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100% Working Windows XP WGA Crack




Software PC


100% Working Windows XP WGA Crack




2007-04-14 (by XTZGZoReX)


The easiest way to crack your XP is by opening the D key changer and typing in the key that is written in the text file that opens. Just follow the steps inside the key changer to get it all done. There's also other good stuffs you can use. This enables you to do: Download at Microsoft. Update your Windows. No nag windows. ENJOY! Brought to you by: XTZGZoReX @ &

Files count:



4.80 Mb




XTZGZoReX (2007-04-14)

I will seed but be sure to seed too. The more seeders the faster the people can get it.

ps108975 (2007-04-15)

Thx. works fine.

mjoo (2007-04-15)

I have a question.....when i try to update it freezes when i choose custom update where i can get the updates i want...anyone have a clue whats wrong?

Catway (2007-04-15)

I got a question too... when the first step try to rename some files it say.. Error missing och dubblicated. Then I got error when try copy new files... the onlything that work is to kill wga.exe or something like that.
What to do? (I have tried some other cracks that do not have worked before)

raktorasi (2007-04-15)


XTZGZoReX (2007-04-16)

SO, you're telling me directly that I'm a retard uploading a virus and wasting my seeding time for no damn reason?
This WORKS. And to make sure you don't fuck with anything, use the simple CDkeychanger. It has an unbanned validation key. Just follow the steps and you're genuine in seconds.

XTZGZoReX (2007-04-16)

Oh and sadly there's no edit button... But have you ever thought of the fact that people doesn't want to reinstall their OS?

XTZGZoReX (2007-04-27)

You think you're so smart? if you're that smart then find a computer to install a non-activated WinXP on and then use this crack and see if it works.
And btw, did you know that my way of using this was a simple registration of my Windows with an application in this pack? You can activate your Windows WITHOUT using the cracking stuff in this pack. You would've known that if you took your time to read the torrent description.
Now stop spamming my torrent with links to your torrents... That's only for failish idiots. Kthx.

Shaflugi (2007-05-22)

Great torrent! The download was fast, and the program worked very well. I was able to update from a dirt-old (pre SP1) version of Windows to the most recent stuff. Thanks for the upload :)

XTZGZoReX (2007-07-19)

No problem, keep seeding.

mixmatch (2007-09-23)

Definitely has some sort of virus. Symantec identified it as "pwdump", which logically concludes that it is password dump. Could be a keylogger or some sort of program that scans your browsers/system for password information.

XTZGZoReX (2007-10-05)

You are some sort of virus if you use Norton...

UralTEK (2007-12-26)

The second alternative worked perfectly for XP FIN without SP's! THANKS!!

monsta5 (2008-10-19)

This worked perfectly for me! Thx!

richhie (2008-11-13)

Viral Avast detected a Worm/Trojan in it

obsalute (2009-12-07)

Massive thanks for this, so helpful.

rivin (2010-02-19)

Avira reports virus too

akjimbo (2010-03-05)

have you dumbasses ever heard of a false-positive?

sarangkunte05 (2010-04-05)

thnx for upload

dennis100386 (2010-04-23)

, I DETECTED 7 VIRUSSES INSIDE , AND THEY ARE NOT NICE , 3 trojan horses detected , and 1 that destroys your c:/ drive`` DO NOT DOWNLOAD~~~~

preshj (2010-05-18)

Success!!! Opened the crack suite, read the instructions in the top window. Tried 2 methods which did not work. The final method which only required one click did work! Thank you!!!
Tried so many other methods and keys that did not work. This IS Quick and Easy! Now I'm going to install Ubuntu :)

preshj (2010-05-18)

@ dennis100386: False Positive dude. Worked fine for me. Excellent suite which includes multiple single click methods.

Qualanqui (2011-02-05)

Did'nt work for me it say that it's validated but then I go to updates and it wont let me update gona find something else

Strac (2011-07-24)

Thanks XTZGZoReX. Easy to use and 100% working as promised. I'll seed to 200%. I always like to give back twice what I take, if it's useful.

gazza2009 (2011-09-13)


sk8puss (2011-10-20)

Good God people! I get such a kick out of all these "pirates" who can't figure out how to do it without being taken by the hand. If u wanna pirate software, at least learn HOW; if u need a crack, keygen, w/e, figure out what, and GO FIND IT. The community is FULL of ppl who've already given us all the tools; but for God's sake at least figure out how to use it on ur own. Only a few years ago I had no idea about any of this, but I took the time to learn how to figure out what I need, how to find it, and above all how to use it without whining about it.
eg: 10 minutes ago I was reading these posts, wondering if my XP would work; after following the instructions provided WITH THE DOWNLOAD, I'm installing WGA updates already.
THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE WHO'VE PROVIDED THOSE TOOLS; cracks, keygens, patchers, etc. THANK YOU!!! Big TY to XTZGZoReX !!!
Whiners are worse than seeders.

sk8puss (2011-10-20)

OOOPS!!! So sorry to all the seeders!!!
Whiners, naturally, are worse than LEECHERS.
BOTH are worse than seeders. Everyone is worse than seeders.
Seeders are the BEST !!!


1. 4.80 Mb