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Shellshock 2 - PC Rip by Freeman G Ripper






Shellshock 2 - PC Rip by Freeman G Ripper




2009-02-11 (by chatbars )


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Files count:



3434.48 Mb




mc-ak (2009-02-12)

dude i thank the loader for ripping this game and all, but this game is complete shit.
utter and complete shit.

mc-ak (2009-02-12)

well take my word for it, this game is so bad it completely killed my high. i had to go and roll another blunt just to be high and play fear 2

bullseye[0] (2009-02-15)

Sounds like it mc-ak. Here is one review from GameSpot. Most giving it 3/10 5/10. Thanks for the time chatbars.
"ShellShock's promise of "brutal realism" also turns out to be somewhat hollow. Your character--controlled throughout the game from a third-person perspective--can carry only a few weapons at a time: one pistol, one large gun, and some grenades. And that's pretty much where the realism ends. In fact, ShellShock has one of the least realistic damage models of any recent military shooter. Your health bar regenerates over time, so healing is simply a matter of finding a safe place to stand around for 5 or 10 seconds.
For the majority of the game's missions, you're accompanied by a squad of indestructible computer-controlled grunts (though they'll sometimes die--usually horribly--as part of a cutscene). The presence of teammates makes many of the firefights feel like an actual battle between two groups of soldiers. But your squad also provides constant cover, making it easy to fall back and heal, which often robs the game of much challenge. Even with its checkpoint save system, most of the game's 13 missions won't take more than 30 minutes to complete. A few take as little as 15.
What the Viet Cong lack in smarts, they make up for in numbers. Most of the time, they're either standing in place or running straight for you, usually while screaming one of their three or four annoying catchphrases. They'll occasionally utilize cover or toss a grenade, and the sheer number of them sometimes makes for an enjoyably chaotic, if not overly difficult, battle. Most of the missions require nothing more than moving through the level and killing whatever gets in your way. A couple of mission briefings suggest that you employ stealth, but the game has no real stealth mechanic other than walking very slowly and hoping nobody sees you. And even that's completely unnecessary. You'll sometimes have to destroy some specific piece of equipment or hold an area through a few waves of Viet Cong, and there's one brief on-rails section during which you'll man a gun mounted on a chopper. For the most part, however, ShellShock is a meat-and-potatoes shooter.
Between virtually every level, you're taken back to base camp. Here, you can wander around, conduct short, meaningless conversations with fellow grunts, listen to some licensed period music, and engage in various other useless activities. Eventually, you can even trade items you've taken from dead enemies for "boom boom" with local prostitutes. There's no practical benefit to this, and the sex isn't actually shown--evidently some of the realities of Nam are too controversial even for the envelope-pushers who made ShellShock. The camp provides some nice atmosphere the first time through, but by the second time, not to mention the 11th, it's nothing more than an aggravating extra load screen. The game also features a series of six seminude photos of the camp's prostitutes to unlock, but no multiplayer modes. After you've finished the single-player missions, which requires roughly six hours of play, there's virtually no reason to replay the game."

bullseye[0] (2009-02-15)

Scatch that review. Sorry that was for Vietnam 67 here.
ShellShock 2: Blood Trails is a violent, first-person, survival horror game set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. Gameplay centers on the use of psychological horror and fear, relying on the power of suggestion, mood, tension and foreshadowing - implying the notion of danger, potential danger, imminent danger, and horrifying acts that have or are implied to have occurred or will come to pass. On course for war torn Vietnam, a plane carrying a top-secret cargo known only as Whiteknight is lost over the uncharted jungles of Cambodia. The special ops squad sent in to retrieve it disappear wtihout trace. Until, a month later, one of them walks out. Something in the darkness has driven him insane... Something from the darkness has followed him out. [Eidos Interactive]