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911 Hi-Res Satellite Photo (9372 x 9372)






911 _ World Trade Center _ Hi-Res Satellite Photo (9372 x 9372)




2007-09-15 (by WTC_Satellite_Photo)


After the Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition, this high resolution photo of the WTC Complex was taken by a satellite from space. It shows the extreme amount of destruction that took place. The core of each building should still be standing, but everything was completely vaporized into powder and dust by the lethal demolition charges and thermate. -- -- -- Resolution: 9372 x 9372 pixels Format: .JPG -- -- -- You need a pretty good computer to be able to view this file. If you have a program like Paint Shop Pro, or Photoshop, load the image into that program instead, since the default Picture Viewer in Windows is very, very slow. -- --

Files count:



43.44 Mb




t0rrenTguy_9797 (2007-09-16)

Nice, thanks for uploading.

t0rrenTguy_9797 (2007-09-16)

i viewed it now... wow, it really was really big.
We will never forget..
The criminal Elite who try to control the world WILL DIE. Their New World Order will fail.
the truth is getting out faster and faster and reaching more and more people... the Rothschild f*cktards and the Bilderbergers and the bankers can't hide.
The tyrants are going down!

mutilator (2007-09-16)

torrentguy9797: No more drugs for you!

ovcarf (2007-09-16)

@ mutilator
You're a sick fuck.

quilty1 (2007-09-16)

f'in morons.

grizling (2007-09-16)

No, never forget 9/11
Byt try to see the perspectives instead. The USA will always survive. Europe are lost because of it's low birthrate, massive growth in a muslim population that never is able to integrate in the free modern world. A good chance for islamism:
40 percent of all muslims in Britain wants the law of Sharia to be implementet. Believe me - we and especially our children will se things that will make us look back on 9/11 as a moment of terror - BUT - at least an issue that we could deal with. No european politicians can conquer the evil just in front of us.....

iaintnocop (2007-09-16)

Was that the perspectives grizling? God knows in what dictionary you looked up the word "perspective". Anyway, thanks for the pic and I have already forgotten 9/11, maybe this huge pic will jog my memory

grizling (2007-09-17)

Maybe some Jack fokkin' Bauer type :-)

djchad818 (2007-09-17)

Wow, computer geeks really are morons!

djchad818 (2007-09-17)

P.S. This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated.
It's not a satellite photo.
If you call a group of extremists flying planes into buildings to destroy them because an egomaniac named Osama Bin Laden is pissed at us because we liberated Kuwait instead of him controlled demolition, then I guess it was controlled demolition.

CoMMaNcHe (2007-09-18)

@ flash939 and djchad818
You two are clearly living in a fantasy world.
Wow... just wow.

djchad818 (2007-09-18)

What? Why, because I don't believe some bonehead conspiracy theory? Clarify, please.

grizling (2007-09-18)

There's no conspiracy behind 9/11 -
exept the one from Bin fokkin'
Laden and the talibans.
Look everywhere else - a swedish
cartoonist who made drawings of
Muhammad as a dog, has gone
underground yesterday. Terror treats
on Denmark
- both from within and from al Queda
- and nearly constantly on Brittain.
Yes - the islamic revolution/terror finds
an easy inspiration - surah up and surah
down - the fokkin' Quran is a manifest
of evil like Hitlers 'Mein Kampf'....

Dark-Alex (2007-09-19)

djchad818 lol, what's his problem?
"I don't believe some bonehead conspiracy theory"
Hmm, apparently you do!
Let's look at your previous post:
"a group of extremists flying planes into buildings to destroy them because an egomaniac named Osama Bin Laden is pissed at us"
I'd say that's a pretty kooky bonehead theory right there!

Dark-Alex (2007-09-19)

The most retarded Conspiracy Theory to date:
"19 Hijackers, directed by Osama Bin Laden, took over 4 commercial jets with box cutters and, while evading the Air Defense System (NORAD), hit 75% of their targets. In turn, WTC Towers 1, 2 and 7 collapsed to structural failure through fire in a "pancake" fashion, while the plane that hit the Pentagon vaporized upon impact, as did the plane that crashed in Shanksville. The 9/11 Commission found that there were no warnings for this "Act of Terrorism", while multiple government failures prevented adequate defense."

djchad818 (2007-09-19)

Well, 80-some Megapixel photos tend to be big.

schwoosh (2007-09-19)

"djchad818 lol, what's his problem?
"I don't believe some bonehead conspiracy theory"
Hmm, apparently you do!
Let's look at your previous post:
"a group of extremists flying planes into buildings to destroy them because an egomaniac named Osama Bin Laden is pissed at us"
I'd say that's a pretty kooky bonehead theory right there!"
And lets not forget...
The hijackers magically got NORAD to stand down and to have military drills of the exact same targets on the exact same day at the exact same time.
The hijackers also somehow managed to defy the laws of physics on 9/11.
For example, they had WTC-7 collapse symmetrically from asymmetrical damage.
They also magically flew aircrafts way beyond their limits, pulling off stunts that not even highly trained Air Force pilots could pull off in such planes.
Yep, sure is amazing how anyone with a brain could be conned into believing the Official Conspiracy Theory.

SipeR (2007-09-21)

ChazEmock (2007-09-27)

I am an Amarican. i would like to tell all of you who help get out the truth about this. and i realy cant say enough. but bless you. bless you all. thank you from my heart. please. please keep it up. there are very bad people out there. and there are in my(americas) *Goverment*.and companys in this country. and they helped MURDER. people over money and power. like i said i cant tell you all. how much stuff likes this means to me in just a little note. but to whom ever helps. thank you. from an american....

ChazEmock (2007-09-28)

And it has come to my attentionalso. that the world has a pretty poor view of america and americans. i would like you all to know all of are not bad. some of us just want the truth and. whats dont blame all americans.every day people like me are fighting to help keep this country out of trouble.( to put it in simple terms). and its not easy when you have little money to fight the
it put it lightly its not.I live here ive know first hand ive seen it over years and years. they have not won. there are not going to win. as long as there is information still out there about the truth. i'll post more later. and thank you for the help. please keep it up...... from an American..

Li_RM35 (2007-10-01)

I can't believe the 9/11 truther whack job conspiracy theorists.
Hey. Assheads. Get a clue:
Islamic terrorists attacked us on 9/11. You fucking morons hate America (and yourselves) so much you think the US governement had something to do with it.
You dumb fucks aren't even worth debating.
You are that fucking stupid.
I wish I could get you jackasses all together for a picture, because usually idiots are doled out one to a village, but in your cases you've blown that theory all to hell.
I've seen some stupid people in my time, but none - I mean NONE - compare to the idiocy of your combined IQ's - that amount to about an 8.
I just watched a movie of you rat fucks at the WTC on 9/11/2006. You are the most repulsive disgusting examples of shit I've ever had the displeasure to watch. Their were families of the 9/11 attacks there and you shit-for-brains assheads had the audacity to spread your fucking filth in that venue.
You are the most repulsive examples of the depths of stupidity that the human race is possible of.
While you have a right to your opinions - however stupid they are - you are to be despised for disgracing the memories of those lost on 9/11.
I seriously hope that it's your wives, daughters or mothers who wind up having to jump out of a 110 story window in the next attack. I mean that in all sincerity. It's exactly what you deserve.
Fucking pieces of shit scumbag rat fucks.
I wish ONE of you shitheads would take your "Loose Change" video to eastern Pakistan - just ONE of you - and take a walk into the mountains and explain to those you meet how the US government was behind 9/11. After they stop laughing their asses off, they'd cut your head off while you try and scream as the blood gurgles down your throat. Then they'd place your head in the small of your back while your eyes are still fluttering.
You dumb fucks are too stupid to realize who your own enemy is.

ChazEmock (2007-10-02)

if you think it was Islamic terrorists attacked us on 911. your wrong. i know the truth. ive seen what they did. and how they did it. the world will know soon. its not just the American goverment. there are others. and they will pay. ive keped my mouth shut long enough . until then we must give each other room and respect. to morn. and to let the investigation proses begin.

Li_RM35 (2007-10-03)

You're a total fucking jackass.
You know the truth, eh shithead?
The truth that the 9/11 commission missed and that tens of thousands of people who were directly involved in watching the events unfold?
Go back on your meds, asshead.
Better yet - kill yourself lest you accidently figure out how to breed and totally fuck up the human gene pool.

a54932 (2007-10-04)

@ Li_RM35: Need a hug dude? Ever heard the expression "those who know least speak the loudest"? You are pretty loud there my friend. Wishing horrible deaths on peoples loved ones for not believing what you believe? You are a saint! St. Fucknuts we?ll call you?

ChazEmock (2007-10-06)

Sound like someones is on there side. or maybe someone is hiding something. let me test the metal from the site. oh but wait. where did all the rubble go. does any one know. hummm. (thanks for the help. a54932). there was no real investigation. and i have a friend from east Pakistan hes sorry there people like you...

ChazEmock (2007-10-06)

MEDS......... LOL LOL... lmao

djchad818 (2007-10-06)

I've watched loose change. I can refute the whole thing, point by point, but why? Hasn't anyone ever told you whack jobs that the only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead? Somehow, you all believe that there were hundreds, if not thousands, of americans involved in a conspiracy to kill their fellow countrymen, and yet nobody blew the whistle? Get real.

ChazEmock (2007-10-06)

We're working on it. and there are hundreds. of cases. if people fighting this government. i love the USA. but there are a lot of bad people in politics. and its not only people in our government. there are other country's involved that help. those people in our government. some day I hope you all will see what i mean.. thank for help. understanding

djchad818 (2007-10-06)

For the record, this "satellite photo" was actually taken by the NOAA's Cessna Citation Jet on Sept. 23, 2001 from an altitude of 3,300 feet using a Leica/LH systems RC30 camera.
I have no doubt that the uploader knew this, but chose to lie for the sake of consistency.

duhprane (2007-10-06)

Oh yeah, well how the fuck do you know? For the record.

duhprane (2007-10-06)

and Oh, djchad818, those people have come out left and fucking right, but CNN isnt gonna interview them you blockhead.... you must listen to other sources..

ChazEmock (2007-10-06)

Great job modemho. thank for all the posted torrents. and by the way iam not trying to convince anyone what is right or wrong. but do you think there are to many unanswered questions. or is it just me. and do you think there is enough information to support the idea that it was just planes. and where did all the debris go. it just so happens that i have some friends that would like to test. hummm you know for like dust. or stuff like that. but i guess its wrong to look for evidence. that might be asking to many questions.

maxkill (2007-10-07)

only ignorant ppl don't realze build 7 was brought down with controlled demolition (PLANNED), Silverstein(the owner of the buildings) said it himself in an interview! bring the truth ppl

ChazEmock (2007-10-07)

what ever happened to Li_RM35. anyone... lol..

djchad818 (2007-10-16)

How the "Fuck" do I know? It's called research. Do you have to swear because you disagree with someone?

djchad818 (2007-10-16)

You guys must be right. I didn't realize that Larry Silverstein said "we brought down building 7 with controlled demolition, then decided to cover it up" is that a direct quote? I'm a moron. It's so obvious! you guys are geniuses! How many hours of tireless research did it take to develop this mountain of tangible evidence in support of your claims? Wow! Geniuses, I say!

TeesDuns (2007-10-17)

"Arguing over the internet is like winning the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded."
- Author unknown.

ChazEmock (2007-10-19)

News flash... a group of people helping to investigate what happened to the metal (that some how went to china?? (CHINA ?!?!)). was found (can't say where. here..).. and i was invited to there labs.. OMG thank you.. and other colleges to look over. and get copies of the data....LOL.... I just wonder what news agency want its the most. who'll be the one to be smart enough to air it first..hummmm be the one to help. air the real truth..LOL we'll see

djchad818 (2007-10-21)

Ah, and there you have it... Incontrovertible proof that six years later, the steel is gone because it was recycled... Wow. I can see why CNN should be beating down your door for this damning evidence.

ChazEmock (2007-10-21)

CNN and FOX are part of the cover up. and its not mine to decide whom to let have. and i hate to say it but. i dont think any of the american T.V. stations are smart enough. or responsble enough. to report it. and it was so called recycled. to hide the evidence of chemicals. not normally found on steel. and was NEVER properly investagated. NO ONE was allowed to look it over. and why send it to CHINA???.. there are 137 know steel recycling facilities
here in the USA.. and who owned the facilites in china. i wonder whom there friends are.
bye the way(Arguing over the internet is like winning the Special Olympics: even if you win, you're still retarded."
- Author unknown. ...)see you ... i guess you win..

looking54 (2007-10-25)

search for " 9/11 chris crocker " on youtube
from a saved deleted video statemet :
"I can't think about 9/11 when britney is going through what she is going through , Britney is a national treasure , WHO CARES about 9/11 ."
this is the true face of chris crcoker

MaximilianSeptillion (2007-10-31)

OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! ALMOST EVERY FAMILY IN AMERICA HAS "BRITNEY" KINDS OF PROBLEMS! SHE ISN'T THE ONLY PERSON IN AMERICA! GOD SAVE US, WE'RE DESTROYING OURSELVES AND MOST ARE TOO STUPID TOO SEE IT. THIS QUOTE IS A SYMPTOM OF A MAJOR DISEASE. "I can't think about 9/11 when britney is going through what she is going through , Britney is a national treasure , WHO CARES about 9/11 ." WHO CARES ABOUT BRITNEY?!!!!! It is time for some good old fashion common sense. The world will end not with a bang, but with a whimper. Author unknown

funnyname (2008-05-30)

My copy of this pic was gone. Thank you to all the people who keep this pic avaible!
It s no satellite pic. You can see this with your own eyes: Observe that you see the front of buildings in the upper area of the pic from the opposite side than the fronts in the lower area of the pic.
Now you can imagine where the cam was. In a plane -of course.
Thanks to the upper of this material too! The wrong naming will never discredit the upper or the material itself. (sorry for my poor english)

funnyname (2008-05-30)

"After the Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition". Ok. This is stupid. But... We all need this pic (information) badly.
Never mind!

k00biak (2008-11-23)

Check this one out:

gunner21 (2008-12-15)

ChazEmock, wow, I guess English is not your first language. You have lots of spelling and grammar errors. I find the conspiracy theories interesting, like science fiction. My personal favorite is that the airplanes were remotely controlled. What about the passengers? Were they remotely controlled too? I wonder how anyone got them to board an airplane like that. Maybe the pilots parachuted out after take off.There is no way such a conspiracy could be kept secret. It's like believing we never went to the moon. Like I said, I enjoy science fiction.


1. 911 Hi-Res Satellite Photo/NEW_YORK_9372x9372.JPG 43.44 Mb