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Lost Planet 2 CRACK ONLY-SKIDROW-[tracker BTARENA org]




Games PC






2010-10-10 (by AiTB )


info, crack.. RELEASE DATE : 10-10-2010 PROTECTION : Securom + xlive GAME TYPE : Action DISKS : 2 DVD Û Û Lost Planet 2 is the sequel to Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, Û Û Û Û the landmark third-person shooter which debuted on Xbox 360 Û Û Û Û and went on to sell over 2.3 million units worldwide after its Û Û Û Û release. Lost Planet 2 offers deeper insight into the world of Û Û Û Û E.D.N III and the uncertain fate of future mankind. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Already acclaimed for its visual accomplishments from the Û Û Û Û console versions, Lost Planet 2 will define the 3D experience Û Û Û Û on the PC. Stunning environments will immerse the player in Û Û Û Û NVIDIA Vision Surround technology, and the rebalanced gameplay Û Û Û Û and streamlined control mechanics make Lost Planet 2 PC the Û Û Û Û ultimate Lost Planet experience. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û A decade has passed since the events of the first game, and Û Û Û Û the face of E.D.N. III has changed dramatically. Terraforming Û Û Û Û efforts have been successful and the ice has begun to melt, Û Û Û Û giving way to lush tropical jungles and harsh unforgiving Û Û Û Û deserts. Mankind has engaged in a civil war to take control of Û Û Û Û the precious Thermal Energy that powers weapons and vehicles Û Û Û Û on E.D.N. III and resulted in a separation into various Û Û Û Û factions. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Players will control heroes from each faction across 6 Û Û Û Û interconnected episodes, viewing the war from the perspective Û Û Û Û of each, creating a truly unique interactive experience. With Û Û Û Û this concept, players will have the opportunity to engage in Û Û Û Û the story in a much more dynamic way as plot threads evolve Û Û Û Û from different players perspectives. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û The intense and action-packed campaign mode comes with the Û Û Û Û ability to form teams of up to 4 players online. Beyond the Û Û Û Û deep single-player and co-op modes, Lost Planet 2 is loaded Û Û Û Û with extensive multiplayer modes allowing up to 16 players to Û Û Û Û compete online, each with their own customizable avatar. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û No action game would be complete without an arsenal of Û Û Û Û weaponry, and Lost Planet 2 has a huge variety of hardware for Û Û Û Û players to unleash on unsuspecting enemies. Machine guns, Û Û Û Û shotguns, rocket launchers, lasers, sniper rifles, grenades Û Û Û Û and a host of other weapons are scattered across the game. The Û Û Û Û grappling hooks that made the gameplay in Lost Planet a true Û Û Û Û 3-D experience are back, allowing gamers to gain tactical Û Û Û Û advantage by moving to elevated locations quickly. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Lost Planet 2's biggest weapons come on two legs: the heavily Û Û Û Û armed and armored robotic Vital Suits return in greater Û Û Û Û numbers and variety than the first game. There are VS that Û Û Û Û transform into other vehicles, hold up to three players and Û Û Û Û some that even take multiple players to operate. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Co-op action: Team up to battle the giant Akrid in explosive 4 Û Û Û Û player online co-operative play. Teamwork is the player's key Û Û Û Û to victory as the team is dependent on each other to succeed Û Û Û Û and survive. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Massive scale of enemies: Players skill on the battlefield and Û Û Û Û ability to work as a team will be tested like never before Û Û Û Û against the giant Akrid. Players will utilize teamwork Û Û Û Û tactics, new weapons and a variety of vital suits (VS) to Û Û Û Û fight these larger-than-life bosses. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Beautiful massive environments: Capcom's advanced graphics Û Û Û Û engine, MT Framework 2.0, and DirectX 11 support will bring Û Û Û Û the game to life with the next step in 3D fidelity and Û Û Û Û performance. See Lost Planet 2's world through new eyes, with Û Û Û Û support for hardware tessellation and compute shader. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Deep level of character customization: Players will have Û Û Û Û hundreds of different ways to customize their look, nom de Û Û Û Û guerre, emotes, and weapons to truly help them define their Û Û Û Û character on the battlefield. A wide array of customizable Û Û Û Û abilities range from taking less damage, to running faster to Û Û Û Û operating data posts quicker Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Rewards System: Players will receive rewards for assisting Û Û Û Û teammates and contributing to the team's success Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Multiplayer: Compete in 16-player multiplayer matches with Û Û Û Û nine different maps and 5 different game modes including Û Û Û Û Data Post Battle, Akrid Egg Battle, Fugitive, Elimination and Û Û Û Û Team Elimination. Additional maps will be available as Û Û Û Û downloadable content after the game's release. Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Exciting new VS features- Based on fan feedback, the team has Û Û Û Û implemented an unbelievable variety of Vital Suits and new Û Û Û Û ways to combat VS's. The new VS system will have a powerful Û Û Û Û impact on the way the player takes to the war zone in Lost Û Û Û Û Planet 2

Files count:



513.67 Kb




DeathMast0r (2010-10-10)

Full version plz

 AiTB (2010-10-10)

DeathMast0r (2010-10-10)

Anonymous uploader, I assume that's you AiTB?

 AiTB (2010-10-10)

torrents from btarena are fine,
or check my upload here

iKitty (2010-10-11)

Can anyone tell me how to bypass the windows live check exactly? I try to play with DX 9 / 11 and each time I load the game, it asks me to sign in, if i skip it then it says I wont be able to save the game?

Bounty_Hunter (2010-10-12)

i have the exact same thing. hope there's gonna be a fix for this soon... or a hacked live account.

Bounty_Hunter (2010-10-12)

i have the exact same thing. hope there's gonna be a fix for this soon... or a hacked games for windows live account.

Bounty_Hunter (2010-10-12)

whoops... double post

Bounty_Hunter (2010-10-12)

i found a solution: make a new profile and make it a local profile. (directly after you click create new profile scroll down and you should be able to see it, unless you're blind)

chintu_1717 (2010-11-11)

Kaspersky Internet Security detects the Launcher file as a virus and deletes it immediately. Help plz.

kenmainord (2010-11-20)

@Bounty_Hunter - Could you describe how you created a local profile? I don't see where that is possible.

Apache950 (2011-01-01)

windows live is not the problem you must only scroll down if asked for a windows live or xbox acc and klick use Local Profile ( offline) your game will be saved without problems. to play online is a little bit difficult you must search for special cracked server.....
I have a Problem i downloaded Lost Planet ( 12 GB and Skidrow) and downloaded this crack here. every time i start lost Planet 2 it says Lost Planet 2 stopped working. i have installed directx 9 and 11 and used bothe but my problem is still there. what can i doo?

crimsoncore (2012-02-04)

can anyone upload a video showing that you can play offline? i was using my windows account to play offline... but later on... i cant play using my profile... cant play offline... so I i cant save my game!