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Glenn Beck TV 3-12-2010 The 912 Project 1 Year Later






Glenn Beck TV 3-12-2010


Video/TV shows


2010-03-16 (by cbair79)

Description:,2933,589225,00.html The 912 Project 1 Year Later GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America — it is amazing to me that it was one year ago in this studio, we launched The 9.12 Project on this program. It — it has been an amazing year. We made this with the faces of everybody on it because we wanted to convince you that you weren't alone. Wow! I think people know they're not alone now. It's a project that inspired a great deal of people. They have gathered together all over the country. It was project really called 9.12 because of the people we became after 9/11. Tonight, I want to look at how far the project has come and then what comes next. You have changed the course of this nation in the last year. Instead of allowing progressives or politicians, corruption, or our own apathy or our bewilderment to transform America, many people all around this country are restoring America and they are doing amazing things. There's still a long way to go and we're going to talk about what comes next later this hour. But first, I want to take a look back at how it all started and what's happened since last time we met one year ago today: (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) BECK: I've been telling you that you're not alone. The nine principles of "You're Not Alone." The first one: America is good. How about five: If you break the law, you pay the penalty. Justice is blind. No one is above it. And the last one is: The government works for me. It's not the other way around. Now, step two — we're going to add 12 values. And here are the values: honesty, reverence, hope, thrift, humility, charity, sincerity, moderation, hard work, courage, personal responsibility, and friendship. You know what, the last one is friendship, but since I wrote these things, I'm actually going to change the last one to gratitude. (voice-over): The skies were filled with black clouds and our hearts were full of terror and fear. We realized, for the first time, how fragile we really were. Then, something happened. We came together. We promised ourselves that we would never forget. Let's find ourselves and our solutions together again, with the nine founding principles and the 12 eternal values. This is the 9.12 Project. (on camera): Saturday, September 12th. I'll share with you what I've been working on to put the principles and the values to work in my own life. And you show me what you've done. We'll meet back here in six months. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Glenn, it's one mile from the Capitol back to the Monument. And that sea of people goes all the way! That's one mile long! UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Glenn Beck! BECK: How are you? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's — oh, my gosh. It's a great day forAmerica. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is anti-spending. We're spending like crazy and we got to stop. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're actually saying pro-government but pro in the right way where the people rule. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is about freedom. This is about freedom for me. It's about freedom for my son. BECK (on camera): Look what's happened in six months. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We're tired of this. This is why everyone in this room is so ticked off. I don't want this country turning into Russia, turning into a socialized country. BECK: In half the time that it took to build that, look what you have built! You have control of your country again! You have peacefully assembled. You have challenged politicians. You have questioned. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm an American citizen. I'm a voter. I'm a taxpayer. I don't like the fact that my elected officials are running around calling me un-American, a rabble-rouser, a mobster. (APPLAUSE) BECK: You taught yourself the truth. You know what you believe. You are speaking without fear and you are changing the course of America. I always said that the 9.12 Project is about you. It's not dictated from me or any central organization, nor should it be. It's coming from you. You, we the people, are the ones that run this country. (voice-over): And again, it's about you. (END VIDEOTAPE) BECK: Can you believe this is — this a year? A year ago! Here are some of the — well, first, let me introduce you to some of the people that on stage with me here. This is Yvonne Donnelly. Full disclosure here, she is my ex-sister-in-law. YVONNE DONNELLY, CHAIR, 9.12 PROJECT: The outlaw! BECK: Yes, the outlaw! She is the chair now of the 9.12 Project, which just happened recently. Michael Opelka is a good friend of mine. I was actually the best man in his wedding — how many years ago now, Michael? MICHAEL OPELKA, 9.12 PROJECT EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Eighteen. BECK: Wow! And he's also the editor at large of the And Stephani Scruggs, she's the 9.12 Project national co-chair. And, Stephani, you and I met when? For the mom — STEPHANI SCRUGGS, 9.12 PROJECT NATIONAL CO-CHAIR: The 9.12 moms. That's correct. BECK: Right. OK. Let's bring everybody up to speed just on the chalkboard here. In a year, there are now — Yvonne, tell me about this. DONNELLY: Well, the best we can tell is there's approximately 1,500 made up groups. And I say the best we can tell because there's groups around the country that didn't necessarily go through Meet Up — BECK: Right. DONNELLY: Approximately 200 Facebook groups, the project was launched March 13th of last year. Three million visits to during the launch weekend — 3 million. Estimated members — BECK: How many members? DONNELLY: Well, it's iffy, but my guesstimate of what I know of what is around the country is, I would say we're at about 1 million people. BECK: You know, it's iffy because there is no — there's no central control. I mean, that was the one thing when I started this. I said, you know, this has to be controlled by the people. And it's different than the Tea Party movement because the Tea Party movement does have centralized control. This doesn't. And there is a great deal of difference in some 9.12 Projects. Can you tell me, Stephani and Michael, what you know about what's — what's happened since? OPELKA: That first weekend when we had the massive flood to the Web site — BECK: Right. OPELKA: — when you gave out the address, there were an estimated 50,000 hits per second attempted. And it took out an entire wing of servers for 2 1/2 days. And there were still over 1 million attempts that first day. And they estimate probably in the first hour, over 1 million people reached out to us. We monitored over 600,000 unique visitors that weekend alone. That's not you trying 10 times or me trying 10 times. That is 600,000 individuals attempted to get to the site and it built every week. So, we do know there were over 1 million people who came in and clicked on the "be a member button" on the Web site. BECK: And now, what has happened — what's happening now? Stephani, what's happening? SCRUGGS: Well, I think it's very interesting because one reason that the 9.12 Project works is because it's truly grassroots. Much like capitalism, if you don't have someone on the top, giving people marching orders: this is the issue we want you to address and this is how we want you to do it — it gives them freedom to make decisions and use their creativity. And because of that, I have seen the most amazing ideas come out of people. There's one group that I know of in Wisconsin that investigated the professors in Wisconsin to see if they contributed to climate-gate. Found that they did, and now, they're filing a class action lawsuit because public money was used. I wouldn't have thought of that. BECK: Oh, that is great. SCRUGGS: Isn't that awesome? And in Florida where I'm from and where we've been very strong, we have people who decided they wanted to take back the parties, both parties, Democrats and Republicans — who said they need to be precinct committeemen because that's who they can change those parties to get real candidates elected. BECK: Has anybody seen an attempt to have a party reach out and grab all these people? You are shaking your head. Yes, Stephanie? SCRUGGS: It's happened. There have been some misconceptions. I know there was one group that recently went to D.C. to meet with Michael Steele and there were some misconceptions as to what happened here. They were saying that Michael Steele was trying to hijack it. Actually, the reverse was true. When D.C. Works for Us organized this trip, it was really a come to Jesus meeting with Michael Steele. BECK: Right. SCRUGGS: With 50 people sticking their fingers in his face saying, we want a party that's really going to do what it says it's going to do, whether you're a Republican or a Democrat. But, that said, there are an awful lot of politicians who are reaching out to the parties and saying, hey, if you lend me your support, if these local groups. BECK: Oh, I — SCRUGGS: If you lend me your support, I'll come — BECK: I get phone — I get phone calls from politicians who say, hey, can you help me with an — and I said, I have nothing to do with it. We set this up. You guys have taken it. And you do it. I say, you got to face them. And I know that they're — Yvonne, are there some groups that do endorse and other groups, 9.12 Project members, that say, "Absolutely not, we don't endorse anybody"? DONNELLY: Yes, that has happened — and again, because they're free to do whatever they choose to do as a grassroots organization in their — in their own communities. Some have chosen to endorse candidates. Now, as a whole, for the national project, we're saying that we're a non-partisan organization — a non-partisan movement, if you will. And we're not endorsing. So — but again, if you're in Florida and that's what your small little group chooses to do, so be it. BECK: Yes. OPELKA: We have gotten solicitations from candidates, saying, can you investigate this candidate? Can you look at me? Can you look at our candidate and give us an endorsement? But as we said, we don't. We do want to be that jump-start for individuals to get back involved. To be part of the resource pool that they can use to find out and learn. BECK: Who is — I mean, are you all 9.12 members, right? Is there anybody — I remember on the first show, in fact, I held this book up and said this is where you need to start, "The 5,000-Year Leap." And this thing — I mean, this was a best seller for I don't know how long. This is 28 principles that we were founded on. It's the best starter guide on the fundamentals of our Constitution and the founding of our country that I've ever read. It's so simple to understand. Did you all read this? Y'all read it? And I talked about this book and I said, get together and read history — get together and share history. Did anybody do that? Raise your hand if you did. Do we have mics out here? What did you — what did you discover? Here on the front. Jennifer, I think your name is. Hi, Jennifer. JENNIFER BERNSTONE, CENTRAL NEW YORK 9.12 PROJECT ADVISORY COMMITTEE: I discovered that I'm very well-educated in everything except for being an American and what that means. I had no clue. I'm 36. I've been an American for 36 years and no clue to what that meant. BECK: What have you learned in the last year? BERNSTONE: That paying taxes and choosing to vote once in a while is equivalent to breathing. There's so much more to it than that when it comes to being an American. BECK: Who else went to a study group or who else is continuing their own education on their own? Yes, Aleks? ALEKSANDER DANILOV, STATEN ISLAND TEA PARTY: I started reading everything, starting with the Constitution — one of the things they didn't teach us in school. I started with "The Utopia" by Thomas Moore. I went there and read Alinsky. I'm reading John Locke right now. I got a whole bunch of things. BECK: The most important thing you learned? DANILOV: There's nothing like being an American. I'm an immigrant here. And I would never decide to go anywhere else. BECK: Where are you from? DANILOV: Azerbaijan. It's one of former puppet nation — BECK: Yes. Now I know. So, your family recognizes a lot of the stuff. DANILOV: Yes. We see — my grandparents grew up on Stalin and the Bolshevik Revolution and all that. BECK: Let me — let me go to the second row, in the middle, the gentleman — yes? JEREMY NEAR, ALBANY 9.12 WE SURROUND THEM: Yes, we actually just have had another meeting last night about "The 5,000-Year Leap" and we are continuing to read it. It's been amazing experience. People — you can see people's eyes open to how the government is supposed to be run and to read the Founding Fathers' own words, and how relevant is it today is just amazing. BECK: It's on fire. It's fire. You read it and it's like it was written — it was like written today. It is really truly amazing. Does anybody think that there is a — I've been watching the Tea Party movement and quite honestly, you know, I've seen some of the 9.12 Project, you know, they start to endorse candidates. And they get — it's everybody their own choice, whatever you want to do. But the reason why we are different as the 9.12 Project is — from the Tea Party or anything else — I'm not, you know, disparaging anybody else, but they're the 12 principles and values, 9.12. And if you look at the nine principles and the 12 values, that kind of sets a course. Has anybody discovered anything about the principles and the values keeping them kind of in a range? Has anybody had a problem in any of their — in any of their districts or their groups where you can pull it back because — no, no, no, no, look at the values and the principles? SCRUGGS: That's exactly. We went through it a lot in Florida. And I've heard from other state leaders that that's been common, too. And I shouldn't say too common. Each one of us had one or two issues where there's something going on, and the state leaders — we're really just to foster communication. And we got on the phone with each of them and there was a discussion, is this really representing the nine principles and 12 values that we represent? Because if it's not and if it's not for greater purpose of the movement and those 9.12, then it's something we should reconsider. And usually, once you have that discussion, the issue is over with. And it's really set the 9.12 apart respect-wise, for people who are not involved in groups and movement, I hear constantly. I give out my cards all the time on airplanes today. And people will, say, "Oh, the 9.12, I really respect you guys but you're not suing each other. You're not fighting. You're not bickering. You're not tearing people apart. You, guys, really believe what you're talking about." And I said, "Yes, all of us do." And that makes us much stronger and we all have a commonality in what we believe in those things. So, it makes it easier for us to work together towards that end goal. BECK: It is really the secret of — it's what we've lost in Washington. We've lost in Washington the idea that there's some guiding principle. There's something of value that guides you and moves you forward. And that's where you always get lost and off the tracks. DONNELLY: Well, and I think it's something that we — that we had forgotten about, and that we feel like you pulled us back together to say, "We have these principles. We have these values." And we go back because we're talking about the one-year anniversary of the 9.12 Project and we go to the phone call you had with that gentleman from Florida. BECK: Do we — do we have the phone call? Because this is really where it began. Do we have the phone call? Can we play that? This was — this was on the radio show. And it was about five or six weeks before we started the 9.12 Project. And a guy was calling up on the radio show and he's like, "I've had enough. I got to turn it off." And here's what happened: (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, JAN. 27, 2009) UNIDENTIFIED MALE CALLER: I really tuned out. Not a magazine, not a paper, nothing. I mean nothing. The only thing I have in the background is you and Rush as background music for major headlines. I didn't even know we've — Israel, you know, was tossing bombs around with the Palestinians. I knew nothing about that, until one day I saw a headline when I went to buy some gum. I really tuned out I think a little bit more than you think. And — BECK: No, no, you just tuned out as much as most people do in America. They just — they get their news from Jon Stewart and watch "American Idol." That's what most people do. UNIDENTIFIED MALE CALLER: You're right. I'm one of the zombies that I complained about for 20 years. I'm one of them now, but I can't bring myself back. Every time I try to turn the TV on and take a look, I got Mr. Lowery telling me — you know, I heard his benediction and I thought, hey, let me respect the presidency and at least listen to this, right? And then Lowery is on telling me that white needs to embrace what's right and I think, you know what, click. I went right back again. (END VIDEO CLIP) (LAUGHTER) BECK: He said he felt alone. OPELKA: Yes. DONNELLY: And the point that I was going to make is, at the end of that phone call — I was actually driving in my car going from one meeting to the next, and feeling very much like that gentleman. You said, square your shoulders and get back in the game. And I think that's what we did. As Americans, like I snapped to it. I was raised to square my shoulders. I was raised by a Marine. But my shoulders were slumped, you know, and then I was driving in the car and the tears were just rolling down my face. And I was like, he's right. Square your shoulders, America, get back in the game. And we did. BECK: And America has. It's a different America today than it was when I took that phone call back in January of last year. We'll be right back. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (APPLAUSE) BECK: I can't believe that it's been a year since we started the 9.12 Project. And in other ways, doesn't it seem like it's been forever? I mean, I feel like at times we've been living 14 lifetimes in this last year. We're back with Yvonne Donnelly, she's a 9.12 Project chair. Michael Opelka, 9.12 Project editor-at-large for Stephani Scruggs, she is the 9.12 project national co-chair. You know, let's start here with Michael. You just got back from Washington, D.C. OPELKA: I spent two days in Washington, D.C. BECK: Sorry for that. OPELKA: And — (LAUGHTER) BECK: Have we hosed you down? (LAUGHTER) OPELKA: I don't know — BECK: It's the river of slime! OPELKA: I don't know if there's enough antibiotics to cure what I have. BECK: Yes. OPELKA: But it reminded me of the greatness of the country and also, how much work we have left to do to get back to that greatness. BECK: Yes. OPELKA: And I just wish everybody in D.C. could understand that the 9.12 Project is not politically-motivated. It is personally motivated. It goes back to Restoring Honor Project you started. And the nine principles — you only have to follow seven of the nine. That was the original mandate. BECK: I know. OPELKA: So — BECK: It's like if you can't agree on the Ten Commandments, OK, well, I don't like that one. I really want to make graven images. OK, give me seven of 10. (LAUGHTER) OPELKA: Seven out of the nine! BECK: Right. OPELKA: And we said that to folks and I think that's what allowed people to respond. So, if you look at the principles and the values — individually, it's made all of us better and stronger in that year. And who doesn't think that's good for the country? BECK: Yes. OPELKA: And that's what I think helped us grow so quickly and grow as individuals and as a group. BECK: I, you know, I have to — I probably not going to have time today, but we're working — I'm working on a book that maybe will come out this year or next year. It's on — you said, you know, look at the values and principles and we work on them and it makes us better people. We're going back now and we're doing research on Ben Franklin and George Washington. And we're looking at the way they held their honor. They worked on it. They worked hard on it. But I don't know if we have time to talk about that today because we're — right now, We The People of the 9.12 Project, I'm going to tell you what's happening with this for me. And underneath this, you see this black thing all bandaged up. I'm going to reveal where I'm going this year and where I personally am taking my part of the project. And we'll do that at the end of the show. You mentioned the 8.28 Project. Do you have the — this is — and I invite anybody who's in a 9.12 group to join me in Washington at the feet of the Lincoln Memorial in August on 28th, because that's the keyword. If we could just restore honor in our own lives and in Washington, everything would change. And the difference, you know, the Tea Party was a protest. This is not a protest. And, Stephani, you said that you think that's a difference. SCRUGGS: I do. Many of the tea parties tend to be very heavily issue-oriented. And that's not a bad thing. But with the 9.12 Project, for the most part, most 9.12 groups tend to be education-oriented, because the important thing is if you know your rights, if you understand the education, the action will naturally follow. And what I've seen in the last six months particularly is we have moved from protest standing at street signs, with signs in our hands, to taking action. And we've seen some phenomenal things. In Venice, Florida, we have a gal Pat Wayman, who has educated our entire state on how to become a precinct committeeman to take back the party. In another one of our counties, one of the most corrupt counties traditionally in Florida, it was the 9.12 group who forced the issue to get a non-partisan anti-corruption league started there and wound up putting a number of politicians in jail for robbing the county blind. BECK: You got to be kidding? How do we not know this stuff? People think I'm involved in the 9.12 Project. I'm like, you're kidding me? But you guys did that? (CROSSTALK) BECK: Yes, they don't believe me. SCRUGGS: These are just a couple of examples because there are so many things going on, all over the country — all of these great ideas. That people are taking the education. They realize what everything is worth and they are taking action. And even with the listening to "The 5,000-Year Leap," many people are afraid to look at history because it might be difficult. I listened to it in my car taking my kids back and forth to school. My son is six. We left the public school last year because they told my son he couldn't talk about God. So, my 6-year-old is hearing the MP3 in the car with me and saying, "Well, momma, they talked about God and talk about the government." BECK: Oh, yes. SCRUGGS: And he's able to translate that to his — my 6-year-old gets it. BECK: Yes. SCRUGGS: Why don't people in D.C. get it? BECK: Yes. That's why — I'll tell you — that's why — I mean, I read a lot and that's why I like this book so much because you can teach this to your kids. My kids read this. And they were like oh, my God, dad! I mean, it was so simple. And everything becomes crystal clear instantly. OK. When we come back, I want to tell you a little bit more about some of the different things that people are doing. And it is on education. We go to Ohio when we come back. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: One year ago, I was blubbering on this stage saying, "I love my country and you're not alone." I was emotionally moved because thousands of people all around the country were viewing. And things have changed in this country so much it's breathtaking. Joining me again, Yvonne Donnelly. She is a 9/12 Project chair, also now joined by Michael Jablonski, he is the president and founder of "" and the 9/12 Project national co-chair. Also, Eric Wilson - he is the state director of the Kentucky 9/12 Project and member of the 9/12 Project Advisory Committee. Wow. You guys sound all official. Oh, yes. All right. So Michael, let me start with you, because you're in Ohio. The Forgotten Man Project - what is that? MICHAEL JABLONSKI, FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT, "THEFORGOTTENMAN.ORG": It's actually educational program that started as a meet-up group. And you and Yvonne are the catalysts that started that. I started a tiny meet-up group and we started reading the "5,000-Year Leap." And through a series of coincidence, Yvonne ended up giving (UNINTELLIGIBLE) on your show about a year ago. And by the time I got home at the end of the day, there were like 300 people in that meet-up group. When I left in the morning, there were like 30. But they were all over the country. And I was based in Cleveland, so I thought, well, I can't have meet-up meetings in Cleveland with people all over the country. So I let the meet-up group expire and started "" And we started a local scholarship program in the Cleveland area to get kids to read "5,000 Year Leap." I figured I read it in our meet-up group and a lot of people didn't realize what we hadn't been taught, intentionally or unintentionally. BECK: Amazing. JABLONSKI: Exactly. And so I thought, what is the best way to get the kids to read this? I thought, well, bribe them with money. BECK: Congratulations, you've become member of the federal government. JABLONSKI: Yes, exactly. BECK: Mr. President, how are you? JABLONSKI: Yes. So I figured instead of getting it introduced as curriculum, what I would do is offer a scholarship. So I started fundraising and went to the local school districts and explained what I was doing. And they were on board. I thought great, kids will read the book. I've got a committee. We're going to grade it and give an award at the end. And then, I thought, what if everyone in the country knew how to do this? So my partner and I on the site thought we'll set up forums where people can go and get a study guide that we wrote for the "5,000-Year Leap." They can get a blank scholarship application. So Mrs. Jones in Cincinnati can go to the Web site, download it and go to Billy's school and start her own scholarship program. And then, we also have - what else do we have on there? How to start your own book club and how to go through and read the "5,000-Year Leap." That was because of the two of you, actually. It is (UNINTELLIGIBLE), but you don't know and that is how that happened. BECK: It's amazing to me how this, in particular - this audience is dismissed by the intellectual elite as a bunch of morons. JABLONSKI: Sure. BECK: And yet, again, this week, "A Patriot's History," which is a book that's been out for five years and I think sold 50,000 copies, is number one "New York Times" bestseller this week. I mean, it is phenomenal - (APPLAUSE) How much people want to consume information they're starving for. Now, Eric, you are in Kentucky. What has been happening in Kentucky? ERIC WILSON, STATE DIRECTOR, KENTUCKY 9/12 PROJECT: Well, in Kentucky, we have been busy for the past year. I mean, we had humble beginnings a year ago. And we just talk about when we started. One year ago, we came together, because we felt we were on our own. I mean, I was looking for a support group pretty much as what happened to you. I didn't look to be the leader of the 9/12 Project group. I was not even looking to be (UNINTELLIGIBLE). I was trying to find like- minded people. But the people in Kentucky are amazing. They are the ones that inspired me. They're the ones that have come up with great ideas, some ideas like - next Tuesday night, we're going to do a candlelight vigil in front of Ben Chandler's office because of the health care issue. So we're going to be coming out there. I mean you said that, you know, bring pitchfork and torches. We decided pitchforks weren't appropriate. We could bring the torches. BECK: Little teeny torches. Wilson: Little teeny torches. Yankee candle. Yankee torches - there's an idea. They look like torches but they smell like flowers. WILSON: And another thing we're doing is we're hosting a debate. And we have - both the Democrats and the Republicans are going to show up. BECK: Good. WILSON: So I mean, what we're doing is we are laying a foundation in Kentucky and hoping people, you know, come on board and, you know, join us. BECK: Who was wildly out of their comfort zone a year ago? Almost everybody. Richard, real quick, what was it you did a year ago that you were like, "OK, this isn't me?" RICHARD BURNS, SUFFOLK COUNTY 9/12 PROJECT: One of the things that the Suffolk County 9/12 Project did was to protest the mainstream media and that necessarily meant coming into New York City, possibly going in front of cameras. And you know, as an employee of a company, you know, I didn't want to be out in front of cameras or anything like that in my community as well. You know, I've got business concerns to consider. And you know, to put myself in front is not something I was looking to do, you know. But you know, what this movement really suggests is that it's not about an interest group. You know, you guys were discussing it before. It's about principles and values. And really, that is - if you look throughout history, how people engage the political process, it's always about a niche thing that they want to get taken care of, the Civil Rights Movement or Women's Suffrage Movement. What we have here is a movement, but not in traditional sense. It's governed by reason and principle that will carry us throughout generations. And when you engage the political process based on principles and values that are clearly defined, then you can truly make a difference. And that is something - (APPLAUSE) BECK: Back in just a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: One year ago, this was unveiled. We the people, the 9/12 Project. We're back with Yvonne Donnelly, 9/12 Project chair along with Jennifer Bernstone - she is the organizer of central New York's 9/12 group and a member of the 9/12 Project Advisory Committee. And John Boehmler - he is Delaware County Patriots executive committee member. What is the Patriots Executive - is that part of 9/12 or is that a different group all entirely? JOHN BOEHMLER, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER, THE DELAWARE COUNTY PATRIOTS: The Delaware County Patriots are a 9/12 organization but we're also a Tea Party. BECK: OK. BOEHMLER: So what we're doing is we're following the 9/12 principles. And in fact, a meet-up site was started by a, dare I say, a Democrat that was inspired by you. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's great. BOEHMLER: And he wanted to get back to constitutional values. BECK: great. BOEHMLER: So as a result of that, we formed - I joined an organization and helped build it up. BECK: John, you were guy was just - you were dead asleep last year. BOEHMLER: I was. I think I can join Jennifer in saying that I felt like I paid my taxes. I worked hard. I tried to keep my family going. And I voted except when I found that there was a candidate I couldn't vote for. I BECK: Right. BOEHMLER: I can't do that. BECK: You're from Pennsylvania. I can't think of one you couldn't vote for. BOEHMLER: I can. BECK: So what was it that woke you up? BOEHMLER: I was reading about these town halls. And I could not believe that elected officials could be seeing - I thought the media had gotten it wrong. I really honestly could not believe that people were this aggravated and that the politicians still seemed to not be listening to them. So I took my daughters to the Constitution Center to see Kathleen Sebelius and Arlen Specter. BECK: I saw that. BOEHMLER: It really was eye-opening. It was completely mind-boggling to me that our elected officials seem to have no care whatsoever. BECK: Let me ask you, because people say that, you know, the Tea Party and the 9/12 group and everything else is angry. Do you find - is there anger or determination? BOEHMLER: Determination. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Determination. BECK: Yes. Everybody say amen for a second. AUDIENCE: Amen. BECK: It sounded like we were in church there for a minute. I don't know why. Jennifer, you are doing something here in New York that is pretty amazing. JENNIFER BERNSTONE, CENTRAL NEW YORK, 9/12: We're bringing the Thomas Jefferson education series to New York. BECK: Which is what? BERNSTONE: Which is all focused on the fact that our country is in a leadership crisis because we don't teach leadership in our schools, in our families, in our communities, in our colleges and anywhere. Leadership is not taught. BECK: OK. Now, Jefferson, is this — BERNSTONE: As in Thomas Jefferson, the founding father. BECK: No — I thought you were talking about George Jefferson. BERNSTONE: He was taught under — sorry, I thought — yes. OK. Sorry, anyway — BECK: It's all right. BERNSTONE: Foot in mouth. George was his mentor. That's what we were getting to? BECK: Yes. I was getting to George Wythe, because George Wythe is a guy that believed — you know, taught Thomas Jefferson. And really, the secret to Thomas Jefferson is read the original sources, not a history book. Don't get it - this is where we have gone wrong with the progressive movement, everyone writing the history books. You see what is happening in Texas. Read the original source. So you are getting that done here in New York? BERNSTONE: Well, I moved out of Manhattan eight months ago and I'm now upstate. I don't know what happens down here. I think you guys are brave people. But in upstate, bit-by-bit, we're chasing our way at the wall and getting there. The Thomas Jefferson group - we're allowed to basically condense it, so it's free on one of the co-teachers out there - BECK: Oh, the best. BERNSTONE: Because for seminar number two and three, I want - it's like deep stuff. BECK: Yes. BERNSTONE: I want the real people coming in to teach it. But then, you've got to pay for the flight and this and that. And we're like — we're broke. Upstate has been in a recession for decades. BECK: Yes. BERNSTONE: So we need to watch our dimes and dollars. But it's amazing what is happening. BECK: I have to tell you. You are going to love — I'm going to retire this here in a second. It's been in the studio for a year. And I'm going to introduce something new and you are going to love where I'm personally headed in this last year. And it's not really going to come as a surprise to most people but I'll show you here in just a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: A year later, the 9/12 Project. Yvonne Donnelly — she is the 9/12 Project national chair and has been involved for a very long time. And Yvonne, you know, as everybody is going, "Oh, Glenn Beck is involved," and you know hard it is even to get a hold of me. YVONNE DONNELLY, NATIONAL CHAIR, 9/12 PROJECT: Right. BECK: And when was it? Two, three months ago, I said you've got to take it all and move on and have everybody locally make sure that they just keep to the principles and the values. And that's the only thing I have going. And this has been hanging in my studio now for a year. And we asked people to send in pictures so they could be involved - 80,000 people jammed the servers with pictures. These are all pictures of individuals that said they felt alone and now they don't. And it's been hanging in my studio and I want to auction it off. We're going to put it up. We'll give you information. We're going to auction it. I don't know what you'd do with it. But we are going to auction it off and all the proceeds will go to this. I'll see you in the national mall on 8/28, August 28. This is going to be an amazing event. And I'll tell you a little bit about who is joining me and what we're going to do. We have some amazing things we're working on. But there is no politics involved at all. It really is truly about honor. So now, we have to take this off my set, and it sat behind me for a year. What are we going to replace it with? Well, you've seen these probably before, but this is really where I am headed this year. (APPLAUSE) BECK: This is — these are paintings that I painted. And these are obviously the copies of them. But that's Samuel Adams. That's George Washington. That's Ben Franklin. Charity — Bill Gates can be Bill Gates and change the world because he's rich. Why is he rich? Because of the Constitution, because he lives in America. This guy understood charity. Faith, Samuel Adams - read about Samuel Adams. My gosh did faith play a role. And when I thought about hope, why does that poster of Barack Obama not ring true? Because of that one word: truth. If it's not based in truth, it's false hope. So, what we have to do is restore it and the only way we are going to restore truth, the only way we're going to restore anything, is if we educate ourselves. With faith, with — understanding charity does not come from the government, but it comes from you. We'll have hope and we can restore it. So this year, I'm going a couple of things. I've launched a new "Insider Extreme" program. And we are working on right now and hope to — hopefully be able to announce it here officially in the next few days. But I'm going to start sending people for $6 a month to college courses. Education is the best thing that we can do. So now, online, you will be able to educate yourself with some of the brightest minds in America, some of the best minds in the world for $6 month. Beat that. We'll be right back. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: I can't believe what a difference a year makes. Is anybody discouraged? Nobody — I mean, we have a long, long way to go. You still ready to go? AUDIENCE: Yes. BECK: Good. There are a couple of things. First of all, for just coming, we have these t-shirts for everybody. You can also just get them with the one deal, but I have that for everybody. And do you have tickets? Anybody who is in the New York area, we're launching the educational process. I'm doing "The Future of History" next Tuesday on Broadway. And I have tickets for each of you if you can attend and would like to come.


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