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Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within






Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within




2008-01-15 (by Hellchasm)


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Files count:



90.35 Mb




MaidenUtd (2008-02-22)

they will buy the album because its a kickass album, they have always made beautiful music and will continue to improve.

Lotta75 (2008-03-02)

the genre is Goth!

DgMortal (2008-09-30)

Fucking voiceovers

lydonit13 (2010-08-12)

{BEEP} You are listening to the new Draconian album...
What's with the voiceovers?
Anyone have a clean copy?


1. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/00-draconian-turning_season_within-promo-2008-cover-qtxmp3.jpg 41.70 Kb
2. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/00-draconian-turning_season_within-promo-2008-qtxmp3.m3u 257 bytes
3. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/00-draconian-turning_season_within-promo-2008-qtxmp3.nfo 9.62 Kb
4. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/00-draconian-turning_season_within-promo-2008-qtxmp3.sfv 347 bytes
5. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/01-seasons_apart-qtxmp3.mp3 11.16 Mb
6. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/02-when_i_wake-qtxmp3.mp3 10.67 Mb
7. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/03-earthbound-qtxmp3.mp3 14.60 Mb
8. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/04-not_breathing-qtxmp3.mp3 9.55 Mb
9. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/05-the_failure_epiphany-qtxmp3.mp3 10.85 Mb
10. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/06-morphine_cloud-qtxmp3.mp3 12.78 Mb
11. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/07-bloodflower-qtxmp3.mp3 9.26 Mb
12. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/08-the_empty_stare-qtxmp3.mp3 10.07 Mb
13. Draconian - 2008 - Turning Season Within/09-september_ashes-qtxmp3.mp3 1.37 Mb