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Love Lies Bleeding [H 264 DVDrip - Unisonband]






The God Who Wasn't There




2007-09-19 (by s222)



Who was Jesus?

Files count:



699.27 Mb




contir (2007-09-20)

Yo mama.

Almarenan (2007-09-20)

fadge (2007-11-13)

jesus was prolyy a terroris jew lmao....THEFADGE....

WormGetsItsWings (2007-12-24)

Great film, it was what first introduced me to the concept of Jesus as myth, but what you see here is just the tip of the iceberg, the idea that Jesus was originally a mythical character goes much deeper than there is time for in this documentary, so anyone whose interest has been piqued by this, I encourage you to look into it further, such as books from a couple of the historians featured in this film (Richard Carrier, Robert Price, etc.), and also check out the Rational Response Squad and their Jesus Mythicist Campaign, Rook Hawkins has done quite a bit of research into the historical evidence for Jesus (or lack thereof). The truth is out there, and I think this is quite an important issue. After all, if there was no Christ, Christianity is kind of a moot point.

youyou1 (2008-03-16)

I am seeding this atm.
Great documentary, thanks for uploading it !

FuckCopyrights (2008-03-24)

All Christians are stupid fucking dipshits.

theshape31 (2008-04-22)

I don't believe in a God, Jesus, or The Boogyman. But this steaming pile got the most selfless 5 minutes I've ever given. This so-called 'Documentary' gives its opposition every reason to denounce its completely broken narrative, and lazily thrown-together arguments. This is Michael Moore storytelling at its worst. Don't. Waste. Your. Time.

flatlickfrankiehammons (2008-05-02)

If Jesus wasn't real, how do you explain the roman catholic church?? You tell me who the Roman's crucified 2025 years ago?????

flatlickfrankiehammons (2008-05-02)

correction .... 1975 years ago.... sorry

pickboy87 (2008-05-16)

Thanks for the upload...was very interested in seeing this.

Deputy276 (2008-06-04)

Thanks for this video!!!!

Bazzty (2008-07-25)

great thx - comes on Google after download ;-)

Bedmen (2008-09-01)

Don't listen who people that say you shouldn't DL.. cause you really should! This docu is very good! okay, maybe the author has a grutch against his old MEGA-religious school (I don't blame him). This docu shows the way the bible was written and it really let's you see why this is no more than a made-up book by diffrent authors. 10 points for this movie, I recommended lots of people to see it. Should be seen in every class world wide.

Bedmen (2008-09-01)

nastybastard (2008-10-28)

This one seems great. Saw a trailer on youtube.
What I would love would be a documantary saying once and for all that ghosts are bullshit too.
Anyone has any tips?

 IndianChristian (2008-11-02)

All these comments remind me of 2 verses from the Bible.
For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many (Matthew Chapter 7)
And even though our gospel is veiled, it is veiled for those who are perishing, in whose case Satan has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they may not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (2 Corinthians 4)
It is such opinions that increase my faith in the Bible. The Bible is right after all. Satan's main aim is to deny the Christ and for that he is prepared to do anything. The father of lies Satan just wants Christ out of your life using any method possible. Even if that includes making people think that there is no God or inciting Muslims to kill unbelievers by promising them sex bombs and rivers of wine in heaven or slowly replacing Jesus with Mary in worship and kicking Jesus out of Catholicism. Be careful of Satan & his way. He is out to get you. He does not want your money, not your wealth, not your fame....he just wants your soul. And he won't rest till he has got it.
You migtht think that denying God and living like animals with addictions to drugs, pornography, sex and violence is life. But that is precisely the script that Satan writes. You are just the actor, he is the director.
There is Heaven
There is a Hell
And there is a Choice.
Choice is yours.

tonedefer (2008-11-03)

So, because God wants your money that makes him good?

Buk-Buk (2008-11-06)

This Guy and his documentary are a JOKE ! he proves and convinces me of NOTHING !
You t o will laugh at this guy when done watching this.

dspencer3491 (2008-11-29)

Great documentary.
Please seed my Atheist/Agnostic friends =]

JFCG (2008-12-03)

They probably crucified some random Jewish carpenter.
Atheists are way more moral than the religious.
Religious: I won't kill, lie and cheat because I go to hell if I do
Atheist: I won't kill, lie and cheat because those are not nice things to do.

kakkoister (2009-01-02)

People like you make me lol.
1.) There were many religions before Christianity and the Bible came along.
2.) Jesus's story is almost exactly like Horus's story. And many other religions stories share many similarities.
3.) If everything requires a creator, then the creator would require a creator. So who created the creator, and who created that creator and so on forever. You can say he just always was, but then he's no different than the Big bang (only with much less scientific evidence.)
4.) When you can tell me why you don't believe in all the other God's humanity has believed in, I will tell you why I do not believe in yours.

Nitzrokk (2009-01-03)

@ IndianChristian
You silly cunt, you're uploading and pirating digital material on a torrent website and you're going to PREACH to us against doing things that are natural. You fucking moralless shit, DIAFuckingF!
Stop playing god. According to your QT pi scriptures we were given free will to do as we please, not to try and stop others from doing as they please. Fuck! Off!

whakapai (2009-01-12)

Your god will not last to long, whether it be the god of christianity, islam, judaism or what ever. If they did we would still be worshipping zeus or thor or the persian gods or mayan gods or whatever. Stop it. I am sick of the children of religion dirtying the minds of their children with concepts we can not and never will comprehend. We have new gods now, gods of science and money and consumerism and the bottom line. God help us. We are all fucked up and we are all fucked. There are no answers or reasons just the ones we make so can we please make some better ones than the shit we have already had and the shit have now. Please, please, please, please.

sangnox (2009-01-27)

Anything that discredits Christianity as some "one true religion" bullshit, but rather built upon fraud (big surprise), is worth the view to me. While I remain theistic in my belief system, I cannot and could not accept the idea Christianity has so often presented and exploited... thanks for sharing.

KarboNeTik (2009-02-01)

IndianChristian - Thou shalt not STEAL!
What have you done? Stolen!
Get out those rosary beads, mate. You've a lot of Hail Mary's and Our Father's to do!
Your God would NOT BE HAPPY.

jdub360 (2009-02-05)

IndianChristian - I don't understand what you're getting at here:

"You migtht (sic) think that denying God and living like animals with addictions to drugs, pornography, sex and violence is life."
Are you trying to insinuate that non-believers are drug using, smut reading, sex obsessed madmen? I'm sick of those who claim some form of religion thinking they have a monopoly on morality! I'm an atheist and a very moral person. I don't need a cosmic babysitter to act morally, either. It's sad that you believe man can't act in a moral fashion unless he is constantly watched and threatened with everlasting pain. What a sad life you live.

_BLuNT_ (2009-02-06)

Yeshua was a real person but he wasn't anything close to the fairy tales and he certainly wasn't what most people consider christian..

negativethree (2009-03-10)


christianguy (2009-06-02)

This documentry is WRONG. I will keep downloading this file and will never seed it to help the cause.

sotamurphy (2009-06-06)

Don't let this documentary make up your mind to not investigate the truth about Christianity.
If you need answers, take a look at a book by Hank Hanegraaf called "The Complete Bible Answer Book" This guy is a straight shooter and the book uses scripture only from the Bible.

AuriMajere (2009-06-09)

haha, religion is shit. this movie should be interesting. it still boggles my mind why people need a deity to rule them. i know i shouldn't bother posting this, but it's more of an expose of what i'm thinking right now. i can understand some people needing comfort, not all of us are strong enough to see the universe as being user-generated, but there are many more who just believe because they were told to. a lot of them don't even question it, because they were told questioning it was wrong. that should've been their first clue.

co3omega (2009-07-21)

I'll seed twice as much as normal to help offset christianguy's cause.
In return, I ask you Xians don't send your imaginary sky friend after me. Thanks.

RobLovesHotMoms (2009-07-22)

LMAO @ Comments!
Jeez people, I'd never expect a religion fight to be up here on the pirate bay. Go back to church and stop wasting our time.

 IndianChristian (2009-08-28)

Most people here are hardly aware of what christianity is. Of course I cannot blame many of them. They just see the so called christians around and think that is christianity. Many christians today are hardly living as God wants them to live (as described in the Bible). No wonder Jesus talks of the narrow gate of heaven through which so few get through. Mate read the Bible to understand true Christianity. do not look at your christian neighbor and say that is christianity. If you have to answer an exam, do not look at your neigbors answer and say that is correct. Look at the textbook. That is the 100% correct answer. Your neigbors answer may or may not be correct. Christianity is about Grace - how Grace fulfills the law of God. Read the Bible to understand that and not at your christian neighbor.
I pity the atheists. They have no hope in the world. Just like a childless old couple they drag themselves through their daily chores...with no hope after death. And they want us to prove to them that god exists...sorry we won't oblidge.
Like Animals they were born, like animals they lived and like animals they will die, to end their ignorant lives.....the biggest losers in history.
There is a Heaven
There is a Hell
And there is a Choice
Choice is yours

Ear4271 (2009-10-12)

Mother Fucker! I hate religious debates! Fuck that! This shit works off a karma system, building and building upon good deeds. Positive thinking draws positive energy. If you steal, give back twice as much i.e. a charity, buy a homeless man a bottle of his favorite cheap whiskey. You get it? We'll go somewhere when we die it just depends on how many good strikes we got. Fuck religion and fuck suicide bombers! If I want 72 virgins I'll go rape them, then for my bad deeds I'll give to a woman's charity. Haha

Ear4271 (2009-10-12)

I'll seed twice as much just because I don't give a fuck!

 FaeGiN (2009-10-14)

IndianChristian who the fuck are you to tell others what they do and do not know about life.
All I am seeing is an egotistical big mouthed prick with too many words and nothing to say.
Go fuck your god...

rymo4u (2009-10-28)

Ha... You know what's funny about this?
For the Christians on here that argue anything at all...
You are on a torrenting site!!! HAHAHA
I mean... wtf? You're stealing.
Well... I suppose it's OKAY.
As long as you confess it to Jesus.
So, if you talk to the little voice inside your head, it's okay for you to be a Xian, and torrent, at the same time.
But never is it okay for you to search Atheist movies, on a torrenting site, just to start a religious war in the comments section!
That's just laughable!
Anyways, haven't you Xians started enough religious wars? xD

reajin (2009-11-22)

Jesus died for my sins, so I'm all good, right?

lostboy69 (2009-12-22)

This is hell.
And no one chose to be here.
Lysergic Acid comes from ergot, the mould found on rye. A staple diet then, Jesus came from a wealthy family of Jews who were privvy to this substance. The substance was kept secret 'cos the visions and insights led to knowledge that was used to control the unenlightened "serfs". If we could find the Holy Grail I'm sure they'd be small trace amounts of psychedelics & cannabis residues. Hence the illegality and propaganda against "harmless" hippies who want to smoke pot & trip, as opposed to smoking tobbacco & drinking alcohol.
It can 'seriously' FREE the mind.
LSD - Try it and SEE!

JohnOB (2010-01-16)

IndianChristian let's just say for a moment that god exists and that god directs people to write and re-write the bible. You said it yourself, don't look at your neighbour and say that is right that is the truth, it was a mortal who wrote it, here is a perfect example "Thou shall not ever have sex" 'Fuck that noise I like sex' *until marriage*. You see what I am saying? What I mean is the bible might not be 100% of what god said anyway. Thanks for your time here today.
And thanks to s222 for giving me the opportunity to see this movie.

Darko2.0 (2010-03-05)

_BLuNT_ He wasn't the christian everybody thought of him as because he was jewish.

sangnox (2010-03-25)

@ IndianChristian. I am a Theist who made the choice over a decade ago not to be Christian. While raised in it, within my mid-teens I chose to reject the religion in favor of an understanding that is not limited by or subjected to a book and the conflicting interpretations of mankind.
You suggest that many do not know what Christianity is really about, that they get a bad taste from its adherents, but it is from those that propose to be "Real Christians"(tm) that continues to do the job of creating spite against the religion. What positive contributions have you made? You come in hypocritically condemning people which then presents to everyone else that this is Christianity.
You, yourself, are no better than the filthy Pat Robertsons of the world. But you are a legitimate Christian. As Christ came with a sword to bring separatism among people, so do you come with your elitist morality and bigoted message.

iruhsom (2010-07-06)

This will probably be my first torrent I keep seeding. Mostly because the comments made be laugh. Will be nice to see this. I hope.. documentaries usually don't keep my attention, but we will see.

erexsha (2010-08-23)

Funny, if you are atheists you have no hope you are idiot and ... grow up! Use your brains! You are old enough to realize Santa does not exists!
But hey, if believing in Santa-like stories works for you, you can pity non-believers. Grown up world is not as nice as babies' world!

Thunal (2011-01-12)

@IndianChristian. True scotsman fallacy, Assumption that the Bible is true (and your interpretation of it), arrogance from ignorance and threats. You have been trained well in the art of prostelyzing. Or is it trolling?

kahsouri (2011-01-19)

Sigh, these "Christians" that run around and boast they are the "true Christians" think they know everything, and think they can say whatever they want to people without regard to their feelings or beliefs. I am not a Christian, but I have much respect for them just as any religion, no matter how much I disagree with it. But the fact that most of them are hypocrites; they go around and try to force their religion on other people, claim theirs is the holiest of holies, and never stop to even consider or respect others and their beliefs. People should really just learn to respect others and their beliefs and go on. It doesn't matter who is write or wrong, and we won't know who is until the time comes. None of us are the Creator, therefore we don't know jack about this life. I'm so sick of these fake Christians running around thinking they know everything. Unless you have been there and done that, you know nothing.

kahsouri (2011-01-19)


jna99 (2011-02-04)

Sounds like you have a major chip on your shoulder. Compare the different religions and you tell me in honesty which seems to be the 'true' one. I was brought up Hindu but after learning about Christianity and reading the bible, it was a no brainer and I accepted Christ. Serving others and having love for others. And not having 'gods' that have the head of animals was a no-brainer.
You sure judge a lot for someone saying that Christians judge too much. And every religion claims they are the only true one, except Hinduism which pretty much says no matter what you believe it's true - animals, whatever. If you would spend time in honest study you would not have such what seems like hatred for Christians. You sound like someone who has not done this honest searching. You appear to be very judgemental and putting the actions or assumed intentions and actions of a few you have meet to the entire group. That kind of sounds similar to racism. Something I believe you are against. Go to a church and at the least read the Gospel of John. Then see how your assumptions are false. Peace.

Diablo4445 (2011-04-18)

It's always the same arguments with Xians, "Go read the Bible!" "Go read *Insert random passage here*" Well you know what? The majority of educated atheists/agnostics have read the bible, have read that passage you speak of. Guess what? Everyone has different opinions, everyone also has different thought processes and beliefs. Get over the fact that someone disagrees with the mythological stories made up by a bunch of people who have been dead for thousands of years. This is the era of knowledge, not ignorance. There was a time when the Christians ruled, and those times were appropriately named "The Dark Ages" for that was when life was worse than it had ever been.
Most technological, economical, and social advancements go against what the bible says. Learn to deal with it.
On topic, looking forward to seeing this movie, I've heard many great things about it. Thank you for the torrent s222!

joejohnson1236 (2011-05-31)

Man, there are lies on all sides... I don't believe the bible at all, but we don't need to lie about it. This guy misrepresents St. Paul and totally misquotes a story that Jesus was telling. We don't need to lie or exaggerate to disprove Christianity, so why put us on the side of the liars? fucking fail.

bactrian (2011-07-12)

Thanks s222 for the upload :)
To all the rest: This is not a forum designed to debate creationism even if we love to make an ass out of others. Thanks the uploader, seed and watch the documentary then come back and give an educated opinion about it without attacking others for their. Let everyone decide for themselves.

ok5675 (2011-12-07)

Your arguments are completely delusional, and theoretically incorrect.
The argument that if you look at the other religions, and you should know which one is the 'true one' is completely small minded.
Just the shear fact during the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, Christians had killed hundreds of thousands of people due to them thinking differently, and not following what they 'should follow', and disallowing the movement of technology.
Now that today, we have advanced further through technology, have more freedom, and have the ability to think for ourselves, Christianity is at a loss.
They don't have the same sense of control and power as they once originally had, thus they had to change their way of teaching.
So today, they now feed off this religion, as being this positive, smiley faced religion, giving people a message of self love, and importance.
Not to mention the fact that their is no evidence to prove that god exists.

Grassic (2011-12-10)

Hopefully at least half of you who have commented on this are still seeding!

Ykalondr (2012-07-01)

It is quite easy to become an atheist purely by reading the bible. The book says one thing in one place and the total opposite in another while still claiming the entirety is true. Like what was created first, man or beast? Genesis 1claims beasts before men while Genesis 2 says man before beast. So what is it? And how can you create light before you create a source of light? He created light one day and the sun and the moon the next, shouldn't it be the other way around?