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Parker-Bloody Trail of Romanism(1915)






Parker-Bloody Trail of Romanism(1915)




2009-07-06 (by red_gonzo )


This is Billy Parker's shocking book The Bloody Trail of Romanism (1915) which is a short but useful sketch of the Albigenses, Waldenses, Huguenots, as well as of the Inquisition, the Crusades and Rome’s bloody trail through the centuries. The Roman Catholic Church claims to have never changed since it was first instituted, believing itself built on the rock of St. Peter, setting forth that she is the same yesterday, today and forever. With this acknowledgment of her perpetuity appended to her pride and pinnacled ambition of modern times for power, both temporal and spiritual, over all things earthly, this book will proceed to show its trail down through the centuries by the scarlet stains of human blood on her contrasted jet black and immaculate white vestments which has moulded in the vestries and rotting out the core of its own germination, rendering it intolerable to all nations that she has ever infested, to the extent of eradication after she had contaminated its purity and blighted its beauty with the fumes of a tainted humanity steeped in the iniquities of two thousand years of so-called Christian religion forced on an ignorant and superstitious people, who have always grown more and more ignorant through the pagan influence and teachings of the Roman hierarchy. If the present Roman Catholic Church was an honorable organization she would confess her faults and say she would from now on try to live down the crimes of her past, but strange to say she makes no pretense towards doing so, while she continues to persecute in a modified way, since her powerful inquisitions have been overthrown. She has proved a monster to everyone who would not come under her rule, where she had the power to subdue and force their submission. Some of those early Christians refused to bow their knees to the papal power and had to flee from Rome, but carrying with them the message of love and justice as taught by the lowly Nazarene. From those fearless followers of their great leader sprang the different sects of the Protestant religion. The Paluicans, the Paterins, the Catharists, the Albigenses, the Waldenses, the Hussites, the Anabaptists, and so on down through the followers of Tyndal, Wycliff, Luther, Calvin, Knox, Wesley, etc. It is impossible to trace all her crimes in the persecution of those who protested against papal rule. One can hardly know of an organization that has had for its purpose the enlightenment of the human race but has the strong opposition of the Roman Catholic Church to combat in its struggle for existence. 60 pages. A must read for everyone.

Files count:



1.09 Mb

