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Hunted Like Animals - The Hmong Genocide in Laos






Hunted Like Animals - The Hmong Genocide in Laos




2007-10-03 (by clodhoppicus)


Hunted Like Animals is an eye-opening documentary about an ongoing, but unknown, genocide against the Hmong people in the jungles of Laos. Coerced into joining the CIA?s anti-communist efforts during the Viet Nam war, this ethnic minority became a Secret Army. When the U.S. pulled out of Southeast Asia in 1975 and the Lao kingdom was overthrown by the communists, the Hmong became targets of retaliation and persecution. Hundreds of thousands fled the country; others ran to remote mountainous regions of Laos. Over thirty years and two generations later, the Hmong in hiding are still mercilessly hunted, attacked, raped, tortured and killed by the military. Since 2004, the crackdown has intensified and those who can escape seek refuge in Thailand. The traumatized refugees have not been promised protection or help. Instead, they are threatened with deportation back to Laos, the very place from which they barely escaped. In this documentary, the refugees speak for the estimated 20,000 voiceless people still trapped in the jungle, surrounded by Lao and Vietnamese soldiers - and hunted like animals. Size.........: 695MB Video Codec..: XviD Frame Size...: 640x480 FPS..........: 29.970 Audio........: MP3, 128 Kbps, CBR Running time.: 1h15

Files count:



700.41 Mb




v2ner (2007-12-31)

^^no prob. will seed for a long long time.

bonesbones (2009-05-22)

I saw this mentioned by the BBC News website
Thanks for distributing! I would have had no way of watching, or even knowing about this, through Swedish media.

saiyanman651 (2012-12-28)

Hey are u hmong homie...

ObamaNguyen (2013-01-17)

Ahhhh it is good of you show the other side of the story and how the other side see's the Hmong people. It is totally understandable why one would think that towards them but in reality you do know that Vietnam swayed towards communism right? Do you know what communism is? It's an entirely so called "White" idea created by the white man and pretty much Vietnam might as well have been full White. I mean you have Americans on one side and Soviet Russia on the other. You've sealed your fate when you decided to blame the white mine and thus you've correctly become their tool. You pool hate into the Hmong when they are exactly like you, tools to the white man. Hmong are just a means to an end in American eyes and so was the war in Vietnam, the Vietnamese and Lao people were just a means to an end for Russia. You can say China was the larger benefactor but what is China subordinate to? That's right Russia! In fact so was North Korea in fact all of was the white mans no matter how you like to see it! The Vietnam War was for Vietnam!? Nope not at all it was for Communism because if you were fighting a war for your country then your country would not have to fight itself, the full support of your people would have joined your fight imminently. But no you had a North and South Vietnam and the local people split up and running away from both sides. You talk about traitors to the Asian race when in reality we have all been killing each other for the past hundreds and thousands of years. Vietnam was lucky to have been barred from events like the Rape of Nanking. The Japanese in WWII were relentless and brutal in their conquest and even now some Chinese still have uneasy tensions between Japan because of those acts. Lets explore the history just South East Asia a bit. If you look at a shiny little country called Burma you can find all the history of Asians killing Asians all you want without the white man. If you look at it China sent many invasion forces towards that direction and it was repelled by Alaungpaya and his heirs during the 1500's and there was some white man influence but that was only as an arms dealer and believe me they were kicked out long time ago. They managed to unite a large majority of South East Asian and repel the beast that was China back then as well as keep foreigners (white men) out. However there was this other country known as Siam that competed with them and low and behold they fought each other and even more surprising they weren't white! Nor influenced by white men! I mean they fought for like 60 years to the point where the white men just up and came in to steam roll them all into colonization. Also that beast known as China was still riding on their neck. Now imagine 60 years worth of war with Asians killing Asians and then Vietnam war where it's still Asians somewhat killing Asians and then White people killing Asians. You can say rape but then again rape during war is a crime of war, soldier, and the human being, not the nation (unless the nation specifically ordered you to rape and pillage them that would then count.) Now you stated that the Hmong betrayed their Asian brothers then surely you are mistaken for we have been betraying each other for as long as we have been called Asian! And if you were to say that the Hmong were the only one who teamed up with the White man then surely you are mistaken when you look at the Lao and the Vietnamese and Chinese who teamed up all together with the White man (Russia) to fight the other White man! The only difference is that America is the best god damn country in the world and when I need to go get a hooker for 3 cents I go to Vietnam and when I need to get a hooker in America it's Federally illegal and I go to Las Vegas anyways and pay $3,000!