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The Great Global Warming Swindle avi






The Great Global Warming Swindle


Video/TV shows


2007-03-09 (by danielion)


'The Great Global Warming Swindle' - Channel 4 (UK) Thursday 8th March 2007 Running Time: 01:15mins File Size: 950MB Video Format: AVI (DivX), 25fps, 1540KBps Resolution: 640x368 (16/9) Audio: MP3, 192MHz Programme Synopsis: ?The prevailing global-warming view is that man-made emissions of carbon dioxide are largely responsible. This film, featuring leading academics in fields such as climatology, oceanography, meteorology and biogeography, questions the science behind the accepted reasons for global warming and argues that other explanations ? including the effect of the sun?s radiation on the atmosphere ? are not being properly aired. It also asserts that the single-minded focus on reducing carbon emissions might have the unintended consequence of stifling development in the Third World, prolonging endemic poverty and disease.?

Files count:



950.31 Mb




sistromo (2007-03-09)

I would be interested to see how members of the environmentalist camp dismiss this one. It is interesting to notice that, when confronted with solid reasons, they tend to ignore them - witness Greenpeace's reaction to Lomborg's "The Skeptical Environmentalist", about which the only thing they have to say that they will not dignify the book with any comments of any sort.

mike7373 (2007-03-10)

jallaballa1, who do you think fabricates data supporting man-made global warming? Your government gods, that's who. Thanks to brainless tools like you, we can expect even higher taxes, bigger government, and less freedom for years to come. But I guess that's all good news to a 28 year-old, unemployed, pimple-faced faggot like yourself.
By the way, that was me driving the bulldozer that tore down your "youth" house yesterday. Enjoy!

mortenab (2007-03-10)

he is swedish "ungdoms huset" is danish so i was wondering where u was driving that bulldozer.
mike7373 you do know the difference between coverup to make cash, and the truth right?
or are u just one of those pppl who feel better of thinking we can do what ever we like to this planet without conscvenses"retorical question i can read from this that you are"
how convinient would that be.
no morale, no obligation, no brain "speaking of brainless tools"

mike7373 (2007-03-10)

mortenab, Swedish doesn't even have an ø, you moron. It could be Norwegian, but it doesn't matter, you're all government drones addicted to welfare.
notauser432, it's the lazy Eurotrash that are afraid of the turd world. They fear loosing all their jobs to cheap labor. But go on, bury your head in the sand. You're nothing more than a political pawn.
No matter what you guys say, you can't debunk the fact that temperature decreased from 1940 to 1975, while CO2 continued to rise. So, there goes your whole theory.

mortenab (2007-03-10)

"you're all government drones addicted to welfare" thats gotta be a first, i would like to see what goverment that arent in somewhat matter lead by greed and money try to sell their votes that theyu should stop using stuff that contributes greatly to their funding.
not much logic in that.
guess one have to be a moron like me to see it that way. i also heard france nuclear testing was good for the environment, they now get even bigger tomatoes.

dqsfqkl (2007-03-10)

From 1940 it was WWII so there wasn't much industrial activity at that moment (execpt for making bombs) CO2 started to raise in the 1960's and the results of that where seen in the 1970's.
But it doens't mather anyway, we are discussing if our consumption has to do anything with global warming, even if CO2 has no effect on global warming we still have to be more carrefull with nature, it isn't realistic to think we can live like this for 100 years, certainly not with China and India as to huge upcomming industrial country's. Our environment can't handdle such a polution!

mike7373 (2007-03-10)

mortenab, try and write a coherent thought if you want a reply.

mike7373 (2007-03-10)

dqsfqkl, so now consumption causes global warming? You might be discussing that, but that's not what the MSM, UN, Kytoto etc. are discussing. To them, it's all about CO2.
Believe it or not, I actually care about the environment, but man-made global warming is just ridiculous. It's just another scare tactic the government invented to justify its own existence, like the ice age in the 70s that never happened, the whole in the ozone, deforestation, acid rain, overpopulation, AIDS, the bird flu etc. etc. All of these things were supposed to be our end, but look around, we're still here, and the only people who benefited the governments and their friends.

spankbot (2007-03-11)

You can watch (stream) this movie from here. No Download required.

Kemisten (2007-03-11)

Political and economical interests, yes that´s right but how much money is the oil industry putting into politics by lobbyists? Our hole economy is based upon oil and other nonrenewable energy resources.
800 years delay between CO2 and temperature can be explained by: the sun is heating the earth and more water is evaporation as they say and forms more clouds. The earth becomes cooler and more ice is formed at the poles. And so on. They also mention that water is a greenhouse gas. Yes, thats is right but the water on the earth is cycling around. It is the same water today aswell as one million years ago. When we are burning fossil fuels the concentration of carbondioxide will INCREASE in the atmosphere and the equilibrium will be changed. In the future lead to hotter earth becouse carbondioxide is a stronger greenhouse gas than water. Burning of wood NO NOT contribute to the global warming becouse it is the same thing as if the tree has fallen to the ground after it´s lifetime.
People in the undeveloped countries can use their fossilenergy but why not go beyond those resources that will end some day anyway. And if they are using more of fossilfuels like Kina who is building one new cole plant every week then we here in the west must use less becouse the concentration will otherwise increase. We must develop cheaper renewable energy before the oil is becoming expensive!! It´s better to do the right thing from the beginning.
The thing is that even if the human population is effecting the total concentration if greenhouse gases only a little that is the only thing we can do anything about, can´t we?

spyke (2007-03-12)

Whatever differences we make are utterly insignificant compared to nature. Think about the next volcanic eruption - how much CO2 do you think that creates? The FACTS remain that NASA has discovered that Mars is warming up just as much as the Earth. Now I challenge ANY politician, scientist or member of the public to prove we're responsible for that!!
What we SHOULD be concentrating on are the things where we can make a difference - i.e. stop using up the Earth's natural resources. This means slamming large corporates with big taxes based on their raw material use. Think about how much unnecessary packaging you throw away EACH DAY.

sevenseas99987 (2007-03-15)

Unfortunately its all BS - dont waste your time or bandwidth, C4 have had to apologise for it

johanponken (2007-03-22)

No apologies. It was the tone of the documentary, not the content.
The prof. is an academic, not so much "in yer face". Here's a calmer discussion of the prof.s view of his role:

duhprane (2007-03-22)

Yeah global warming has now replaced 9/11 for the excuse to do anything, its jsut a hoax for a global tax, I remember in grade school in the 70's they told us a new ice age was coming, so much for that, in high school I was taught globalization was a racist conspiracy theory, now that is supposed to be our economic savior......I see a pattern....

xtr_Franklyn_44 (2007-03-25)

Search for " Alex Jones " and download all the films you find.
Watch " America Freedom To Fascism "
Watch " 911 Mysteries "
Watch " Terrorstorm "
Watch " Rise of the Police State "
They are all here on TPB... and lots of other places, including Google Video.
Please watch them! Especially if you've never heard of them!

freedomofinformation (2007-03-25)

Either stance you take on the topic it can never hurt to acquire all the information you can so that you can make your own opinion. People that will not even consider the other side of an argument are ignorant.

freedomofinformation (2007-03-25)

Oh and sharkem is an asshole fuck you shark em

xtr_Franklyn_44 (2007-03-27)

I've watched it now.
Great upload! Great quality!

salitine (2007-03-28)

HA ha ha hahaha. Fucking saved. I love it. God, you did a shitty job writing this world. It's leaking factus all over the place. You done fucked another universe, and wasted everyones time AGAIN. Loser.

salitine (2007-03-28)

Republicians are using piratebay? WTF?!!?

salitine (2007-03-28)

Professor Wunsch said: "I am angry because they completely misrepresented me. My views were distorted by the context in which they placed them. I was misled as to what it was going to be about. I was told about six months ago that this was to be a programme about how complicated it is to understand what is going on. If they had told me even the title of the programme, I would have absolutely refused to be on it. I am the one who has been swindled."
When told what the commission had found, he said: "That is what happened to me." He said he believes it is "an almost inescapable conclusion" that "if man adds excess CO2 to the atmosphere, the climate will warm".
He went on: "The movie was terrible propaganda. It is characteristic of propaganda that you take an area where there is legitimate dispute and you claim straight out that people who disagree with you are swindlers. That is what the film does in any area where some things are subject to argument."

CoMMaNcHe (2007-03-30)

... WARNING: "Left" and "Right" is UTTER NONSENSE and a FALSE PARADIGM!!
Search for " Alex Jones " and download all the films you find.
Watch " America Freedom To Fascism "
Watch " 911 Mysteries "
Watch " Terrorstorm "
Watch " Rise of the Police State "
They are all here on TPB... and lots of other places, including Google Video.
Please watch them! Especially if you've never heard of them!

-HK- (2007-03-30)

What Professor Wunsch said or not does not tell us so much. He didn´t say much in this documentary either so why even bother....
After watching this doc. my thoughs has change quite a bit. And that part of the situation in Africa convinced me even more. Let them use their nature resources as much as we in the industrial world does. I think "they" (who I dunno) are afraid of seeing Africa as an industrial country. If it ever will happen it will be among the other industrial countries fighting to sell their products around the world wich would effect the rest of the market negative. If you have an other source that´s cheaper, the "regular" customer buys that. So I´m guessing most goverments must be behind this... or beeing forced to... But that answer feels quite far away... or has this world gone this far??
Pardon me for my shitty english but I´m from Sweden and it´s not my duty to have the knownledge of the english language :P Hope u understand me anyways...
Btw, I think this is a must see documentary before you deciede your mind in this question about global warming. Theres so many facts that are layed out. Maybe it aint so horriffic as ppl now think it is.... ??

CoMMaNcHe (2007-03-31)

The only reason anyone would "defend" the idea that global warming is man-made, and/or defend the idea that a Global Tax would solve the problem, is simply doing so because believing in man-made Global Warming has become like a religion for a lot of people.
And if something threatens their "faith" in that religion, they will get very angry and become very desperate to defend it in any way possible.
It's the same with the people who still desperately cling to the "offical story" of 9/11, and refuses to acknowledge that the Dollar has been devalued, denies the existance of the North American Union, denies that there is an Elite, denies that both political parties are controlled, and refuses to admit that the country is in a Very bad shape, that their rights are rapidly being taken away and that the Constitution is being ignored.
They just want to feel good and have no responsibility whatsoever.
They enjoy sitting there with their plastic flags (made by Chinese slaves) and being fed propaganda and bullshit on Fox News and believe everything that they're told.
And they're so deep in, that even if you give them hardcore evidence of the state of things, and hit them on the head and scream "TIME TO WAKE UP!!", they'll do everything in their power to NOT wake up and instead continue on in their little fantasy world that consists of man-made global warming and evil islamic terrorists.
Because that's all they have. And it would be too painful for them to realize the truth, to give up their fake comfortable reality.
That's why people defend man-made Global Warming.
That's why people defend the Offical Story of 9/11.

salitine (2007-04-02)

Fine. Drive your suv, and think nothing is wrong.
That's how people deal with getting raped.
Nothing. Is. Wrong.
Think that over and over.
Nothing. Is. Wrong.

kyger (2007-04-02)

CoMMaNcHe (2007-04-04)

salitine is a proven disinfo agent.

njuggen (2007-04-21)

RBreaker (2007-06-19)

It's amazing how stupid people can get. I've seen frozen bits of dog shit smarter than this! Swindle my ass-juice... That's why man is fucking earth up - man is the dumbest creature alive.
We don't even use half our brain capacity, and you people that swallow this shit, you can't be using more that 2-3%.
Retarded fucks

ya2sin (2007-06-26)

"The fact remains that in a sample of 928 peer-reviewed scientific papers published between 1993-2003 not one disagreed with the consensus position that human activity is causing climate change."
"Moreover, while the programme-makers labelled the source of their world temperature data as 'NASA', the Independent found no such graph existed."
(We feel swindled. Indeed we are not the only ones: Carl Wunsch (who was a surprise addition to the cast) was apparently misled into thinking this was going to be a balanced look at the issues (the producers have a history of doing this), but who found himself put into a very different context indeed.)
Prof Wunsch's complaint is that the documentary is no more than propaganda. "I was misled as to what it was going to be about," he now says. "I was told about six months ago that this was to be a programme about how complicated it is to understand what is going on. If they had told me even the title of the programme, I would have absolutely refused to be on it."
"In October 1998 a television producer named Martin Durkin took a proposal to the BBC?s science series, Horizon. Silicone breast implants, he claimed, far from harming women, were in fact beneficial, reducing the risk of breast cancer. Horizon commissioned a researcher to find out whether or not his assertion was true. After a thorough review, the researcher reported that Mr Durkin had ignored a powerful body of evidence contradicting his claims. Martin Durkin withdrew his proposal. Instead of dropping it, however, he took it to Channel 4 and, astonishingly, sold it to their science series, Equinox."
"Mr Durkin has often been accused of taking liberties with the facts. In 1997 he made a series for Channel 4 called ?Against Nature?, which compared environmentalists with Nazis, conspiring against the world?s poor. No one would suggest that green claims should not be subjected to critical examination, but the people he interviewed were lied to about the contents of the programmes and given no chance to respond to the accusations the series made."

anisic (2007-07-18)

This program has been disproved by the lastest report in the Royal Society Journal!

greenfrog (2007-07-26)

Here is the THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE on DVDr NTSC in perfect quality

slackr002 (2007-08-03)

"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause & reflect." - Mark Twain

oldngrey (2007-10-18)

Hurray!!The Great Global Warming Swindle.
The Big Myth! Global warming.
The film "An Incovenient Truth" would make a great presentation if it would tell you the truth about global warming , it's quick flashing scenes and ill begotten music gave me a sense of forbodding and doesn't not help to convey a sense of workable energy alternatives, this film made me feel helpless and depressed. Much of the film is with Al Gore without anyone really backing up his views , it is like a big ego trip.My conclusion is if you want a pure disaster horror film then this is the one for you, but if you want a unbiased view of global temperature change then look to the bbc horizion documentary about global climate change. the nobel prize has lost all of its meaning and prestige since Al Gore got his. If anyone believes that humans causes global warming is either ignorant or having an agenda. Al Gore does have an agenda, look at his new company which buys and sells carbon credits, instant money for nothing.The "Greener" religion just doesn't standup to Scientific facts. Al Gore would sell his mother for a little feel good publicity. Alfred Nobel is probably rolling in his grave over what the Nobel prize has become. The Nobel Peace Prize had lost it prestige long ago when it was given to Arafat, the father of modern terrorism.
The nine alleged errors in the film
# Mr Gore claims that a sea-level rise of up to 20 feet would be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland "in the near future". The judge said: "This is distinctly alarmist and part of Mr Gore's "wake-up call". He agreed that if Greenland melted it would release this amount of water - "but only after, and over, millennia"."The Armageddon scenario he predicts, insofar as it suggests that sea level rises of seven metres might occur in the immediate future, is not in line with the scientific consensus."
# The film claims that low-lying inhabited Pacific atolls "are being inundated because of anthropogenic global warming" but the judge ruled there was no evidence of any evacuation having yet happened.
# The documentary speaks of global warming "shutting down the Ocean Conveyor" - the process by which the Gulf Stream is carried over the North Atlantic to western Europe. Citing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the judge said that it was "very unlikely" that the Ocean Conveyor, also known as the Meridional Overturning Circulation, would shut down in the future, though it might slow down.
# Mr Gore claims that two graphs, one plotting a rise in C02 and the other the rise in temperature over a period of 650,000 years, showed "an exact fit". The judge said that, although there was general scientific agreement that there was a connection, "the two graphs do not establish what Mr Gore asserts".
# Mr Gore says the disappearance of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro was directly attributable to global warming, but the judge ruled that it scientists have not established that the recession of snow on Mt Kilimanjaro is primarily attributable to human-induced climate change.
# The film contends that the drying up of Lake Chad is a prime example of a catastrophic result of global warming but the judge said there was insufficient evidence, and that "it is apparently considered to be far more likely to result from other factors, such as population increase and over-grazing, and regional climate variability."
# Mr Gore blames Hurricane Katrina and the consequent devastation in New Orleans on global warming, but the judge ruled there was "insufficient evidence to show that".
# Mr Gore cites a scientific study that shows, for the first time, that polar bears were being found after drowning from "swimming long distances - up to 60 miles - to find the ice" The judge said: "The only scientific study that either side before me can find is one which indicates that four polar bears have recently been found drowned because of a storm."That was not to say there might not in future be drowning-related deaths of bears if the trend of regression of pac

starfish294 (2008-01-14)

Haha it is amazing that one decent documentary about global warming brings on a wrath of fury from enviromentalists, what are they so afraid of.....
The way these people attack the very basis of freedom of expression and speech is typical of dictatorship eras of the last centary.
30 years ago these people were freaking the world about an impeeding ice age, they were wrong then, they are most likely wrong now.

ND3G (2008-01-27)

As an environmental engineer I find the current argument over global warming simply appalling. Do human activities cause global warming? Of course they do! Any release of energy (aka burning fuel) produces heat as a by-product. The question is, are human activates capable of causing (directly or indirectly) enough global warming to have a noticeable effect?
The earth?s atmosphere requires a certain amount of green house gases in order to regulate temperature. Without them you would freeze to death as soon as the sun went down. If you add more green house gases to the atmosphere those gases will trap more heat causing the earth?s temperature to rise. The problem is that we have reached a point where we have pumped so much green house gas into the atmosphere that it is having a very real effect on our climate.
A few posts up (and a couple of months ago) CoMMaNcHe posted an almost schizophrenic attack against the idea of man-man global warming (along with global taxes, slave labour, 9/11, currency, and basically politics in general). What interests me though is his mention of faith. Faith is belief that is not based on proof and on both sides of the argument there are those who have very strong beliefs one way or the other but do not possess the knowledge necessary to make a really informed decision.
Fortunately, that is where science comes in. Science is a systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation. In other words it is the exact opposite of faith. Scientists do not believe in global warming (or any other theory for that matter), they conclude whether or not the earth is warming based on years of impartial study. Unlike politics or religion science has no agenda or vested interest in the outcome. If humans were not causing global warming studies would conclude that fact.
The vast majority of environmental scientists (and by that I mean virtually everyone in the field) agrees that humans are causing global warming. If you disagree than by all means submit your findings to a scientific journal for peer review. Otherwise, kindly step aside so we can get on with the process of developing solutions to this problem.

Mambo Bananapatch (2008-03-11)

The next time you hear some AGW-worshipper invoke "consensus", ask them if the "consensus" is that 4 + 4 = 8, or if the "consensus" is that heat rises. When they say "Of course not, don't be ridiculous," explain to them that "consensus" is invoked only when the science is not clear.
They'll get mad, so be prepared to laugh, which will make them even angrier. AGW-worshippers hate reason and science.

Mambo Bananapatch (2008-03-11)

Know why there's not an ice sheet a mile thick on top of most of North America?
Climate change.
Know why there WAS an ice sheet a mile thick on top of most of North America?
Climate change.

starfish294 (2008-03-16)

The problem with the global warming view tabled by the IPCC is that this is a political body and not a purely scientific one.
It has been proved in a UK Court that Al Gore is a liar and he has the backing of the IPCC, which means you cant trust anything that comes from it.
I hope everyone sees this documentary.
BTW this winter has been the coldest on record in the Northern Hemisphere. Global warming ....Really.

board_lord12 (2008-04-10)

ND3G? How can you say that science has no agenda? Who is funding all this research for global warming. The government? NOOO!!! This movie clearly says it: the funding for global warming research has gone up INSANELY in the last 10 years. Scientists are setting out with a hypothesis and fucking doing whatever experimentation they can to support it. I completely agree that we as a race are slowly screwing over our planet, but I don't think the issue deserves as much political attention as it gets. Every fucking politician is just jumping on the bandwagon and using "Climate Change" as a way to gain support because that's all people can fucking think about these days. Everything is "green this" and "reduce emissions" that. TV, magazines, you name it boyboy.
The thing that really pisses me off is that people think they are being responsible by being so obsessed with global warming but it's just another way for the government to distract you from the issues that actually ARE important like MOTHER FUCKING WARS WHERE PEOPLE ACTUALLY DIE. It's pure hypocrisy like holy shit. "Let's spend all our fucking money on reducing emissions and screw the average joes over by taxing gasoline because the earth's climate is changing and emissions could affect ecosystems!" All the while, we plow the tropical rainforests like there is no fucking tomorrow and expand into the natural habitat of more species. Biodiversity changes over time and that's a fact. Speciation occurs but so does extinction and clearly there should be some sort of balance. The rate of extinctions HAS increased since we homo sapiens started fuckin' around, but how much of that do you think is due to global climate change compared to HABITAT LOSS?
Global warming IS and issue, and it IS important. I agree that it is bad to leave a footprint on the earth and we should try to preserve its natural beauty, but we're not facing a goddamn manmade extinction of all organisms. The fact is that Earth changes whether we inhabit it or not. "Oh the composition of the Earth's atmosphere is rapidly changing" and "Holy shit there's so much carbon dioxide we're all gonna die". Well suck my balls because carbon dioxide makes up 0.03811% of the atmosphere, the most abundant gas in it is NITROGEN at almost 80% and every other major element pales in comparison to this, so seriously just chill the fuck out. And whoever the fuck said that the earth is only 6000 years old should PROBABLY pass grade 7 and come back to this page. I'm pretty sure i could find a piece of shit in ur backyard and use carbon-14 to prove you wrong. Or you could just READ A BOOK!
Bottom line: this movie is dope. Everyone who sees Al Gore's "an inconvenient truth" and is swayed can barf on themselves. Study psychology and then watch that movie. He tries to appeal to you on every single possible level to persuade you that global warming will kill us all within 50 years. WHy you ask is his injured son in the video? I honestly do not know. He skims over the most irrelevant topics and somehow draws an analogy between them and global warming. His tobacco farm? His sister or some random dude? WHY THE FUCK DID THAT MOVIE GET PRODUCED??? The only think he doesn't try, is using cold hard facts like "The Great Global Warming Swindle" does. Al Gore's movie met such success because his target audience was people with an intellectual level of about grade 11 comletion........the majority of the North American population???? (I'm North American too, so don't hate me). The fact is, that is the majority of the world though, and that's why people like George Bush get elected. If everyone in the united states had a university education, well I don't think the political system would even be CLOSE to what it is today, because the system of getting involved in politics is just a filter. What comes out? People who are INTERESTED in politics. And these people share a lot of characteristics with one another....power hungry much?
This movie presents a great counter-argument

kei_th (2008-05-23)

It's a waste of time to watch this movie for any reason other than to criticize it. I can't believe how poorly thought out it is, and I'm disappointed to see how many positive comments are posted here. Do people really think that there's some huge international conspiracy to keep "thousands" of scientists employed. Or are they just looking for an excuse not to have to change their comfortable habits?
A conspiracy of scientists trying to keep there cushy jobs!? No mention of many people are employed by the oil industry. Or how much money is involved there.
As allways check the wikipedia.

fisherbim (2008-05-28)

this right here is very instructional. thanks guys. oh and plant trees and jog sometimes instead of flaming over the net because you're kinda heating up the globe.

AndyWhite9 (2008-06-01)

Climate change is driven by the sun. That is why the polar ice caps on Mars are melting.
There are ice caps on Mars and Saturn is not closer to the sun than Mars.
The global warming cult is so delusional that I literally have to explain that Saturn is not closer to the sun than Mars and that Mars has polar ice caps.

freakindawg (2008-06-22)

Demonvoid wrote:
"If you do a little research, you find that there is only 1 major scientific organization that presently rejects the finding of signifigant Human influence on recent climate change."
Plus all the scientists who bailed out on the IPCC report to avoid being associated with it. To the point of threatening to sue.
For in depth information on the IPCC and the real global warming phenomena, take a biology 101 course.
CO2 doesn't make the planet warmer, the sun does. Civilisation isn't a major producer of CO2, the ocean is. CO2 is necessary for plantlife to grow, just as water and sunlight.
There are only two inconvenient truths on this planet. We all pay taxes to the world's bankers and eventually, we all die.

jzenman (2008-08-10)

If global warming is ever proved true beyond a doubt the rich and powerful will be squirming in their seat. They have way more to gain if it's proved not true. The people who promote global warming are making just a fraction of a percent of what the real players in the world market are making off of discrediting global warming. Think about it. Who do you think has the real power to produce documentaries like this and to get the dupes to sing along?

mark4321 (2008-09-27)

Everyone should read this great selection of articles from Canadian newspaper The National Post about scientists who disagree with the current view of climate change and why.

starfish294 (2008-10-15)

The earth has been cooling since 1998 and sun spots are diminishing.. Be prepared for a very cold winter and more to come.

esel7 (2008-11-24)

I think you're mostly wrong. The richest and most powerful stand behind UN, even helped create it. Their goal is more power, and population control, not just money. The richest are setting up a Sovjet (council) style, green, rule. Rockefeller has gotten Exxon to take GW "seriously" btw. There's going to be much money to make/loot too, in the form of taxes, and there's much oppression to be done. They prefer the plebs be poor obedient, disposable, slaves. Policies that could ruin billions of lives, etc. I'm afraid they'll introduce eugenics again too, since that's what population control is really about, and they've almost sterilized the male (not just humans) too, because they want control over the fertilization process. That was the agenda. Otherwise it would have been stopped fifty years ago. (see "the disappearing male"). They knew Bisphenol was a synthetic estrogen, now it's everywere, and prominent eugenicists talked about doing it long ago (ie. Charles Galton Darwin in "the Next Million Years").
Global warming may be true, but CO2 may very well have nothing to do with it, but the sun has heated mars too? Pure CO2 reaches 5°C above air at room temp. We're talking less than one part per thousand here, and plants grows faster with more CO2. They, the rich and powerful, said this in 1991:
?The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."
- Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution

esel7 (2008-11-24)

I believe starfish294 is right though, but climate change, which is replacing warming, is just weather, and we've always had it. Proving their theory that it's man made could prove to be impossible, and if they say they have proven it, take it with a grain of salt. You can't just trust those computer models. They have an agenda.

skeptoidfan (2009-01-19)

Here is an update on what science knows and does not know about the climate at the start of 2009:

markennz (2009-04-06)


yellowboy06 (2009-04-12)

How come there is no audio?

JPeterson (2009-11-26)

Does anyone have his previous work Against Nature (1997)?

bilper (2011-06-04)

This Whole thing is "docubullshit".
I know science too.
It does not matter if you believe these fools or not.
Just watch the storm intensities increasing and the temperatures rising in the northeastern US.

truth81 (2011-11-16)

You all are so brainwashed by the illuminati - this doco is the truth and u guys still wont use any independent thought and realise it, u choose to be dumb fkn sheep/cattle - enjoy being a minion.

FRO1L4NDR35 (2012-02-26)

Thanks danielion!
M=7.1/10 from IMDb
* English Subtitles:

* Subtitulos en Espanol (Spanish):

lattari (2012-06-27)

While I'm all for dissent and bringing up diverse opinions I can't believe some of the out right lies in this documentary, whether intentinal or not. For example he claimed that vulcanos emit multiple times more co2 than humans when it in fact seems that the ratio is about 100:1 the other way around. Then again who knows any more with this bombardment of contradicting information. You would think grown up professionals get their facts straight before they start this climate hysteria and use billions of euros of tax payer funds.

lattari (2012-06-27)

BTW Does anybody have the international distribution version where the worst incorrect facts have been changed?

skyvillage (2012-08-26)

Scientists predicted global warming long ago, due to human carbon emmisions. These predictions are now coming true. Deniers first said "there's no global warming." Now they say "it's not due to man." Next they'll say "it's due to man, but it's a good thing." Then they'll say "it's terrible, but it's too late to do anything about it."
To say that the legions of scientists who predicted global warming were correct about the climate but simply got lucky due to a coincidental natural cause is total and complete insanity.
Deniers, like the rest of us, are complicit. They don't want to face that fact or deal with any shared sacrifices. They may be adults in terms of age, but they are infants in terms of maturity.

Donsteve (2013-07-17)

This is a must see movie for everyone!
In the past the earth has had extreme warm and cold periods during times where cars, factories and planes did not even exist.
Only the last 20 years are politicians and the media making us believe that it is us humans causing global warming. Being so-called environmental friendly has now led to more expensive products and more taxes.
But planet earth will have more warmer and colder periods, with or without us humans. Nothing can be done about that...

tovex (2013-10-13)

As per a comment from a few years ago, does anyone have Martin Durkin's previous work called Against Nature (1997)?


1. The Great Global Warming Swindle.avi 950.31 Mb