. METALLICA/CD's/METALLICA_CD1.cue 564 bytes
6. METALLICA/CD's/METALLICA_CD2.cue 510 bytes