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Combat Flight Simulator 3




Games PC


Combat Flight Simulator 3




2005-02-11 (by Fritte42)


Title: Combat Flight Simulator 3 Genre: Simulation Combat Flight Simulator 3 is the most detailed and immersive World War II PC combat flight simulation ever, letting you experience what it is really like to be a WWII combat pilot over Europe. Set in Europe from 1943 to the end of the war, players can enlist and fly for the US Army Air Force, the RAF, or the Luftwaffe. With an emphasis on tactical air power, many of your missions will focus on Air Superiority, Close Air Support, and Tactical Bombing. Feel the heart pounding rush of strafing enemy positions at 350 mph, 600 feet above the European countryside, guns blazing and bombs blasting, it’s As Real As it Gets! System Requirements * Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me/2000/XP * PC with 400 MHz equivalent or higher processor * 128 MB of system RAM for 2000/XP, 64 MB for 98/Me * 16 MB video card required * 900 MB available hard disk space * 4x speed or faster CD-ROM drive * Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device * 56 Kbps or better Internet access required for online play _______________________________________________________________________________ Detta är mitt första bidrag till The Pirate Bay hoppas att det uppskattas. Fritte

Files count:



1261.93 Mb




Fritte42 (2005-02-12)

Trevligt med lite fina kommentarer :D
Kommer nog fler torrents från min sida..

wemmen (2005-02-12)

Seeda kanske?

Aun (2005-02-13)

snälla seeda, en massa folk på över 90% nu :(

peggan (2005-02-13)

ligger på 93% snälla seeda

wemmen (2005-02-13)

Ok! Tips!
238 pers. kan ju vara lite tufft att dela ut till... men varför inte låta datorn stå på ett dygn så att fler får hem allt... då blir det inte lika tufft för dig och sen så blir ju alla lyckliga :D
hej hopp!

forza1891 (2005-02-13)

Nu har du 425 iglar på dig som vill ha mera ;)

bJULLEN (2005-02-13)

kommigen seeda nu då ;>

gig00 (2005-02-13)

Bara lite till. Snääällla!!

Fritte42 (2005-02-13)

Beklagar avbrottet i seedandet.
Har varit utan ström i ett dygn nämligen
p.g.a en viss snöstorm

Aun (2005-02-13)


bJULLEN (2005-02-13)


bJULLEN (2005-02-14)

zzz så fort folk fått 100% så drar dom rätt drygt

gig00 (2005-02-14)

Tackar för detta!!!

bennpe (2005-02-15)

Tack för CFS 3. En dum fråga bara: hur installerar man detta. Saknar setupfil i denna torrent

Fritte42 (2005-02-15)

Skaffa ett Cd emulerings program typ: Alcohol 120% , eller Daemon tools.
Skapa sedan en virituell enhet med hjälp av programmet
"Mounta" sedan den valda filen på din enhet (varje BIN fil i en skiva)
När detta är gjort är det bara att installera
hur enkelt som helst eller hur? :)

Fritte42 (2005-02-15)

Oj där blev det lite fel:S
Jag menade att varje .BIN fil motsvarar en skiva...

ertan (2005-02-15)

Jag får bara: insert correct cd....
Provar cracken men då fattas det en dll-fil?

bennpe (2005-02-16)

Jag får bara "kontrollera att inte hårddisken är full ellar att filen inte används" vid installationen.

delfinen789 (2005-02-23)

samma problem här. insert correct cd-rom. provat med 1:an o 2:an utan resultat. vad göra??

cwm (2005-03-25)

Nope i can´t not get it to work :(

Deki299 (2005-04-19)

Om ni har problem prova denna sida och ladda ner
No CD till Combat flight sumilator 3 www.

Deki299 (2005-04-19)

ni kan också stänga av datorn typ när som helst under nerladdningen sen nästa dag tryck på torreten
OBS! innan ni laddar hem toreten så höger klicka och trycka på spara mål då kan ni göra det som jag sa

casiusclay (2005-06-12)

i cannot get it working with alcohol120 who knows an option.

Pacino (2005-06-20)

I cant remove the read only attributes.
Can someone tell me how i can do it?

xianze (2005-06-28)

Tack för denna fina torrent, och kom igen och seeda riktigt ordentligt nu då pojkar och flickor !
try with daemon tools instead of alcohol...

swe fuck up (2005-06-29)

jag har installerat men jag kan inte spela. kan nån hjälpa mig med cracken??

DrakkarNoir (2005-07-11)

How can i get it work? If i want to remove the read only attribute, I can't. Anyone know how to get it work? Thanks

grantart (2005-07-21)

Drag the executable file from the CD to your desktop. This should remove the Read Only attribute but if it does not just change it in its properties window. The rest is cake.

loggboken (2005-08-07)

This game is the best, BUT THIS TORRENT SUCKS!!!!!

D.W.F. (2005-08-08)

I think this is a great torren, simple, fast (took me about 12hrs [4 me that's not much]), thanks a lot, cheers mate!!!

nahkarusina (2005-08-09)

i i like more il-2 games,but gotta trt this too.and if its good,then i buy it and play it online.

gosa (2005-08-10)


talksik (2006-01-17)

ty for taking the time to explain it in detail kaypee, much appreciated !!! d

Rio79 (2006-01-18)

Im getting the same error as "benpe"....
It says: Combat Flight Simulator 3 setup encountered a diskerror while writing to the file : Microsoft GamesCombat Flight Simulator Make sure your daisk inst full or the file isnt in use.
I tried reinstalling the game 3 times now, no luck. My HD has 21 GB free...
Anyone who can help me????

zacho666 (2006-01-28)

The game installs fine but when I try to play it I get the error "Unsuported Video card, cannot play with these configurations" But when I get my PC scanned at Windows Xp Game advisor, they say my pc is able to run it. What do I do???!!!

panz3r (2006-03-15)

Thanks for the upload ...evertthign works fine on both my pc's. will seed for a week.
u know give back what one receives ;P
thanks again for a great torrent

antony54321 (2006-03-23)

yo ppl cud ya plz seed avin truble downloadin

skate_1_boy (2006-03-31)

The game works fine but you need to have a joystick to play the game.

fishkaern (2006-04-08)

tu for this :D

daniel2005 (2006-04-18)

antony54321 do you have add? U need to get hooked on phonics!

Tune_Trust (2006-04-22)

Seeda bara lite till :S plz..

little_vinny (2006-04-30)

I was able to download the game and install it but when i try to play it the game opens to the menu, when i hit play it tells me to insert the correct CD in to the drive. anybody know what i need to do?

Fakker (2006-05-11)

wtf? iv explored the folder, but i cant find a crackmap, or any other "hidden" folder. anybody know i site where i can download the crack from?

Skua (2006-05-23)

Do I install directly from the BIN files, or do I need to burn these unto a couple of Cds first?

mcgta (2006-06-11)

Seeda efter er när ni ha ladda ner spelet!!!!!.. jag har gjort det i 12h 16m

jay_man (2006-06-18)

wtf? no one know were crack is?

firon1 (2006-06-18)

Hej kan någon adda mig på msn för jag behöver hjälp.. När jag ska starta spelet står det att jag ska sätta i rätt cd-rom och sen starta om.. hjälp mig någon

gridi (2006-06-22)

samma problem här. insert correct cd-rom. provat med 1:an o 2:an utan resultat. vad göra?? hjälp nån tack..

maccollo (2006-06-23)

så här gör man för att cracka spelet:
mounta cd1 på en virtuell CD. högerklicka på den och tryck på utforska
nu ska det finnas en map som heter: crack
öppna den och kopiera filen: CFS3.EXE
öppna Combat Flight Simulator 3 mappen och kopiera in filen och replaca filen som redan finns så är det bara att köra :D

ixon92 (2006-07-29)

men snälla SEEDA!

ixon92 (2006-07-29)

Snälla ngn berätta hut man crackar det hära spelet mera noggrant... PLZ!

Blackis1 (2006-08-01)

Kan folk seeda eller?
PS: hans förklaring på crackningen var hur bra som hällst fattade du inte så e du nog trött eller allmänt korkad

amiraza (2006-08-07)

det finns ingen mapp som heter crack det kom aldrig när jag muontade CD1 , konstig

langatypen (2006-08-08)

Men alltså, om man läser .nfo filen före man skriver så brukar man hitta bästa förklaringen där. Eller? Så brukar då jag göra..

Pigeoon (2006-08-09)

faan va folk whinar egentligen

Fan_skapet (2006-08-15)

Vilket pogram skall jag använda för att öppna de??

danespen (2006-08-20)

faan va folk whinar egentligen

beach_boy_5 (2006-08-22)

för dem som inte kan cracka så drar du in på och skriver crack+keygen så kommer det upp nårra sidor vet inte riktigt vilka som fungerar men förhoppningsvis kommer du hitta cracket och så laddar du ner den och klickar på cracket engång sen trycker du ctrl+c sen drar du in på den mappen där du instalerade spelat i nån av hårdiskarna sen öppnar du spel mappen och trycker ctrl+v om nu nu har gjort rätt kommer datorn att fråga dig om du vill ersätta denn filen så trycker du bara ja

Username_is_hidden (2006-09-22)

WOW! 48 seeders, great job guys! TPB needs more people like you!
Thanks for a great upload :D

rossirep (2006-09-23)


illiterate bob (2006-09-29)

Having real difficulty with this one can somebody take me through the steps in terms of a computre idiot I can load it on but it keeps asking for these cds. So I found the file in crack copyed it which removed the read only but now what do I do I cant replace it because its on the virtual drive Help!!!! please

T. Russell (2006-10-03)

ynny.......... Is being a totally unpleasant creepy turd a prerequisite of becoming a nerd, like you/

Stratus01 (2006-11-08)

ynny - if here is one asshole, then it must be you...absolutely..visit YOUR local doctor allready???

 Loske (2006-12-07)

Ok people told me to dl this if i where new to flight sims... But this is a friggin überexpertsupermasta sim.
If this is a easey sim my joystick will have a meeting with the trashcan.

frankengoob (2006-12-28)

Works great! Will seed for 1 week

Emil_persson (2007-01-07)

Fan detaa suger kuk 21 som seddar laddar ner 8 kb/s

janz_ (2007-01-13)

asså kanske en noob fråga men vad menas med virtuel CD?

janz_ (2007-01-13)

ska man byta ut filen i EXE mappen mot crack filen?

Norrøn (2007-01-22)

It uassual not a problem for me, with the crack.
But now it don't work. It dont find a crack named crack.exe but a cfs3 VLC media file (.cue)
I'm so lost, please help?

Norrøn (2007-01-22)

Sombody knows another crack? Didn't find any though
Noen som vet om en annen crack , har ikke funnet noen!

roger jr (2007-01-24)

so i need deamon tools to work this game ? or need burnit to cd ? (dvd-r ?)

noclips (2007-01-26)

crack found here:
the v1.0 worked for me

Espingarda (2007-01-28)

Guys, I downloaded the four files and burned in two cds, however I cannot install the game because the .exe file was not there. Is there anyone with this file that could send it to me? Thanks.

erok04 (2007-03-11)

seed plz

armedslyfox1 (2007-03-19)

funker ikke. kommer bare opp at jeg ikke har cden i! hvor skal jeg legge cracken? funker denne cracken?

armedslyfox1 (2007-03-19)

glem det. alt funker. lett bare last ned cracken som er linket til på en av disse komentarene.

evo_master (2007-04-07)

This dose Not work

evo_master (2007-04-07)


evo_master (2007-04-07)

Bad File

slogans7 (2007-04-07)

Works fine:
To install, mount the CD images (first one, then the second one) on a virtual CD drive that programs like Roxio can create. You right-click on the Virtual Drive, select "Mount" then point to the CD image.
After installing, download the crack and just follow the instructions that come with it.

oden74 (2007-04-07)

Seedar till 1.1

Roberto93 (2007-04-14)

If u dont get to instal the game now ur guys r totally gay! Download Deamon Tools, and instal then right click the red icon down witht the clock and choose virtual... then mount find the files chose file 1 first! then the normal instal window comes up instal the game and before playin go to and get the crack!!!!!

armedslyfox1 (2007-04-17)

The game works fine. Great!!!! but the game is kid of old now. You can find a better and newer game, but this one is great!

Redibo (2007-04-30)

Please seed this if anyone has it... :)

wariel (2007-09-04)

I can't start it. Can only be runned in VLC Player (wtf?) and I can't even install ...

aasrud (2008-01-14)

Can i play this game without the "Whole flight simulator" ? / Kan jeg spille dette uten "hele flight simulator"

DJorDJE02 (2008-02-16)

Can I use the mouse as yoke? just like in FSX...

stitches (2008-04-27)

Works great for me.. had to use the no-cd crack supplied by noclips

Gavness (2008-05-06)

VLC file? wtf is this?? there is only 4 media file in this crap what do i do with these??

KRASH_ (2008-06-10)


slask44 (2008-08-10)

Goood speed :D thanks fighters :)

slask44 (2008-08-10)

btw "KRASH_" mount cd one with dsemon tools, (thats /CD - 1/FLT-CS3A.BIN) and the other disk is /CD - 2/FLT-CS3b.BIN.

slask44 (2008-08-10)

sorry * Daemon Tools.

ghott (2008-08-27)

P.S. I'm looking for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator WWII Europe Series or CFS 1 if any1 has this please create a torrent and seed it I have fast connection (20/20) and can DL very quickly and will seed it afterwards.
I cannot find this on ANY torrent site..thx in advance :)

ShadowHost (2008-10-26)

Easy to download and install. Game is not very good though

tnt-06 (2008-12-02)

jag säger bara fett bra seed tack sak du ha..
100% good seed

Bublebee (2008-12-07)


nerd-rage (2009-01-29)

i hate downloading at like 20kbs... 1 day 18 fuckign hours left.... ^^

vasko99 (2009-03-10)

it just crashes every time i try to run it???????
anybody plizzz help......

Bryan_Jovi (2009-04-03)

very good seed, thx! :)

Bryan_Jovi (2009-04-05)

oh, another thing.
use virtual clone drive to mount it,
works perfectly

grindking92 (2009-06-22)

I have mounted "cd 2" but it still says that I have to put it in?? what do i do now? help!

SSForever (2009-06-24)

I cannot get it to work, it keeps saying please insert the correct cd rom and restart the application, I've tried all 4 files that show up in the folders and it doesnt work, anyone have an idea of what i should do?

hoobojeo (2009-11-13)

dude im a noob, i have no idea what the hell im doing

zetechbadmarine (2010-01-15)

thank you

lol888 (2010-02-28)

downloaded it at 2 mb ...

Zeeker313 (2010-06-13)

thanks man works great................ will seed for a week

robjones1994 (2010-08-19)

Great Download Speed, 1.1MB/Sec :)

bagonka (2011-01-06)

hey guys, i downloaded this, and if it says to insert the CD, even though you have it mounted, or to restart and try again, you just need to type in "combat flight simulator 3 no CD crack" on google, and its one of the first links. you just need a patch. it works great for me.
hope this helps!!

knightmayre (2011-03-22)

Worked fine for me, the crack is included in CD1... I just mounted CD1, ran setup, then when it asks for CD2, unmount CD1 then mount CD2 using the same drive letter that you mounted CD1 with. Finally copy FS3.exe from CD1 crack folder over the existing one (usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3)

saltriver (2011-06-26)

thanks man.


1. Combat Flight Simulator 3/CD - 1/FLT-CS3A.BIN 578.51 Mb
2. Combat Flight Simulator 3/CD - 1/FLT-CS3A.CUE 74 bytes
3. Combat Flight Simulator 3/CD - 2/FLT-CS3B.CUE 74 bytes
4. Combat Flight Simulator 3/CD - 2/FLT-CS3b.BIN 683.42 Mb