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CIA Book of Dirty Tricks






CIA Book of Dirty Tricks




2009-03-02 (by Zero_Assassin )


The CIA has spent livetimes determining how to DO IN THEIR MARKS Here is a short sample of what you will find in this 119 Page Electronic Book ADDITIVES Harmful additives are a formidable weapon against machinery, people, and processes. Additives perform one or more of the following: 1) Corrosion...sulfuric acid, for example, will corrode the gutter, eaves, and downspout of a home; dumped salt will mar a building surface or floor and kill a lawn. 2) Contamination...copper salts will rot rubber products; soap in a public or corporate fountain will create giant foam. Or put it in a steam boiler if you're more serious about the matter. 3) Abrasion...introduction of light, coarse materials, such as resins, to automotive fuel, or metal filings placed in the gears of industrial machinery, will create frictional havoc. 4) Impurities...adding sugar to gasoline creates harmful carbon from the burning sugar, stopping the engine. Soaps and detergents make wonderful additions to food and could even be beneficial if the target happens to be constipated. If not, then soapladen munchies or drinks will really keep him moving. During my stay as an invited guest of Uncle Sam I recall some dirty tricksters' making an action statement against being in KP. They liberally coated various pans and cooking vessels with GI soap. They washed mugs with a lot of soap, then neglected to rinse them before letting the utensils dry. Later, when some drinkable potion like milk or coffee was poured into the mug by some unsuspecting mark, the soap was activated. Whoosh! Soap is also a very effective additive to containers in which food is prepared. The secret is to disguise the taste. Various other additives will do that and other tricks. ________________________________________________ C O N T E N T S ___________________________________________________ Additives Cheese Fillers Lawyers Airlines Child Abuse Forgery License Plates Animals CIA Garage Sales MA Bell Apartments Classified Ads Gases Mail Assassination Clergy Graffiti Mail Drops Auto Dealers Coins Highways Marriage Banks Computers Hookers Media Bikers Contractors Hotels Medical Books Credit Cards Homes Military Campuses Delivery of Consumables Insurance Companies Motion Pictures Carbide Dirty Old Men IRS Municipal Services Cars Drugs Joggers Neighborhoods CB Radios Environmental Rapists Laundromats Notary Seal Charity Explosives Lawns Oil Companies and of all things, Thomas Jefferson You will never trust a stranger again, ever!


  1. CIA
  2. Book
  3. Dirty tricks

Files count:



354.94 Kb




x2rob (2009-03-04)

Thanks for the interesting uipload!

abletonlive05 (2009-08-20)

we need one on intelligence retention and destruction

dhavalc2011 (2012-01-09)

nic ebook xD...i loved it

murderbydeath222 (2012-03-27)

This was actually written by George Hayduke; it's not a CIA manual.

 Spud17 (2012-04-28)

Thanks Zero_Assassin!


1. CIA Book of Dirty Tricks/tracked_by_h33t_com.txt 23 bytes
2. CIA Book of Dirty Tricks/CIA-Book-of-Dirty-Tricks.pdf 354.92 Kb