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The 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising Super Hi Quality Divx






The 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising Super Hi Quality Divx




2008-07-04 (by cloudsifter)


The 9/11 Chronicles Part One: Truth Rising Seven years after the attacks of September the Eleventh, a global awakening has taken place, the likes of which the world has never seen. As the corporate-controlled media dwindles into extinction, a new breed of journalists and activists has emerged. Join Alex Jones, Luke Rudkowski and others as they set out on a mission determined to expose the ruthless global elite, and alert the masses to the truth about 9/11. Shot unlike anything you have ever experienced from Alex Jones, cinema verite' style, this masterpiece not only exposes the mistreatment of our 9/11 heroes, but also shows how a growing number of people around the world are questioning the official version of events that day. Featuring interviews with Willie Nelson, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Ventura, George Carlin, Martin Sheen, as well as confrontations with many political figures including Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Divx- Super High Quality Version Don't believe us- BELIEVE YOUR OWN EYES Authority does NOT always = TRUTH To learn more: Super High Quality Divx Version

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1000.63 Mb




CaptJesusHood (2008-07-04)

Without giving anything back? We gave you Britney Spears. What more do ya want?

hongwan (2008-07-04)

Hey Phxanarchy, The U.S. has a bill pending right now which donates 845+ billion to undeveloped countries. This is in addition to the billions we have already given out. Why don't you tell everyone here what country you're from so we can all laugh our asses off about your countrys contributions to the world. Don't like that? How about this... is there even one movie, application, audio file, or anything on this site that originated in your country? Almost everything being pirated here comes from the U.S. you stupid ungrateful moron. The U.S. has given more and done more good in any single year than most nations have done in their lifetime. I bet if you picked your nose your head would deflate. I hope you can understand all this because your english sucks.

 chakra71 (2008-07-04)

FYI, this one looks good. I've only got about 1% done right now but I can do an early preview. Thanks cloudsifter!

piip4 (2008-07-04)

@ hongwan
You're a moron for beliving any of that you wrote there. Either that or you're satirical to the bone. It was funny though.

hongwan (2008-07-04)

You're another one, what country are you from?
Are you too ashamed to say? You should be. Because any country that would have the likes of you or your parents is shit. You cowards want to sling a quick insult and then run away like cowardly little children. Name your country so we can all have a good laugh. I say that with confidence because stupid people like you who hate because of jealousy always come from useless little piss hole countries. Fix your burka little girl your slip is showing.

piip4 (2008-07-04)

I'm from Norway, AKA the best country in the world according to several studies. Look it up, but you won't though. Someone like you could hardly cope with the truth.
"Norway is already one of the world's most generous foreign aid donors per capita, giving nearly 1 percent of its gross national product." ~ Associated Press
Wow, "The U.S. has given more and done more good in any single year than most nations have done in their lifetime."
Oh really? Like giving bombs to defenseless people and producing crappy hollywood shit? You must be so proud...

CaptJesusHood (2008-07-04)

I love blind patriotism :) My country can beat-up your country. My country makes better movies. My country gives more to the needy. Get a clue, fucktards. The elites of every country are evil and they are fucking you. This idiotic nationalism, racism, religious intolerance -- all of it, that's what they want. They don't want us to come together to expose and depose them.

piip4 (2008-07-04)

^ Now this guy i can agree with. ^^
I wrote what I did, not because of partriotism, but as an effort to enlighten this gentleman that he might be brainwashed by said blind patriotism.

CaptJesusHood (2008-07-04)

I agree with hogwan that the U.S. has been responsible for many technological advancements and has done great good. I also believe that this fading republic was once the greatest country this planet has ever seen. But we have, especialy since WWII, been responsible for some of the blackest evil this planet has ever seen. Don't drink the Kool-Aid, kiddies. Every country has things to be proud of (and ashamed of). The U.S. gave the world the internet so we could pirate porn (yea!) and Norway gave us those cool hats that look like a bullet with horns on the sides :)

hongwan (2008-07-04)

Norway? LOL! That's not a country it's a tribe living on an iceberg! Sure it's a great place to live (for now), NOBODY LIVES THERE! LOL! perhaps if you chicken shits had a military and pulled your weight like the rest of the world does you wouldn't be able to afford that 1% to charity. You just sit waiting for another invasion like you had from the Germans in ww2, throw up your hands and expect other countries like mine to rescue you at our expense. Your nation only survives because of the oil and natural gas reserves you just happen to sit on. When they run out, There will no longer be a Norway. Of course you are hoping countries like mine will develop a new energy technology for you so this won't happen. You live and survive like An Arab nation. Oil and natural gas is all you have going for you (besides untainted beauty from your lack of a population and progress).
What's your big contributions to medicine? How about world entertainment? How about intellectual properties like computer applications and software? How about international business not pertaining to petroleum products? Tell me about Norways science and space programs, How they are helping to advance the human race. Where can I find all the Norway torrents here at Pirate Bay? LOL! Any country could give 1% if they relied on the rest of the world for protection, and didn't invest in things like space shuttles and space programs. Little Japan has the 4th largest economy in the world because they have no military. Unlike you though they earned it. They have no natural resources and had to use their intellect. Basically every good thing about Norway has to do with Dumb luck, laziness, being cowardly, having a tiny population, and being in an isolated area of the world. The statistics are all on line backing up my post/facts about Norway. While the rest of the world works and sweats earning money to donate in aid, you just pump it out of the ground and want a metal of achievement for it. You're a joke, and so is your country, You're lucky the world doesn't rape you with high food prices like you do to them with your high oil prices. You losers can't even feed yourselves without food imports. 1% in aid from thieves like you is a joke. You go look that up boy!

piip4 (2008-07-04)

hongwan, please stop with your idiocy. Your making a fool out of yourself and spamming the comment section tremendiously. As well as making americans look bad.
I could refute any of your...arguments, or what you call it, but it won't do much good. You're a troll, and I'm not going to feed you any more.

hongwan (2008-07-04)

PiiP4 that's it throw up your hands and surrender. That's the Norway salute. Next time keep your lying mouth shut about other countries. This is an internationally used site. You set the entire tone for this conversation. Go crawl back into your igloo and brush your tooth goofy.

piip4 (2008-07-04)

I'm saving your posts in a document where I collect inane and funny quotes.

hongwan (2008-07-04)

Since I only had 4 posts to your 5 and you accused me of "spamming the comment section tremendiously"(even though we were discussing the same thing), I thought I would at least tie you in number of posts so you wouldn't look like an idiot that can't count......But that's OK!, No need to thank me. LOL! did you brush that tooth? I still smell fish! also your "tremendiously" is spelled "tremendously".
Please stop embarrassing yourself and your country any further. Can you count past 10 with your shoes and socks on? LOL!

gmfbac (2008-07-04)

hongwan, pleez die, u flagwavin cunt... fact is, the world wuld be a better place without your fucking country.... fucking terrorists.

InfoWarmonger (2008-07-05)

You people shouldn't be fighting, save it for the real enemy. We're all in this together bitchs. THANKS CLOUDSIFTER!!!

hongwan (2008-07-05)

Ok GMFBAC, Step right up, what piss hole do you come from? Lets compare how many people in this world want to live, work, and become citizens in the U.S. compared to your country. I think that's a real fair test don't you?
Better still let's compare the number of people in my country that want to move to yours and vice versa. I'll be waiting, you little turb boy. I love pointing out stupid people like you that are full of shit.
Don't be a chicken shit now, where are you from?
Keep hating us as you use your computer invented and designed by the U.S., on the world wide web also compliments of the U.S. Your here on Pirate Bay downloading American Movies, American computer programs. American Music, etc etc. Your computer runs on electricity invented in America. Only a stupid jealous asshole kid would think the world is better off without the U.S. What are your countries big contributions? I see almost every file on pirate bay comes from the U.S.? A hypocrite like you just can't get enough of us can you? LOL!

TPBiZtHaBeST (2008-07-05)

piip4 STFU you inbread all you do is come on TPB too hog up the comment box with your Anti USA stuff I'm from Ireland and I think the USA is a very Great Nation.Who has helped many countries around the WORLD Stop lying to yourself already.I beleive without the USA this world would already have been INSTINCTED ! Because of the evil people who want to run the there countries for the sake of being self centerd peaces of crap! So for all you asshole who have sticks so stuck up your Butts that the sun doesnt shine there..Stop hating the wrong people already and catch the real bad guys already. Peace forever

InfoWarmonger (2008-07-05)

Anyone want to comment on the film? I thought it was great. It really exposed the tactics used by police and government to try to stop the truth movement. I'm burning copies right now and then going to a 4th of July party.

Urbex420 (2008-07-05)

Bored waiting for a download? Watch Truth Rising on Googlevideo. I uploaded it last night - the quality is iffy but it's watchable. I've already copied this film to multiple dvd's and have given them all away already. Please do the same, do your part ! Help take this country back!! Share this film with everyone you know, and join the movement!!

hongwan (2008-07-05)

Hey GMFBAC! I read an article on yahoo today it said scientists think Orangutan populations are declining and they face extinction. You better get your mother out of the house more often so they know she's still around.

sothcott (2008-08-17)

The USA is a great country, that's a fact. I think there is a danger in becomming too patriotic and agreeing with everything done in the name of your country. Most people in the world are not happy about the events of 9/11. Many will defend the government over 9/11 to the detriment of the people. This film clearly shows that. Mostly people only know wht they have seen on the news. However some people have first hand experence. In just about any area where people have first hand experience, they usually don't agree with the news reporting. In the UK violent crime actually fell, according to the government, but according to ambulance crews, they are seeing more and more violent crime. But that's according to ambulance crews I have seen on TV. The thing I then do is actually ask some ambulance people myself and hear what they say. This type of documentary delivered over the Internet is free of the restrictions on mainstream TV documentories. When a view is concidered contraversial then it must be balanced by an oposing view. Think about what that means to someone telling the truth when a lie is the currently accepted view. It means their documentry must be equally balanced between telling the truth and telling a lie. The mainstream lie ofcourse is allowed to be broadcast unchalenged since it's not contraversial.