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The Big Buy [AVI - Conspiracy - Sept 11 th - 911 - NWO - Illumin






The Big Buy [AVI - Conspiracy - Sept 11 th - 911 - NWO - Illumin




2007-05-04 (by lkobescak )


The Big Buy: Tom Delays Stolen Congress: ---------------------------------------- Format: AVI "By the time we finish this poker game, there may not be a federal government left! Which would suit me just fine." -Tom DeLay, 1994 In a stunning 1994 interview, shortly after the now infamous Republican revolution, Tom DeLay sat down and laid out his vision for America: to destroy the Department of Education, HUD, OSHA, the NEH, the NEA, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. His self-stated goal was to "completely redesign government." The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress is the story of how he did just that. It's the story of one of the most blatant power grabs in American history, and how a District Attorney in Texas turned out to be the biggest threat to the national DeLay Machine. The film is a warning about how easy it is for American democracy to be hijacked by a combination of relentless ambition and corporate millions. It makes the case that DeLay built a "custom-made Congress" that is still providing votes for his agenda. DeLay's utter contempt for government made him a favorite of corporations. Over the next decade, they funded DeLay's rise to power with millions while wining, dining, and bank rolling an extravagant lifestyle complete with corporate jets, expensive restaurants and stays at plush golf resorts. But Travis county D.A. Ronnie Earle is on his heels, and DeLay's made a mistake. He blatantly funneled banned corporate money to candidates in the 2002 Texas elections. This was the critical first phase of a take-no-prisoners plan to ensure a more hard-Right Republican U.S. Congress. DeLay's actions led to controversial redistricting in Texas that disenfranchised voters, set-off the largest upheaval in modern Texas political history and sent five new hard-Right Republican congressmen to Washington. Texas grand juries have brought 41 indictments against eight corporations, DeLay's political action committee, a business lobby ally, three underlings and Tom Delay himself. But while Delay has given up his leadership post, his Texas takeover is still impacting all Americans daily. His Texas redistricting changed the face of the last Congress. The Central American Free Trade Agreement, the Energy Bill, Budgets and Budget Cuts that hurt college students, single parents and the working poor -- all passed in the last 14 months by less than the five votes DeLay won from his scheme in Texas. From now until the November elections- The Big Buy is destined to serve as a rallying cry for those who want to change "the house that Tom built" back into "the people's house." The Big Buy is a feature length documentary that connects the dots between big money and big government. It's not a pretty picture. Run Time: 75 minutes For more information or to purchase this video please visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional information on September 11th, NWO, the Illuminati and the great threat to you can be found at www infowars com or ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Files count:



527.13 Mb




duhprane (2007-05-05)

Hey thanks for uploading this one, I'm gonna burn it to disk and shove it right up my neighbors AssHole.

duhprane (2007-05-05)

If'n I can gets a seed.... hint hint wink wink nudge nudge knowwhatthefuck I mean jelly bean?

duhprane (2007-05-05)

There he is over yonder, hot damn, now THAT'S service, god damn it!

STGstylah (2007-07-03)

Thanks for the upload. Why do you post almost everything under 9/11, NWO, Illuminati, even if it has only little to do with it?

 lkobescak (2007-11-09)

For more movies/music and files like this, check out my other torrents at:

 lkobescak (2007-11-22)

U.S. government tricks hide trillions in debt

Every year, tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars are quietly added to the U.S. national debt -- on top of the deficits that we hear about. What's going on?
By Scott Burns
November 21, 2007
When it comes to financial magic, the government of the United States takes the prize. Sleights of hand and clever distractions by purveyors of line-of-credit mortgages, living-benefit variable annuities and equity-indexed life insurance are clumsy parlour tricks compared with the Big Magic of American politicians.
Consider the proud trumpeting that came from Washington at the close of fiscal 2007. The deficit for the unified budget was, politicians crowed, down to a mere $162.8 billion.
In fact, the U.S. government is overspending at a far greater rate. The total federal debt actually increased by $497.1 billion over the same period.
But politicians of both parties use happy numbers to distract American voters. Democrats routinely criticize the Republican administration for crippling deficits, but they politely use the least-damaging figure, the $162.8 billion. Why? Because references to more-realistic accounting would reveal vastly greater numbers and implicate both parties.
You can understand how this is done by taking a close look at a single statement on U.S. federal finance from the president's Council of Economic Advisers. The September statement shows that the "on-budget" numbers produced a deficit of $344.3 billion in fiscal 2007. The "off-budget" numbers had a surplus of $181.5 billion. (The off-budget figures are dominated by Social Security, Medicare and other programs with trust funds.)
Combine those two figures and you get the unified budget, that $162.8 billion. In the past eight years there's been two years of reported surpluses and six years of reported deficits. Altogether, the total reported deficit has run $1.3 trillion.
Some numbers don't add up
But if you examine another figure, the gross U.S. federal debt, you'll see something strange. First, the U.S. debt has increased in each of the past eight years, even in the two years when surpluses were reported. Second, the gross federal debt, which includes the obligations held by the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, has increased much faster than the deficits -- about $3.3 trillion over the same eight years.
That's $2 trillion more than the reported $1.3 trillion in deficits over the period. Can you spell "Enron"?
In other words, while the reported deficits averaged $164 billion over the past eight years, U.S. government debt increased an average of $418 billion a year. That's a lot more than twice as much.
How could this happen?
Easy. The U.S. Treasury Department simply credits the Social Security, Medicare and other trust funds with interest payments in the form of new Treasury obligations. No cash is actually paid. The trust funds magically increase in value with a bookkeeping entry. It represents money the American government owes itself.
So what happens if the funny money is taken away?
When the imaginary interest payments are included, Social Security and Medicare are running at a tranquilizing surplus (that $181.5 billion mentioned earlier). But measure actual cash, and the surplus disappears.
In 2005, for instance, the U.S. Social Security Disability Income program started to run at a cash loss. 2007 is the first year that Medicare Part A (the hospital insurance program) benefits exceeded income.
The same thing will happen to the U.S. Social Security retirement-income program in six to nine years, depending on which of the trustees' estimates you use. During the same period, the expenses of Medicare Part B and Part D, which are paid out of general tax revenue, will rise rapidly.
Despite this, the U.S. Social Security Administration writes workers every year advising them that the program will have a problem 34 years from now, not six or nine years. In fact, the real problem is al