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Nexus The Jupiter Incident (RELOADED)
Nexus The Jupiter Incident (RELOADED)
2007-11-07 (by IceDeathBoy)
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Nexus The Jupiter Incident (c) Mithis Games
11/2004 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Safedisc 3
2 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: 3D Strategy
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Immerse yourself in "Nexus - The Jupiter Incident", the latest surprise to
hit the gaming world! Innovative and groundbreaking, it is a real-time
mission-based tactical space game featuring spectacular real time battles
and breathtaking motion picture quality. Focus on tactics and action as
you control up to a dozen battleships encountering aliens, unknown solar
systems and astrophysical phenomena in your struggle to save Earth.
At the dawn of the 22nd century the conquest of space and the colonization
of the solar system is being monopolized by several huge and ambitious
megacorporations. Although extremely delicate and vulnerable, a balance is
maintained by these companies. It has now been 60 years since the terrible
catastrophe that befell Noah's Ark, the first colony ship of mankind.
At the very edge of the solar system the companies make a discovery which
will shift the technological advantage and upset the balance.
And so a new conflict is born: "The Jupiter Incident".
You are Marcus Cromwell, a young but already famous captain.
With your legendary spaceship Stiletto you find yourself in the middle of
the conflict.
"Nexus - The Jupiter Incident" is what we call a TFS:
a Tactical Fleet Simulator. It's like nothing you've played before.
The strong, elaborate story takes you from mission to mission and allows
different approaches. It's up to you which tactics you choose to bring
each mission to a good end. A reward system enables you to repair, upgrade
and enhance your ships depending on the approach you chose.
Mission briefings let you roam through an unbelievably accurate 3D
animated star map system.
Are you ready to take on the challenge.
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1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount with daemon tools.
3. Install the game.
4. Use the keygen in /Crack dir on CD1 to generate your own key.
Or use any one of these:
5. Copy over cracked executables from /Crack dir on CD1 to your install dir.
6. Play the game.
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" Now hiring Talented Coders and Crackers: [email protected]
/* */ "
Files count:
1367.08 Mb
IceDeathBoy (2007-11-10)
Did the game work for you guys that downloaded it?Woodler (2008-02-28)
So .. I see that u need a seeders , I decided to join ;)kondor999 (2008-09-29)
Great game. Shame everyone just wants more FPS and shit.nilsen171 (2009-03-27)
can anyone tell in details how to do this i am newViccyQ (2009-08-07)
Can we seed this please? I would really like to get this game today and seed for others.Seygantte (2010-09-26)
Don't use this torrent. It's just a reupload of this torrent:
Use that one as it had more seeds, is from a trusted user and has an extra 3 years of instructions in the comments