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Exposing Myth of the Islamic Jesus






Exposing Myth of the Islamic Jesus




2008-11-08 (by IndianChristian )


A must read article for Christians and Muslims. Muslims and Christians claim to believe in a Jesus whose characteristics as described by both these religions are exact opposites. In Christianity Jesus is God, in Islam he is a mere prophet. In Christianity Jesus is the Lord of Lords, in Islam he is a slave of Allah. In Christianity Jesus is a Jew speaking in the name of Yahweh. In Islam, Jesus is a Muslim speaking in the name of Allah. In Christianity Jesus was crucified and resurrected, in Islam he was not crucified nor resurrected. In Christianity Jesus came as the sacrificial lamb to die for the sins of mankind, in Islam Jesus came as a torch bearer to pave the way for the coming of Muhammad. In Christianity Jesus will come again in full glory to reign over all men, in Islam Jesus will come again with the sword to destory Jews and Christians, convert the entire world to Islam, to marry & have children and then die of old age and be buried in medina. So which is the true Jesus? Is it the Biblical Jesus or the Islamic Jesus? What are the common points between the Muslim Jesus and the Christian Jesus? What are the differences? Why are there differences? This booklet addresses all these points. At the end, It also addresses the crux of the issue - Since there are differences between the christian and the islamic versions of Jesus, either the diciples of Jesus or Muhammad, the self proclaimed prophet of Islam must have lied about Jesus. So who lied? Was it the disciples or Muhammad? Read about it in this terrific article by Muslim turned Christian Kashmiri evangelist Rashid Alamir. This book has come as a blessings for many Muslims who wanted to know more about Christianity. Since the Bible and the Torah are banned in Islamic societies, such material is the only known source of knowledge about Christianity for Muslims. Muslims for ages have been fed fictitious cock and bull stories about Christianity. This book has put the cat among the pigeons for Muslims about their beliefs. And as result many Muslims have left Islam after doing their own reaseach on Islam. This book has served as the entry point for these muslims. PS: This book is also available in the "The Truth about Muhammad" torrent uploaded by me. It is one of the three books in that torrent. Uploaded by Indian Christian

Files count:



258.81 Kb




sistromo (2008-11-09)

Anyone can believe anything. What is significant is that both religions simply ignore facts - or, rather, strive to change facts to fits their beliefs.

 IndianChristian (2008-11-11)

"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin or lose faith in me, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. ....... If your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life maimed or crippled than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter into life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into fiery Gehenna." (Matthew 18:6-9)

 IndianChristian (2008-11-12)

"Learn your history, they have loads in common. For once both christianity and muslims are spinoffs of judaism, they're based on the same writings and the same culture."
This is why I am saying people should study their facts first. Else they end up committing intellectual the previous poster for instance.
Christianity and Islam have nothing in common. Just because Islam claims that it descended from Judaism are we to believe this nonsense?
I can claim to be the great.....great grandson of Abraham Lincoln. Does it make me the great...great grandson of Lincoln?
Please download this book, read it, verify whether what is written is fact or not and then comment.
Judaism is based on the law of God given through Moses? where is this law of God in Islam? The personal name of God of Judaism is Yahweh and so it is in Christianity? what about Islam? Is is Yahweh or some Allah? Islam's version of Abraham, Moses and Jesus were Muslims, slaves & worshippers of Allah. Is this what Christians and Jews believe?
Kindly download the book and read it. It will make the differences clear.

KGBJester (2008-11-13)

It is funny although all science confirms that you base your lives on the stupidity of past ignorance you think you can use your method to explain why they are crazy and your right. Your both wrong your both nuts and the book you base all of this on is not at all complete it has been scrubbed clean so women are permanent mothers and those who are actually like your Jesus are hated. You should really evaluate yourself and the weakness that makes there need to be someone else in charge of you so you can hate maybe, your wrong and the book isn't right.

 IndianChristian (2008-12-12)

There are only 2 possibilities - either there is a boogeyman or there is not.
If there is, no issues for us or for you - we are all insects of this world - will die and thats it.
But if there is a boogeyman, our joy, your death...keep digging your own grave.
Either case, it is a win-win situation for us, who believe in the boogeyman. Long live the boogeyman.

capcal (2009-01-26)

bro, keep up the christian community alive by sharing these wonderful torrents. Don't let yourself be distracted by some bunch of "feel-good-about-themselves" and "self-righteous" peeps flooding your commentary wall. I don't understand why people are in rage whenever we post religious stuffs. They better mind their own biz. I don't care if they post porn nor satananic freebies for torrents, yet they are in ABSOLUTE RAGE for religious stuffs. Hilarious...funny..and 100% PATHETIC peeps wanting attention... :-}

 IndianChristian (2009-02-28)

@InfiniteIndefinite, I have said earlier also. Know your facts before commenting else you end up commiting intellectual suicide. Lets review some of your points.
point 1. "Both Islam and Judaism are strictly monotheist; Christianity has a trinity."
Wrong Judaism is the only strict monotheism religion. Christianity and Islam are trinitarian monotheist religions. Islam too has its trinity of the ultimate god (allah), allah's replica on earth (Mohammad) and the spirit that makes all things known to Muhammad (gabriel). To get the full picture read the "The Truth about Mohammmad" part 2 uploaded by me. read the topic "The tawhid - oneness of allah and mohammad".
2. "Both Islam and Judaism have a vengeful God (Yahweh resembles Allah in many ways); Jesus Christ was not vengeful - although the Christian God the Father is another story."
you need to read the bible at least once. God pardoned Nineveh a pagan nation. why? because they repented of their sins. God destoryed its own people Israel many times. why? because they did not repent. The God of the Old testament says, "I desire mercy and not burnt offerngs". Jesus quoted this verse in the new testament describing the god of the jews. God promised abraham he will not destory sodom and gomorrah a nation of pagans if he found at least 10 good people in it. Is this a vengeful God? And what does Allah say? kill them, slaughter them, murder them, rape them...all because they are unbelievers. For muslims there is no punishment, only the joy of snatching and pillaging the wealth, wives and daughters of the unbelievers and having their way with them.
3. Christianity has a fair amount of pagan influence, which has humanized it. Islam and Judaism do not - hence their harshness.
Pagan influences would have made christianity more foolish. About pagan influence, probably you are taking of the catholics. I do agree about catholism being invaded by pagain influences to a certain extent. But christianity has not been. If it was overun by pagan influences then we would be having chrisitians sacrificing their own children to the pagan blood thirsty gods to get more wealth and attain salvation (like it happens today among hindus in india and it happened 3000 years ago in Canaan). Judaism has never been harsh. But Islam has always been because of its hatred of unbelievers.
4. "Islam is closer to Judaism than Christianity is."
Keep dreaming......
5. The other points you are comparing are superficial. I too can give such points.
- Jews and Christians are not under any rule to wear a specific type of dress, muslims are.
- Jews and Christian dogmas abhors occult practises. Islam is over the head in occult practises. Tantra, lucky charms, dargah worship etc is a common feature in islam.

 IndianChristian (2009-03-01)

@tanbin, it is a well known fact that debating a muslim is totally useless. coz they have brains worse then of pigs.
As they say for a muslim, a lie is anything that contradicts what the quran says. and that is why they think the following,
- "bible was written after years of Jesus death by the pagans"
- any person who leaves islam leaves it for money or beauty like the perverted prophet muhammad used to say, marry a woman for her beauty, her fortune or for religion. (See book uploaded by me, "the Truth about Muhammad", topic Muhammad's perverted nature.)
About rashid, sorry to dissapoint you mate. rashid is married to an ex-muslim girl.
Rashid left islam some 12 years back and started some jesus for muslims group. at that time he loved a muslim girl..seems like his college sweatheart and she loved him. but his love for the truth was greater than his love for her. when rashid converted his family disowned him and she was heartbroken. but the true god (who is certainly not muhammd's moon god allah) had a plan for them both. it seems that the girl's elder brother disturbed at islam's support of terrorism too joined the jesus for muslim group. When the girl realized rashid's and her brother folly she started studying the christian scriptures to show how wrong they were and rebring rashid into the fold of islam. But the more she studied the christian scriptures the more she became convinced that this was the true God. I do not know how but by 1999, both rashid's parents and the girl family left islam and became christians. i heard they married in church in the year 2000 and today have 2 kids if i am not mistaken.
Admit it. islam is slowly losing its hold on the people. the only way islam is able to make some converts is via muslim men marrying non-muslim woman and then forcibly converting them to islam.
Some people from my church who have been to kashmir valley were describing that churches are full every sundays and many new churches are being built these days. and i read in evangelical news bulletin, the christian population of kashmir has shot up from 6,000 to 50,000 in the last 10 years, all of them muslim converts to christianity. if this trend continues very soon, the only muslim majority state of india will cease to be muslim majority. so you see rashid is not the only one converting. there are many muslims also coming to know the true god and are leaving the religion of mohamad.

faddie (2010-03-25)

I have not seen a more ignorant person then you, we respect Jesus and Mohd(Peace Be upon them) in the same league both were the prophets and messengers of GOD. Do you yourself know that there are more than 27000 versions of bible present today and no 2 versions are same ? Do you know thta Mohammed or any other human being whosoever is a slave of GOD. That bible was written by Mark, Luke and John who never ever met Jesus during his lifetime and earliest of them is said to have lived 40 years after Jesus.

faddie (2010-03-25)

And Quran does not have versions it is one and the same book where God himself mentions that he shell protect it. No doubt that it is in its origional form presnt today and is learned by Heart by lacs of muslims in the world today. A Muslim who does not believe in prohet Jesus or Moses or Abraham cannot be a muslim.

warrennocos (2010-08-10)

please seed God bless

losermons (2010-09-19)

if you don't believe in other religion n beliv only in your religion just shut your 7 senses off..dn't lie on your self, we dont know the truth we just read the history, history can be revived or rewritten.. the important here is faith.. no religion could guide you if you have no faith..simple as all people


1. RashidAlamirExposingMythofIslamicJesus.pdf 258.81 Kb