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GWalp version error free and reduced size (guild wars au






GWalp version error free and reduced size (guild wars au




2008-03-15 (by ^eRrOR^)


--------------------- -General Inforamtion- --------------------- coder/graphics - ^eRrOR^ 55o Game - Guild Wars (universal) Language - English [START] Hi, ever got board of typing in your user name and password in to your Guild Wars client when you havea system crash or the game randomly closes for no reason at all? With my niffty program (made in 6 days) you can now just EDIT one file and use it to auto load in your information and you will load in with your details passed to Guild Wars and log stright in and you go stright in to the character select screen! **************** *IMPORTAN NOTES* **************** MY PROGRAM WILL NEVER ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THE INTERNET OR SEND EMIALS! EVER! If it does try to do that then you have an infection or some one has infected this program, DO NOT ACCUSE ME OF TRYING TO STEAL YOUR GUILD WARS ACCOUNTS! I do not make this program for that reason! I made this for people with more than one account! (or if your lazy with the one account you have xD). For new features look near the end of this file. ====================== =Install instructions= ====================== copy/extract to your guild wars game directory (usually c:program filesguild wars or c:guild wars) right click on GwAL.exe and select "creat shortcut on desktop" now open FILE.INI you now should have NOTEPAD open with the following [USER NAME1] USER=-email -password 1234567890password [USER NAME2] USER=-email -password 1password2goes3here replace "" part with your actuall log in email address replace "1234567890password" with your acuall guild wars log in password close NOTEPAD and select SAVE IF you need more users then please stick the the way the FILE.INI is structured, EG-: [USER NAME] is the 1st user name information USER= this IS NEEDED but the format MUST stay the way it is, EG-: USER=-email (put email address here without the brackets) -password (put your password here without brackets) so it should look like -: [john] USER=-email -password [lisa] USER=-email -password [lord vader] USER=-email -password and so on (note that the max users you can have is 99 (limitations put by me because, lets face it, you NOT gonna have THAT many accounts under one roof) you can change [USER NAMEx] (where x is a number but I have provided two examples in the FILE.INI to get you going) to [your name] or [her name2] or [nickname3] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^IMPORTANT! my program recognises [USER NAME] as [USER NAME1] so dont add a number to that line^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ thats it for installation and configuration (numbers are not needed now, just names) ************** *PROGRAM HELP* ************** The program will auto load the first user name in the list after 30 seconds but you can change the user and hit run before then to bypass the timer (handy if your in a rush to get back to gaming) BIG BUTTON with the word "Exit" does exactly that, quits the program (must be done before the 30 second timer auto runs the Guild Wars client or it will auto load in the 1st user name) Box with users in it is where you select your user name followed by clicking ONCE on the RUN button ////////// /Optional/ ////////// you can place a shortcut on the desktop for the FILE.INI for fast and easy editing of users and passwords ++++++++++++++++++ +New This Version+ ++++++++++++++++++ Added - PRE LOAD (on main menu) This lets you fully install guild wars (even if already installed) Added - Extras Menu (takes you to a new menu) These are non-auto login Added - Preformance Test (shows FPS and so on) Added - No User Interface (you can still type in the password for the last user logged in but you just cant see it) Added - Use BitMap For Screenshots (normally a screenshot is in JPG format) Added - Test For Problems (use this to make a log of any errors your having ready for the support team) Added - Repair Guild Wars Registry Entries (as it says) Added - Uninstall Guild Wars (once again, as it says) Added - Updates and changes to the help system Changed - Version number to v1.1.1.2 updated - gwal.txt reduced file size for faster downloads - changed the BMP pictures to JPG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Thanks and Credits to% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ^eRrOR^ 55o for Design/programing/readme file and graphic interface for Guild Wars Shafayat for code help odklizec for pointing out the obvious dgilmour for code help Andrew (in Ireland) Clan WWC (Welsh Chicks Of Chaos (that let males in) for testing and the adverts Rikku for not loosing it when I should be with her and not programming or testing or playing xD Thanks to all my hosters I dont think I've left anyone out =p !!!!!! !BUGS! !!!!!! None known except the program wont work if not in your guild wars game directory (not a bug but some may think that) [E.O.F]

Files count:



1.01 Mb




^eRrOR^ (2008-03-15)

Newer, smaller, faster, better, see notes for more info

Xian666 (2008-03-15)

Great Program works well,easy to use,no bugs, spyware or virus ^_^ nifty yolk

^eRrOR^ (2008-04-01)


True_astoroth (2008-04-06)

Reeks of account trap so hard my eyes burn.

^eRrOR^ (2008-04-10)

what a retard are you? I made this because I didn't want all the crap out there and risk my account being stolen and CAN YOU READ??? my program will NEVER EVER try to send emails OR attempt internet access!
for crying out loud, it's a front end for those with more than 1 account (or just the one and lazy) and it also runs flags for diagnostics and so on, it's up to the user to set up the account details not me.
also try reading before flaming, this is CLEAN! if you don't believe me scan it with any and all anti-virus scanners out there, once again an idiot that don't scan because it picks up he/she has a virus and blames my application, I own the copyrights to the code but not the images and some code which was supplied by (incidentally, I've submitted this to for approval)
go on, scan it, decompile it, it's clean until your virus infects it.
I do erge every one to scan this before using even though I coded it because there are some right nasty people out there that will try to infect this for their gains.
once again for idiots that can not read 'My program will NEVER EVER attempt to access the internet OR send emails EVER, and if it does your infected with something not my program'

Xian666 (2008-04-10)

still works well,fast and no virus's.Im a lazy gamer i like being able to log in instantly and this cuts the crap...once again brilliant program,good work ^_^

^eRrOR^ (2008-04-11)

hmmm, not sticking up for himself, says to me that I was right, he's got an infection and he didn't read the info provided.

^eRrOR^ (2008-04-11)

the only thing missing from upload is the MD5 so here it is
MD5 Hash = B9C6A6A827EDFE03EBF627FDF055FB7C
SHA1 Hash =

CRC-32 = BF8F4A4D
now that should make it easier to see if my uploads been tampered with

danloder (2008-07-11)

Well, actually you can specify the username (e-mail) and the password on the commandline, so you can create multiple shortcuts for the different accounts. Here are the command line options:

valik94 (2008-09-02)

Ok 1 thing if this really works and i hope it does THEN SOME1 SEED PLEASE!!!!

valik94 (2008-09-02)

Please seed i will w8 for 2 days wit my torrent on but after that im out.
i rly want to get an acc for free.