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A man for all seasons (1966) with Paul Scofield 720 X480 DivX






A man for all seasons (1966) 720 X 480 DivX with Paul Scofield


Video/HD - Movies


2009-11-15 (by mrizzo2)



This is a re-launch of this successful movie title on a multi-tracker torrent this time around. Please join in to seed if youve previously downloaded it. dank! Excellent picture and sound quality. 720 X 480 colour video 128k audio Academy Award winner - best picture, 1966 Please check the net for any compatible subtitles if you should need them. You can also download an excellent program from Denmark, on the Internet (its either free or donation supported I would think - its worth paying something for)called "Subtitle editor". You can use it to make any improvements to exisiting subtitles on the net, or to create your own for your community. This is a work that is much studied in schools, including the University Departments of English literature and even Political Philosophy. Its a must for all thinking minds, to come to terms with the issues involved, and sensibly so. The reformation came at an important time for England. In any event it was mainly overdue given the harsh constraints of following dictates from Rome that did not fit with the needs of the people at the time, particularly in respect of divorce as a legitimate alternative to "Royal execution" of Queens to fit the letter of the law as it were. The conflict between those who follow a sense of conscience and duty - based on legalities and semantics rather than dictates of the best spirited cause. There are those that assign a certain value to certain gestures or oaths, not allowing an encroachment into this sense of perfect allegiance, even while being unable to maintain a reasonable conscience instead, all too often as a result of such shallow thinking. On the other hand human nature and its best disposition on such matters - it really deals with composition in fact - after all it is my claim that we are differently endowed each one of us as to our sense of right reason in these matters to the extent of identifying altogether differing orientations between men. Should someone lose his life and high office - executed in fact for not allowing his conscience to be bothered by agreeing to divorce as an option for the king of the day? Watch the movie and decide for yourself. Michael Rizzo Chessman please see my reviews at

Files count:



809.71 Mb




 Alia_Erenel (2009-11-27)

720 X 480 isn't HD.
Moved to Movies > Movies.

BrokenEmpires (2010-12-19)

this needs to be reuploaded in hd. huge four gig file tho.

71178 (2011-04-06)

This is a SUPER Torrent. Downloaded the whole movie in just under half an hour...can't believe it

JFPowell (2011-05-13)

Paul Schofield is excellent in this, he did it on stage for many years and I'm so glad he did the movie. Thanks for having this, sometimes it's hard to find the best things.

johanponken (2012-04-15)

At you can get wider format and very-multi-subs.
As for quality I can't compare, but encoding settings seem very sensible there though (no info here).

wind_highlander (2014-05-23)

Thanks, uploader!!


1. A man for all seasons (Paul Scofield)/A man for all seasons (DivX).avi 809.62 Mb
2. A man for all seasons (Paul Scofield)/Poster - A Man for All Seasons_10.jpg 95.82 Kb