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HOLOCAUST BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD






HOLOCAUST BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD


Video/Movies DVDR


2011-07-17 (by Tufa_911)


The most famous and "Best Holocaust" documentary EVER PRODUCED ! Now with re-synchronized AUDIO, a DVD manu, and the picture reduced within the frame to facilitate viewing with ordinary DVD players and TV sets. A small error was also corrected. DVD PAL 6500 kbps Welcome to a strange, disturbing, stage set up by: senior supervisor C O M M A N D E R H E R R M A N P I S T E R in view of investigation by K O N R A D M O R G E N also introducing horror of S H R U N K E N H U M A N H E A D S with original ideas by A N D R E A S P F A F F E N B E R G E R in part directed by B I L L Y W I L D E R special guest star I L S E K O C H and ideas forged by S Y K E W A R and leading actor special guest star P R E S I D E N T D W I G H T D . E I S E N H O W E R short note from F I L M D I R E C T O R S T E V E N A L L A N S P I E L B E R G Holocaust promoted by T H E M U S E U M O F T O L E R A N C E peace, and bay of pigs incident, starring P R E S I D E N T J O H N F I T Z G E R A L D K E N N E D Y and speech by F I D E L A L E J A N D R O C A S T R O R U Z a cut from the extant, fabricated Z A P R U D E R F I L M C O S T E L L A C O M B I N E D C U T under supervision of C . D . J A C K S O N and back-stage work by A L L E N W E L S H D U L L E S an absolute must view to all interested in modern politics, the second world war, details on the Holocaust amd many more vary important issues WARNING: MAY CAUSE PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS N O T S U I T A B L E F O R A D U L T S


  1. Nazi shrunken heads Zionism Bu

Files count:



4336.95 Mb




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4. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB 1000.00 Mb
5. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_5.VOB 335.82 Mb
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8. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB 288.00 Kb
9. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_0.VOB 208.00 Kb
10. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO 26.00 Kb
11. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.BUP 26.00 Kb
12. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/ONE_THIRD_OF_THE_HOLOCAUST.avi.torrent 18.87 Kb
13. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/Nazi Shrunken Heads_v2_2008_DVD.torrent 8.05 Kb
14. BUCHENWALD_Dumb_Dumb_Portrayal_of_Evil_DVD/Seeding contact 0 bytes